90 Miles From Tyranny

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Saturday, December 5, 2020


We’re not sure exactly when it became more important to our political leaders to serve themselves and their party (not necessarily in that order) instead of the country and their constituents, but that is certain where we find ourselves in our current political environment.

And there is no better self-serving, selfish, self-centered cretin in Washington, D.C., than House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

The California Democrat has just admitted that she purposely held up new coronavirus relief packages for millions of Americans out of work or who were forced by local Democrat tyrants to close their businesses…just for political gain.

They want to talk about President Trump somehow being liable for coronavirus deaths, well…how much blood does this POS have on her hands?

How many Americans died — either by their own hand or due to any number of financially-related reasons — while this selfish [censored] blocked new relief just to hurt President Trump?

Breitbart News has more details:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Friday that Democrats would work with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on a smaller coronavirus relief package.

'What was then before was not more than this. This has simplicity. It's what we've had in our bills,' Pelosi said, defending her position. 'It's for a shorter period of time but that's ok now because we have a new president.'

[We’ll see about that, Nance]

For months, Pelosi has refused to negotiate anything beyond their $2.2 trillion funding bill that included bailouts for Democrat-led states. She said Friday that the development of an effective vaccine and Biden's election prompted her decision to cut a deal.

'With a Democratic president, committed to a scientific solution for this, with the idea, we will have a vaccine, it's a complete game-changer from them,' she said.

House Democrats also felt additional pressure after a disastrous jobs report was released Friday morning.

Words cannot begin to describe what a despicable human being Nancy...

The Song Remains The Same....

I had a dream. Crazy dream.
Anything I wanted to know, any place I needed to go

Hear my song. People won't you listen now? Sing along.
You don't know what you're missing now.
Any little song that you know
Everything that's small has to grow.
And it has to grow! 

Media Spins Kristi Noem’s Grandmother’s Death To Shame The Governor’s COVID Policies

The mainstream media is exploiting the death of South Dakota Gov. Krist Noem’s grandmother in an effort to shame the Republican for her COVID-19 response.

According to the governor’s office, Noem’s grandmother, 98-year-old Aldys Arnold, died in her sleep on Nov. 22.

“Kristi Noem’s grandmother died in a nursing home hit by COVID-19 as the South Dakota governor continued to downplay the virus,” reads the headline published by Business Insider and re-upped by Yahoo! News.

The story acknowledges that “Arnold tested negative for COVID-19 before her death,” but goes on to focus on Noem’s COVID-19 policies, South Dakota’s rising coronavirus numbers, and the virus-related deaths in the nursing home where Noem’s grandmother resided. The article also criticized Noem’s decision to refuse a state-wide mask mandate.

Even though a statement from Noem’s spokesperson urging the outlet to “not politicize” Arnold’s death because “it’s callous at best” was included in the piece, Business Insider devoted the rest of the article to citing sources meant to combat the spokesperson’s claims that mask mandates don’t work.

Noem’s office told The Federalist that the article and headline were “shameful.”

The governor’s spokesperson previously reprimanded multiple news outlets including a CBS-affiliate for attempting to spin...

Maybe They Really Aren't Against It...


It's A Political Play. Oil And Gas Contributes To Republicans. Green Energy Contributes To Democrats And Politicians Can Subsidize Their Friends Green Energy Companies, Get Contributions And Guarantee That Everyone Feeds From the Government Trough Whether The Green Company Makes Money or Not, i.e Solindra...

GOP Rep. Cloud says Justice, FBI putting up 'roadblocks' in efforts to verify voter fraud

"What we've seen is roadblocks when it comes to looking at those items," said Texas GOP Rep. Michael Cloud.

Texas GOP Rep. Michael Cloud on Friday accused the Justice Department of putting up "roadblocks" in President Trump and others' efforts to uncover election fraud.

"There's plenty of evidence there to see, certainly enough evidence to warrant an investigation," Cloud said on Just the News' "Water Cooler" show.

To a question from show host David Brody about why neither the Justice Department nor FBI appears to be looking into such matters, Cloud replied: "Some of these accusations are pretty easy to track down if we had the fortitude to do it. … But instead of an interest in this, what we've seen is roadblocks when it comes to looking at those items."

The exchange follows Attorney General William Barr saying Tuesday that the Justice Department has yet to uncover evidence of voter fraud on a scale sufficient to affect state outcomes in the Nov. 3 presidential election.

Cloud was cautious about speculating on what federal officials might do but said, "Ultimately, the DOJ could be putting forth search warrants. They could be impounding evidence. There's a lot that they could be...

This Feature Is Unacceptable.


Fox News’ Murdochs Backed Clinton Foundation, Hillary Clinton

For too long, viewers have been fed a false bill of goods.

The controlling shareholders of Fox News, the Murdoch family and its 89-year-old patriarch Rupert Murdoch, have a long history of backing Democrats like Hillary Clinton and their liberal causes.

After four years of fairly critical coverage of President Trump (Fox “confirmed”, for example, a skepticism-inducing report that Trump called fallen soldiers “suckers and losers,” a claim that even Trump foe John Bolton denied,) many conservatives are re-evaluating Fox News’ true commitment to “fair and balanced” media.

Federal election records show that Murdoch has donated to far-left Democratic politicians including John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, Chuck Schumer, Anthony Weiner and even Hillary Clinton, for whom he hosted a fundraiser in 2006, just preceding her first presidential campaign.

Reporting on the fundraiser, CBS News’ Dan Collins, exclaimed that “Rupert Murdoch Loves Hillary Clinton.”

But it does not stop there.

FAIR, a liberal media group, even bragged about how much Fox News (through its parent company News Corp.) was donating to Hillary Clinton during her 2016 campaign against Trump. FAIR wrote:

“All of the broadcast giants are on board. Clinton is the largest individual recipient of campaign donations from Comcast (NBC News, MSNBC), Time Warner (CNN), News Corp (Fox News), CBS Television and Walt Disney (ABC News).”

No longer viewed as a stalwart of conservative causes, the Murdochs, including Fox News, have been moving to the left for years coinciding with the Democratic Party’s cementing itself as the party of the global elite.

The Murdochs and News Corp. have been big donors to the Clinton Foundation, an organization that includes progressive activists George Soros, Haim Saban and many other left-wing billionaires. They have given literally millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation.

Worrisome to conservatives should be New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd’s assertion that after Rupert Murdoch passes, his son James, a strong liberal who has opposed Trump, will join with his left-leaning two sisters in controlling the family’s vast...

Whom Has Authority Over Our Vote?


Dominion Does...

Once again, The Simpsons predicted modern politics

Perhaps it was inevitable that The Simpsons, which periodically showcased Springfield's corrupt Mayor Quimby, would have predicted how Democrat politicians would behave during the lockdown. That's why I was delighted, but not surprised, to see a clip from a 1993 episode showing Mayor Quimby partying in the Caribbean while Springfield suffered from the dreaded Osaka flu.

To appreciate how perfectly Quimby's hypocritical behavior matches what Democrats are doing today, here's a partial rundown of Democrat politicians violating the extreme rules they're imposing on the people trapped in their jurisdictions:

California's Governor Gavin Newsom has had the state in an almost perpetual lockdown since March, something especially devastating for the restaurant industry. For Thanksgiving, Newsom told Californians to have small dinners, dine outside only, wear masks constantly, stop the party after two hours, and minimize bathroom use. Newsom meanwhile, dined indoors with a large party, none of whom were wearing masks, at Napa's ritzy French Laundry.

San Francisco mayor London Breed, who's imposed stringent lockdowns on her city, was partying in mixed company at the French Laundry one day after Gavin Newsom.

Los Angeles County supervisor Sheila Kuehl enjoyed an outdoor meal at her favorite restaurant just hours after telling people outdoor dining is "a most dangerous situation" and voting to ban it.

Denver's Mayor Michael Hancock headed to Mississippi within 30 minutes of telling Denver citizens to stay home for Thanksgiving.

New York's Andrew Cuomo, having imposed devastating lockdowns in his state, boasted about his big family coming home for Thanksgiving.

San Jose mayor Sam Liccardo traveled to Saratoga to celebrate Thanksgiving with his parents and numerous unrelated guess.

Illinois's Governor J.B. Pritzker, another Democrat millionaire, was happy to see his family travel during the height of the spring lockdown.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi showed up in a locked down San Francisco hair salon without a mask.

Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot violated her lockdown rules to get a haircut, explaining that she is "a person who [takes] personal hygiene very seriously." That was not an excuse available to other shaggy Chicagoans.

Senator Dianne Feinstein walked through the D.C. airport without a mask.

Pennsylvania's mentally ill health secretary, "Rachel" Levine, a man who believes he's a woman, forced sick people into nursing homes in May while secretly removing his own mother.

And then there's Austin mayor Steve Adler.

Keep that image in mind as we get to the Simpsons parallel.

(You can find a complete list of COVID political hypocrites here.)

There's nothing original about the way our socialism-loving political class operates. In the former Soviet Union, it was the norm for the nomenklatura (party insiders) to live the luxe life while the people unlucky enough to live under their tyrannical governance suffered terrible deprivation. This is how socialists roll.

Because corrupt politicians are pretty predictable, there is a Simpsons episode that touches upon the particular type of moral corruption our Democrat governing class is showing right now — and that gets me to a 1993 episode from The Simpsons entitled Marge in Chains. The main thrust of the episode is that Marge Simpson ends up in jail for shoplifting and enjoys time away from her family.

For purposes of this post, it's how she ended up in jail that mattered: Marge inadvertently shoplifted because she was completely exhausted from caring for her family after they caught the flu.

When the Wuhan virus first hit, a lot of people pointed to the opening scene in that same episode because it shows a flu from Asia walloping Springfield. What struck people so forcibly was that Kent Brockman, Springfield's own talking head news anchor, was broadcasting from his home, just as America's real talking heads had started doing.

Now, though, with an escalating number of stories about Democrat politicians engaging in amazing hypocrisy when it comes to their own lockdown rules, there's another scene from that same episode that's even more apt. In Springfield, with the flu escalating, it was time for the always corrupt and hypocritical Mayor Quimby to act:

Watching that snippet, it seems that a lot of Democrat politicians could adopt Mayor Quimby's proudly displayed motto: "Corruptus in Extremis." Considering these politicians' openly displayed arrogance and...

I Know Right!


Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #493

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