90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, December 28, 2020

Tensions On The Rise In Socialist "Squad"

Girls With Guns

A Farewell To Common Sense....

"A Farewell To Kings"

When they turn the pages of history
When these days have passed long ago
Will they read of us with sadness
For the seeds that we let grow?
We turned our gaze
From the castles in the distance
Eyes cast down
On the path of least resistance

Cities full of hatred, fear and lies
Withered hearts and cruel, tormented eyes
Scheming demons dressed in kingly guise
Beating down the multitude and
Scoffing at the wise

The hypocrites are slandering
The sacred Halls of Truth
Ancient nobles showering
Their bitterness on youth
Can't we find the minds that made us strong?
Can't we learn to feel what's right
And what's wrong?
What's wrong?

Cities full of hatred, fear and lies
Withered hearts and cruel, tormented eyes
Scheming demons dressed in kingly guise
Beating down the multitude and
Scoffing at the wise
Can't we raise our eyes and make a start?
Can't we find the minds to lead us
Closer to the heart?

The Truth About Joe Biden....


How The New Covid Stimulus Bill Provides Jobs For Congressional Families....

How The New Covid Stimulus Bill Provides Jobs For Congressional Families:

They Will Get Hired As Board Members, Consultants, And Organization Heads For All This Foreign Pork.

What Denying Election Fraud Accomplishes

There were voluminous reports, from eyewitnesses and experts, of widespread election fraud in the so-called battle states and beyond. Specific allegations were made, and evidence of election rules violations and statistical anomalies were collected. Yet the courts refused to listen to virtually all witnesses and experts, rejected most of the evidence, and refused to subpoena more evidence requested by the plaintiffs. Many state government officials and some top representatives of companies supplying voting machines and software categorically denied any election fraud.

So, on the one hand, there is plenty of evidence strongly suggesting that the widely observed election fraud took place during the 2020 presidential elections. On the other hand, all we have are assurances of the election fraud–deniers that there was no election fraud, which were later changed to admissions that although election fraud did take place, it wasn't large enough to sway the results. No verifiable facts that would clearly invalidate the specific election fraud allegations were presented to the public as of time of this writing, while quite a lot of obstruction of investigations, like denials to subject the vote-counting software and hardware to examination by independent experts, took place. Some of this obstruction had all appearances of a cover-up.

I must say that anyone who, knowing the above, claims that Joe Biden has received required majorities of legitimate votes to become a duly elected president is either stupid or willing to cover up the truth about the rigged elections that we have allowed to continue in America.

I am not going to analyze the stupid. However, I would like to look into possible reasons why an intelligent observer would opt for cover-up of election fraud if it did take place.

Reason 1: The election fraud–denier wanted President Trump to be removed from the Oval Office.

There were many individuals and groups who for more than four years have been desperately trying to stop Mr. Trump from becoming the president in 2016 and then, after his inauguration, to remove him by any means available. False charges of his collusion with Russia and other impeachable offenses were being thrown on him and investigated vigorously for most of his term as the president, to the tune of mass propaganda from the majority of the "mainstream" media portraying him as a monster, a dictator, a profiteer, a destroyer of the world order, and such. Obviously, the anti-Trumpers are not going to allow anybody to question the validity of the election of Mr. Joe Biden.

Reason 2: The election fraud denier-wanted a Democrat to be elected as the president.

Although any individual voter is free to vote for whomever he wants, when government officers let their personal political preferences override their official duty, then prerequisites for corruption are met. For instance, if judges or election officials refuse to seriously consider election fraud because of their affiliation with or support of the Democrat Party, then corruption has taken place. Not that the Democrat Party has a monopoly on this kind of wrongdoing, but it has gained notoriety as the party who cheats the most and the best.

Reason 3: The election fraud–denier was afraid of violence that investigation of election fraud may lead to...

What Do You Call A Group Of Corrupt Liars And Thieves?


Not One Of These Baboons Missed A Paycheck.

‘They Were Relentless’: How I Learned Respect for Our Communist Media

Some of the best advice for dealing with the media can be found in He Leadeth Me, a 1973 book by American Jesuit Father Walter J. Ciszek. Father Ciszek was captured by the Russian army during World War II. They accused and convicted him of being a Vatican spy. He would spend 23 years in Soviet prisons and the labor camps of Siberia.

In one key passage, Ciszek describes how his dismissive contempt for his captors and the absurdity of the charge against him vanished. In a moment, they turned to cold realism when he realized what he was dealing with. The Russians were not about to stop asking him the same questions over and over again for days on end. They were not going to listen to facts or reason. “They were relentless, and they were thorough, and they were good at their trade,” Ciszek notes. 

Respect Thy Enemy

This kind of appreciation for the skill of your enemy is essential to dealing with atheist materialists, whether in the old Soviet Union or in the modern media. Sure, the press is filled with people who are incompetent and make unbelievable mistakes. You and I might consider the MSM something of a joke. But don’t be fooled. In the midst of the mediocrities, you’ll also find experts and fanatics. You’ll meet people schooled in opposition research, psychological warfare and emotional manipulation.

You don’t have to like these facts. (In fact, you shouldn’t.) But you must respect reality. The reporter who has just called you with a list of personal questions might be a goofball — or a trained and skilled interrogator. Assume, to be on the safe side, that he is very likely a deeply damaged, ideologically obsessed and angry human being. One who cares nothing about you, fairness, or even your life. Just like the Russians who tortured Fr. Ciszek.

The Story Was Written Before They Even Contacted You

Every person who comes into the media’s crosshairs should understand this. Nothing you say or do is going to change the story they are going to write. Indeed, the story was written before they even contacted you. They will falsify quotes and leave out facts. They often have reams of opposition research (ugly tales about you) at the ready. If so, they will slowly dole it out to set up and trick a naïve subject.

To echo Fr. Ciszek: They are relentless, they are thorough, and they are good at their trade. Acknowledging this and not expecting fair or decent treatment will leave you more prepared than most. To become hysterical, or to even talk to them, is to play into their hands. Treat them the way surfers treat sharks — as a deadly adversary that should never be underestimated.

When Ronan Farrow Calls You, Hang Up!

On September 14, 2018, I was at home when I got a call from Ronan Farrow of The New Yorker. My high school friend Brett Kavanaugh had been nominated for the Supreme Court on July 9. Now, two months later, Farrow was calling me to tell me that Brett and I had been named in a letter claiming “sexual misconduct in the 1980s.” At the time of Farrow’s call the accuser had not been named. She turned out to be...

The Left Now Celebrates One Of The Seven Deadly Sins....


More Sowell:

On The Left's Political Bankruptcy...

What Is Your "Fair Share" Of What Someone Else Has Worked For?

The Dark Age of Science Is Here: Top Trauma Doctor Punished After Questioning Effectiveness of Lockdowns

So this is how liberals settle science.

In a taste of the kind of intolerance progressives practice when they have the power to do so, a top doctor at a California hospital lost his position last week after having the gall to question the logic behind coronavirus lockdowns.

The incident speaks volumes about how liberals silence critics and says even more about the state of science in a statist world.

Dr. Michael deBoisblanc is no stranger to bucking the trend when it comes to the coronavirus crisis. Back in May, only two months into the long, national nightmare deBoisblanc made headlines by pointing out that doctors at his hospital were seeing more deaths by suicides than the coronavirus.

That, he told KGO-TV at the time, meant the cure was worse than the disease.

At the time, deBoisblanc was chief of the Trauma Department at John Muir Medical Center in Walnut Creek, California, in the San Francisco Bay Area’s Contra Costa County.

That’s a position deBoisblanc no longer holds after his latest public questioning of coronavirus conventional wisdom.

As Fox News reported last week, deBoisblanc and two other doctors wrote a letter to the Contra Costa County Health Department questioning the county’s lockdown measures — including keeping schools closed — when the evidence doesn’t support them.

“All the data that I am aware of, looking at children and the virus, shows that it’s safe” to reopen schools, DeBloisblanc told...

Fire destroys Rochester, New York printing business after Nashville bombing and fire - They Printed Ballots?

Amazon hires lobbying firm connected to Biden’s top White House adviser

Amazon, the trillion dollar tech company, has hired lobbyist Jeff Ricchetti, whose brother will be the top White House counselor to Joe Biden.

Ricchetti’s firm, which he founded in 2001 with his brother Steve, the incoming Biden adviser, registered as a lobbyist for Amazon on Nov. 13.

According to disclosure forms filed with Congress, Ricchetti will lobby for Amazon on “[i]ssues related to COVID-19, including implementation of the CARES Act.”

Biden tapped Ricchetti, his longtime aide, to serve as his counselor on Nov. 16. CNBC first reported that Amazon had hired Ricchetti.

Ricchetti Inc. is poised to be a lobbying powerhouse in the Biden administration. Amazon is the 10th company the firm has registered as a client since May 1, 2020. Ricchetti has a stable of other corporate clients, but had inked only one lobbying deal since July 1, 2016, according to records filed with Congress.

Ricchetti Inc. registered in August to lobby on behalf of Applied Materials, a California-based firm that produces semiconductor materials. Ricchetti disclosed that he plans to lobby the White House and other executive agencies on U.S. trade policy with China.

Ricchetti also signed an agreement on Nov. 13 to lobby for Vaxart, a biotech company that is developing an oral vaccine for...