90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, December 10, 2020

A Reminder About Us

Republicans need to get real and put up the kind of all-out political fight that can save them from political extinction—and save the Constitution while they are at it.

In his splendid little book American Exceptionalism, Charles Murray reminds us it was foreigners who took the lead in claiming Americans are different:
For whatever else these observers might say about the United States, they all agreed on one thing: the United States was quite unlike their own or any other nation. It was exceptional.
The people who came to America were different from their neighbors who stayed behind—more self-reliant, more resourceful, more willing to face great challenges in order to seize the opportunities life in America offered. America was different because Americans were different.

Most of us have a sense of that difference, I think, and when we travel to foreign lands we are often reminded of it. Everyone who has traveled abroad has his own stories. Here is a characteristic one from the American novelist John Updike:
Once, in Kenya, I was in a safari van that broke down. The driver, a black African, and the English passengers in the van sat back waiting in the dusty heat for the notified authorities to send a repairman to us. The Americans in the van, including me, though I know little about engines, insisted on popping the hood and trying to fix the machine themselves . . . the Americans were happily willing to go from being docile passengers to dynamic auto mechanics. They felt equal to the task.
For it to work, the American Idea—government by, for, and of the people under the Constitution—requires American citizens who have that certain something that sets Americans apart.

Today, the brazen attempt to steal the presidential election raises a question: will Americans sit in the back of the van waiting for the notified authorities to rescue them from this breakdown in America’s constitutional order? Or will they pop the hood and set about fixing the engine themselves because they feel equal to the task?

On the question of whether the American people are still the exceptional people of the exceptional nation, Charles Murray hedges:
America still has exceptional aspects, but we are no longer the unique outlier that amused, amazed, and bemused the rest of the world from its founding through the first half of the twentieth century.
You can’t blame him for hedging. In general, America’s elite has, as they like to say, moved on. By and large, America’s elite prefers an unexceptional America, one that can be more easily governed by them and more easily inserted into the transnational global order they are...

This Is Why Joe Biden Swims In The Swamp...


He Loves Liquidity...

Why Does Corporate Media Amplify John Brennan’s Neverending Lies?

The only inadvertent benefit of Brennan's airtime is that it exposes how unmoored our ruling class is from the public it is supposed to serve.

Former Obama administration Central Intelligence Agency Director John Brennan lies. He doesn’t just lie in the sense of speaking hyperbolically, spinning events, or painting in shades of gray out of purported fealty to national security considerations. Brennan tells outright falsehoods, in venues from television studios to Congress, on matters of utmost importance.

One must ask: Why does corporate media continue to give someone who has proved to be a uniquely deceptive character, whose most noteworthy activity since leaving government has been spewing invective against the president on Twitter, valuable airtime?

Brennan Lies About Russiagate

In his latest public display of dishonesty, Brennan took to “Fox News Sunday” to repeat untruths regarding the Obama administration’s actions regarding then-president-elect Donald Trump and Russia. According to Brennan, “There was no spying on Donald Trump’s campaign.” There was. Of the Steele dossier, Brennan said it “was not used in any way to undergird the judgments that came out of the intelligence community assessment about the Russian actions in the 2016 election.” It was.

Brennan’s whoppers, however, are not limited to Russiagate. Brennan might have perjured himself when, in May 2017, as in his latest Fox hit, he delinked the Steele dossier from the intelligence community assessment in congressional testimony.

In March 2014, Brennan lied to Congress when he denied allegations from then-Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein that CIA officials had hacked the computers of Senate Intelligence Committee staffers while they were assembling their report on the CIA’s Detention and Interrogation Program. In June 2011, then-chief counterterrorism adviser Brennan lied when he denied that there had “been a single collateral death” as a consequence of the CIA’s drone program.

As critics, particularly on the left, have chronicled, Brennan’s record of deceit is long. He also appears to have embellished details about the Osama bin Laden raid, shown himself to be hypocritical in leaking while denouncing the practice, and at best laughably politically correct in stating that the CIA does not “steal secrets. We uncover. We discover. We reveal. We obtain. We solicit — all of that.” If the CIA does not “steal secrets,” we might be in even more trouble as a nation than even the most pessimistic of us could have imagined.

What Brennan has said about Trump, that he is “lying routinely to the American people without compunction, intentionally fueling divisions in our country and actively working to degrade the imperfect but critical institutions that serve us,” would seem to be in many ways the ultimate projection when one considers Brennan’s dishonesty, vitriol, and continued support of Russiagate.

All of this is to say, Brennan has shown himself to be utterly lacking in credibility before even digging into the disastrous...

Eric Swalwell And Fang Fang Star In: The Spy Who Shagged Me!


Eric Swalwell And Xi Jinpeng In: The Spy Who Loved Me

Democrats Pay Off Intrusive IT Man Imran Awan

And Biden taps Awan’s collaborator Xavier Becerra for HHS boss.

“Congress Pays $850,000 to Muslim Aides Targeted in Inquiry Stoked by Trump,” reads the November 25 New York Times headline. According to the story, the previously unreported settlement is one of the largest to resolve discrimination or harassment claims, in this case by people who “lost their jobs and endured harassment in part because of their Muslim faith and South Asian origins.”

Reporters Noam Scheiber and Nicholas Fandos give no date for settlement and do not explain why it was “previously unreported.” Congress reportedly made the payment but the only House member quoted is Florida Democrat Ted Deutch, a leading figure in Democrats’ charge that candidate Donald Trump was guilty of collusion with Russia and a vocal proponent of impeaching President Trump.

“It is tragic and outrageous the way right-wing media and Republicans all the way up to President Trump attempted to destroy the lives of an immigrant Muslim-American family based on scurrilous allegations,” Deutch told Sheiber and Fandos. As they explain, the settlement was also “an attempt to bring a close to a convoluted saga that led to one of the most durable — and misleading — story lines of the Trump era.”
related: Former Clinton Aide Imran Awan Kept Three Muslim Women As Sex Slaves
What started as “a relatively ordinary House inquiry into procurement irregularities by Imran Awan, three members of his family and a friend, who had a bustling practice providing members of Congress with technology support, was twisted into lurid accusations of hacking government information.” That side of the story could use more detail.

Of all the IT people in all the IT firms in all the world, House Democrats thought Imran Awan was best man for the job. Sometimes working from his native Pakistan, Awan and his family team accessed the computers of some 40 Democrats, including those on the intelligence and foreign affairs committees. Without their consent Awan and his team stashed the Democrats’ data on a server controlled by Xavier Becerra, chair of the House Democratic Caucus.

Capitol Police wanted a copy of the server but the one Awan produced turned out to be a fake. In February, 2017, Awan and his team got booted off the House computer network, but Becerra had already fled to California where Gov. Jerry Brown made him state attorney general. Becerra had nothing to say about Awan’s IT intrigue, and he got additional protection from federal judge Tanya S. Chutkan.

The Obama appointee repeatedly delayed Awan’s trial on bank-fraud charges, and the case did not become a factor in the 2018 election that kept Becerra in the AG slot. In August of 2018, Awan was sentenced to time served, his one day in detention and 11 months of GPS monitoring and three months’ supervision. Judge Chutkan was not content to let Awan off with nothing.

“There have been numerous allegations lobbed at him from the highest branches of the government,” she said, “all of which have been proved to be without foundation by the FBI and the Department of Justice.” In reality, Awan had never been formally charged with unauthorized possession of government material or anything of the sort. Judge Chutkan conveniently left out the context and background.

At the time, the upper reaches of the FBI and DOM were still involved in covert operations against duly elected President Donald Trump. For its part, the FBI had been known to look the other way at terrorist threats from Muslims. For example, as Lessons from Fort Hood confirms, the FBI knew Nidal Hasan was plotting with terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki to kill Americans, but the Washington office of the FBI deliberately dropped the case.

For FBI agents of that mindset, it would be an easy call to look the other way at Imran Awan’s security infractions, especially since one of his accusers was...

Why Chinese Targeting Of Eric Swalwell With Sex Was Successful:


Eric Swalwell And Xi Jinpeng In: The Spy Who Loved Me

Canada planned 'winter training' for Chinese troops next door to US, documents show...

The engagement was called off last year after the U.S. purportedly expressed concern

A trove of documents obtained by Canada's Rebel News Network show that the Canadian Armed Forces planned several exercises with the Chinese People's Liberation Army last year, including a "winter survival training" at a military base in Ontario, which borders the United States.

The engagement was called off by Canada's chief of defense staff, a decision that received pushback from the country's Global Affairs department who voiced concern that the cancellation might damage relations between Ottawa and Beijing.
What are the details?

Ezra Levant, the founder of Rebel News, tweeted Wednesday, "The biggest scoop I've ever had in my life. Trudeau invited Chinese troops to learn winter warfare tactics at the Canadian Forces Base [Garrison Petawawa]. 34 unredacted pages of cowardice and appeasement towards China, hostility towards America."

Garrison Petawawa is located in Ontario, which borders the U.S. states of New York, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota.

The documents cited by Levant may be viewed at thechinafiles.com. Rebel News reports that the Canadian government provided the records in response to a request from the outlet after it sought to corroborate "a Russian report that Canada had sent a delegation to China for...

Mainstream Media, Big Tech Coverup Collapses with Hunter Biden Investigation

The revelation Wednesday that Hunter Biden is under investigation for tax violations relating to his foreign business affairs confirms that the media/Big Tech censorship of stories during the election about his laptop and emails was entirely without merit.

When the New York Post reported on October 14 that Hunter Biden had introduced an official from the corrupt Ukrainian energy company Burisma to then-Vice President Joe Biden — contrary to the latter’s denials that he had ever spoken to his family about their businesses — Facebook announced that it would be suppressing the story, and Twitter prevented people from sharing it. Those who dared were suspended; the Post itself was locked out of its account for more than two weeks.

When the Post followed up with reporting that Hunter Biden had launched a joint venture in 2017 with the CEFC China Energy Co., and that he had reserved 10% for the “big guy,” the media deliberately ignored the story. Never mind that the intended CEO of the new company, Tony Bobulinski, corroborated the story. Never mind that Breitbart News reported independent emails that showed Hunter Biden’s associates bringing Chinese bigwigs to the Obama-Biden White House.

In the final presidential debate, Joe Biden called the story a “Russian plant,” citing a letter by 50 former intelligence officials, including some who...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #498

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1198

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

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