90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, August 26, 2021

Girls With Guns

A Toast To Those Of Us With Intact DNA

What Are The Chances That We Will Be Called Upon To Re-Populate The World?

But there I was
I was taken to a place:

The Hall of the Mountain King
I stood high up on a mountaintop

Naked to the world
In front of
Every kind of girl

There was long ones, tall ones, short ones, brown ones
Black ones, round ones, big ones
Crazy ones
Out of the middle, came a lady
She whispered in my ear
Something crazy
She said:

Dr. Frankenstein, What Have You Done!!!

More Wisdom From General Milley's WOKE Art Of War:


General Milley Must Read the WOKE "Art Of War"

Former Afghan official says Taliban is killing children and the elderly, posts graphic photos of reported victims

The man who was recently the interior minister for Afghanistan under now-former President Ashraf Ghani alleged on Twitter this week that the Taliban is currently killing Afghan children and elderly citizens. He also inncluded graphic photos of purported child victims of the terror group.

As things in Afghanistan continue to deteriorate under the Taliban following President Joe Biden's disastrous policy of pulling out of the South Asian country while negotiating and relying upon the goodwill of the terrorist organization, Masoud Andarabi, the onetime government official dismissed by the former Afghan president, posted a stark notice to the social media site.

"Taliban are trying to rule over people by terrorizing, killing young children and elderly citizens," Andarabi wrote. "Taliban can not govern the nation by such actions. In Andarab, taliban [sic] have been carrying out unwarranted searches of homes, capturing people without reason or justification and killing innocent citizens."

"As a result," he continued, "people have had to rise against their brutality to protect their lives, honor, dignity and property."

Included with the messages were heartbreaking photos of a baby and children who were allegedly beaten and killed by the Taliban.

You can read the original tweets here, as well as see the photos he attached to the post. WARNING: The photos are...

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #9


Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #8

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #7

Heritage Foundation Rejects Six-Figure Donations from Google, Facebook

The Heritage Foundation, one of the oldest and most prominent conservative think tanks in Washington, made the decision to turn down donations from Big Tech moguls like Google and Facebook because of their recent censorship of conservatives.

Foundation president Kay C. James sent letters to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Google CEO Sundar Pichai explaining that the foundation could “not in good conscience accept money” from companies that actively seek to silence conservative voices.

But, these weren’t just any donations.

Heritage turned down a whopping $225,000 donation from Google and even returned a $150,000 donation from Facebook in October 2020. Notably, however, these pale in comparison to the much larger donations previously made: $1.55 million from Google and $275,000 from Facebook.

James reiterated to the Big Tech giants that her organization is assisting Congress to revise antitrust laws, which protect companies from liability for content published on their platforms, according to the Epoch Times.

“Heritage is in the midst of reviewing these proposals, and the last thing we need is for anyone to think that our conclusions have in any way been influenced by a relatively small donation from your company.”

In her letter to Zuckerberg, James cited some recent incidents of censorship.

“The Heritage Foundation has all too often fallen victim to Facebook’s double standard. Referrals to our Daily Signal news site, for example, have plunged from 600,000 sessions in July to a mere 105,000 so far in Oct.,” she wrote.

To Google’s CEO, she wrote that the company has too often censored the foundation’s videos.

“Most recently, you added a prominent label to our election integrity video that was clearly meant to cast doubt on the credibility of our well-sourced claims about the risks of voting by mail,” she said. “You’ve in effect handed discriminatory authority to a group that is biased against our views on election fraud.

Similarly, Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO), who has been critical of Big Tech in recent months, decided to stop accepting donations from Big Tech companies as well.

“As the lead republican on the antitrust subcommittee working to hold Big Tech accountable for their anti-competitive and monopolistic behavior, I cannot continue to accept campaign donations from Facebook, Google or Amazon,” Buck said in a statement to Fox News.

He added that starting Thursday, he will “no longer accept any money from these companies.”

In a tweet, he commended the Heritage Foundation for taking action:

The Walk Of Shame...


You Don’t Need To Go To Kabul To See The End Of American Order. It’s Right Here Among Us

In many of our major cities, gangs of masked thugs and criminals do what they please -- and our far-better-armed police aren't allowed to stop it.

The nation’s attention these past two weeks has focused nearly exclusively on Kabul, and rightly so given that the city has become the scene of the largest hostage situation in American history and a vivid image of the decline of Pax Americana abroad.

But Americans don’t need to travel 7,500 miles to get a first-hand glimpse of the end of American order. In many of our own country’s major cities, gangs of masked thugs and criminals do what they please — and our far-better-armed police aren’t allowed to stop them and protect the rest of us.

Take one August Sunday in Portland, Oregon, where two days ago political gangs roamed freely, beating people, including women, and even opening fire downtown. Meanwhile the police, who have been threatened with government action if they intervene, were nowhere to be seen.

The breakdown of law and order was crafted in the offices of politicians, and its results are as immediate as they are sickening: A beautiful port city is now a frequent host to pitched battles between masked and helmeted left- and right-wing mobs spanning across city blocks; paintballs, pepper spray, fireworks, and beatings in broad daylight; and while innocent civilians flee the violence under a cloudy gray sky, the only sounds audible are of rioting — with nary a police siren in the distance.

It’s long not been safe to be a reporter in Portland: Just Sunday, Antifa targeted independent journalist and photographer Maranie Staab. “You f-cking endangered people by flying to f-cking Colombia and endangering everyone by opening them up to COVID, you little slut,” one masked and armored man screamed at Staab, referring to her June reporting on violence in South America.

Minutes later, Antifa members pepper-sprayed her, knocked her to the ground, and reportedly broke her phone and damaged her camera, yelling, “How many times do we have to f-cking tell you?”

After other reporters moved her away from the mob and helped her wash out her eyes and mouth, an Antifa member sprayed them (and their cameras) with more paint. Once again, police were nowhere to be seen or...

The FDA Is A Captured Agency Doing The Bidding of The Trillion Dollar Agency It Is Supposed To Be Regulating...

REVEALED: Oregon Democrat Governor Kate Brown Has Long-Standing Ties To Chinese Communist Influence Groups.

Oregon Governor Kate Brown has participated in events sponsored by Chinese Communist Party propaganda groups flagged by the U.S. State Department for “directly and malignly influenc[ing]” American officials, The National Pulse can reveal.

The unearthed Chinese Communist Party links follow Oregon Democrats calling for the cancellation of an upcoming event featuring The National Pulse’s Raheem Kassam and Natalie Winters due to the site’s promotion of “China-centric conspiracy theories” and “toxic beliefs.”

The Oregon Democratic Party is attempting to ban China-focused news reporters while one of the party’s most high-profile members – Governor Kate Brown – recently established links with one of the regime’s chief influence groups abroad.

Brown, in fact, has a long history of collaboration with groups tied to Beijing’s United Front Work Department.

Propaganda 101.

China’s billion-dollar “United Front” effort aims to “to co-opt and neutralize sources of potential opposition to the policies and authority of its ruling Chinese Communist Party” and “influence foreign governments to take actions or adopt positions supportive of Beijing’s preferred policies,” according to the federal U.S.-China Security and Economic Review Commission. United Front groups such as the China United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF) have used tactics including free trips to China to garner “favorable coverage” from mainstream media outlets according to Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) filings.

Scarcely a “China-centric conspiracy theory” as the Oregon Democratic Party insist.

Brown also has deep ties to the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC), dubbed the “public face” of the United Front and “avowedly an arm of the party-state.” The U.S. State Department has even described the CPAFFC as seeking to “directly and malignly influence” U.S. state and local leaders.
Brown attended the group’s 2015 China-U.S.Governors Forum, an event the State Department has singled out for its subversive influence on U.S. politics:
“CPAFFC’s actions have undermined the Governors Forum’s original well-intentioned purpose.”
As the CPAFFC recounts, Brown emphasized that “Oregon hopes to enhance cooperation with China” at the event, which counted Chinese Communist Pary leader Xi Jinping as its top speaker. Following the forum, Brown was one of six governors to ink a deal with Beijing to collaborate on...

Anyone Can Use This ONE SIMPLE TRICK To Get The Government To Leave You Alone.....

The Express Ain't Coming Baby, You Are On Your Own....

Wreathed in smoke in Lebanon
We burn the midnight oil

The fragrance of Afghanistan
Rewards a long day's toil

Pulling into Kathmandu
Smoke rings fill the air

Perfumed by a Nepal night
The Express gets you there