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Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Arizona ‘expert witness’ Bobby Piton suspended from Twitter same day of explosive testimony

Bobby Piton, a mathematician who testified Monday at an election integrity hearing in Phoenix, Arizona, was suspended by Twitter that same day.

As the state certified its election results, Piton testified that the data he has collected county-by-county showed clear anomalies, as 95-99 percent of registered voters voted in key demographics: “Something is very wrong,” he said.

The Trump campaign shared a video clip of his remarks, to include Piton saying, “I would have never ever have certified, I would rather resign than have certified those results.”

“If I was an executive at a publicly traded company, I would never sign that because I risk jail time and having all my money taken from me in lawsuits,” he added. “I believe [the numbers] are fraudulent based on the data… I’d be willing to put my life on it, I’m that sure about the analysis.”

It’s not clear why Piton’s account was suspended by Twitter, or what “rules” he may have violated.

Benny Johnson, the chief creative officer at Turning Point USA, asked: Was this an “error” too like when this happened to @dougmastriano [during] the Pennsylvania hearing?”

This being a reference to Pennsylvania’s Republican state Sen. Doug Mastriano, who was suspended from Twitter after he organized a hearing in Gettysburg to investigate claims of widespread vote fraud.

“We move heaven and earth with American dollars to secure elections in Iraq and Afghanistan and elsewhere. We can’t do it in our own state?” Mastriano said. “There’s people in Pennsylvania not interested in safe...

U.S. Deaths From Pneumonia, Heart Disease And The Flu Are Way Down This Year....


Powell: Dominion Server Removed From Fulton County While Lawyers Sought Restraining Order

Attorney Sidney Powell said on Monday that someone had removed a Dominion Voting Systems server from a recount center in Fulton County, Georgia.

“Someone went down to the Fulton center where the votes and Dominion machines were, claimed there was a software glitch and they had to replace the software, and it seems that they removed the server,” Powell told “Lou Dobbs Tonight” in an interview aired on Nov. 30.

Powell added that her team does not know where the server is.

Dominion’s software and hardware features prominently in two lawsuits filed by Powell in Georgia and Michigan.

The lawsuits claim that the software is vulnerable to manipulation by hackers and was used to alter to vote totals in the presidential election.

Powell prefaced her comment by saying that the alleged removal of the server took place when her team was seeking a temporary restraining order against the resetting, wiping, or altering of any of the Dominion machines. A district court judge subsequently granted the temporary restraining order on Sunday night.

Powell said her team is making significant progress in both cases while preparing to files suits in other states. She said the lawsuits are meant to stop the runoff elections in Georgia in January “because all the machines are infected with the software code that allows Dominion to shave votes from one candidate and give them to another and other features that do the same thing.”

“Different states shaved different amounts of votes. The system was set up to shave and flip different votes in different states. Some people were targeted as individual candidates. It’s really the most massive and historical egregious fraud the world has ever seen,” Powell said.

Dominion has vehemently denied these and other allegations.

A Dominion Voting Systems server crashed on Nov. 29 during the second recount in Georgia, according to a spokesman for Fulton County.

“A newly purchased Dominion mobile server crashed,” the spokesman told The Epoch Times via email. “Technicians from Dominion have been dispatched to resolve the issue.”

The office of the Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, a Republican, was told of the issue and is aware of attempts to fix the problem, the spokesman said.

Dominion and Raffensperger’s office didn’t immediately respond to emailed requests for comment.

The judge presiding over the Powell case in Georgia has scheduled a hearing concerning the temporary restraining order for Dec. 4.

According to an affidavit from a GOP poll worker that was filed alongside the request for a restraining order, an election official wrote in a message on Nov. 25 that some ballot-counting machines were to be reset on Nov. 30 so they could be used in the machine recount requested by...

Carter Page Sues the Justice Department And The FBI for violating “his Constitutional and other legal rights in connection with unlawful surveillance and investigation of him"

Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page sued the Justice Department, the FBI, and multiple officials involved in Crossfire Hurricane on Friday for $75 million, saying that he was the victim of “unlawful spying” as part of the government’s investigation of the Trump campaign.

Page asserts in the lawsuit, filed in federal court in Washington, D.C., on Friday, that investigators violated “his Constitutional and other legal rights in connection with unlawful surveillance and investigation of him by the United States Government.”

“Dr. Page was targeted because of his lawful association with the 2016 Presidential campaign of Donald Trump,” Page’s complaint says.

The complaint centers on four applications the FBI submitted to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to surveil Page as part of Crossfire Hurricane, a counterintelligence investigation opened in July 2016 into possible links between the Trump campaign and Russia.

The left is actively working to undermine the integrity of our elections. Read the plan to stop them now. Learn more now >>

A Justice Department inspector general report released on Dec. 9, 2019, found that the FBI made at least 17 “significant” errors in applications submitted to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. The Justice Department has deemed two of the four surveillance orders to be invalid based on the inspector general’s findings.

In a hearing two days after the report was released, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham encouraged Page to take legal action against the government, saying he hoped the former Trump aide “sues the hell out of” the FBI and DOJ.

Page, a former Navy officer, is suing James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, and Lisa Page—all former FBI officials who oversaw Crossfire Hurricane.

He is also suing former FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith, FBI supervisory special agent Joseph Pientka, FBI counterintelligence agent Stephen Somma, and FBI supervisory intelligence analyst Brian Auten.

The inspector general report said that many of the errors uncovered in Crossfire Hurricane involved the FBI’s handling of the Steele dossier.

Christopher Steele, the dossier author, alleged that Page was a key player in the Trump campaign’s “well-developed conspiracy of cooperation” with the Kremlin.

Steele, who compiled the dossier on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, alleged that Page met secretly with two Kremlin insiders in Moscow in July 2016.

Page has vehemently denied meeting with the Kremlin officials. The Special Counsel’s Office said investigators found no evidence that Page or any other Trump advisers conspired with the Russian government, contrary to...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #489

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Monday, November 30, 2020

FBI Has FINALLY Begun Investigating Voter Fraud, Democrats Underestimating Trump Is Their Undoing

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Blogs With Rule 5 Links


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