90 Miles From Tyranny

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Sunday, December 13, 2020

Tucker: Experts have been exposed as frauds

Girls With Guns

Santa's Little Helper....


Right Here Santa, Right HERE

The Weapon Of Tyrants...

The Emerald Of Tyrants...

Down from the glen came the marching men
With their shields and their swords
To fight the fight
They believed to be right
Overthrow the overlords

To the town where there was plenty
They brought plunder, swords and flame
When they left, the town was empty
And children would never play again

From their graves I heard the fallen
Above the battle cry
By that bridge near the border
There were many more to die
Then onward over the mountain
Outward towards the sea
They come to claim the emerald
Without it they could not leave

Three Time Person Of The Year Covers That Are Better Than The One They Selected:


Hunter And James Biden Have Refused To Cooperate With Senate Requests, Sen. Ron Johnson Says

Hunter Biden and James Biden have not complied with information requests from the Senate, CBS’ Catherine Herridge reports.

According to a Saturday press release from the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, several requests dating back to September 23 for interviews and records have been ignored by President-elect Joe Biden’s son, his brother, and other associates.

“Senators @ChuckGrassley @SenRonJohnson ‘Attorneys for Hunter + James Biden have refused to cooperate with the committees. It should be noted that, collectively, President Trump’s family + associates produced documents + agreed to appear at interviews…'” Herridge tweeted.

The press release from Republican Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson, who serves as the committee chairman, indicated that Hunter Biden and business associate Devon Archer had ignored an interview request sent September 23.

Letters requesting records went out to both Hunter and James Biden — as well as a number of their associates — on October 21, and requests for interviews with several other associates followed on November 9.

“To date, Devon Archer, James Gilliar, Eric Schwerin and Rob Walker have not been responsive to our letters and emails. Attorneys for Hunter and James Biden have refused to...

The Wolves Demand Compliance From The Sheep...


He just ADMITTED it! Obama accidentally lets everyone in on what’s really going on with Joe Biden’s ‘presidency’ (watch)

C’mon, we all knew, but to hear Obama SAY IT OUT LOUD … wow.

Watch this.

Could there be a little voice in Biden’s head? Other than Corn-Pop and the kids who like the golden hair on his legs in the swimming pool.

Could there be a little Obama in there? Sorry, bad visual.

Heck, you can tell Obama’s people write Biden’s tweets …

*adjusts tinfoil hat*


Leftist Hypocrisy And Treason Sure Pays Well.....


Pfizer COVID jab warning: No breastfeeding, avoid pregnancy for 2 months, unknown fertility impacts

A safety instructions document published by the UK government states 'For women of childbearing age, pregnancy should be excluded before vaccination'

WESTMINSTER, England, December 4, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — Government produced safety instructions for a new coronavirus vaccine indicate that it should not be used by pregnant or breast-feeding mothers and children. In addition, they state that it is unknown what effect the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine will have on fertility.

The ten-page “Reg 174 Information for UK Healthcare Professionals” describes the vaccine, how it is to be stored, diluted, and administered, and the trial studies carried out to test it. To be effective, the vaccine is supposed to be administered twice. In a section called “Fertility, pregnancy and lactation,” the guide says there is “no or limited data” on the vaccine. Therefore, it is not recommending its use for pregnant women.

“Animal reproductive toxicity studies have not been completed. COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 is not recommended during pregnancy,” the guide states in section 4.6.

“For women of childbearing age, pregnancy should be excluded before vaccination.”

The guide also advises that women should avoid becoming pregnant for the first two months after their Covid-19 shots.

“In addition, women of childbearing age should be advised to avoid pregnancy for at least 2 months after their second dose,” it says.

Because it is still unknown whether or not the vaccine can be transmitted to a breast-feeding infant through his or her mother’s milk, the instructions state that “a risk to the newborns/infants cannot be excluded.” Therefore, the guide specifies that the vaccine “should not be used during breast-feeding.”

But alarmingly the guide has only one thing to say about the vaccine’s impact on fertility: they don’t know if it does or doesn’t.

“It is unknown whether COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 has an impact on fertility,” it states.

The guide notes that the safety of the vaccine was tested in two clinical studies. The first study enrolled 60 people aged 16 to 55, and the second involved “approximately” 44,000 people aged 12 and older. The most common negative effects of the vaccine in people over the age of 16 have been “pain at the injection site” (a muscle), experienced by over 80%, fatigue (over 60%), headache (over 50%), sore muscles (over 30%), chills (over 30%), joint pain (over 20%), and fever (over 10%). According to the guide, these side-effects “were usually mild or moderate in intensity” and went away after a few days.

Earlier this week, two leading doctors wrote to the European Medicine Agency, which is responsible for the safety of vaccines, in an attempt to stop human trials of all Covid-19 vaccines, especially the Pfizer/BioNtech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 described above. Dr. Michael Yeadon, a former head of Pfizer’s respiratory research, and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, a health policy advisor, think that human testing is still unethical.

Among other concerns, Yeadon and Wodart warn that some of the vaccines may prevent the safe development of placentas in pregnant women, resulting in “vaccinated women essentially becoming infertile.”

“Several vaccine candidates are expected to induce the formation of humoral antibodies against spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2,” the doctors wrote.

“Syncytin-1 […] which is derived from human endogenous retroviruses (HERV) and is responsible for the development of a placenta in mammals and humans and is therefore an essential prerequisite for a successful pregnancy, is also found in homologous form in the spike proteins of SARS viruses,” they continued.

“There is no indication whether antibodies against spike proteins of SARS viruses would also act like anti-Syncytin-1 antibodies. However, if this were to be the case this would then also prevent the formation of a placenta which would result in vaccinated women essentially becoming infertile.”

The doctors suggest that because the Pfizer/BioNTech trial protocol says that “women of child-bearing potential” can take part only if they are not pregnant or breastfeeding and are using contraception, it could take “a relatively long time before a noticeable number of...

Every Story In The Media Is Weaponized, Every Story Fulfills Their Radical Leftist Agenda....


Massive Tech Company Announces It's Leaving California for Texas

Oracle, one of the San Francisco Bay Area’s most deeply rooted software companies, has packed up and moved to Texas amid an exodus of Silicon Valley tech companies from California.

Everything is bigger in Texas — minus the absurd taxes, the COVID lockdowns and the constraints on business.

As notable businesses flee California’s overbearing regulations, Oracle has joined them, Bloomberg reported. Per Oracle, the move will offer employees greater flexibility with regard to where they work, either from home or in a physical office space.

That seems like a polite way of saying that running a business from an expensive state which places never-ending lockdown restrictions and other mindless burdens on its citizens is no longer tenable.

The company of course didn’t say it would leave the state of its birth for reasons related to the pandemic, or to taxes. But, it’s difficult to imagine those factors didn’t play a role in the decision.

California, even with its scenic beaches, mountains and pleasant year-round temperatures, has long been a challenging place to do business, and the coronavirus pandemic has shown that the state’s Democratic leadership is willing to prioritize unscientific restrictions on personal movements, and virtue signaling, above business.

Bloomberg reported Oracle, whose name was on the arena in Oakland where the NBA’s Golden State Warriors recently won three championships, has moved its main office away from Redwood City, California. Now, the company is now calling Austin, Texas, home.

The move “means that many of our employees can choose their office location as well as continue to work from home part time or all of the time,” Oracle said in a regulatory filing Friday, according to Bloomberg.

The outlet added Oracle will still “support” other company locations in California, Washington state, Colorado, Florida and Massachusetts. The company had opened its Austin location in 2018.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott lauded the news on Twitter

“BREAKING: Oracle just announced they have moved their Headquarters to Austin. Texas is truly the land of business, jobs, and opportunity. We will continue to attract the very best,” Abbott tweeted.

The move should send a loud message to California’s inept government leaders. Years of poor leadership has sent businesses away in droves. Now, another iconic California business has chosen...