90 Miles From Tyranny

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Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #325

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #324

WATCH: Rep. Gaetz Rips FBI Cyber Director Who Claims He Doesn’t Know Where Hunter Biden’s Laptop Is.

In stunning scenes on Capitol Hill today, the FBI's representative for cyber security was unable to answer basic questions about one of the most potentially damaging cyber stories in the United States today.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Cyber Division Assistant Director revealed the agency is unaware of the location of Hunter Biden’s laptop and failed to assess whether or not the first son’s hard drive – which reveals countless business deals and personal relationships with America’s adversaries – contained information comprising America’s national security.

The revelation came during a line of questioning from Congressman Matt Gaetz, who inquired with the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) Bryan Vorndran for details about the laptop of President Joe Biden’s son.

Unearthed emails, texts, and photos from replicas of the original hard drive have revealed Hunter Biden’s business dealings, often involving President Joe Biden, with countries including China and Ukraine.

“I want to know where Hunter Biden’s laptop is. Where is it,” inquired the Florida Congressman.

“I don’t know that answer,” replied Vorndran.

“Has FBI Cyber assessed whether or not Hunter Biden’s laptop could be a point of vulnerability, allowing America’s enemies to hurt our country,” continued Rep. Gaetz before the FBI Cyber Division Assistant Director attempted to explain why such an investigation would not fall under his purview.

“In December 2019, they turned over this laptop to the FBI, and now what you’re telling me right here is that as the Assistant Director of FBI Cyber, you don’t know where this is after it was turned over to you three years ago,” asked Rep. Gaetz, prompting Vorndran to concede, “yes sir, that is an accurate statement.”

The FBI official was also unaware if anyone from the FBI would have answers to the questions posed by Rep. Gaetz.

During the hearing, “contents from, files from, and copies from the Hunter Biden laptop” were also submitted into the Congressional Record by Rep. Gaetz.

The renewed interest in the contents of the President’s son’s laptop come amidst The National Pulse unearthing emails linking Hunter Biden to Ukrainian biological laboratories funded by the U.S. Department of Defense to work on “especially dangerous pathogens.”


GOP Must Promise Inquisitions, Not Meaningless Task Forces

The January 6 committee has crossed a massive line in the sand with its attack on the Thomases; Republicans need to respond accordingly. Policy task forces won’t cut it.

Using the pretext of the so-called insurrection on January 6, 2021, the long knives are out for Ginni Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

Post-election text exchanges between Mrs. Thomas and Mark Meadows, President Trump’s chief-of-staff, recently were leaked by the January 6 select committee to none other than the Washington Post’s Bob Woodward, who darkly described the communications as proof that “Ginni Thomas used her access to Trump’s inner circle to promote and seek to guide the president’s strategy to overturn the election result.”

The small cache of texts—29 total—shows Thomas expressing frustration at the election’s outcome. There is nothing sinister, and certainly nothing criminal, about the messages.

But like everything related to the events of January 6, the truth doesn’t matter. Doubt about the legitimacy of the 2020 election is considered a thoughtcrime and handled as such by Joe Biden’s Justice Department and Congress; CNN reported Monday afternoon that the January 6 select committee led by U.S. Representative Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) now wants to interview Thomas. If she refuses—as she should—it’s highly likely the committee will issue a subpoena to compel her testimony, which it has done in numerous cases.

The poisonous tree of Thompson’s committee is yielding a bumper crop of political fruit for House Democrats and their useful idiots in the Republican Party such as Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.). With little else to run on and a White House in freefall, Democrats think they can sustain enough outrage over January 6 to stem major electoral losses in November.

Staffed with former federal prosecutors and a limitless budget, the select committee is unleashing a scorched-earth rampage against Trump and his allies; no one, including the wife of the longest-serving Supreme Court justice, is off-limits. For the first time in history, a sitting president repeatedly denied his predecessor executive privilege protections, allowing the committee to obtain an unprecedented tranche of presidential records years before what is typically allowed under the law.

Federal courts provide no oversight; to the contrary, judges sanction the illicit witch hunt with their legal imprimatur.

In an unhinged ruling handed down Monday, Judge David O. Carter demanded that John Eastman, one of Trump’s election attorneys, immediately hand over more than 100 emails to the committee.

Carter, a Clinton appointee serving on a California district court, suggested Trump may have committed a crime—obstruction of an official proceeding, a felony that the Justice Department has slapped against more than 240 January 6 defendants—in his attempts to uncover election fraud. “Dr. Eastman and President Trump launched a campaign to overturn a democratic election, an action unprecedented in American history,” Carter wrote. “Their campaign was not confined to the ivory tower—it was a coup in search of a legal theory. The plan spurred violent attacks on the seat of our nation’s government, led to the deaths of several law enforcement officers, and deepened public distrust in our political process.” (No police officers died on January 6 or of anything related to that day.)

Given its unfettered mandate, the committee undoubtedly will accelerate its crusade in advance of the midterm elections.

So, how are Republicans planning to retaliate? Poised to take control of Congress in early 2023, GOP leaders are threatening to unload the most feared weapon on Capitol Hill, one the mere mention of which sends shivers down the spines of every credentialed congressional staffer and strikes panic in the heart of every vulnerable incumbent: the dreaded task force.

Excavating some of the party’s best talking points from the 1980s, Republicans will “rein in spending and look to improve American energy independence,” GOP Conference Chairman Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) vowed last week in an equally alarming “fact sheet.” Other areas of intense task force focus will include “Big Tech censorship and data; future of American freedoms; energy, climate and conservation; American security; healthy future; and competition with China,” Roll Call reported.

Now, in a normal political climate—say any time before the year 2016—perhaps sincere promises to wield the mighty “task force” would energize the Republican base. Campaign pledges to tackle any number of real crises caused by an inept president of the...

U.S. Senators Reveal CCP-Controlled Company Funneled Millions To Biden Family To Represent ‘Spy Chief Of China’

Americans must ‘seriously consider the implications [of] the Biden family’s vast web of foreign financial entanglements’ on national security.

Republican Sens. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa revealed on Tuesday that Hunter Biden and James Biden were funneled millions of dollars from companies directly influenced by the Chinese Communist Party to offer the “spy chief of China” legal representation.

Energy company CEFC, which Johnson and Grassley say is “effectively an arm of the Chinese government,” paid Hudson West Three, one of Hunter’s companies, $1 million in November 2017. Five months later, Hunter’s Hudson West Three transferred $1 million to another Hunter Biden company, Owasco with a memo detailing the funds were for CEFC vice-chairman and secretary-general Dr. Patrick Ho Chi Ping’s “Representation.”

The same month CEFC sent a $1 million wire to Hudson West Three, Ho was arrested and charged with using millions of dollars to “bribe top officials of Chad and Uganda in exchange for business advantages for CEFC.” In 2019, Ho was convicted and sentenced in the United States to three years in prison for international bribery and money laundering.

“And guess what Ho did around the same time he was arrested by the FBI for corruption and bribery. He contacted James Biden,” Johnson explained from the Senate floor on Tuesday. “Ho’s decision to call the Biden family around the same time he got arrested is revealing, particularly in light of the fact that the same month a million dollars just happened to be transferred to Hunter Biden’s company.”

Audio from Hunter’s abandoned laptop indicates that he knew Ho as the “spy chief of China who started the company that my partner, who is worth $323 billion, founded and is now missing.” The “missing” partner is believed to be Ye Jianming, founder of CEFC China Energy, who was disappeared and later tried by the communist regime.

“Hunter Biden isn’t a criminal defense attorney,” Johnson noted. “Patrick Ho was charged and convicted for bribery and related federal offenses. So what kind of representation was Patrick Ho’s company paying Hunter Biden’s firm to provide? Were they paying his firm for its legal expertise, or for Hunter’s...

Years Ago...And Right Now....

Here I go again
up and down alone
all my friends went home
years ago

All my toys are broken
and so am I inside mom
the carnival has closed years ago ooh

I'm a little boy no I'm a great big man
no let's be a little boy
For a little while longer maybe an hour

no Steven we have to go back now
Isn't that our mom calling
Steven Steven Steven come home
Steven come home

Buried Halfway Into a 40-Page Report, WHO Reveals New Vaccine Side-Effect Many Have Yet to Recover From

Amid pushes for a fourth dose of COVID-19 vaccines, the World Health Organization has said it is looking into reports of hearing problems stemming from the vaccines.

According to NBC News, the WHO has reported 367 cases of tinnitus among people who had received a COVID-19 vaccine.

The condition is characterized by ringing in the ears, and it usually occurred within one day of the vaccine being administered to patients who reported it.

Patients who experienced this side effect ranged in age from 19 to 91, NBC reported. Almost 75 percent of those who reported the condition were women.

In addition to the cases of tinnitus, the WHO reported 164 people identified new hearing loss after receiving the vaccine as of Feb. 22.

“A recent signal detection activity at the Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) identified hearing loss (including sudden cases) and tinnitus following COVID-19 vaccination as a preliminary signal to be further assessed,” the WHO wrote in a newsletter.

Some of the patients who experienced these symptoms also reported “headache, dizziness and nausea,” the WHO said.

NBC said reports of tinnitus came from 27 different countries including Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States.

While some patients recovered quickly, others had to undergo “steroid treatment” to address the side effects, the newsletter said.

In addition, multiple patients described their tinnitus after vaccination as “unrelenting and life-altering for months,” NBC reported.

The WHO said it needed to continue monitoring reports of these side effects to make a final determination on next steps.

“Awareness of this possible link may help healthcare professionals and those vaccinated to monitor...

Visage à trois #149

Three Videos For Your Viewing Pleasure:

Three Additional Bonus Videos:

This Is From An ICU Nurse's Training ... We're Completely Doomed, Aren't We?

So, wokeness has officially entered the medical field now:

Okay, let's get past the first layer of response. Some people are obese because of thyroid issues and genetics or other health reasons.

The VAST majority are obese because of simple diet and exercise. And even those who don't fit in that category are dealing with a calculation of calories in and calories out (unless you're the blueberry girl from Willy Wonka).

But now wokeness and "body positivity" are here to ruin science and medicine by claiming that obesity DOESN'T have to do with personal choices.

If this is what we are training our nurses and medical professionals to believe then we are in...

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #324

Hunter Biden’s $142K Fisker sports car scrutinized in tax probe: report

Prosecutors leading the Hunter Biden tax probe are investigating his purchase of a $142,000 plug-in hybrid sports car whose manufacturer defaulted on a massive Obama administration loan touted by his father, according to a report Monday.

Some of the testimony presented to a Delaware grand jury also appears to be intended to prevent the first son from mounting a defense based on his admittedly sordid history of drug and alcohol abuse, the Wall Street Journal said.

That testimony came from a former girlfriend, Zoe Kestan, 28, who last month testified about shacking up with Biden, 52, in swanky hotels in New York City and Los Angeles and making lavish purchases during 2018, a source familiar with the matter told The Post.

The car in question is a Fisker Karma, which was sold by the Fisker Automotive start-up company after it got $529 million in loan guarantees from the US Department of Energy to develop the Karma and convert an abandoned General Motors factory in the Biden family’s hometown of Wilmington, Del., for a planned line of family-oriented electric vehicles.

Biden’s father, President Biden, was vice president at the time and claimed that the green-energy initiative would create up to 2,000 jobs for assembly workers and serve “as a roadmap for all we can accomplish if everyone works together.”

Oscar-winning actor and environmental activist Leonardo DiCaprio was a Fisker investor who got the company’s first production Karma in 2011, and pop star Justin Bieber was given one for his 18th birthday by manager Scooter Braun on Ellen DeGeneres’ TV talk show in 2012.

Then-Vice President Joe Biden said a loan for Fisker Karma to produce green-energy cars would create as many as 2,000 jobs for Wilmington, Delaware.
Other investors in the company included some of Hunter Biden’s business partners, according to Breitbart News.

But Fisker went bankrupt in 2013 after receiving $192 million in federal loan payments, and the Department of Energy later admitted losing $139 million in taxpayer money on the deal — the most since the 2011 failure of solar panel maker Solyndra, which cost Americans $528 million.

Hunter Biden’s Karma was bought from a New Jersey dealership in 2014 with $142,300 provided by Kazakhstani banking oligarch Kenes “Kenges” Rakishev, the Journal said, citing bank statements it reviewed and a former Biden associate questioned by prosecutors.

Rakishev and former Kazakhstani Prime Minister Karim Massimov — who was fired as his country’s intelligence chief and arrested on treason charges in January — both posed for a photo with Hunter Biden and his dad that was apparently taken in Washington, DC’s Cafe Milano in 2015, when the elder Biden was vice president.

Hunter Biden eventually traded in his Fisker for a silver Porsche, his former associate told the Journal.

Prosecutors have been gathering evidence and presenting grand jury testimony about...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #973

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