90 Miles From Tyranny

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Friday, December 18, 2020

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1206

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Love This Movie: After Hours (1985) Official Trailer

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Clapper: Climate change 'transcends' all other threats to the U.S.

Chinese pilots training at former Canadian military base in Alberta

Girls With Guns

How Stupid Do They Think We Are?

Keep The Faith, Keep Fighting.


...And The Only Thing That Changed Is That You Moved Further Along The Slippery Slope...

Woodcut by Francis Barlow, 1687;  "The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing"


Objects In the Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear...



Mellissa Carone is the courageous Dominion whistleblower who came forward to allege major systemic voting fraud at the TCF Center in Detroit on election night 2020. This week, the CEO of Dominion Voting Services, John Poulos, testified before the Michigan Senate.

Poulos was papering over the dozens of witness statements that allege there was an active conspiracy to fraud the vote from President Donald Trump on election night. Poulos, by most mainstream media accounts, delivered an impressive job generally answering the questions from Michigan’s state Senators.


There were no steel ballot boxes underneath the tabulating machines at the TCF Center catching ballots as they were counted, as Poulos has claimed.

Ties to Smartmatic software – Carone says internal documents from Dominion reference its software pedigree as descending from Smartmatic, which was designed to help fraud the Venezuelan elections in 2004, even though Poulos has tried to say this is nothing but a ‘disinformation’ campaign.

Dominion is a far-left company, whose employees and owners were making ‘countless’ anti-Trump and anti-Republican statements on election night, as the votes were being tabulated. Even though Poulos claims they are non-partisan, Carone says they were left-wing extremists.

Poulos told the Senate that paper ballots back up all the digital records, but that ignores what Carone and others, including Shane Trejo, Jose Aliaga, and others saw: a 4am Biden Ballot Dump of illegal ballots, eight hours after the deadline. Due to Michigan election law, a ballot box that is missing ballots cannot be recounted, and 71% of Detroit’s absentee ballot boxes are missing ballots.

“He only proposed a recount in order to get the heat off of him.”

“They (Dominion) want to get the attention off of the truth.”

Poulos told the Michigan Senate that they have no hand in running elections, only in counting votes, but Carone says that one of her Dominion colleagues, Samuel, was sent around midnight on election night to the “Chicago Warehouse” to help handle and process ballots before they arrived at the TCF Center.

Importantly, the other off-site location that Samuel was sent to would not have had Dominion machines operating.

Poulos also told the Michigan Senate that ballots did not cross state lines, even though absentees certainly did, and Carone witnessed out-of-state military ballots come in.

Poulos dismissed the explosive report coming out of Antrim County Michigan, and Carone references it, as disproving the claim that Dominion machines do not alter results. That report, released over the protests of Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, is the only full-scale forensic audit of Dominion Voting machines, and they show electronic logs deleted in late November against state law, a total lack of security around the voting machines, and a staggering 68% error rate for ballot processing, allowing election officials to change a ballot manually with their software.

“90% of the people working there (in Detroit) were in on the fraud going on.”

Carone says that the day after the election, Dominion was attempting to do a security update that would likely wipe out the logs and evidence of voter fraud from its machines. She’s worried that any forensic audit may be too late, since state legislators and investigators wasted so much time gathering evidence, only sending out subpoenas yesterday, that Dominion has had the time to cover their tracks.

Poulos told the Senate that Dominion machines were not equipped with USB drives except for a specialty machine for disabled access, though Carone says that is completely not true. Carone has internal Dominion documents which shows the ability to network the machines via USB or Ethernet ports.

Poulos also said that the tabulating machines were not networked or connected to the internet. Carone says that she personally witnessed a network connection between the machines, even though she wasn’t allowed to manipulate the machines. What Poulos left out, according to Carone, is that Dominion tabulating machines are designed with an internal modem and the ability to be networked. Carone has internal documents from Dominion that...

I'll Just keep Walking...


REPORT: Zuckerberg Spent Half A Billion Dollars Coercing States To Adopt Pro-Dem Turnout Measures

The Amistad Project, an election watchdog group, highlighted the undue influence of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and several left-wing nonprofits throughout the 2020 election by funneling hundreds of millions of dollars into inflating voter turnout for Democrats, The National Pulse can reveal.

The group details in a brand new report how Zuckerberg leveraged $500 million in funding for a “dark money apparatus of 10 nonprofits funded by 5 foundations” that sought to “fundamentally undermine the electoral system.”

Of his nearly half-billion-dollar sum, $350 million was funneled to the Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL), which “used the money to illegally inflate turnout in key Democratic swing states as part of this effort.”As previously reported on by The National Pulse, the group carried out an “unequal distribution of funding that favored Democratic precincts.”

According to the Amistad project, of “the 17 cities and counties that have received the largest “grants” from CTCL, totaling more than $51,000,000 combined, just under $300,000 was given” to Republican-leaning counties.

In other words, 99.4 percent of Zuckerberg’s grants went to Democrat-heavy districts.

The Amistad Project links CTCL’s efforts to former campaign manager for President Barak Obama and Zuckerberg Chan initiative strategist David Plouffe, who wrote: “A Citizen’s Guide to Defeating Donald Trump.”

On page 81 of his book, Plouffe correctly identifies that the 2020 general election will come down to a “block by block street fight” to turn out the vote in the urban core, a key stronghold of Democrat Party votes. Plouffe specifically highlighted high turnouts in Milwaukee, Detroit, and Philadelphia as the key to a Democrat victory. Soon after, we witnessed the rumblings of a previously sleepy 501(c)(3) organization entitled the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) whose previous annual revenues never exceeded $1.2 million.

Other dark money organizations identified as helping to “privatize elections” are The Democracy Fund, New Venture Fund, Skoll Foundation, and...