90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, July 29, 2021

GOP Lawmakers Demand Answers on January 6 Protesters: ‘Do We Have Political Prisoners Here in America?’

A group of Republican lawmakers held a press conference on Tuesday before the first hearing of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s committee to investigate the protests at the Capitol Building on January 6, 2021, and demanded to know what kind of treatment protesters arrested are being given.

“We still need to know: do we have political prisoners here in America, or not? And we can’t get an answer,” said Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX). “People, whether they’ve done right or wrong, they deserve to be treated properly.”

Gohmert was joined by Reps. Andy Biggs (AZ), Matt Gaetz (FL), Bob Good (VA), Paul Gosar (AZ), and Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA) for the press conference in front of the Justice Department.

Gohmert said they have received reports about people being shipped to various jails and mistreatment in jail.

“We’ve asked for an opportunity to inspect the jails. Back when I was a felony judge, I would show up outside of jails or prisons because I needed to know what kind of treatment people got in there,” he said.

He said they have been asking for meetings for months with Attorney General Merrick Garland.

“And yet we’ve been denied,” he said. “They want no oversight. They don’t want to give information. And yet, there are reports of people being held and demands for admission of guilt. And they have not been shown the evidence against them. They’ve not been shown  exonerating exculpatory evidence as required by law.”

Protesters interrupted the press conference, blowing whistles and heckling the lawmakers. The press conference concluded after protesters got closer to...

What Could Possibly Explain This Odd Phenomenon?


20,000 Times Fewer Cases Of Influenza Over The Span Of One Year???

Something Does Not Add Up, But What Could it Be?

Stop the Fearmongering: Johns Hopkins Doctor Shreds Latest COVID Madness Peddled by CDC and Fauci

Fear is contagious. It’s almost as bad as the Delta variant. Again, is the new variant more transmissible? Yes. Is it deadlier? No. Does it make you sicker? No. Are those being impacted primarily the unvaccinated? Most definitely. So, when you want to increase vaccination rates, the government did what it did best: screw things up. Fully vaccinated people now must wear masks again in high-case areas. What constitutes a highly infectious area? Well, that’s not clear yet, but I’m sure the CDC and Dr. Anthony Fauci will make up some science fiction to justify this new mask mandate. The mandates are coming too. Not nationwide, Biden can’t do that yet due to the midterms, but federal agencies are one-by-one mandating it for workers who risk the loss of pay or their jobs if they refuse.

Get vaccinated but also continue to live in fear. Yeah, no wonder why hesitancy is through the roof. All this move does is make the vaccine-hesitant dig in further and give anti-vaxxers all the ammunition they need to chip away at the credibility of the vaccines. You can’t be mad at the latter group when those who want us to get vaccinated offer all the ammunition to shoot that narrative down or at the very least question it—heavily.

Well, take a break from being mad and read what Johns Hopkins doctor Dr. Marty Makary wrote about new studies about natural immunity which is ignored by Fauci and company. He also rehashed an old Fauci statistic that shreds the current push for new mask protocols and possible lockdowns (via WSJ) [emphasis mine]:

The news about the U.S. Covid pandemic is even better than you’ve heard. Some 80% to 85% of American adults are immune to the virus: More than 64% have received at least one vaccine dose and, of those who haven’t, roughly half have natural immunity from prior infection. There’s ample scientific evidence that natural immunity is effective and durable, and public-health leaders should pay it heed.

Only around 10% of Americans have had confirmed positive Covid tests, but four to six times as many have likely had the infection. A February study in Nature used antibody screenings in late summer 2020 to estimate there had been seven times as many actual cases as confirmed cases. A similar study, by the University of Albany and New York State Department of Health, revealed that by the end of March 2020—the first month of New York’s pandemic—23% of the city’s population had antibodies. That share necessarily increased as the pandemic spread.
Natural immunity is durable. Researchers from Washington University in St. Louis reported last month that 11 months after a mild infection immune cells were still capable of producing protective antibodies. The authors concluded that prior Covid infection induces a “robust” and “long-lived humoral immune response,” leading some scientists to suggest that natural immunity is probably lifelong. Because infection began months earlier than vaccination, we have more follow-up data on the duration of...

Do You Have To Wear A Mask? Handy Decision Chart To Find Out:


[VIDEO] Calls Grow For Pelosi to Release Supposed Video of Jan 6 Protesters Calling Officer Dunn “N-Word”

Why hasn't video of this supposed public "racist attack" been released by now?

During the kick-off of Pelosi’s sham Jan 6th hearing yesterday, her star Witness Harry Dunn claimed that in the heat of the “insurrection” he stopped and told a crowd that he voted for Biden (seems weird), and then said the crowd turned on him and started calling him the “N-word.”

He even went so far as to describe the woman who started the N-word chant – she wearing a “pink MAGA shirt.”


Should be easy enough to find that video clip since the inside and outside of the Capitol are wired for surveillance.


Also, someone must’ve recorded that moment – 20 some people chanting the N-word – on their...

The Heart of Whiteness: The Left's journey toward racial purification.

“Even though white is often associated with things, that are pleasant and pure, there is a peculiar emptiness about the color white. It is the emptiness of the white that is more disturbing than even the bloodiness of red.”
- Moby-Dick or, the Whale, Herman Melville.

It’s all Melville’s fault. Blame it all on him. It’s all right there in Chapter 42 in his seminal novel against all things white, Moby Dick, like an extended forefinger wagging accusingly in your face. In beautiful pillorying black type stamping across snowy white pages entitled, “The Whiteness of the Whale,” Melville ruminates on the mystical, scientific and philosophical implications of the color white. In this pillorying chapter, the novelist goes into great detail on the horrifying aspects of whiteness and their applicability to Ahab’s obsessive quest to kill the infamous white whale, Moby Dick. If I had as magnificent a mind as Melville, which I most certainly do not, I could expand on his philosophical exploration, but I’m not he nor Ishmael nor Ahab. Hence, my postulations will take me in quite a different direction as I hunt for the ultimate solution to that wicked scourge of what is now known as “Whiteness.”

In contemporary America, the White or Caucasian race has become somewhat of a Moby Dick obsession for what is called the “Progressive Movement.” With a figurative harpoon in hand, activist movements like Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and the enlightened Teacher’s Unions, have brilliantly erased two hundred years of struggling for racial equality by simply replacing that with racial equity, a vastly superior method of meting out ‘social justice,’ a justice ironically touted vigorously by those of Caucasian ancestry themselves, courageous Jacobins all, offering up their own necks on the guillotine of racial equity. Denouncing one’s own ancestry and racial impurities is, after all, a bold act of racial purification like a redemptive dip in the Lourdes River - one emerges spiritually cleansed.

No matter the origin of a “Whitie” or their individual belief system, their shared original sin is derived from their very lack of melatonin. It matters not if they or their ancestors ever owned a slave or opposed slavery, by the very fact of their skin color, they are inescapably guilty of a racial crime.

It matters not that Ben Franklin and Benjamin Rush started an abolitionist movement at the very founding of the United States of America or that three fourths of the founding fathers were opposed to slavery or that a John Brown or a soldier who died on the field at Gettysburg, gave his life in an attempt to abolish slavery, are all equally guilty of the inescapable crime of Whiteness.

No matter the ethnic origin of a Whitie, be they Anglo-Saxon, Gaul, Germanic, Slav, Latin, Jew, etc., all are thrown into the same white racial stew. One wonders, if at any time one is tanned, and so verging on some spectrum of brown pigmentation, is one forgiven transgression by the racial equity tribunals or does that bring a harsher penalty for attempting to mask one’s Whiteness and so cunningly committing the sacrilege of...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #729

Before You Click On The "Read More" Link, 

Please Only Do So If You Are Over 21 Years Old.

If You are Easily Upset, Triggered Or Offended, This Is Not The Place For You.  

Please Leave Silently Into The Night......

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1429

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

The Most Devastating Video on the Internet

Girls With Guns