90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, July 19, 2021

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #719

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1419

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Girls With Guns

President Trump Need To Wash His Hands For A Long Time To Get This Stank Off Of Them...


Donald Trump slams woke General Milley for coup imaginings

Democrats Are Desperately Trying To Keep This Dying Patient Alive...


How Bad Will The Political Persecution Of Anti-Communists In America Get?


FBI Tries To Convince Vietnamese Immigrant Who Escaped Tyrannical Oppression To Build An Incendiary Device To Entrap Him...

When Truth Is What They Say It Is....


Facing Chronic Shortfalls, Communist North Korea Tells Citizens to Start Supplying Their Own Food

North Korea is ordering citizens to start producing their own food to prepare for a long-term food shortage that could last for three years, but ordinary people say that the government is shirking its responsibility, sources in the country told RFA.

The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization estimated in a recent report that North Korea would be short about 860,000 tons of food this year, about two months of normal demand.

RFA reported in April that authorities were warning residents to prepare for economic difficulties as bad as the 1994-1998 famine which killed millions by some estimates, but experts said that the situation was dire, but nothing like the 1990s.

But now sources say the ruling Korean Workers’ Party is telling the people that they are on their own to find food.

“The Central Committee outlined the policy to prepare for a long-term food shortage at the beginning of this month,” a resident of the northwestern province of North Pyongan told RFA July 2.

“They sent a directive to organizations at all levels, businesses and units in the province to solve the food shortage problem on their own,” said the source, who requested anonymity for security reasons.

The order went from the Central Party to the Provincial Party Committee, according to the source. It emphasizes the seriousness of the food shortage under the prolonged coronavirus emergency.

The major cause of the food crisis is...

Confirmed: We Are Ruled By Criminals...

Violence erupts outside LA spa as Antifa defends transgender person's 'right' to show male genitals to women, children

Antifa militants attacked protesters again Saturday outside the Los Angeles spa where an outraged customer complained that a transgender individual's male genitals were exposed to women and young girls in the female section.

Antifa militants attacked protesters again Saturday outside the Los Angeles spa where an outraged customer complained that a transgender individual's male genitals were exposed to women and young girls in the female section.

A mix of religious protesters and feminist activists arrived Saturday at the Wi Spa demonstration in Koreatown, calling for the protection of women-only spaces.

Antifa counter protesters then mobilized for another weekend of violence against the demonstrators and authorities responding to the scene. A man was harassed with an umbrella wielded by the black-clad bloc. Umbrellas are common riot tools used by Antifa to shield criminal activity and obscure identity from the police.

The victim sought safety behind the line of police, to which the Antifa instigators mocked: "Oh he's hiding behind the pigs! I thought you was a man, motherf—er!"

"Get the f— out of here! You're about to get your ass whooped!" another jeered.
Moments before, the same man was shoved while he tried to record Antifa's actions. "Why don't you f—ing throw a punch then, p*ssy?" the Antifa agitators egged him on. "I don't want to throw a punch. I want this to stop," the man replied.

"You're supposed to be all this one man, one woman sh*t, but you're a f—ing man and can't throw a punch," the Antifa radicals derided the man as he was prompted by police to...