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Saturday, February 20, 2021

PANTS ON FIRE: Joe Biden Claims Trump 'Failed to Order Enough' COVID Vaccines

Earlier this week, Joe Biden said “we didn’t have” a COVID-19 vaccine when he took office. It was quickly dismissed as a gaffe because, as we all know, there was indeed a COVID-19 vaccine when Biden took office. Biden himself received his two doses before taking office. I questioned whether Biden’s “gaffe” was indeed a gaffe because we’d already seen significant evidence that the Biden administration has been trying to create a false narrative that the Trump administration left them no plan for vaccine distribution and that Biden was “starting from scratch.”

Even Dr. Fauci contradicted that claim.

Nevertheless, the lies and the smears continue. On Friday, Joe Biden claimed that before he took office there was “no real plan” to vaccinate most of the country, and specifically blamed President Trump for not purchasing enough vaccines.

“Just over four weeks ago, America had no real plan to vaccinate most of the country. My predecessor, as my mother would say, ‘failed to order enough vaccines,’ failed to mobilize the effort to administer the shots… That changed the moment we took office.”

This, of course, is absurd. In July of 2020, the Trump administration ordered 100 million doses of the vaccine under development by Pfizer, Inc. upon its approval. The agreement with Pfizer would allow the government to purchase an additional 500 million doses. In August, the Trump administration ordered 100 million doses of the vaccine under development by Moderna, Inc. upon its approval.

“Through Operation Warp Speed, we are assembling a portfolio of vaccines to increase the odds that the American people will have at least one safe, effective vaccine as soon as the end of this year,” said HHS Secretary Alex Azar at the time. “Depending on success in clinical trials, today’s agreement will enable the delivery of approximately 100 million doses of the vaccine being developed by Pfizer and BioNTech.”

Pfizer’s COVID vaccine was approved by the FDA for emergency use on December 11, 2020. The vaccine was developed and approved in 9 months—it was a “medical miracle,” as President Trump put it. “We’ve delivered a safe and effective vaccine in just 9 months… This is one of the greatest scientific accomplishments in history.” On the same day, the Trump administration purchased 100 million more doses of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine upon its approval by the FDA, doubling its order. That vaccine was approved by the FDA a week later.

An additional 100 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine were purchased by the Trump administration on December 23, 2020.

That comes to at least 400 million vaccine doses from Pfizer and Moderna ordered by the Trump administration before Joe Biden took office. The population of the United States is 331 million people. Both vaccines are a two-dose shot, meaning that the Trump administration had ordered enough vaccines to...

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Joe Biden's New Plan Would Bring Back Illegals Deported by Trump, Even Some Convicted of Crimes

A new immigration bill pushed for by President Joe Biden would provide amnesty for illegal immigrants who have already been deported by United States law enforcement.

The bill, introduced to Congress by Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey, reportedly offers amnesty to illegal immigrants who had been deported under former President Donald Trump from January 2017 onward, according to Breitbart.

It would also provide amnesty for the estimated 11 million (more like 30 million) illegal immigrants already living in the U.S.

The Department of Homeland Security will reportedly issue waivers for deported illegal immigrants who have not been charged with felonies or three misdemeanors so that they can return to the states.

According to an Immigration and Customs Enforcement report from fiscal year 2019, ICE alone deported 117,000 people who hadn’t been convicted of crimes. Under Biden’s new plan, these immigrants would be eligible for amnesty.

The simple fact of the matter is that this bill is another spit in the face of not only everyday Americans but also immigrants who came to the United States and worked for U.S. citizenship legally.

According to DHS’ 2019 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics, in 2019 alone the United States admitted 1,031,765 legal immigrants. Put simply, Biden is telling over a million legal immigrants one thing: Your work doesn’t mean anything.

The plan would also flood the labor market.

Hundreds of thousands of immigrants, previously unable to work due to a lack of citizenship, would be provided with a path to citizenship.

At a time when millions of Americans are still experiencing the economic havoc that COVID-19 wrought, the absolute last thing lawmakers need to be focused on is giving those convicted of crimes a second chance.

Thankfully, Senate Republicans are pushing against this absurd bill.

Republican Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas released a statement the same day the bill was introduced, saying, “This immigration plan is a disaster.

“It would devastate our economy by flooding our workforce with millions of...

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National security nightmare of Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop containing phone numbers for the Clintons, Secret Service officers and most of the Obama cabinet plus his sex and drug addictions - all secured by the password Hunter02

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #570

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1270

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
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You have been warned.

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