90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, February 1, 2022

SHOCKING TESTIMONY – Dems Were Stealing Overseas and Military Ballots from MI, GA and Now AZ Too (VIDEO)

The onslaught of illegal activity through our elections, immigration, and education systems is overwhelming for the average American to track or process.

Hundreds of Americans sign sworn avadavats following the 2020 presidential election. They reported violations of their specific state’s election laws, duplicated ballots being inserted into the machines, ballots dropped doof around 4 am in the day following the election day, 90 plus percent going for Biden ETC.

In spite of all the data, the courts have not wanted to touch the “hot potato” and have chosen to ignore their testimony, thus hampering the pursuit of the truth.

Last Monday during a Senate session, the discussion turned to the UOCAVA voters — the voters covered under the Uniform Overseas Civilian Absentee Voting Act. These are the men and women who are serving their country in the military and send in a mail-in vote from where they are stationed outside the country.

The act officially covers:
  • members of the United States Uniformed Services and merchant marine;
  • their family members; and
  • United States citizens residing outside the United States.
Paul Harris, a Maricopa resident, and veteran in corporate executive management spoke to the committee. Harris was a manager during the audit of the Maricopa County audit of the 2020 election ballots. He was tasked with overseeing the UOCAVA ballots during the audit. He described his experience.

Paul Harris: The UOCAVA is the Uniform Overseas Civilian Absentee Voting Act ballot. That ballot is sent out to men and women who work overseas and the people who work overseas to get a chance to work in the election. This is what a ballot looks like that goes out, an 11 1/2 X 19 ballot. When I opened up a box of ballots this is what a ballot looks like that’s a UOCAVA ballot. You know what that is? It’s an 8 1/2 X 11 sheet of copy paper.

Paul Harris continued: “Did you all know that our ballots come back like this from our overseas people? Did any of you know thia? It is such a sham that I had people everyday at my table taking pictures of these ballots that were scanned down. It took my team three complete days to count all of the UOCAVA ballots.

You know why? Because in 2016 the numbers were apparently 1,600 UOCAVA ballots that came back in the most significant election in our lifetime. In 2020 the numbers were close to 9,600 ballots that came back. And I will tell you as an eye-witness, 95%… all went towards one candidate. And in a state where a candidate won by 10,000 votes that is 8,000 new votes during an election where people were brought home because there was a pandemic… No chain of custody. There’s nothing to identify where this piece of paper came from.”

One GOP elections observer on Tuesday said all of the military ballots she saw looked like “Xerox copies” of each other – none were registered Michigan voters and 100% went for Joe Biden.

The witness, Patty McMurray, described her experience at the TCF Center on Wednesday morning:

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #916

Before You Click On The "Read More" Link, 

Please Only Do So If You Are Over 21 Years Old.

If You are Easily Upset, Triggered Or Offended, This Is Not The Place For You.  

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1616

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Monday, January 31, 2022

Girls With Guns

Visage à trois #8

Three Videos For Your Viewing Pleasure:

Videos That Are:
  • Usually Short.
  • Usually Timely.
  • Usually Scraped, Gleaned And Pilfered From Social Media.

Visage à trois #2

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #212


Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #211

The left’s assault on conservative news network One America News

Where government cannot censor for constitutional reasons, Silicon Valley does

Is it any wonder that one of the few issues that brings Republicans, Democrats, conservatives and liberals together these days is hostility to Silicon Valley’s overwhelming reach into almost everything that goes on in this country?

Conservatives are outraged as what they see as Big Tech’s hostility to conservative views and the subtle and less than subtle ways Facebook, Google, Twitter and the rest are making it more difficult for conservatives to communicate. For the longest time the mandarins of the ether denied any intention of silencing those with whom they disagreed, but that time has passed.

Canceling or “de-platforming” views not widely shared within their community has become not just a now-and-then occurrence they can blame on “algorithms.” The crusade against anyone who disagrees with the liberal politicians they support is now too obvious to deny.

The government itself isn’t constitutionally capable of closing down media outlets for political reasons.

The First Amendment is a bar that many liberals would like to rewrite, and they have managed to persuade those who haven’t given the matter much thought that the world would be easier to live in if those with whom they disagree can somehow be shut up or made to simply go away.

Where government cannot censor, Silicon Valley does. Corporate big wigs can do what the Bill of Rights forbids of the Biden White House, the FCC or Chuck Schumer and his friends.

Except under extraordinary circumstances, private entities are free to censor political speech. Unless the business refuses to bake a cake for a gay marriage ceremony, they can usually decide whom they will or won’t serve or sell to. That doesn’t matter much if, say, a tavern owner tells his customers that if those who disagree with him want to discuss politics they should drink elsewhere. Some of his customers may find that obnoxious, but it’s his right and doesn’t seriously threaten the free discussion of ideas so important to the maintenance of a democratic society. Besides more tolerant taverns are not hard to find.

However, when the owners of large platforms supposedly open to public discussion become the way millions of Americans share and debate political issues, denying access to those the owners of such platforms don’t like has profound consequences and threatens the very foundations of a free society. And that is precisely what the “woke” corporate owners of such platforms are doing. It began with Facebook, Google and Twitter, but now the satellite carriers of cable news are ridding themselves of customers whose views they find abhorrent.

Questioning the government and prevailing liberal views on COVID-19 to election integrity or police reform will in today’s world get one labeled an “extremist,” “conspiracy theorist” or a purveyor of “misinformation” and “fake news.” The owners of these huge corporations are persuaded that theirs is the one true faith and like the organizers of the Spanish Inquisition are dedicated to quashing dissenters.

Their latest target is One America News, a conservative news network based in California. OAN’s contract with DirecTV runs out in April, and the carrier has announced there will be no new contract. Since a huge percentage of the infantile but growing network’s revenues come through viewers who gain access to OAN via DirecTV, the carrier is throwing out a conservative news outlet simply because DirecTV’s owners disagree with OAN’s content.

DirecTV and CNN are both owned by AT&T. CNN is safe because DirecTV’s owners agree with the “news” the network spouts, which is hostility toward conservative issues and an unbending hostility toward anyone who has anything good to say about former President Donald Trump. OAN’s many sins include a bias against the Biden administration and big government. That Mr. Trump has tweeted that OAN is his favorite network couldn’t have helped, as the keepers of the gates at DirecTV discussed letting the tiny network...

Is He The Most Dangerous man In The World?

Do You Know Klaus Schwab? He Has Plans For You, Lots Of Plans.....

Biden's ICE Cancels Deportation Order for Illegal Immigrant Accused of Killing Teen Girl in Drunken Hit-and-Run

Deportation is no longer in the cards for an illegal immigrant accused of the hit-and-run death of a 19-year-old Texas woman.

Adrienne Sophia Exum died in a north Houston crash in November 2020 when the car she was driving was hit by a pickup truck driver, Heriberto Fuerte-Padilla, according to KTRK-TV. She was ejected from her car and died at the scene.

Police said Fuerte-Padilla was drunk at the time of the crash and tried to run away from police after the accident.

In the closing days of the Trump administration, Fuerte-Padilla, who was in the country illegally, was marked for deportation.

But now, as the Department of Homeland Security and Immigration and Customs Enforcement implement new Biden administration rules designed to reduce the number of deportations, Fuerte-Padilla is no longer...

We Are Witnessing The Intentional Takedown Of The American Constitution...