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Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Biden’s Radical Prosecutor Nominee Faces Mounting Opposition

Rachael Rollins is under fire for being soft on crime and abusing her power

Pretender Joe Biden's nominee for U.S. attorney for Massachusetts is facing opposition from the halls of Congress to the streets of Boston as her nomination moves to a vote.

Sen. Tom Cotton (R., Ark.) said he plans to block Rachael Rollins’s nomination in light of her refusal to prosecute crimes as district attorney for Suffolk County. Rollins has said she will not prosecute a number of crimes, including theft and drug dealing. The Washington Free Beacon has reported that Rollins worked closely with a criminal justice reform group that wants to defund police departments.

"Rachael Rollins won’t stand up for the victims of these crimes, and I will seek to stop her nomination," said Cotton, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Rollins is also facing opposition from Katie Lawson, a Boston woman who filed a police complaint against the district attorney following a road rage incident late last year. Lawson said she is willing to testify under oath that Rollins used her police lights and threatened to issue Lawson a ticket during a minor traffic dispute on Christmas Eve. Rollins, who is biracial, has since suggested in media interviews that Lawson, who is white, is racist. Lawson vehemently denies the allegation, noting that her fiancé, who is black, was in the passenger seat of her vehicle during the incident with Rollins.

"She doesn’t deserve that position," Lawson told the Free Beacon.

Biden nominated Rollins even as he has tried to downplay allegations that the Democratic Party is soft on crime and wants to defund police. Biden this month said that Republicans who claim Democrats want to defund police are "lying." Numerous Democratic lawmakers support the defund movement, including Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D., Mass.), a Rollins ally.

Rollins formed a coalition last year with the Grassroots Law Project, a pro-defunding social justice group cofounded by controversial activist Shaun King. Rollins issued a manifesto of 15 crimes she plans to no longer prosecute in Suffolk County, including drug dealing, shoplifting, resisting arrest, and making threats.

Cotton said Democrats’ soft-on-crime policies have caused a dramatic spike in crime across the United States over the past year.

"Democrats have defunded police departments, stopped prosecutions for numerous crimes, ended cash bail, and demanded early release even for...

The Difference Between Death And Taxes?


German chief pathologist sounds alarm on fatal vaccine injuries

The director of the Pathological Institute of the University of Heidelberg, Peter Schirmacher, has carried out over forty autopsies on people who had died within two weeks of their vaccination. Schirmacher expressed alarm over his findings.

The regional daily Augsburger Allgemeine reported: “Schirmacher assumes that 30 to 40 percent of them died from the vaccination. In his opinion, the frequency of fatal consequences of vaccinations is underestimated – a politically explosive statement in times when the vaccination campaign is losing momentum, the Delta variant is spreading rapidly and restrictions on non-vaccinated people are being discussed.”

The Merkel administration quickly moved to respond to this “politically explosive” statement from Heidelberg. According to the German Press Agency (dpa), the Paul Ehrlich Institute announced that Schirmacher’s statements were “incomprehensible”. The Chancellor’s lackey, senior German immunologist Thomas Mertens dismissed the findings right away: “I don’t know of any data that would allow a justifiable statement to be made here and I am not assuming an unreported number.”

The immunologist Christian Bogdan from the Erlangen University Hospital, member of the Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO), also contradicted Schirmacher’s assumption of a “high number of unreported vaccination complications or even deaths”.

The pathologist however received support from his own ranks, and the Federal Association of German Pathologists stated that more autopsies of vaccinated people who died within a certain time frame after vaccination should be performed.

The head of the “Autopsy Working Group” in this association wanted to make general practitioners and health authorities aware of this. In other words, doctors of the patients who die within a few days or weeks after vaccination should apply for an autopsy in case of doubt or the health authorities should...

It's True You Know....


After Mysterious Death of Tanzania President, His Successor Immediately Implements Vaccine Regime

Following the sudden and bizarre death of Tanzanian President John Magufuli, his successor, Samia Suluhu Hassan, is working diligently to implement a COVID-19 vaccine regime in the African nation.

Magufuli had famously laughed off COVID-19 concerns before dying under mysterious circumstances. Now that he is out of the picture, Hassan is free to adopt the Draconian restrictions pushed by the elite globalists.

“This third wave is already in the country and there is nothing to hide,” Hassan said last month as she pushed hysteria among the public.

“I call upon all citizens to get prepared for vaccination,” she said, perhaps setting the stage for mandatory vaccinations for all Tanzanians.

The Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) has announced that Tanzania is in the process of applying for the global Covax vaccine-sharing initiative, meaning that a vaccine regime will be coming to the country before long.

“It is now fair to say we have seen a significant shift in Tanzania’s position,” said John Nkengasong, director of Africa CDC.

Big League Politics reported on Magufuli’s heroic stand against COVID-19 hysteria before his immediate and convenient death:

“The United Republic of Tanzania is rejecting COVID-19 mass hysteria and telling Big Pharma that they do not want vaccines.

Tanzanian President John Magufuli has said that his society is free of the virus, doesn’t need the vaccines, and the pandemic is over. He possesses the courage lacked by virtually every leader in the Western world.

“There are some Tanzanians who recently traveled abroad in search of coronavirus vaccines. These people brought the virus into our country when they returned. Let us stand firm. This vaccine is not good at all,” Magufuli said.

Additionally, Magufuli has dutifully rejected the measures used throughout the West to allegedly combat the spread of COVID-19. He has not instituted social distancing or lockdown policies and has generally not promoted the use of mask-wearing. Instead, Magufuli has told his people to...

When Marxist Revolutionaries Gain Control:

 Starvation And Genocide Are Soon To Follow.....

"I'm Going to Rape You Like I Rape My Daughter": George Soros's Right-Hand Man Howard Rubin Accused Of Sexually Abusing Six Women

Wall Street financier Howard Rubin, billionaire George Soros's former money manager and right-hand man, is being sued by six women for "beating and assaulting them during kinky BDSM sessions at his Manhattan apartment's sex dungeon."

From The Daily Mail,
Howard Rubin, a former money manager for George Soros, is being accused by six women of beating them during sadomasochistic sex sessions at a specially constructed 'sex dungeon' in his Manhattan apartment.

Rubin, 66, a married, notorious Wall Street trader who is blamed for incurring $377million of losses at Merrill Lynch in 1987, is accused of paying women up to $5,000 in order to take part in BDSM sex.

Now several of the women who took part in the kinky sex sessions are suing the financier, claiming he abused them; ignoring safe words, going beyond the BDSM boundaries and agreements they set before sex, and physically hurt them.

The first accusations were made in November 2017, but a total of six women are now suing Rubin in a civil trial, scheduled for November, for $18 million.

Lurid details set out by the New York Post say that one woman was so badly beaten her plastic surgeon was not willing to operate on her after her right breast implant flipped.

Another woman said she and Rubin had sex against her will claiming that while bound in his chamber he told her: 'I'm going to rape you like I rape my daughter' before forcing her to have intercourse.

[...] One former colleague who worked with Rubin at Soros Fund Management told the Post 'I thought he was a nice guy. He was a nebbishy Jewish guy and totally normal. I was surprised to hear about him having that apartment [with a sex dungeon].'
"[The women] didn't expect to actually be beaten," their attorney told the New York Post.

The Daily Mail has pictures of his alleged victims, all of which appear to be blue-eyed blondes.

Is Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance going to investigate whether or not...

NBA Game Ball Maker Is Controlled by Chinese Company Accused of Using Slave Labor

Anta Sports threatened to cut ties with the league over its support for Hong Kong protesters

The maker of the NBA’s official game balls is owned by a Chinese company accused of using Uyghur slave labor that has threatened to cut ties with the league for supporting pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong.

In 2019, the Chinese-owned Anta Sports acquired Amer Sports and its subsidiaries, including the sporting goods maker Wilson. The NBA inked a deal with Wilson to provide game balls for the upcoming season. The league has also sold Anta brand shoes on its website.

The NBA has faced a drumbeat of criticism over its silence on China’s human rights abuses. While many of its superstars have defended social justice protests in the United States, the league has been largely quiet regarding China’s crackdown on pro-democracy protesters and its alleged use of slave labor.

The bipartisan Congressional Executive Commission on China recently called on the NBA to cut ties with Anta and other Chinese apparel companies over their use of labor from Xinjiang, where the Chinese government has forced more than one million Uyghurs into internment camps. Anta and the other targeted companies have sneaker endorsement deals with more than a dozen NBA players.

Anta, which is also the official uniform maker for the Olympics, withdrew earlier this year from a group called the Better Cotton Initiative, which had called on companies to end the use of cotton from Xinjiang. The Congressional Executive Commission said Anta and the other companies’ use of cotton from Xinjiang likely makes them "complicit in the use of...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #734

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