90 Miles From Tyranny

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Wednesday, December 16, 2020



Girls With Guns

Hacking Your Christmas Present......

Punking Our Tyrannical Tech Masters...


Pissing Against Marxist Machinations.....


Just A Little Reminder For The Leftist Fascists....


Fox News continues gaslighting conservatives with its slanted opinion polls about Biden’s legitimacy.

21st Century Fox Executive Co-Chairmen Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch attend the first day of the annual Allen and Co. media conference in Sun Valley

The cosmopolitan Murdoch family continues its assault on reality through its Fox News gaslighting operation. Fox News has confirmed what astute observers have known since 2019, that the network is determined to push its audience leftward with bogus narratives “supported” by bogus opinion polling. Fox’s discredited polling operations seem to have changed nothing since their abysmal election polls skewed well outside the margin of error to portray Joe Biden as much more popular than reality. 

Gallop, which tracks party identification, and whose party ID estimates closely align with the most accurate polling firms of the 2020 presidential election cycle, puts party affiliation at D+1, while the Democrat and Biden donor Arnon Mishkin, who runs Fox News polling is still using D+6

Source: Fox News Survey

The 5-point difference creates a reality distortion that is designed to create, not reflect public opinion among its viewers. The distortion is magnified even more when solid party support is factored in.

Corrected for these false weightings, at least 42% of Americans believe that the Presidency was stolen from Donald Trump. A Rasmussen Poll published yesterday confirms this. The mountain of evidence supporting the view that the election was stolen dwarfs the bogus Russia conspiracy nonsense peddled by an at-first credulous, and then complicit Democrat media complex. The same corporate cabal of globalist clamoring for Chinese profits are now seeking to marginalize nearly half of American with legitimate concerns over election integrity. Where does the Murdoch family really make its money? The family’s Disney (which includes ownership of ABC News) stock ownership value is more than 4 times that of its News Corp holdings. With the Chinese box office set to...

Just Got The Covid 19 Vaccine.....


But I've never caught a glimpse
Of how the others must see the faker
I'm much too fast to take that test

Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes (Turn and face the strange)

The Off-Grid Laws of Every State in America

Want to start living off-grid? It’s not as simple as buying land and building a home or parking an RV. While off-grid living isn’t illegal in any of the 50 states in America, there are numerous laws which might restrict whether you can truly live off-grid.

I spent a lot of time researching the off-grid laws of every state in America. Please understand this is a work in process! If you have any information to share, please do so in the comments section below so we can keep the article updated.

Note: The laws about going off-grid are usually determined by local government and not the state, and they vary drastically. Thus it is impossible to create a comprehensive resource of all the off-grid laws in each state and area. I’ve done my best to list the state laws regarding off-grid electric, water, and waste.

Alabama Off Grid Laws

It appears that disconnecting from the power grid in Alabama is illegal. On top of this, Alabama power charges a high (over $5 per kilowatt) fee for using solar! They do offer net metering to sell back excess solar. However, there are no state-mandated policies so the price is negotiated with the power company. This makes Alabama one of the worst states in the USA for off-grid solar. (13)


It is legal to harvest rainwater in Alabama and is considered a property right. However, it is not clear whether you can build a permanent residence in the state without being connected to the municipal water.

Pit toilets and portable toilets may be allowed in certain rural areas. Permits are required and specific rules must be followed. Compost toilets aren’t specifically addressed. You can see the rules here.

In a nutshell, the law says that composting, incinerating toilets, and holding tanks can only be used if an approved graywater disposal method is also provided. With pit privies, you are required to have a contract with a certified pumper.

Alaska Off Grid Laws

Alaska has very progressive microgrid laws. These laws make it possible for an individual to qualify as a “utility provider” and completely disconnect from the main electric grid. However, off-grid solar may not be feasible in many areas of the state where there isn’t much daylight during winter. In fact, the majority of microgrids in Alaska run off of diesel. Alaska does have a state net metering policy for solar but does not offer any state incentives for installing solar. (14, 15)


Rainwater harvesting in Alaska is allowed. However, there are many rules regarding the use of groundwater such as from streams or lakes.

Alaska law specifically addresses outhouses but does not mention compost toilets. Outhouses are allowed in many areas, though strict rules apply. See the law here.

Arizona Off Grid Laws

Arizona is one of the worst states for off-grid solar. The laws are written in a way that makes it illegal for a home not to be connected to the electric grid. On top of that, Arizona charges a “solar tax” to people with grid-connected solar. (16,17)

Rainwater harvesting in Arizona is legal.

Composting toilets are legal in Arizona. A permit is required. You can see the law here.

Arkansas Off Grid Laws

There Is Nothing You Can Say To Ever Make Us Believe You... (Not That We Ever Did).....


Report: FBI again cancels congressional briefing on Rep. Eric Swalwell and his Chinese spy friend

Sean Davis of The Federalist is reporting that the FBI on Monday canceled at the last second its briefing of congressional leadership on Rep. Eric Swalwell and his relationship with a Chinese spy.

What’s up, FBI?

How many elected officials don’t even want to know?

The Inherent Evil Of Leftist Intolerance...

The Left Employs Political Correctness, "Hate Speech", And WrongThink To Silence Us; They Control The Meaning Of All Of These, It Is Their Cudgel of Tyranny Against Liberty And Free Speech...

More Orwell:

George Orwell On Societies That Drift From The Truth...

LGBT Activist Calls For ALL Children to Be Put on Puberty Blockers

Ludicrously argues that natural puberty is wrong because kids can’t consent

An LGBT activist has called for ALL children to be put on puberty blockers until a decision is made as to what gender they are going to be.

Yes, really.

Zachary Antolak began as a gay man but now identifies as a lesbian woman named Zinnia Jones and is in a polyamorous relationship with another lesbian named Heather and a ‘trans woman’ named Penny.

What better example of obvious mental stability to decide which chemicals to bombard your children with?

“If children can’t consent to puberty blockers which pause any permanent changes even with the relevant professional evaluation, how can they consent to the permanent and irreversible changes that come with their own puberty with no professional evaluation whatsoever?” tweeted Jones.

“An inability to offer informed consent or understand the long-term consequences is actually an argument for putting every single cis and trans person on puberty blockers until they acquire that ability,” he added.

Presumably, the people deciding upon which gender the child will be after a period of God knows how long being poisoned with drugs that block their natural development will be Jones and his ilk.

“It isn’t easy to believe that the federal government will one day mandate puberty blockers for all children until their teachers and other liberal social engineers have had time to convince them they want to be the opposite sex,” writes Dave Blount. “But then, a few years ago, no one would have believed that the federal government would force schools to allow boys who say they are girls to use private facilities intended for people who really are girls. Now it is mainstream Democrat...