90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, September 26, 2022

Visage à trois #494

Three Videos For Your Viewing Pleasure:

Three Additional Bonus Videos:

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #677


Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #675

FBI whistleblower says SWAT teams being misused, J6 defendants' rights trampled

Suspended agent says he and others are being listed "as Affiants on search and arrest warrant affidavits for subjects" whom they "have never investigated or even interviewed."

An FBI whistleblower has reported to the Office of Special Counsel that he believes the bureau and Justice Department are violating the constitutional rights of Jan. 6 defendants, falsifying statistics on domestic extremism and misusing SWAT teams to make misdemeanor arrests, according to a copy of the complaint reviewed by Just the News.

Special Agent Stephen M. Friend, who works for the FBI in Florida and serves as a SWAT team member, told the main federal whistleblower office in Washington he had an "exemplary" work record since he joined the bureau in 2014 and even won awards but was suspended in recent days after he began raising concerns about the FBI's and DOJ's conduct in the Jan. 6 investigation

"I believed the investigations were inconsistent with FBI procedure and resulted in the violation of citizens' Sixth and Eighth Amendment rights," Friend wrote. "I added that many of my colleagues expressed similar concerns to me but had not vocalized their objections to FBI Executive Management."

The FBI national press office did not immediately respond to a request for comment sent on Friday.

Friend said one of his many concerns is that the FBI is using SWAT teams to arrest Jan. 6 defendants facing misdemeanor charges, violating the bureau's Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide and creating a potentially unsafe encounter.

"I responded that it was inappropriate to use an FBI SWAT team to arrest a subject for misdemeanor offenses and opined that the subject would likely face extended detainment and biased jury pools in Washington D.C.," Friend wrote in his whistleblower complaint. "I suggested alternatives such as the issuance of a court summons or utilizing surveillance groups to determine an optimal, safe time for a local sheriff deputy to contact the subjects and advise them about the existence of the arrest warrant."

The agent said when he suggested alternatives for arresting suspects in minor Jan. 6 cases one of his bosses "told me that FBI executive management considered all potential alternatives and determined the SWAT takedown was the appropriate course of action."

Friend said he believes the Jan. 6 investigation has involved "overzealous charging by the DOJ and biased jury pools in Washington D.C." and that the heavy-handed tactics smacked of prior FBI mistakes like the Ruby...

How to Prepare for a Pre-Dawn Visit From the FBI

It’s clear the FBI has no interest in students threatening to shoot up schools (Nikolas Cruz), team doctors who assault underage gymnasts (Larry Nassar), or crackheads illegally possessing guns (Hunter Biden).

No, if you’re a criminal, a pervert, or a Democrat -- or some combination of the three -- the Feebs won’t be busting your door down at three in the morning and dragging you out into the street in your tighty whities.

The folks the Bureau’s been busting lately with great fanfare, and occasionally a CNN news crew in tow, are a different sort altogether: folks who vote Republican; Trump supporters; parents concerned about the crap taught in public schools; and Catholic abortion activists.

That’s who the rogue FBI wants to embarrass, take down, and ruin. So I’ve compiled a list of things you can do to limit the damage when the FBI eventually comes for you.

Protecting Your Front and Back Yards

When the Feebs go after enemies of the Deep State, they like to surround the house. It looks impressive on TV.

So, you’ll need two dogs on long chains, one in the front yard and one in the back. German shepherds are a good choice for deterrence, Shih Tsu’s are best if merely making a loud ruckus is what you’re after.

It goes without saying that bent cops are inherently cowards who want no part of big nasty dogs or even an ankle-biter. The FBI raiders parked in front of your home will either have to wait for animal control to show up -- giving you time to shower and put on a nice outfit for the perp-walk -- or the gutless Feebs will shoot your dogs, at the very least alerting you as to what’s happening.

Door Signs

There’s two ways you can go with door signs. If you’re resigned to getting busted, put up a sign saying: The door’s open, please don’t bust it down! Perhaps you’ll be lucky and the lead Feeb will simply use the doorknob.

Obfuscation is another way to go. You could try: We love Joe Biden, he’s NOT a useless vegetable!

The Feebs, at least the ones running the show, take their marching orders from ol’ Crusty Joe, and perhaps they’ll forgo having you kneel down on your front lawn while they cuff you.

Be a Good Host

Like any other flatfoot, a Feeb loves a good cup of joe and a French cruller. Before going to bed at night, make sure you’re adequately supplied with Dunkin Donuts products -- there won’t be time to go when you start hearing the sirens and the whirring blades of the FBI helicopters. As the Bureau storm troopers break down your front door, totally ignoring your “Door’s Open” sign, offer each one of them a hot coffee and a tasty treat. Faced with such kindness, perhaps they’ll eschew the new FBI custom of rifling through the lady of the house’s underwear drawer.

Flattery Always Helps

Although the FBI agents busting you are amoral, partisan creeps on a par with the Gestapo, they’re still human. Tell them how good they look in their FBI-emblazoned windbreakers. Ask them, without smirking, about all those terrorist plots they’ve foiled that nobody knows about. Have a framed photo of a smiling James Comey in the downstairs bathroom. Tell them you think Lisa Page is pretty freakin’ hot, anything to keep them from slapping you and your loved ones around.

Sedatives for the Kids

Sadly, your kids will be traumatized for life after watching their unshaven, beer-bellied dad hanging out of his boxers on Channel 5 News. So always have a bottle of Zanax or Valium handy for when the Feds unexpectedly visit. And make sure your kids know the right dose to take, in case you and your spouse have already been hog-tied on the living room floor. A list of psychologists should also be posted in plain sight, ideally professionals within walking distance, since you’re likely to be spending significant time in the slammer. The sooner your children start therapy after the trauma of watching FBI goons attack their home and family, the better.

Change Your Race

In the eyes of the FBI, BLM miscreants burning down cities, spitting on cops, and attacking innocents are just fine. It’s those pesky white supremacists the Feebs are after. If you’re unfortunate enough to be of Caucasian lineage, you fit that threat assessment perfectly.

So, when the federal SWAT team comes crashing into your front hall, give them the black power salute, chant “Black Lives Matter,” and tell them you’re somewhere between 1/64th and 1/1024th African-American and that you’ve got Benjamin Crump on speed dial. Have a framed photo of Lloyd Austin hanging in the living room to add authority to your claim.

Can’t hurt, might work.

Vote this November

Despite all the preparations I’ve suggested, when the rogue FBI comes a knocking at your door, you’re screwed. With the help of Deep State judges and the fake-news media, the FBI will happily ruin you, your family, your finances, and your...

Visage à trois #493

Three Videos For Your Viewing Pleasure:

Three Additional Bonus Videos:

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #676

The Smearing of Matt Gaetz

The New York Times reported last year, according to three sources "briefed on the matter," that the Justice Department was investigating Trump darling Matt Gaetz for sex-trafficking a 17-year-old girl. Big if true.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi mused that, if the allegations were true, Gaetz should be removed from the House Judiciary Committee. Late night polemicist Stephen Colbert quipped that the congressman was not allowed within 50 feet of elementary schools. And the Daily Beast last month ran a story headlined: "Eight Sources Say Feds are Not Done with Matt Gaetz."

Turns out, the feds are very much done with Matt Gaetz. Whatever his other blind spots—and there are many—they appear not to involve the sex trafficking of underage women. Per the Washington Post, a conviction of the congressman is unlikely due to "credibility questions with the two central witnesses," so career Justice Department officials are recommending against a prosecution.

Here is, or was, the thing about our system of justice. Everybody from model citizens to sleazy politicians is supposed to enjoy the due process of law. In Gaetz’s case, that system was circumvented, undermined, and abused by what we can safely assume are politically motivated law enforcement officials who, working in concert with their allies in the mainstream media, succeeded in casting a cloud over the Florida lawmaker with lurid and appalling accusations they could not prove in a court of law.

Compare Gaetz’s treatment by the Department of Justice with the tight-lipped handling of the ongoing probe into Hunter Biden, which we have to guess has turned up a salacious thing or two that hasn’t made its way to the press.

And remember the contrast between them the next time President Joe Biden and his friends get on their high horse for the next lecture about the right wing’s...

Morning Mistress


The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #1153

Before You Click On The "Read More" Link, 

Please Only Do So If You Are Over 21 Years Old.

If You are Easily Upset, Triggered Or Offended, This Is Not The Place For You.  

Please Leave Silently Into The Night......

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1853

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night


Sunday, September 25, 2022

Girls With Guns