90 Miles From Tyranny

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Sunday, December 12, 2021

Jan. 6 DC jail deputy warden deletes Twitter account after vulgar, anti-Trump tweets exposed

Kathleen Landerkin, the current Correctional Training Facility (CTF) Deputy Warden at the Department of Corrections in the District of Columbia, assists in overseeing day to day operations, inmate transportation, and case management.

Though she holds a position of power of January 6 inmates, Landerkin continued to spout anti-Trump and anti-Republican rhetoric on her Twitter until she deleted her account earlier today.

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene tweeted at Landerkin, “You are responsible for human rights violations in the DC Jail and torture and abuse of pre-trial defendants.”

She included a screenshot of one of Landerkin’s tweets that read “F**k everyone who supports Trump.”

Alex Brusewitz, the CEO of XStrategies, conducted an advanced search of her twitter by typing “Trump” and dozens of anti-Trump tweets came up such as “The Trump family is a crime family and the GOP in [sic] complicit,” and “Trump is doing more damage to this country then [sic] foreign terrorists ever have.”

She has referred to Trump supporters as “deplorables,” the same word Hillary Clinton used to describe Trump supporters in 2016 and claimed that white men are more dangerous than immigrants.

In September of 2018, Landerkin revealed that she had a “Resist” bumper sticker on...

I Think I Found The New Democrat Theme Song....

It is perhaps one of the worst songs ever written, but yet it holds deep meaning for the overzealous safety over freedom hatless Democrat totalitarians and their stumbling demented child-king and chi-com employee Joe Biden.

Say, we can act if we want to
If we don't, nobody will
And you can act real rude and totally removed
And I can act like an imbecile

And say, we can dance, we can dance
Everything's out of control
We can dance, we can dance
They're doing it from pole to pole
We can dance, we can dance

Norwegian COVID Experts Says Omicron Could Provide “Best Scenario” of “Natural Immunity”

Variant is likely to be “both very mild and very transmissible.”

COVID experts in Norway say that Omicron variant being highly transmissible but “milder” could prove to be the “best scenario” because it would boost “natural immunity” and bring the end of the pandemic closer.

The country’s state epidemiologist Frode Forland was responding to news of the biggest Omicron outbreak outside of South Africa, which occurred at an Oslo Christmas party.

“As many as 120 people who attended the Louise Restaurant and Bar on the night of November 26th have now tested positive for coronavirus, about half of whom have screened positive for omicron, with 13 of those proven to have the variant in sequencing,” reports the Telegraph.

Oslo infectious disease doctor Tine Ravlo revealed, “They have symptoms like fever, cough, headache, muscle pain, fatigue, but for now, none of them has become severely ill, and none of them have been treated in hospital.”

This is positive news according to Forland because it clearly indicates the variant “would be both very mild and very transmissible.”

“That is the hope. That is the best scenario we can have,” he said. “That it’s getting minder, most people will get it, and they will get a natural immunity.”

“It might be that it has now replicated and mutated so many times that this is the optimal position from the virus’ point of view, to spread widely and not kill the hosts,” added Forland.

“That’s what we’ve seen with other diseases beforehand. And of course, then it gets into more like an endemic phase,” he concluded.

The position of experts in Norway is mirrored by the CEO of South Africa’s largest private healthcare network, who asserted that the Omicron variant is “so mild” that it “may signal the end of COVID-19.”

According to Richard Friedland, chief executive officer of Netcare Ltd., the Omicron variant is “highly contagious, but doesn’t cause severe disease. That’s what happened with Spanish flu.”

“So I actually think there is a silver lining here and this may signal the end of Covid-19,” he added.

Expect the corporate media, which relies on gigantic ad spends from Big Pharma and high ratings from prolonging fears over COVID, to completely...

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #113


Who Will Be Held Responsible for this Devastation?

If the pandemic policy response had taken the form of mere advice, we would not be in the midst of this social, economic, cultural, political disaster. What caused the wreckage was the application of political force that was baked into the pandemic response this time in a way that has no precedent in human history.

The response relied on compulsion imposed by all levels of government. The policies in turn energized a populist movement, Covid Red Guard that became a civilian enforcement arm. They policed the grocery aisles to upbraid the maskless. Drones swarmed the skies looking for parties to rat out and shut down. A blood lust against non compliers came to be unleashed at all levels of society.

Lockdowns granted some people meaning and purpose, the way war does for some people. The compulsion to bludgeon others trickled down from government to the people. Madness overtook rationality. Once this took place, there was no longer a question of “Two weeks to flatten the curve.” The mania to suppress the virus by ending person-to-person contact extended to two years.

This happened in the US and all over the world. The madness achieved nothing positive because the virus paid no attention to the edicts and enforcers. Ending social and economic functioning, however, shattered lives in countless ways, and continues to do so.

It is precisely because so much about life (and science) is uncertain that civilized societies operate on the presumption of the freedom to choose. That’s a policy of humility: no one possesses enough expertise to presume the right to restrict other people’s peaceful actions.

But with lockdowns and the successor policy of vaccine mandates, we’ve seen not humility but astounding arrogance. The people who did this to us and to billions of people around the world were so darn sure of themselves that they would take recourse to police-state tactics to realize their goals, none of which came to be realized at all, despite every promise that this would be good for us.

It’s the compulsion that’s the source of all the issues. Someone wrote the edicts at someone’s behest. Someone imposed the orders. Those somebodies should be the people who should own the results, compensate the victims, and otherwise accept the consequences for what they have done.

Who are they? Where are they? Why haven’t they stepped up?

If you are going to force people to behave a certain way – to close their businesses, kick people out of their homes, stay away from meetings, cancel vacations, physically separate everywhere – you have to be damn certain that it is the right thing to do. If the people who did this were so sure of themselves, why are they so shy to take responsibility?

The question is pressing: who precisely bears the blame? Not just in general, but more precisely: who was willing to step up from the beginning to say “If this does not work, I accept full responsibility?” Or: “I did this and stand by it.” Or: “I did this and I’m very sorry.”

So far as I know, no one has said anything like this.

Instead, what we have is a big jumble of messy bureaucracies, committees, reports, and unsigned orders. There are certain systems in place that seem structured in a way that makes it impossible to find out who precisely is responsible for their design and implementation.

For example, a friend of mine was being harassed by his school for not being vaccinated. He wanted to speak to the person who imposed the rule. In his investigation, everyone passed the buck. This person put together a committee which then agreed on best practices left over from some other printed guidance approved by another committee, which had been implemented by a similar institution on another matter. This was then adopted by a different division and passed on to another committee for implementation as a recommendation and then it was issued by another division entirely.

Incredibly, throughout the whole investigation, he failed to find a single person who was willing to step up and say: I did this and it was my decision. Everyone had an alibi. It became one big mush of bureaucracy with no accountability. It’s a tub of dough in which every bad actor pre-built a hiding place.

It’s the same with many people who have been disemployed for refusing to divulge their vaccine status. Their bosses typically say that they are very sorry for what happened; if it had been up to them, the person would continue to work. Their bosses in turn demur and blame some other policy or committee. No one is willing to speak to victims and say: “I did this and stand by it.”

Like millions of others, I’ve been harmed materially by pandemic response. My story lacks drama and is nothing remotely close to what others have experienced but it is salient because it is personal. I was invited to join in a live studio appearance on TV but then was refused because I refused to divulge my vaccine status. I was sent to a separate studio reserved for the unclean where I sat by myself.

The person who informed me said the policy was stupid and he objected. But it is the company policy. Maybe I can speak to his boss? Oh, he is against this stuff too. Everyone thinks it is dumb. Who then is responsible? The buck is always passed on and up in the chain of command but no one will accept the blame and bear the consequences.

Even though the courts have repeatedly shot down the vaccine mandates, there is universal consensus that the vaccines, while perhaps offering some private benefits, are not contributing to stopping infections or spread. Which is to say: the only person who might suffer from being unvaccinated is the unvaccinated himself. And yet still, people are losing their jobs, missing out on public life, being segregated and blocked, and otherwise paying a heavy price for not complying.

And yet there are still people who are intensifying the blame game that blames not government nor public health authorities nor anyone in particular but rather a whole class of people: the evil unvaccinated.

“I am furious at the unvaccinated,” writes Charles Blow of the New York Times, a paper that kicked off the pro-lockdown propaganda as early as February 27, 2020. “I am not ashamed of disclosing that. I am no longer trying to understand them or educate them. The unvaccinated are choosing to be part of the problem.”

How precisely are the unvaccinated the problem? Because, he writes,“it is possible to control the virus and mitigate its spread, if more people are vaccinated.”

This is plainly untrue, as we’ve seen from many countries’ experiences around the world. Look up Singapore or Gibraltar or Israel or any high vaxx country and see their case trends. They look the same or worse than low vaxx countries. We know from at least 33 studies that the vaccines cannot and do not stop infection or transmission, which is precisely why Pfizer and people like Anthony Fauci are demanding 3rd and now 4th shots. Shots without end, always with the promise that the next one will...

Scientific evidence suggests the Covid Vaccines reprogram the innate Immune System & cause lymphocytes to attack the body’s organs

Even though mass fatalities are associated with the Covid-19 mRNA vaccines, the roll-out of this experimental treatment is still ongoing.

It doesn’t matter that both Pfizer and the FDA knew there were 1,223 deaths from the Covid vaccine in the first three months of its roll-out, the emergency use authorization still continued.

It is not only unscientific, but it is also disingenuous and amoral to classify post vaccination fatalities as “unexplained deaths.” Pathologists and medical examiners have no choice but to investigate how these vaccines are killing certain people. Autopsies and pathological evidence show that covid vaccines induce cardiovascular damage, immune depletion and serious autoimmune conditions.

German pathologists present microscopic evidence that covid jabs cause “lymphocyte riot” – leading to organ failure

German pathology professors Arne Burkhardt and Walter Lang held a press conference presenting ten autopsies of people who died shortly after taking Covid-19 vaccines.

The people in the study were all over the age of 50 and died at different intervals in the two weeks following their vaccination. After microscopically studying tissue samples of the deceased, the pathologists found something out of the ordinary, yet common among each sample.

The pathologists pinpoint the occurrence of a “lymphocyte riot” among the ten autopsied bodies. The pathologists found an obscene number of lymphocytes in several tissues, including the liver, kidneys, spleen, and the uterus. The lymphocytes aggressively attacked the tissue in these organs, causing organ damage.

This autoimmune nightmare is more than likely a life-threatening consequence of the Covid-19 vaccination. Burkhardt and two other pathologists confirmed that vaccines initiated this pathogenesis for five of the ten cases studied. In two of the cases, the vaccination was ruled a “probable” cause of death. One case is yet to be evaluated, and the other two deaths are “rather coincident” or “possibly” caused by the vaccine.

A German doctor, Professor Peter Schirmacher, investigated forty autopsies of people who died within two weeks of covid-19 vaccination. He showed microscopic details of severe tissue damage caused by the vaccines; he concluded that one third of the people died from the vaccination directly, either via cerebral vein thrombosis or autoimmune diseases.

Covid Injections reprogram the innate and adaptive immune system, lowering interferon levels against future infections

Many of the deaths post-vaccination are not attributed back to the vaccine because lymphocytic myocarditis is rarely detected macroscopically and is not recognised histologically. Even though this health issue is occurring more frequently in the young and the old following Covid-19 vaccination, lymphocytic myocarditis is often mistaken as a general infarction and blamed on other causes.

Dr Burkhardt explains that the most lethal vaccine side effects include autoimmune phenomena. Three extremely rare autoimmune diseases were detected among the deceased. These included Sjogren’s syndrome, leucoclasmic vasculitis of the skin, and Hashimoto’s disease. Other life-threatening adverse events include a reduction in immune system function, vascular damage, vasculitis, perivasculitis and erythrocyte clumping.

One study provides further evidence that Covid jabs reprogram the innate and adaptive immune system, priming the body for immune depletion, virus interference and cancer. The researchers observed that the immune cells of the...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #865

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1565

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Joe Rogan Calls BS on the Patriot Front Rally

Girls With Guns