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Sunday, December 6, 2020

Biden vote fraud claims hit ONE MILLION in five key states, independent investigator says

An independent human rights organisation has claimed that it has identified more than a million instances of potential fraud in five key states in the US Presidential election to support legal challenges to the presumptive victory for Joe Biden.

The Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society, which is a non-party political and not officially affiliated Trump campaign, has filed its latest motion in Arizona which Mr Biden won by just 10,477 votes. The group came to prominence when it put Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg at the heart of its last challenges last month making allegations that massive donations he made to the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) was linked to funding voter fraud. According to expert data analysis for the Amistad Project more than 200,000 illegal votes were potentially cast for Mr Biden in the state while 100,000 legal ballots were not counted.

The allegations of fraud have been denied by the Biden team, Democrats and state officials, while on Friday legal challenges by the official Trump team in Nevada and Michigan were rejected by the courts.

But according to the independent Amistad Project, the data, compiled and analysed over the course of “weeks of rigorous investigation”, show that the total number of illegal ballots counted and legal ballots not counted likely exceeds 300,000 votes — 30 times more than the number of votes separating the presidential candidates.

In five closely fought states, including Arizona, Michigan and Pennsylvania, where the Amistad Project is challenging reported results, it claims its investigators have identified over a million instances of potential fraud.

“The number of potentially fraudulent ballots we’ve identified in Arizona is over 30 times greater than the margin separating Donald Trump and Joe Biden,” said Phill Kline, director of the Amistad Project.

An independent organisation has identified more than a million instances of potential fraud (Image: Getty / Express)

“This is what happens when private interests are allowed to create a two-tiered election system unaccountable to the public.”

The Amistad Projects filed its complaints in Maricopa County, Arizona, which it claims received nearly $3 million from the CTCL, which received $350 million earlier this year from Mr Zuckerberg.

According to the complainant, this violates Arizona law, which does not allow election funding from sources other than taxation or federal grants.

According to Amistad Project, the private money, which paid the salaries of election workers and financed the purchase of voting equipment, also helped Maricopa County set up “public-private coordinated voter registration drives allowing private access directly to government voter registration files,” the motion alleges.

The money also allowed Maricopa County to engage in other allegedly unlawful practices, including taking pre-canvassing mail-in ballots and facilitating pre-election “curing” of flawed...

Marxism 101...


Clinton gang insider spills sleazy secrets, savages Chelsea

It begins. With no prospect of Bill or Hillary Clinton resuming high office, one former key insider of the Clinton Machine is spilling his guts and telling very unflattering stories about the family business.

Doug Band, who began as a White House intern and moved on to become "body man" and then key aide, went on to mastermind the post-presidency enrichment of the Clintons and (not incidentally) himself. But around five years ago, there was a great falling out, predictably mostly about money, and now he has unburdened himself of various sleazy secrets of the Clinton empire with a series of interviews that has resulted in long article in Vanity Fair authored by Gabriel Sherman.

I urge you to read the whole thing if you are interested in finally hearing some of the dirt that was such a huge part of the family of grifters that moved from Arkansas to the nation's capital. But if you are in a hurry, The U.K. Daily Mail and the New York Post select pieces of gossip to focus on, with the Brit paper highlighting Bill's sabotage of Hillary's 2008 presidential campaign and Chelsea's suck-up to Ghislaine Maxwell to obtain access to yachts and cool homes, while the NYP focuses on Band's rivalry with Chelsea and his disparagement of her abilities and her trading in her name.

Nobody comes out looking good here, which is exactly what one would expect from this bunch of crooks and schemers. Copyright concerns prevent me from excerpting as many sections as I would like. I will focus on Chelsea because if there is to be a future to a Clinton political dynasty, Chelsea will be the standard-bearer.

Band's allies say he is the victim of a whisper campaign by Clintonworld rivals — Chelsea Clinton most of all — who were jealous of his favorite-son status and business success, which, they point out, has continued after he cut ties with the Clintons. "Doug's made a lot of money. Was the Clinton connection helpful? One hundred percent. But it discounts how smart Doug is," a Clinton donor said. The source was one of many Clintonworld insiders who would only speak on background. "The split is real and it is deep. There's nothing in it for me to get in the middle of it," a longtime Clinton adviser said, offering an explanation I heard echoed in my reporting. (snip)

In the spring of 2011, Chelsea Clinton, then 31, became vice chairman of what would be the renamed Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation. After a peripatetic career that included stints at McKinsey, a hedge fund, and NBC News, it was as if she had finally claimed her birthright as heir to the family dynasty. (snip)

Clintonworld sources told me that Chelsea grew to resent Band. "Chelsea hated Doug because he was like a son to her father," a Clinton friend said. Band took offense that Chelsea treated him at times like hired help. It was a combustible mix that was about to explode into personal grievance. "As a board member, Chelsea had a responsibility to ask questions about Foundation activities she didn't understand or had reservation about. For some reason, Doug seemed to resent that," a Clinton spokesperson said.

Around the time Band launched Teneo in June 2011, Chelsea summoned Band and his cofounder Declan Kelly to the Clinton office in Harlem. Band walked in to find Bill flanked by Chelsea and her husband, financier Marc Mezvinsky. According to Band, Chelsea said Band's $2.5 million offer to put her dad on Teneo's advisory board wasn't enough. She wanted Band to give her and Mezvinsky an ownership position in Teneo. To Band, it felt like a shakedown. "I thought she was kidding or deeply sick," he told me. Band looked across the table at Bill, but he sided with Chelsea. Band refused to give up an equity stake. The meeting ended badly. A Clinton family spokesperson denies that Chelsea asked for equity. (snip)

Chelsea heard from foundation officials that Band was "hustling" donors to become Teneo clients behind Bill's back. Band heard that she accused Band of planting a Page Six item about...

Once In A Lifetime....

 ...Once In Many Lifetimes...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #494

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1194

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Girls With Guns

You Know When You Are Stuck In A Really Bad Relationship And Only You Are Getting Hurt?


The track is about coming out of a bad relationship and when you’re at the end of your rope when you are at the point where you realize something has to change that you can’t go on living in the situation that you’re in.

So... Who Needs To Hear This?

 Legitimate Ballots Do Not Come Packed In A Suitcase.

Video from GA shows suitcases filled with ballots pulled from under a table AFTER poll workers left

Detailed Plan On How To Stop Voter/Election Fraud: