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Saturday, July 17, 2021

On This Issue, Democrats Have Been Perfectly Consistent....


As The Eye Of Sauron Gazes Down Upon Us....


On The White House Telling Social Media To Censor Content...


‘Woka-Cola’: Ad Trolls Coke for Defending China, Giving Americans Diabetes

Consumers’ Research, a consumer advocacy group, launched a series of advertisements Thursday calling out Coca-Cola’s “woke hypocrisy” for its reported defense of China and alleged health concerns associated with its sugary drinks.

Part of the campaign is a video advertisement satirizing a Coca-Cola commercial, which is set to music with lyrics like “Just drink Coke, the road to obesity” and “China is our labor supplier that drives our stock price even higher.” The group also created a website, “alwayswokacola.com,” to continue to expose the company.

In addition to promoting the video advertisement that will air in Atlanta and nationwide, Consumers’ Research says it plans to drive mobile billboards around Coca-Cola’s headquarters, the Coca-Cola museum, and the Georgia State Capitol for 28 days.

“Today, we are launching AlwaysWokaCola.com and the accompanying ads as a satirical reminder to Coke to focus on their consumers, not woke politicians. The company has taken its eye off the well-being of the customer,” Consumers’ Research Executive Director Will Hild said in a statement Thursday.

“Their products continue to contribute significantly to childhood obesity, they have sourced sugar from companies in China reportedly using forced labor, and they have such poor quality control that racist directives, like ‘be less white,’ are included in staff trainings,” Hild added.

The campaign aims to “to amplify the voice of consumers fed up with how the company is failing them and as a warning to Coke and other companies,” according to the statement.

“Any corporation who decides to distract from their misdeeds by taking radical positions on political and social issues that are unrelated to their business to garner positive praise from woke politicians and press is on notice, it’s not going to work,” Hild said.

The new advertisements are part of a seven-figure campaign Consumers’ Research is conducting to also expose American Airlines, Nike, Ticketmaster, and the MLB, according to a press release. The Consumers First Initiative aims to give consumers transparency about...

Are Black Lives Matter Just Marxist Apparatchik Tools?

Get In Line Prole.

Longtime FBI Signature Expert Confirms That Hunter Biden Signed Receipt for Abandoned Laptop

In October of 2020, just after the contents of a laptop Hunter Biden allegedly left to rot in a Delaware repair shop began to spill onto the pages of the New York Post, Johns Hopkins professor and author Thomas Rid wrote a piece for The Washington Post about how the laptop should be treated as disinformation even if it likely wasn’t.

“We must treat the Hunter Biden leaks as if they were a foreign intelligence operation — even if they probably aren’t,” Rid wrote.

The media didn’t need Rid to tell them twice. Even though no one in Joe Biden’s campaign would disavow the laptop was Hunter’s, the emails about shady deals with Chinese and Ukrainian businessmen while Joe Biden was vice president was treated as disinformation.

Hunter still claims that this was probably Russian baddies, or something to that effect: “Certainly, there could be a laptop out there that was stolen from me,” he told CBS News in April. “It could be that I was hacked. It could be that it was Russian intelligence. It could be that it was stolen from me.”

Or it could be exactly what the owner of the computer repair shop in Delaware said it was: Hunter Biden left his laptop there for data retrieval and never went back for it. That’s the likeliest explanation — and it’s one backed up by an FBI signature expert who looked at the receipt the shop owner said Hunter Biden signed in...

Would Pfizer Lie To You Just To Get In Your GENES?

 Baby, I would do anything that you want me to
But would I lie to, would I lie to, should I lie to you?
Just to get in your pants

I think so

“THIS IS NOT A CONSPIRACY, IT’S TRUE”; Tucker Carlson Releases Bombshell Evidence Of Voter Fraud In Georgia

On Wednesday night, Tucker Carlson sounded the alarm on the rampant voter fraud that happened in the 2020 election Georgia, and he brought evidence.

In a segment that is making the rounds across the internet, Tucker showed proof that Democrats were double scanning ballots, and the vast majority of those ballots just so happened to benefit Joe Biden.

“It now appears there actually was meaningful voting fraud in Fulton county, Georgia, last November. That is not a conspiracy theory, it’s true. From the beginning, the show has tried to be fact-based when we talk about the 2020 election results. So here’s what we know tonight, factually,” Tucker began.

“At least 36 batches of male and ballots from the November election were double counted in Fulton county. That’s a total of more than 4,000 votes. Those numbers come from a group called voter ga, which along with Bob Shealy, sued to get them. The final tally from the double counts we know about amounts to more than 3300 votes for Joe Biden and 865 votes for Donald Trump. Before you dismiss Bob and voter ga as dishonest partisan actors, keep in mind that the strongly left to center — appears to agree with this, at least in outline. The newspaper reviewed the available digital ballot images independently and concluded that hundreds of ballots were improperly duplicated. What does that look like exactly? Well, here’s what it looks like. In a press conference yesterday, a consultant with voter ga call David Cross showed how we can be certain that votes were counted more than once,” Tucker added.

Watch the entire bombshell segment here:

“How’s that possible?” Tucker asked.

“I don’t know. Every American should want to know, because the answer gets to the heart of the integrity of our elections, otherwise known as our democracy. We’re not talking about a couple of ballots here. We are talking about a lot of ballots, at least hundreds of ballots involved. Enough potentially to affect the outcome of the election”.

The reaction on Twitter was immediate:

The Left Is Now Trying To Distract You From The Evidence Of Vote Fraud....


Open Borders Lobby Begs for Amnesty After DACA Ruled Unconstitutional

Open borders activists are decrying Judge Andrew Hanen’s ruling that declared former President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program unconstitutional, stating that amnesty for illegal aliens is now more important than ever.

On Friday, Hanen ruled that the Obama administration had illegally implemented the DACA program to shield hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens from deportation. The program, Hanen ordered, must be effectively shut down to new, illegal alien applicants.

In response, the nation’s leading open borders organizations are blasting the ruling and demanding that Congress pass an amnesty to keep millions of illegal aliens enrolled and eligible for DACA in the United States.

“This ruling is wrong and is subject to appeal. But Dreamers’ futures shouldn’t be in the hands of the courts,” the American Civil Liberties Union’s Omar Jadwat said in a statement:

It is absolutely urgent that Congress acts now through the budget reconciliation process to provide Dreamers and other undocumented members of our communities with reliable status and a pathway to citizenship. [Emphasis added]

CASA’s Gustavo Torres said in a statement that his group “is furious that Judge Hanen has once again attacked the immigrant community from the bench” and vowed to “fight back against this terrible decision.”

“Nothing should be more urgent than for Congress to move on citizenship for all, including DACA holders, immediately,” Torres continued.

United We Dream, an open borders group linked to billionaire George Soros, wrote in a statement that Hanen’s ruling is “vindictive and cruel” and pleaded with Senate Democrats to pass amnesty through a filibuster-proof maneuver known as reconciliation that would only require majority support in the Senate.

“Just this week, Senate Democrats included a pathway to citizenship for millions in their proposed budget resolution, which was a direct result of our movement’s power,” United We Dream’s Greisa Martinez Rosas said. “Democrats must act now to make citizenship a reality.”

The American Immigration Council, a powerful mass migration lobbying organization, said Hanen’s ruling only underscores the necessity that Congress pass amnesty:

Despite the fact that the legality of DACA has already been settled by multiple courts, Judge Hanen has now done what the Trump administration tried unsuccessfully for years. Congress has a unique opportunity to finally do what is right, not just for DACAmented youth, but also for the millions of people who have been forced to live in the shadows for far too long. The time is now. [Emphasis added]

Sen. Alex Padilla (D-CA) suggested this week that President Joe Biden is on board with slipping an amnesty through Congress via the...

Reminder About The Corrupt Arizona 2020 Election:


Morning Mistress