90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, July 26, 2021

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

The Other McCain has: Rule 5 Sunday: Bunny Girl Senpai
Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

What Is The Difference Between Covid And The Flu?

Why Did We Destroy The World Economy, And Create Despair And Death?

Do Employers Have The Right To Violate HIPAA Medical Privacy Laws?


How H.R. 4 Would Let Leftist Extremists At The DOJ Control The Entire Nation’s Elections

Forcing states to run election rules by the Voting Section of the Civil Rights Division is like giving that power to the Democratic National Committee.

Why are Democrats in Congress staging a series of show hearings to generate support for H.R. 4, “The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act”? Because, they claim, there is a wave of “voter suppression” going on across the country.

That is nothing more than a political fabrication. Requiring voters to show ID to authenticate their identity, or trying to ensure voter registration rolls are accurate and up-to-date, are not “voter suppression” and don’t prevent any eligible individual from registering and voting.

H.R. 4 isn’t just unnecessary and unjustified. It’s a dangerous bill that would give the partisan bureaucrats of the Voting Section of the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Justice Department administrative veto powers over states’ changes to election procedures.

As Cleta Mitchell noted in The Federalist earlier this month, H.R. 4 is “even more insidious” than its cousin, H.R. 1, precisely because “it would enable the vastly well-funded Democrat ‘voting rights’ apparatus to control American elections.” This control would extend over states’ election integrity measures like voter ID (even if passed by ballot referenda approved by all of the voters of a state).

These left-wing ideologues are hostile to the equal, non-partisan enforcement of federal voting rights laws. They are a threat to each state’s constitutional power to control its own election procedures and have repeatedly exhibited their biased attitudes over the course of decades.

DOJ’s Long History of Partisanship

This blatant bias was perhaps best captured in 1994 in Johnson v. Miller, where a federal court issued a scathing opinion charging that “the considerable influence of ACLU advocacy on the voting rights decisions of the United States attorney general is an embarrassment.” The judge was “surprised” that DOJ “was so blind to this impropriety, especially in a role as sensitive as that of preserving the fundamental right to vote.”

In 2013, the inspector general of the Justice Department issued a report titled “A Review of the Operations of the Voting Section of the Civil Rights Division.” No one who reads that report could possibly endorse the idea of giving these partisans the legal power to decide what the election rules are for each state. Only leftist activists who want to give their DOJ allies the power to dictate election procedures (and gain a political advantage) could pretend it’s a good idea.

The 1965 Voting Rights Act (VRA) is race-neutral. It protects all voters from discrimination. But that is decidedly not the view of the Voting Section staff. The IG found “relevant evidence” demonstrating the staff “disfavored” cases where victims of discrimination were white. This resulted in their ignoring discrimination against white voters even in the most egregious of circumstances.

For example, the Voting Section failed to take direct action against a Guam law that used ancestry restrictions (like those used in the South to exclude blacks during the Jim Crow era) to prevent white and Asian residents of Guam from being able to register and take part in a plebiscite. It took an expensive private lawsuit to end Guam’s bigoted treatment of its residents, which even the liberal Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals found violated the 15th Amendment in Davis v. Guam in 2019.

Abusing DOJ Employees for Doing Their Jobs

In 2005, the Section reviewed Georgia’s voter ID law under the now-expired preclearance provision of the VRA, the same provision H.R. 4 wants to reimplement. The IG found that staff attorneys implied a newly hired attorney who was suspected of favoring Georgia’s voter ID law was a Nazi sympathizer, referring to him as “a hand-picked Vichyite.”

When this attorney recommended that the attorney general preclear the ID law, other members of the review group engaged in a series of “hostile” and “snide” actions. These unprofessional actions included dispersing customized coffee mugs mocking the attorney to staff and secretly accessing the attorney’s intranet work folder and mocking his work product with others under the email cover “lookie what I found.”

Georgia’s voter ID law was subsequently found not to be discriminatory by a federal court in 2009 and has been in force since then, vindicating the harassed staffer.

In 2006, according to the IG, staff members assigned to file a lawsuit under the VRA against black officials in Noxubee County, Mississippi, for discriminating against white voters were subjected to written and verbal abuse from peers. The team leader was called a “Klansman” in official email correspondence. A black intern who requested to join the team was repeatedly taunted as a “token,” and career employees complained to the intern’s mother that her son was acting as a racial “turncoat.”

A federal court in 2007 found that the defendants in Noxubee County had engaged in “blatant” racial discrimination in a case the majority of career staff wanted to ignore. Not only did they want to ignore it, they attempted to intimidate and harass those who...

What Is The Difference Between Quarantine And Tyranny?


Health Freedom Is The Hottest Political Issue On The Entire Globe, And Our World Will Never Be The Same After This

We are witnessing an epic global struggle for freedom, and the outcome of that struggle is going to greatly shape what our world is going to look like in the years ahead. Ultimately, one of the most fundamental rights that we have is the right to make our own health decisions. If someone else has the authority to make those decisions for you, then you aren’t really free. This pandemic has transformed the debate over health freedom into the most hotly contested political issue on the entire planet, and the intensity seems to have been turned up a few more notches in recent days. As governments around the world have begun instituting new lockdowns, new mandates and new “health passports”, we have seen huge eruptions of anger all over the world.

For example, over the weekend there was an enormous health freedom protest in London
Thousands have gathered today Saturday, July 24, in London’s Trafalgar Square to protest against the lockdown rules and COVID-19 vaccinations. A wide range of speakers is attending the event, including well-known British conspiracy theorist, Kate Shemirani, who spoke to the crowd. Demonstrators are angry about the recent move which will see vaccine passports becoming compulsory in England to access nightclubs and other packed venues.
At the same time, there were also massive protests in the heart of Paris
French anti-riot police fired tear gas Saturday as clashes erupted during protests in central Paris against COVID-19 restrictions and a vaccination campaign, television reported.

Police sought to push back demonstrators near the capital’s Gare Saint-Lazare railway station after protesters had knocked over a police motorbike ridden by two officers, television pictures showed.

Images showed a heavy police presence on the capital’s streets. Scuffles between police and demonstrators also broke out on the Champs-Elysees thoroughfare, where tear gas was fired and traffic was halted, the pictures showed.
On the other side of the globe, we continue to see violent protests in Sydney and other major Australian cities
Thousands of people took to the streets of Sydney and other Australian cities on Saturday to protest lockdown restrictions amid another surge in cases, and police made several arrests after crowds broke through barriers and threw plastic bottles and plants.

The unmasked participants marched from Sydney’s Victoria Park to Town Hall in the central business district, carrying signs calling for “freedom” and “the truth.”
Millions upon millions of people are fed up and are refusing to accept any more violations of their fundamental rights.

But of course there are millions of others that are eagerly embracing the tyrannical measures that have been implemented by national governments around the globe.

In the end, the scale is going to tip one way or the other, and the outcome is going to greatly shape the direction of humanity’s future.

So let us hope that freedom wins.

Right now, the corporate media continues to work very hard to generate as much panic as possible. Earlier today, I found it quite comical when one news outlet ran a story about how authorities are now warning us that COVID can be spread by flatulence
The official advice is to open a window to increase ventilation and slow the spread of...

A Glimpse Into The Life Of A Political Prisoner In Biden's Gulag...


Biden DOJ Drops Charges Against China Military Members Accused of Lying to Get Jobs at U.S. Universities

Those Hunter Biden Art Purchases Are Paying Off!

The Department of Justice (DOJ) has dropped charges against five members of the Chinese military whom federal prosecutors previously accused of lying to obtain visas to get jobs and a doctoral spot at United States universities.

Late last week, prosecutors wrote in a court brief that they would be dropping their criminal cases against China military members Juan Tang, Chen Song, Kaikai Zhao, and Guan Lei — all of whom had been accused of fraudulently obtaining visas to secure roles at U.S. universities in California and Indiana.

DOJ officials told the Wall Street Journal that the department dropped the visa fraud charges after a re-review of the cases and justified the move, saying the Chinese nationals had already served months in federal prison while awaiting trial:
A senior Justice Department official said the punishment for the crimes the researchers were charged with usually amounted to around a few months in prison, and the defendants had all been detained or under other restrictions in the U.S. since their arrest a year ago. That led the agency to determine that further litigation in the group of cases would unnecessarily prolong their departure from the U.S. and that their situations since their arrests amounted to sufficient punishment and deterrence. 

A Justice Department spokesman said “recent developments” in the cases had prompted the department to re-evaluate the prosecutions. “We have determined that it is now in the interest of justice to dismiss them,” the spokesman, Wyn Hornbuckle, said, adding that the agency “continues to place a very high priority on countering the threat posed to American research security and academic integrity by the PRC government’s agenda and policies.” PRC is an abbreviation for People’s Republic of China. 
The five Chinese nationals were arrested in July and August of last year as part of a federal crackdown on China military members fraudulently obtaining visas to the U.S. by hiding their ties to the Chinese military, known formally as the People’s Liberation Army (PLA).

In criminal complaints, prosecutors detailed the charges against each Chinese national:

If They Were Truly Worried About Variants, The Border Would Be Closed....


EXPOSED: BLM Leaders Praised Foreign, Communist Front Group At Co-Hosted Event, Accepted Foreign Trip.

Black Lives Matter praised Cuba’s “alternative model of social development based on the principles of equality and solidarity” while promoting an event the group co-hosted with Venceremos Brigade – an extreme communist front group founded in 1969 by Cuban dictator Fidel Castro and run by the Cuban intelligence service.

The Black Lives Matter (BLM) Twitter account publicized the event in a January 19th, 2015 post highlighting how activist Monica Dennis was “representing #blacklivesmatter and bridging connections between Cuba and U.S. anti-blackness.”

The group co-hosting – Venceremos Brigade – is a known communist front operation founded in 1969 by Cuban dictator Fidel Castro and run by the Cuban intelligence service.

BLM leaders even appear to have taken a trip to the country with the front group, raising questions as to the levels of foreign interference in U.S. domestic politics over the past several decades at the hands of far-left, foreign government funded, communist factions.

According to 400-page report compiled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the group’s primary goal is “the recruitment of individuals who are politically oriented and who someday may obtain a position, elective or appointive, somewhere in the U.S. Government, which would provide the Cuban Government with access to political, economic and military intelligence.”

The Cuban group “began as a joint venture of the Castro government and [the U.S.-based] Students for a Democratic Society [SDS], the leftist, antiwar organization that gave birth to the Weather Underground terrorist group,” the Atlantic noted. BLM founder Patrisse Cullors trained as an organizer for a decade at the Labor/Community Strategy Center, which was founded and run by prominent SDS and Weather Underground activist Eric Mann.


The unearthed event follows The National Pulse revealing 1619 Project author Nikole Hannah Jones’s praise for Cuba as having the “least inequality.”

Monica Dennis’s professional bio boasts of “organizing the Black Lives Matter Ride to Ferguson” and assisting in the “development of the Black Lives Matter Network.”
MUST READ: REVEALED: Critical Race Theory Advocates Sent Staff & Students On Chinese Communist Propaganda Trips.

Co-host Venceremos Brigade tweeted a quote from BLM’s Dennis at the event: “We can have a socialist approach, but we also need an anti-racist approach with that” -Monica from Black Lives Matter #BlackLivesMatter.”


A Facebook page for the event – “Venceremos Brigade & Black Lives Matter Presents: From Ferguson to NYC to Cuba” – describes it as an “open dialogue and panel discussion on solidarity movements for...

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