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Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Biden Will Be In Three States Today...


Babysitter Who Smashed Baby's Skull Gets 'Get Out of Jail Free' Card from Soros DA

George Gascon, LA's new pro-crime Soros DA, was backed by the Nazi-collaborating billionaire, but also a variety of wealthy celebs who don't even live in in Los Angeles, like the wife of Netflix's CEO. (Promoting pedophilia and teenage suicide isn't enough for Netflix.) But in the end, LA voters voted for the BLM candidate.

Now the bad stuff is going to roll on down.
Immediately after taking office, Gascon issued a special directive that effectively ends cash bail, the death penalty and sentencing enhancements in L.A. County prosecutions. Critics say the directive is a blanket requirement that will release violent offenders back onto the street where they could reoffend.

In one case, a baby sitter is accused of beating a 6-month-old girl with a blunt object, shattering the baby's skull and causing severe brain damage. The girl, now 3-years-old, is blind and forced to eat through a feeding tube.

Dordulian says under Gascon's new directives, the baby sitter can no longer be charged with a great bodily injury enhancement which could have sent the woman to prison for up to 10 years.

"Once the great bodily injury allegation is stricken, that person qualifies for probation. And they will be getting probation," Dordulian said. "That means they get to go out and walk amongst the streets and potentially harm another child."

In another case, a man is accused of shooting his girlfriend, 20-year-old Sharlene Conde, eight times in the face. Dordulian says the deputy district attorney handling the case fears Gascon's directives will require her to reduce the charge from first degree murder to voluntary manslaughter, potentially leading to probation for the man.

Meanwhile, a Facebook page pushing to recall Gascon has already garnered nearly 16,000 followers in less than a week.
This is what evil looks like. What kind of sociopathic monsters would fund this?

Netflix co-CEO Reed Hastings, newly minted Warner Bros TV boss Channing Dungey, FX EVP Georgina Balian, Macro boss Charles King, Ziffren Brittenham lawyers, documentarian Amy Ziering, Entertainment One TV chief Michael Lombardo and Berlanti Productions VP Michael McGrath are among the Hollywood backers who have contributed money to Gascón’s campaign.

Additionally, Disney VP Production Jessica Virtue, Starz SVP Kathryn Tyus-Adair, The Hateful Eight producer Stacey Sher, ex-21st Century Fox marketing exec Pamela Levine, writer-producer Kerry Ehrin, Freeform prez Tara...

The Real Virus is Much More Dangerous Than The Useful Idiot Virus...


Questions arise over whether Trump should employ 2018 order against foreign election influence

The 2018 executive order addresses a specter similar to the revelation that Russian hackers penetrated the DHS.

Amid recent reports of foreign breaches into U.S. government computer systems, questions have emerged whether hackers manipulated the results of the 2020 elections — and if so, whether that would trigger a White House executive order on responding to such an incursion.

The 2018 executive order from President Donald Trump addresses the specter similar to Monday's revelation that Russian hackers had penetrated the Department of Homeland Security.

"Although there has been no evidence of a foreign power altering the outcome or vote tabulation in any United States election, foreign powers have historically sought to exploit America’s free and open political system," Trump wrote in his 2018 order. "In recent years, the proliferation of digital devices and internet-based communications has created significant vulnerabilities and magnified the scope and intensity of the threat of foreign interference, as illustrated in the 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment. I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with this threat."

A Sunday report from a forensic analyst who delved into the Dominion Voting System connected the dots between the 2018 executive order and possible foreign election interference perpetrated via the Dominion machines.

"We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results," reads the Dec. 13 report from Allied Security Operations Group. The report was compiled in connection with a lawsuit from Antrim County, Michigan resident William Bailey, who charged that there were problems with the...

Sounds Like Democrat Paradise....


The Future Of America First In The Face Of Electoral Larceny

We deplorables will focus and fight, even with potential election setbacks including unfortunate dodges by courts and certifications of tainted votes by feckless state leaders in swing states. We must recognize the reality of what has transpired and then quickly ascertain the best affirmative path forward for the future of the America First movement.
Whatever unfolds in the coming weeks, the first decision involves firmly rejecting defeatism. Yes, the 2020 process has been wholly corrupted. If Joe Biden is sworn-in as president in five weeks, this electoral larceny emanates from two primary sources of distortion.

The first fraud commenced with crooked state officials leveraging the China Virus pandemic as cover to institute massive, illegal, and unconstitutional pollutions of voting procedures. These perversions of the process resulted in inexplicable late-night halts to ballot counting followed by statistically inconceivable vote spikes for Biden, plus massive amounts of verifiable fraud.

The second attack on election integrity leveraged the massive powers of US intelligence community alumni, corporate media, and Big Tech.

When the biggest story of the entire campaign broke via the New York Post in October, these powerful groups flagrantly conspired to conceal the truth of the Chinese Communist Party funneling millions of dollars to the Biden Cartel, including credible, corroborated evidence that Joe Biden himself benefitted as the “big guy.”

Potent establishment overlords like former CIA Director John Brennan, CNN chief Jeff Zucker, and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey largely succeeded in discrediting, ignoring, and burying this bombshell story. Indeed, the very same people obsessed over a Trump-Russia election “collusion” fantasy for years showed no compunction in openly, callously colluding themselves to manipulate the 2020 election.

But, despite such malfeasance, our movement cannot devolve into a despondency of prattling lamentations.

To be sure, many events of recent weeks understandably dispirit patriotic Americans, and the threats to our Constitution and way of life are very real, indeed. But we deplorables must also recognize that we fight decades of institutional rot in American society. The Left has deftly played the long game, successfully co-opting key levers of influence in...

Mark Levin Accurately Labels Mitt Romney A "Dumb Ass"


Know Your BAGS!

Timeline: Mitt Romney’s History of Backstabbing Donald Trump

Mitt Romney Cozies Up to Pelosi on Impeachment

Donald Trump Calls for Pompous Ass Mitt Romney to Be Impeached

The Chinese CoronaVirus Sterilizes Men, The Vaccine Sterilizes Women - CHECKMATE

A new study has revealed that SARS-CoV-2, the virus which causes COVID-19, infects the testicles and likely impacts male fertility. Recall in March we reported that doctors in central Wuhan raised concerns over testicle damage after observing a lowered ratio of testosterone to luteinising hormone (T/LH).

Now, nine months later, a team of 14 researchers from Wuhan, China have published disturbing evidence from a small sample of patients that COVID-19 not only infects the testicles, but may interfere with sperm production by causing inflammation and 'massive' loss in young sperm cells.

The team's findings on how COVID-19 infects testicles corroborates the March reporting - namely, the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein binds to ACE2 receptors, which are produced throughout the body, including the seminiferous tubules which carry sperm while it matures.

"Strikingly, in four of the five cases, GC [germ cell] loss was massive, with only a few GCs left attached to the seminiferous tubules," reads the study, published Monday in Nature, Cellular & Molecular Immunology. Five COVID-19 patients included in the study were aged 51, 62, 70, 78 and 83 years of age, while control patients were 71, 78 and 80. And though they may lie on the older-end of the curve where male fertility has begun to decline, the control group's germ cells were "well aligned around the whole seminiferous tubules" compared to the COVID-19 patients.

"Consistent with the immunohistochemistry results, RT-qPCR showed significantly increased mRNA levels of ACE2 and TMPRSS2 in the testes of all COVID-19 patient compared to control patient testes," reads the report, which "further supports the hypothesis that SARS-CoV-2 is able to attack testicular cells." It is unknown how the virus increases ACE2 production in the testes.
"Collectively, our findings provide direct evidence that SARS-CoV-2 can...

Who Let The Dogs Out?

It Was The Manchurian Candidate....

The Dogs Represent The Willing Assassins Of Western Civilization...

Biden’s Phlegmatic, Dark And Divisive Speech Burns Bridges to Trump’s America

President-elect Joe Biden delivered an angry, partisan speech Monday evening upon being voted the winner of the 2020 election by the Electoral College.

Biden did not just acknowledge victory; he taunted his defeated opponent, President Donald Trump. Rather than celebrate the result and reach out to Trump and his supporters, Biden — coughing up phlegm throughout his speech — attempted to rub salt in the wound, continuing to argue the case after he had already won it.

Biden seemed annoyed that Trump had contested the results at all. He has no right to be offended.

Biden was one of the Obama administration officials who “unmasked” Michael Flynn, as part of an effort undermine the incoming administration. On the campaign trail in 2019, Biden agreed eagerly with a voter who called Trump an “illegitimate president.” He called Trump a Nazi sympathizer and compared him to Joseph Goebbels and Adolf Hitler. Biden has never apologized for that.

In his speech, Biden declared that the election was “free and fair” — a dubious claim, which I have disputed elsewhere. He expects Americans to overlook a year of political violence, almost entirely by the left; unprecedented censorship by the mainstream media and Big Tech to cover up stories damaging to Biden’s political prospects; a debate commission stacked against Trump; and — most of all — a shift to vote-by-mail that was often pushed by Democrats over Republican objections.

Biden defended the election officials who, he said, had withstood “political pressure, verbal abuse, and threats of physical violence.”

Notably, Biden has yet to denounce the violence carried out against Trump supporters since the election, or the threats against the Trump campaign’s lawyers. During the election, he falsely claimed that left-wing rioters in Washington, DC, and Portland were “peaceful protesters.” It took him three days before he condemned riots in...


It’s FAR from over.

Morning Mistress