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Thursday, March 31, 2022

Hunter Biden Laptop | Russian Disinfo Disinfo

Girls With Guns

Visage à trois #152

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Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #326

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #325

Joe Biden’s CIA Director Told Congress He Terminated a Relationship With a Chinese Communist Influence Group – New Evidence Suggests This Was a Lie.

In what may be a clear cut example of a Biden nominee lying to Congress, CIA Director Bill Burns has more to answer for.

The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace – formerly led by Joe Biden’s Central Intelligence Agency Director Bill Burns – has continued its relationship with Chinese Communist Party influence groups despite Burns claiming otherwise during sworn testimony to the U.S. Senate, The National Pulse can reveal.

Burns became president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in March 2015 and claimed, during Senate confirmation hearings, that he merely “inherited” the think tank’s longstanding relationship with the China-United States-Exchange Foundation (CUSEF).

Lying to Congress?

Purporting to be “increasingly worried about the expansion of Chinese influence operations,” Burns – who currently leads the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) – was adamant he cut Carnegie’s ties with CUSEF “not long after” he began his tenure while answering questions from Senator Marco Rubio.

Rubio explained that CUSEF is part of the Chinese Communist Party’s United Front Work Department, which seeks “to co-opt and neutralize sources of potential opposition to the policies and authority of its ruling Chinese Communist Party” and “influence foreign governments to take actions or adopt positions supportive of Beijing’s preferred policies,” according to the U.S. government.

The U.S. State Department also compares the United Front to the Chinese regime’s “magic weapon” to advance its preferred policies by infiltrating American politics, media, and academia.

In response, Burns claimed that “…on the China-U.S. Exchange Foundation, this is a relationship that I inherited when I became president of Carnegie and that I ended not long after I became president precisely for the concerns that you just described because we were increasingly worried about the expansion of Chinese influence operations. Shortly after I ended that relationship, we began a program at the Carnegie Endowment on countering foreign influence operations which was aimed mostly at China and Russia and was supported in part from a grant from the Global Engagement Center at the State Department in the last administration.”

Still A ‘United Front’.

But Burns’s think tank continued to accept funds and collaborate with officials tied to CUSEF during his tenure, and recently released another research paper on the subject of cyber attacks, in partnership with CUSEF and other Chinese Communist Party-funded institutions. The paper, released March 2022, is the latest piece of evidence contradicting...

Biden Signs Bill So Democrats Can No Longer Lynch Blacks And Republicans Like They Used To....

It was Democrats who started the Ku Klux Klan that became the terrorist arm of the Democratic Party to lynch and terrorize Republicans-black and white. Democrats passed those discriminatory Black Codes and Jim Crow laws and fought every piece of civil rights legislation from the 1860’s to the 1960’s. 

Shamefully, Democrats fought against anti-lynching laws, and when the Democrats regained control of Congress in 1892, they passed the Repeal Act of 1894 that overturned civil right laws enacted by Republicans. Republicans founded the HCBU’s and started the NAACP to counter the racist practices of the Democrats. It took Republicans six decades to finally enact civil rights laws in the 1950’s and 1960’s, over the objection of Democrats.

Gaetz seeks to strip clearance for intel officials who called Hunter Biden's laptop Russian disinfo

The Florida congressman's measure is titled "Spook Who Cried Wolf Resolution"

Florida GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz will introduce resolution Tuesday titled the "Spook Who Cried Wolf Resolution" to permanently revoke security clearances for dozens of former intelligence officials who attached their names to a public letter alleging the content in Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation.

In October of 2020 – days before the presidential election – 51 former intelligence officials signed the letter declaring Hunter Biden's emails had "all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation."

Hunter Biden is the son of President Joe Biden, and his overseas business dealing while his father was vice president were a matter of concern during the election and continue to be.

At about the same time the letter was signed, Twitter temporarily blocked the New York Post from using its account for sharing the article detailing the findings of Hunter Biden's laptop.

Twitter later said the lockout was a mistake and should not have occurred.

Gaetz says that each of the 51 letter signatories continue to stand by the contents of the letter, which was touted as fact by the Biden campaign and widely disseminated by the mainstream media in an apparent effort to undermine the legitimacy of the laptop exposé.

"We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement – just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case," the letter in part reads.

"If we are right, this is Russia trying to influence how Americans vote in this election, and we believe strongly that Americans need to be aware of this."

Gaetz's resolution is co-sponsored by fellow GOP Reps. Dan Bishop, of North Carolina; Louie Gohmert, of Texas; Marjorie Taylor Greene, of Georgia; Thomas Massie, of Kentucky, and Andy Biggs and Paul Gosar, each from Arizona.

The letter seeks to strip such signatories as former National Intelligence Director James Clapper, former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and former CIA Director John Brennan of any future access to...

When You Grew Up With Someone But Now They Have Become So Grotesque That You Can No Longer Associate With Them?

No you didn't have to stoop so low
Have your friends collect your records and then change your number
I guess that I don't need that though
Now you're just somebody that I used to know

Now you're just somebody that I used to know
Now you're just somebody that I used to know

Omicron Covid-19 likely came from a lab and may have been released on purpose....

Scientists say Omicron appears to have a clear lab origin
Future lab releases of Covid-19 variants are “likely”

When Omicron emerged, many scientists were bowled over by the lightning speed with which it spread. Although public health officials had warned that the original Covid-19 was highly contagious and fast-moving— it looked like it was standing still next to the Omicron variant.

Watch video at link:

Now, some scientists examining the virus have concluded “vast” genetic mutations that likely occurred in a lab setting are what makes Omicron spread so quickly.

Omicron was first detected in Botswana, South Africa, reported to have been brought by a foreign delegation from a country officials will not identify, making it more difficult for outside observers to track its origin.

To many scientists, the genetic differences that made Omicron so quickly transmissible caused it to immediately stand out as unlikely to be a result of a natural evolution. Some note the “rapid accumulation of mutations in the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant that enabled its outbreak.”

“There was a large number of mutations in this variant—many more than we would expect from the normal evolution of this virus,” said virologist Andrew Pekosz, Professor of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology at the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. “Importantly, many mutations occurred in the spike protein—the protein the virus uses to bind to and enter cells—which is the target of the vaccine.”

“It did not follow the trajectory of the outbreak,” says a researcher studying the virus for the US government who did not wish to be identified because he is not authorized to speak publicly on the topic. “One of the hypotheses is that there's been a cryptic, a completely separate outbreak going on,” or a “cryptic transmission” independent of mice. “Perhaps someone immune-compromised was infected, and active replication of the virus was maintained for a very long time.

But there is another disturbing theory— one considered more likely by some scientists working on the issue: that Omicron was bred in a lab and escaped.

It is possible “that serial passaging in mice was done in a laboratory somewhere, and add[ed] an accidental or on purpose release on the back end,” says a scientist with knowledge of the matter. “The short version is that the least likely scenario is that this was a natural human transmission chain that created the lineage and we just failed to detect it. The number and makeup of the changes would have required a vast number of infections to support.”
But how?

With Covid so prevalent, the statistical chances of a lab release are exponentially higher than they were in 2019. In the words of one scientist, “Every lab in the world is now working on Covid. It’s highly contagious and risky even with the best conrtrols. The odds of...

Visage à trois #151

Three Videos For Your Viewing Pleasure:

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The Federal Election Commission (FEC) Fines Clinton Campaign, DNC Over Steele Dossier Funding

The Federal Election Commission (FEC) is fining the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign a combined $113,000 over their failure to correctly report funding of the Steele Dossier through the Perkins Coie law firm.

During the 2016 presidential election, the DNC and the Clinton campaign paid a combined $1,024,407.97 to Perkins Coie, which the law firm then paid to Fusion GPS. Both the DNC and the Clinton campaign claimed all payments to Perkins Coie for legal services in filings with the FEC. This constituted a violation of campaign finance laws requiring organizations to truthfully describe payments to vendors, the FEC ruled on March 25.

The FEC found “probable cause” to believe that the DNC and the Clinton campaign did not correctly “make the purpose of the disbursement[s] clear” in their filings, in a ruling first obtained by the Washington Examiner. The FEC complaint alleging misconduct was first filed by the conservative Coolidge Reagan Foundation in 2018. The DNC was ordered to pay a $105,000 fine, and the Clinton campaign was ordered to pay a $8,000 fine. 

“This may well be the first time that Hillary Clinton—evidently one of the most corrupt politicians in American history—has actually been held legally accountable, and I’m proud to see the FEC do its job for once,” Coolidge Reagan attorney Dan Backer, who authored the FEC complaint, said in a statement. “The Coolidge Reagan Foundation proved that, with pluck and grit, Americans standing with integrity can stand up to the Clinton machine and other corrupt political elites. Clinton and her cronies willfully engaged in the greatest political fraud in history, destroying our nation’s faith in the electoral process, and it’s high time they were held accountable. Let’s hope this is only the beginning for accountability, not the end.”

The DNC and the Clinton campaign argued that they did not violate election law because “Perkins Coie retained Fusion GPS in furtherance of its legal services” and that the Fusion GPS research “would assist Perkins Coie in providing legal advice.” The respondents “will not further contest the Commission’s finding,” according to the filing.

The DNC did not...