90 Miles From Tyranny

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Saturday, December 19, 2020

Democrats Protect Chinese Communist Propaganda ‘Confucius’ Groups From Punitive Action

House Democrats revised a bill targetting universities that house Chinese government-funded “Confucius Institutes,” blocking the Department of Education’s ability to restrict their funding and curtail Chinese Communist Party influence on campus.

The bill, which unanimously passed in the Senate, included a provision that allowed the Department of Education to withhold funding from universities hosting Chinese government-backed Confucius Institutes.

The amended version, which passed Congress on December 11th, significantly neutered this provision. Now, only the Defense Department to withhold federal funding from universities.

According to a senior congressional aide, the amendment narrowed the bill to “safeguarding Defense-funded research activities instead of the broad range of protections the original bill contemplated.” This also would make it easier for Confucius Institutes to continue operating on the elementary, middle, and high school levels.

The Trump administration designated Confucius Institutes “foreign missions” in light of their Chinese government funding and dissemination of propaganda geared towards making students “advocate for the interests of the Chinese Communist Party.”

Democrats, however, appear to feel otherwise, angering their Republican colleagues.

Senator John Kennedy, who helped write the anti-Confucius Institute measure, said Democrats “gutted” a key weapon to counter Chinese Communist Party influence in academia.

“Communist China is still buying influence on U.S. campuses, yet Democrats gutted a National Defense Authorization Act amendment that would protect academic freedom and give U.S. colleges control over what Confucius Institutes teach on our soil,” he added.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy similarly blasted Democrats for failing to tackle the Chinese government.

“The changes to the Confucius Institute language in NDAA are another example of the Democrats’ China problem. Americans know a whole-of-society approach is needed to combat the Chinese Communist Party’s attacks on our...

Democrats Lower the Standards Of Everything They Touch....


The Leftist Nonprofit Machine

“This book is about a political force of unprecedented magnitude in American life,” The New Leviathan warned. It defined the ‘New Leviathan’ as “a network of billion-dollar tax-exempt foundations and advocacy think tanks that work in concert with government unions and grassroots radical groups to make up the organizational core of the political left.”

When The New Leviathan: How the Left-Wing Money-Machine Shapes American Politics and Threatens America's Future arrived in 2012, it came as a warning from David Horowitz, one of the veterans of the New Left, and Jacob Laskin, a talented Front Page Magazine author, about the new form of the enemy and the kind of struggle that the conservative movement would face.

Too few listened to that warning.

The New Leviathan demonstrated using hard numbers that the Democrats had become the party of the rich and of corporate America and were using that power to fundamentally transform the country using their 'leviathan' of massive tax-exempt foundations. Even while pretending to be the party of the working class, their political organizations were outspending conservatives.

Today, the infrastructure of the New Leviathan, as the book warned, “extends into every aspect of the nation’s life.” It is a political machine that dictates the terms on which governments operate, as well as corporations, the media, and academia, using the resources of the network to function as a shadow government.

The shadow network of lefty non-profits allowed Big Tech billionaires to hijack local elections with their own private armies of activists and armed foreign governments with a direct pipeline into the heart of our political system by funding think tanks and other political nonprofits.

The 2016 election introduced the nation to the Clinton Foundation and the 2020 election to the Biden Foundation as pipelines for foreign money influencing presidential candidates. The transformation of presidential foundations into tools for laundering money from enemy nations had been foreshadowed by prominent think tanks staffed with future members of Democrat administrations, like the Brookings Institute, being financed by foreign interests. What the Clintons and the Bidens did was cut out the middlemen to get to the sources of the cash.

The 2020 election also showed the devastating way that nonprofits, like the Center for Technology and Civic Life, funded by Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg, could alter elections even in red states while still functioning under the umbrella of...



Hunter Biden Is Using His Art To Launder Foreign Money Used To Buy "Favorable Outcomes" In Washington For Chinese People's Liberation Army......

Straw Blown Alcohol Based Ink Blown On Japanese Yupo Paper -  entitled: "Check Mate" by R. H. Biden circa 2020

Three Anonymous well placed sources in the Chinese government has confirmed that Hunter Biden's "art", will be purchased by proxies to obtain "Favorable Outcomes" for the Chinese government and the People's Liberation Army.

The straws that Hunter Biden used to consume drugs will now be turned around to blow alcohol ink onto Japanese Yupo paper.

The venture capitalist turned artist, whose studio is in the pool house of his Hollywood Hills home, creates his work with a metal straw he uses to blow alcohol ink onto Japanese Yupo paper, creating abstract layers of colors and concentric circles. Painting “puts my energy toward something positive,” Biden explained. “It keeps me away from people and places where I shouldn’t be.” He also added, “The one thing I have left is my art. It’s the one thing they can’t take away from me or conflate with anything else.”

According to Page Six, the 50-year-old son of President-elect Joe Biden is in the midst of signing a deal to be represented as an artist in the Georges Berges Gallery in New York City and preparing for a solo art show next year. Georges Berges Gallery is a high end art Gallery where some paintings sell for millions of dollars.

The scheme is: compromised people, corporations and organizations buy what has been described as "Generic Post Zombie Formalism illustration art", under the radar and at grossly inflated prices to pay for the influence that the Chinese Communists will receive from the Biden crime family. 

Rumors are circling that Joe Biden's brother James Biden is about to become a wealthy spit wad sculpture artist, creating sculpture from sedimentary layers of spit wads blown out of borrowed straws from Hunter Biden. Spit Wad sedimentary art is a complicated process that involves the mechanics of velocity, gravity, air turbulence, moisture control, evaporation and spit wad shape aerodynamics to create this very expensive and intricate art form.

Sources say...

Useful Idiots BLM Thought They Would Get A Seat At The Table...

 I Think They Should Burn Down The Democrat Party, Google, Twitter, Facebook...

They Betrayed Your Neo-Marxist Agenda And Will Pursue Their Own Neo-Marxist Agenda Without You. 

Burn Them Down.

New York Times Normalizes Racist Eugenics Supported by Woke Doctors

When it comes to deciding who will receive the coronavirus vaccine, the far-left New York Times is normalizing the idea that skin color is more important than need, risk, and vulnerability.

Yep, the Times is perfectly comfortable arguing that it is okay to sacrifice your grandparents on the altar of social justice.

Feel free to accuse me of hyperbole, but the truth is the truth, and the truth is that not since Nazi Germany have we seen something like what the New York Times is guilty of, which is an establishment news organization openly normalizing the idea of choosing who lives and who dies, not on need, but on race and skin color.

Wither the Hippocratic Oath.

An article published by the Times this month examined the dilemma of the Trump vaccine. “The Elderly vs. Essential Workers: Who Should Get the Coronavirus Vaccine First?” the headline read, which is a perfectly legitimate moral dilemma for a newspaper to look into. We can’t vaccinate everyone at once, so who goes first and why?

So dummy me, because I sometimes forget how far gone the media are, how morally illiterate the children who run organizations such as the Times are, I’m expecting a thoughtful debate over who is more at risk and how tough decisions sometimes have to be made. I’m even willing to accept a look at something like, “Well, if we vaccinate grandma and not Dr. Happy and Dr. Happy dies or gets sick, more people might die with Dr. Happy out of action.”

Hey, I’m an adult. I get nuance and thinking out loud. I can handle that.

I’ll tell you what I didn’t expect…

I did not expect the New York Times to normalize the openly racist practice of eugenics. I’m going to quote fully below what the New York Times published as an acceptable line of thought, and since you may not believe me, you can look for yourself right here.

I’m not making any of this up, nor am I taking anyone out of context. The only thing I am adding is the bold emphasis:
Harald Schmidt, an expert in ethics and health policy at the University of Pennsylvania, said that it is reasonable to put essential workers ahead of older adults, given their risks, and that they are disproportionately minorities. “Older populations are whiter, ” Dr. Schmidt said. “Society is structured in a way that enables them to live longer. Instead of giving additional health benefits to those who already had more of them, we can start to level the playing field a bit.”
I think that what he meant to say was, Ve can ztart to level out ze playing field a bit!
Marc Lipsitch, an infectious-disease epidemiologist at Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health, argued that teachers should not be included as essential workers, if a central goal of the committee is to reduce health inequities.

“Teachers have middle-class salaries, are very often white, and they have college degrees,” he said. “Of course they should be treated better, but they are not among the most mistreated of workers.”
I think what he meant to say was, Vy would we vazzinate ze very white teachers!

BREAKING: We've obtained video of LA D.A. George Gascon at the Pomona courthouse today where he can be heard saying "It's unfortunate that some people do not have enough education to keep their mouth shut so we can talk" as the family of a murdered victim yells at him.


What Does The FBI/CIA Have On John Roberts?

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #507

Before You Click On The "Read More" Link, 

Please Only Do So If You Are Over 21 Years Old.

If You are Easily Upset, Triggered Or Offended, This Is Not The Place For You.  

Please Leave Silently Into The Night......

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1207

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.