90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Katie Hopkins: You are not alone. I am right here by your side...

The moment I truly saw the swamp | Greg Kelly...

Girls With Guns

Luck Of The Irish...


Beware Of Crappy Chinese Bootlegs...


Will This be The Ghost Of Christmas Future?

Now Is the Time To Fight. Support The Fighters.

Daily Beast Editor Calls For “Humiliation” and “Incarceration” For Trump Supporters

We have been discussing the rising threats against Trump supporters, lawyers, and officials in recent weeks from Democratic members are calling for blacklists to the Lincoln Project leading a a national effort to harass and abuse any lawyers representing the Republican party or President Trump. Others are calling for banning those “complicit” from college campuses while still others are demanding a “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” to “hold Trump and his enablers accountable for the crimes they have committed.” Now, Daily Beast editor-at-large Rick Wilson has added his own call for “humiliation,” “incarceration” and even ritualistic suicides for Trump supporters in an unhinged, vulgar column. Wilson declared “[o]nly exposure, pain, humiliation, and (inshallah) incarceration will lead to a moment of reckoning for the GOP.”

Not surprisingly, Wilson is a key advisor to the Lincoln Project which was blocked recently on Twitter for abusive doxxing efforts directed at Republican lawyers. His column captures the level of hateful rhetoric fueled by the Lincoln Project, which is funded by thousands of lawyers despite its attacks on fellow members of...

Indoctrinated Perception Vs. Reality....

 Get Involved In Your Children's School Curriculum.....

Dr. Scott Atlas Resigns, Takes Victory Lap For Telling Truth About COVID

Dr. Scott Atlas was right about the importance of school reopenings during COVID-19 all along.

Atlas, who first joined the White House coronavirus task force in August, resigned from his position on Monday at the conclusion of his 130-day period as a special advisor to President Donald Trump.

While Atlas began calling for schools to reopen early in the outbreak, citing scientific evidence that children have a low risk of spreading COVID-19 and an extremely low risk of danger if they do get infected, many on the left and in the media criticized him for holding different viewpoints than other health officials such as Dr. Anthony Fauci, who recently flip-flopped on his position concerning school reopenings, falsely claiming he had always supported keeping schools open.

“Dr. Fauci’s remarks seemed like vindication in the opening of the New York schools, as well of your point that you made many months ago,” Fox News’s Tucker Carlson noted in an interview with Atlas Monday evening.

“I was just speaking about the data, as I always did,” Atlas replied. “And it is true that the data was correct then, that children have extremely low risk of a serious illness and do not frequently spread this infection.”

“That was known then, and we also knew the harm, the serious harms to children from closing in-person schools, and nothing has really changed,” he added. “It’s just that some of these things are now being acknowledged.”

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While Atlas was correct in his advice to reopen schools, he said the focus should be on quickly returning most teachers and students to in-person classrooms.

“The point isn’t that I was right. The point isn’t that the advice I gave the president was right. The point isn’t that the president was right. Although those things are true,” Atlas said. “The point is that we really need to open up in-person schools ASAP because it’s so destructive, so harmful to children and there’s really nothing more important for a country that I can think of than educating our children.”

While Atlas was right about following the science related to school reopenings, he said that the bigger issue with the scientific debates about COVID-19 is that there is currently no way to offer dissent from corporate media’s views on issues without facing retribution.

“I think there is a serious problem, honestly, in the country because there is a bigger issue here and that is that America and its universities really need to allow, without attack, without rebuke, without intimidation, the free exchange of ideas,” Atlas said. “It is from the free exchange of ideas because it from the free exchange of ideas that scientific truths follow and these scientific truths are critical for us to...

2 + 2 = 5 At Traitor Joes....


EXPLOSIVE: Michigan Illegally Counted or Ignored 500K Ballots, Lawsuit Claims

In the wee hours of Thanksgiving Day, the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society filed an explosive election lawsuit asking Michigan’s Supreme Court to prevent Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson from certifying the election results until the Michigan legislature can fully investigate fraud claims and to force election officials to hand over all election materials to the legislature for this purpose. The lawsuit claims that officials illegally counted or threw out no fewer than 508,016 ballots, far more than Joe Biden’s 154,000-vote margin over Donald Trump.

“State and local officials brazenly violated election laws in order to advance a partisan political agenda,” Phil Kline, director of The Amistad Project, said in a statement. “The pattern of lawlessness was so pervasive and widespread that it deprived the people of Michigan of a free and fair election, throwing the integrity of the entire process into question.”

The Amistad Project is representing two female Michigan voters, Angelic Johnson and Linda Lee Tarver, who claim that election officials effectively robbed them of their votes by illegally undermining a fair election. In an interview with PJ Media, Ian Northon, an attorney representing Johnson and Tarver, explained the seven types of illegal counting the lawsuit alleges.

Citing state records, the lawsuit claims that Benson’s office sent out 355,392 unsolicited ballots. Northon explained that Michigan law requires two signatures for absentee voting: a signature on an application form and a signature on the security sleeve for the ballot. In this election, officials mailed out more than 300,000 ballots that no one had requested.

“They didn’t request them. You’ve just flooded the market with unsolicited ballots. No good can come of that,” Northon insisted.

Perhaps more concerning, almost 30,000 voters said they had sent in absentee ballots but Michigan’s voting records show those ballots were not counted. The lawyer explained that Matthew Brainard conducted a survey and found “29,682 people said they requested a ballot, said they voted, and their ballot wasn’t counted. The state’s records show it wasn’t counted.”

Why did their ballots not make it to the final tally? Northon said the Amistad Project has “more than three dozen affidavits” testifying that officials threw out ballots when they did not like the result. It is unclear whether or not the officials threw out ballots for Trump while counting ballots for Biden, but “when government officials are not following the laws as written, you’ve got a problem.”

Michigan officials counted another 35,109 ballots that were not associated with any address. This statistic is nothing short of mindboggling. According to Northon, voters “were sent an absentee ballot, but there’s no address on file. They voted. That violates the law.”

Michigan officials also counted 13,248 ballots cast by individuals who were registered to vote in another state. They also counted 317 ballots from people who voted more than once and 259 ballots from voters who...

Will They Believe In Science?