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Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Congress Defunds ICE, Opens Door for Migrant Wave

Congress has agreed to shrink funding and detention beds for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), just as pro-migration groups are warning that a wave of wage-cutting economic migrants will rush north to exploit President-elect Joe Biden’s pro-migration campaign promises.

“Democrats are bragging that they are cutting ICE funding,” said Rosemary Jenks, director of government relations at NumbersUSA. “They are bragging about making our communities less safe,” she added.

Congress chopped the ICE budget by $107 million below the 2020 level after rejecting a request by outgoing President Donald Trump’s for a $2 billion budget increase.

The cuts will pressure the agency to restart the catch-and-release of economic migrants in 2021, once the number of migrants overwhelms the agency’s reduced budget for detention spaces.

“The bill funds 34,000 detention beds, which is 26,000 beds less than the President’s budget request and 11,274 less than fiscal year 2020,” said a press statement from Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT), the top Democrat on the spending panel.

If ICE does not have enough detention beds, it must release the migrants into the United States, where they will take jobs from Americans to repay their smuggling loans. The loans often use family farms and homes as collateral, putting migrants under extreme pressure to work for wages far below Americans’ levels. This profitable economic process spiked the number of migrants from low levels in 2009 to almost one million in 2019.

“If there is a perception of more-humane policies, you are likely to see an increase of arrivals at the border,” T. Alexander Aleinikoff, the director of the New York-based Zolberg Institute on Migration and Mobility, told the New York Times for a December 13 report, titled “As Biden Prepares to Take Office, a New Rush at the Border.”

Democrats also won extra funding for a non-detention program that allows migrants to take jobs from Americans — typically, from American parents with kids, unfirm or disabled Americans, and Americans with criminal records. “The bill includes $440 million for Alternatives to Detention (ATD), which is approximately $86 million more than the President’s budget request and $120 million more than...

Tails They Win, Heads You Lose...

 Powerful Democrats Are Free To Break Any Law, Commit Any Crime With Zero Consequences...

‘It’s unacceptable’: Six Republican senators vote ‘no’ on monstrosity COVID bill negotiated in secret

Senators Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Ted Crux (R-Texas) ripped the process by which the just-passed $2.3 trillion spending and COVID relief measure was devised and written in justifying their opposition to it.

“Tonight, badly-needed #COVID19 relief was tied to a $1.4T end-of-year spending monstrosity because three times Democrats rejected good faith efforts to pass targeted legislation that would have helped Americans hurting as a result of the pandemic,” Cruz wrote Monday.

“Simply put, Democrats exploited the need for relief to advance their political agenda instead of working on standalone legislation months ago that would put our nation on the path to recovery,” Cruz, one of six GOP senators who voted against the pork-filled measure, wrote on Twitter Monday.

“That’s wrong and the exact opposite of what the American people need right now,” he added.

In addition to Lee and Cruz, Sens. Marsha Blackburn (Tenn.), Ron Johnson (Wis.), Rand Paul (Ky.), and Rick Scott (Fla.), all voted ‘no’ on the measure. Two other Republicans, Sens. Mike Enzi (Wyoming), and Mike Rounds (S.D.), did not vote.

The legislation combined a $1.4 trillion omnibus spending bill to fund the government for the fiscal year and $900 billion in new COVID-19 relief.

“This is the spending bill under consideration in Congress today,” Lee wrote in a Twitter thread Monday evening, just a few hours before Congress was scheduled to vote on it. “I received it just moments ago, and will likely be asked to vote on it late tonight. It’s 5,593 pages long.I know there are some good things in it. I’m equally confident that there are...

15 Days Has Become Endless Tyranny....


Researchers Warn COVID-19 Vaccines May Cause HIV Infection

Covid-19 vaccines currently in development could increase the risk of acquiring HIV, warned a group of researchers in the The Lancet medical journal, potentially leading to an increase in infections.

The researchers warn of a “cautionary tale” from efforts to create an HIV vaccine over a decade ago, where a promising vaccine candidate actually increased the risk of some men catching the virus.

The vaccine made use of a modified virus — called adenovirus 5 (Ad5) — as a vector to transport some of HIV’s genetic material into the body.

Ad5 is used as a vector in some Covid-19 vaccines — Science identifies four such candidates that are currently undergoing clinical trials in various countries around the world, including the U.S., with two in large scale phase 3 trials ongoing in Russia and Pakistan.

The researchers stressed the need to understand the role Ad5 might play in increasing the risks of HIV in vulnerable populations before developing and deploying vaccines using the vector, adding that informed consent documents should reflect the “considerable literature” on the risk of HIV acquisition with Ad5 vectors.

As GreatGameIndia reported, recently Australia scrapped a billion dollar coronavirus vaccine agreement after several trial participants tested HIV positive.

Even Australian vaccine scientist Nikolai Petrovsky had warned the government about the risk of including HIV in a vaccine months before the $1billion deal was signed.

As GreatGameIndia reported earlier, in February a group of Indian scientists discovered that Coronavirus was engineered with AIDS like insertions. The study concluded that it was unlikely for a virus to have acquired such unique insertions naturally in a short duration of time.

Although the study was retracted after it attracted heavy criticism from experts on social media, Luc Montagnier, the Nobel Prize winning French virologist himself confirmed the conclusions of the study.

The study concluded that it is because of these 4 new AIDS like insertions in Coronavirus that the virus jumped to humans originally known only to infect animals.

These proteins are critical for the viruses to identify and latch on to their host cells and for viral assembly. Since surface proteins are responsible for host tropism, changes in these proteins imply a change in host specificity of the virus. According to reports from China, there has been a gain of host specificity in case 2019-nCoV as the virus was originally known to infect animals and not humans but after the mutations, it has gained tropism to humans as well.

The study gives credence to GreatGameIndia‘s earlier reports on how Coronavirus was engineered in a lab and weaponized. It has now been revealed through emails obtained via public records requests that the “natural origin of Coronavirus” was an orchestrated myth.

Emails obtained by U.S. Right to Know show that a statement in The Lancet authored by 27 prominent public health scientists condemning “conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin” was organized by employees of EcoHealth Alliance, a non-profit group that has received millions of dollars of U.S. taxpayer funding to genetically manipulate coronaviruses with scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

The emails show that EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak drafted the Lancet statement, and that he intended it to “not be identifiable as coming from any one organization or person” but rather to be seen as “simply a letter from leading scientists”. Daszak wrote that he wanted “to avoid the appearance of a political statement”.

Meanwhile, China has started using AIDS drugs for Coronavirus treatment. China is using AbbVie Inc’s HIV drugs as an ad-hoc treatment for pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus while the global search for...

Top U.S. Tech Execs Attended Conference Sponsored By Chinese Communist Group Which Pushed COVID DisInfo Campaign

Executives from American tech giants such as Facebook and Google attended an annual conference organized by the Cyberspace Administration of China, the body responsible for leading the Chinese Communist Party’s digital campaign to censor factual narratives and push fraudulent information about COVID-19.
The unearthed attendance of U.S. tech leaders to the World Internet Conference follows leaked documents from the Chinese Communist Party revealing that its Cyberspace Administration – which spearheaded the conference – was tasked with deploying legions of hundreds of thousands of people online.

These individuals, comprising China’s “wu mao” army, were deployed to combat negative narratives about the Chinese government and peddle misinformation to create a facade that China was adequately containing the virus.
Firewall Fealty.

Conceived in 2014, the annual World Internet Conference is organized by Chinese Communist Party bodies including the Cyberspace Administration of China, the State Council Information Office, and several municipal governments.

In addition to Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping speaking at the conference, companies that have been identified by the Department of Defense as assisting the Chinese military for over two decades such as Huawei, China Telecom, and China Electronics Technology Group, have routinely attended.


Other Chinese companies such as Tencent and ByteDance, whose own the controversial WeChat and TikTok apps, have participated in the conference alongside a bevy of high-level Chinese Communist Party officials.

And the conference’s goal of increased technological collaboration between China and the U.S. is misguided, as the prospect presents a hotbed for government-sanctioned intellectual property theft, espionage, hacking, and cyberattacks.

Despite this, American companies including Microsoft, LinkedIn, Facebook, Apple, and Amazon have participated in the state-run event. In 2017, Apple Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Tim Cook and Google CEO Sundar Pichai took high profile speaking roles at the 

Facebook executives have attended the conference for over half a decade. In 2016, founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg also took up a speaking role alongside Vaughan Smith, Vice President of...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #510

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Monday, December 21, 2020

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