90 Miles From Tyranny

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Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Feds arrest another Trump advisor as they go gunning for DJT

Thomas Barrack, a wealthy private equity investor who also served as the chairman of Trump’s inaugural committee, was arrested today. He is alleged to have used his position to push policies favorable to the UAE. Two others were arrested with him, Rashid Al Malik and Mattew Grimes.

In other words, he’s a lobbyist, or perhaps he’s like Hunter Biden. No, I take that back, he’d have a long way to go to be that bad.

“The defendants repeatedly capitalized on Barrack’s friendships and access to a candidate who was eventually elected President, high-ranking campaign and government officials, and the American media to advance the policy goals of a foreign government without disclosing their true allegiances,” Mark Lesko, the acting head of the Justice Department’s national security division, said in a statement.

“The conduct alleged in the indictment is nothing short of a betrayal of those officials in the United States, including the former President,” Lesko continued. “Through this indictment, we are putting everyone — regardless of their wealth or perceived political power — on notice that the Department of Justice will enforce the prohibition of this sort of undisclosed foreign influence.”

Betrayal is a strong word.

Barrack was also charged with obstruction of justice and making multiple false statements during an interview with federal law enforcement back in June 2019.

Those are automatic charges to beef up the case. The case is another FARA violation like that which they used to threaten General Flynn and his son. FARA was used against Paul Manafort and a fundraiser.

Barrack and the two other men are charged with violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), a World War II-era law that requires any individual who wants to engage in political activities for the benefit of a foreign country to register and provide reports of...

I Scream, You Scream, Dementia Screams For Ice Cream....


Joe Biden Fights Dementia -OR- Amazing Gif Collection #18

Video: Capitol Defendant’s Attorney Says Detainees Are Being Subject To “TORTURE!” In Car Crash CNN Interview “Are you OK with people being tortured five miles from the White House?”

An attorney for one of the defendants charged with infiltrating the U.S. Capitol building on January 6th alleged that his client and others are being brutally tortured “five miles from the White House” in an awkward interview on CNN Tuesday.

Joseph McBride was asked for comments relating to the eight month prison sentence given to Paul Hodgkins for merely walking into the building and sitting at Nancy Pelosi’s desk.

McBride, who represents another of the accused told CNN host John Avlon that “there are people who showed up to attack the Capitol, there are people who showed up to protest, and there are people who showed up to protest that got involved with the greater events of that day. And it is very important not to lump everybody in, not to define every protester that showed up that day as an insurrectionist — which, by the way, no one has been charged with.”

Avlon then asked McBride about a comparison he made between the conditions the suspects are being held in and Nazi gulags, pouring scorn on the notion.

McBride urged that “People are being tortured. Tortured!” asking Avlon “Are you OK with people being tortured five miles from the White House?”

Avlon responded by saying that the claim was “an extraordinary statement that would seem to be utterly un-based in fact.”

McBride shot back yelling “Torture is never OK! TORTURE! TORTURE! TORTURE! TORTURE! TORTURE!” prompting Avlon to end the interview

“Keep yelling torture. We’ll stick with the facts,” he said.

“The facts are torture!” the attorney yelled back.


It isn’t the first time that the claims of torture have arisen in regards to the Capitol ‘rioters’ who have been held for months without trial.

The inmates and some of their lawyers have alleged that they are being held in solitary confinement and have been subject to beatings, threats and...

When You Want To Really Mop The Floor, Mop The Flop With Fauci!


Video: Rand Paul Vows To Ask DoJ For Criminal Referral On Fauci After Blistering Exchange

Shades of Clinton: Joe Biden used private email to send government information to Hunter

Emails on laptop seized by FBI show State Department information flowing from VP to son regarding release of American prisoner.

n a communications backdoor reminiscent of Hillary Clinton's infamous private server, President Biden used a personal email account during the Obama years to send information he was getting from the State Department as vice president to his globetrotting, foreign-deal-making son Hunter Biden.

Messages, sometimes signed "Dad," from the email account robinware456@gmail.com were found on a Hunter Biden laptop seized by the FBI in December 2019 from a Delaware computer shop owner.

Some of the messages from the vice president to his son obtained by Just the News were deeply personal, others were political in nature, and still others clearly addressed business matters, often forwarding information coming from senior officials in the White House, the State Department and other government agencies.

For instance, in late November 2014 the U.S. embassy in Istanbul sent an email to the State Department that was then forwarded to senior advisers to Joe Biden, including national security expert Michael Carpenter, providing an early alert that an American named Martin O'Connor was about to be released from detention in Turkey.

"The lead attorney for Mr. O'Connor reports that the court granted the detention appeal and he expected Mr. O'Connor to be released from jail today, barring any unforeseen problems," the U.S. embassy in Instanbul wrote in an email that got forwarded to top Obama administration security and diplomacy officials, including current Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland. "Mr. O'Connor will not be allowed to leave the country until his next hearing which is set for December 11, 2014. The lawyer expressed confidence that he will be able to leave after that hearing. The attorney is handling his release arrangements, pick up and temporary housing near his law firm's office. Istanbul consular plans to speak with Mr. O'Connor after his release."

State Department officials forwarded the information to the vice president's office, where Biden aide Colin Kahl (now President Biden's Undersecretrary of Defense for Policy) sent it to Joe Biden's private email. The vice president then sent it to his son Hunter Biden with the subject line...

I Won't Cross My Words: This Is An Extremely Serious Problem:


It Is Time To Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide

Democrats’ Definition Of ‘Misinformation’ Is Whatever Hurts Them Politically Today

The Biden administration’s gross collusion with Big Tech to censor opposing viewpoints is not only blatant tyranny but also obvious hypocrisy.

Facebook is killing people, misinformation is rampant, and the only people who can save us from ourselves are the all-wise executives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue whose judgment is infallible and whose motives are pure. That’s the message emanating from the White House and the corporate press.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki announced last week that, due to 12 unnamed people on social media posting what the Biden administration considers to be misinformation, the White House is actively “flagging problematic posts for Facebook that spread disinformation” and “helping” to “boost trusted content.” Going even further, Psaki said nothing is “off the table” for using Big Tech to quiet opposing views.

Not only is the Biden administration effectively deputizing Facebook to be an extension of the federal government’s communications office, but it also insists that if you’re banned from one Big Tech site for questioning conventional wisdom, you should be banned from all of them.

Psaki maintains the government has “a responsibility, as a public health matter, to raise that issue” of people allegedly dying en masse because of uncensored Facebook posts that don’t comport with the White House’s vaccine messaging. This isn’t a caricature of the White House’s position either. When a reporter asked President Joe Biden directly last week what his message is to sites like Facebook, Biden replied, serious as a heart attack, “They’re killing people.”

This push for censorship is interesting for several reasons, not the least of which is the fact that the same political stripe that ridiculously cried “fascism” for four years under Donald Trump is now taking concrete steps to suppress political opposition, one of the hallmarks of true fascism. It’s also interesting because information changes so rapidly, as Psaki herself admitted.

“Science evolves, information evolves,” Psaki said during the same press conference in which she pledged her commitment to silencing vaccine dissidents online. If anyone should understand the reality of information evolving, it’s the...

Video: Rand Paul Vows To Ask DoJ For Criminal Referral On Fauci After Blistering Exchange

Senator charges that scientists are afraid to speak out against Fauci

Following an explosive argument with Fauci in the Senate Tuesday, Rand Paul later vowed to seek a criminal referral from the Department of Justice, urging that the National Institutes of Health head “has lied to Congress.”

Appearing on Hannity, the Senator also charged that Fauci is also the reason why more doctors are not speaking out with differing opinions on the pandemic.

“He’s been there for 40 years, probably 39 years too long, but he controls all the funding, so people are deathly afraid of him,” Paul said.

“I get letters from scientists all the time. You can find them. They’re very distrustful of what he’s saying,” Paul continued, adding “They don’t think he’s making sense. They don’t think he’s reading the science accurately, but they’re afraid to speak out because many of them are university scientists and they depend on NIH funds, and to cross him means it’s the last money you’ll ever get.”


Full interview below:

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #721

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1421

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

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