90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, October 3, 2022

Visage à trois #507

Three Videos For Your Viewing Pleasure:

Three Additional Bonus Videos:

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #690


Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #687

The case against fluoride

Nobody likes to admit they made a mistake.

At the AB 2098 event in Sacramento today, Jay Sanders of fluoridealert.org walked up to me and asked me, “Can I give you a book?”

This is the sort of life changing question that got Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to realize that vaccines aren’t safe.

So after a 10 second hesitation to overcome my cognitive dissonance (<sarcasm on>since as we all know fluoridation must be safe since it is mandated everywhere <sarcasm off>), I said yes, and I ended up with a copy of “The Case against Fluoride: How Hazardous Waste Ended Up in Our Drinking Water and the Bad Science and Powerful Politics That Keep It There.

Sound familiar? :)

In a nutshell, here is what you need to know.

Trials began in 1945.

It was approved in 1950, before any trials were completed and any comprehensive studies were published.

There is a tiny net benefit to fluoride if it is kept in your mouth and not swallowed. It can slightly reduce your risk of a cavity.

Once you swallow it, the risks strongly outweigh the benefits. IQ drops significantly and other negative health outcomes accrue. It’s not a close call.

In hindsight, it was a stupid intervention.

It would have been better to have limited fluoride to small doses in toothpaste, mouth rinse, etc, that are then spat out. This provides the benefits of strengthening tooth enamel, without the detriments of deteriorating bones by drinking an unknown dosage.

But nobody likes to admit they made a mistake! Does this sound familiar?

All large towns “in California” are required to fluoridate (CA Law AB733). There is no federal fluoridation law.

BUT, almost all large U.S. cities are fluoridated. The ADA is an extremely powerful lobby.

Short term ways to avoid fluoride:
Long term ways to avoid fluoride in your water:
  • Donate to fluoridealert.org. This is the best long-term investment that helps everyone.
  • Get your town to stop fluoridating the water. It’s poison. You will have to overcome the same disbelief you get when you tell people the COVID vaccines aren’t safe.
  • Change the law in your state to outlaw fluoridation. Like vaccines, the science is crystal clear when you look at it; but nobody wants to look at it. After we take down the COVID vaccines, people will hopefully be more receptive to looking at the risk-benefit here.
For more information:

Morning Mistress


The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #1160

Before You Click On The "Read More" Link, 

Please Only Do So If You Are Over 21 Years Old.

If You are Easily Upset, Triggered Or Offended, This Is Not The Place For You.  

Please Leave Silently Into The Night......

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1860

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night


Sunday, October 2, 2022

Girls With Guns

Visage à trois #506

Three Videos For Your Viewing Pleasure:

Three Additional Bonus Videos:

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #689



Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #687

'Your Freedom of Press Is Not Freedom to Lie': MTG Puts HuffPost in Its Place for Deceptive Article

After HuffPost published an incendiary, misleading headline that claimed Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene was encouraging her supporters to shoot Democrats, the controversial Georgia Republican had nine words for the publication: “Your freedom of press is not freedom to lie.”

The article — which remains up, albeit with a slightly altered headline — dealt with a viral campaign video Greene posted to social media.

The ad, posted Tuesday, dealt with two major destructive forces: Democratic policies and feral hogs eating up crops.

“We’ve got skyrocketing inflation, high diesel fuel [prices] and Democrats’ America-last policies,” Greene said, standing in front of a helicopter.

However, she noted those policies weren’t the only things affecting beleaguered farmers. Feral hogs have also been a major issue, tearing up fields in many parts of America.

Voters can only solve one of those problems at the ballot box. However, with feral hogs, you can hunt them, often from helicopters. That’s exactly what Greene was doing in the video, meant to advertise a contest to win a hog-hunting trip with Greene.

  “Let’s help American farmers out,” Greene said at the conclusion of the video.

Now, you’ll notice at no point does Greene directly conflate Democrats with feral hogs. She didn’t go out there and say, “Let’s do to these hogs what we should do to Democrats!”

In fact, the ad assiduously avoids any comparison that might imply the two are in any way similar — and for good reason, because you can see publications like HuffPost writing a headline like, “Marjorie Taylor Greene Likens Dems To Hogs, Wants Help Shooting Them Dead.”

Except the liberal outlet went ahead and...

Volleyball Girls Banned From Locker Room For Refusing To Change In Front Of Boy Masquerading As Girl

A high school in Vermont banned girls on its volleyball team from their own locker room after they expressed discomfort with changing in front of a male who pretends to be a female.

Teen girls on the Randolph Union High School volleyball team said a male student claiming to be transgender reportedly “made an inappropriate comment while members of the volleyball team were getting changed.”

When players and their parents raised concerns about teen girls sharing intimate spaces with someone of the opposite sex, the school told them state law allows for students claiming to be transgender to use whichever bathrooms and locker rooms they desire. The school is also investigating whether the team violated the school’s harassment, hazing, and bullying policy.

“My mom wants me to do this interview to try to make a change,” one of the volleyball girls, Blake Allen, told local news outlet WCAX3. “I feel like for stating my opinion — that I don’t want a biological man changing with me — that I should not have harassment charges or bullying charges. They should all be dropped.”

In addition to threatening punishment for students for speaking up about their discomfort, school administrators claimed that girls who do not want to share their protected space with the opposite sex should go out of their way to “change in privacy.”

“They want all the girls who feel uncomfortable — so pretty much 10 girls — to get changed in a single stall bathroom, which would take over 30 minutes. Where if one person got changed separately, it would take a minute, like no extra time,” Allen said.

In that same email to parents, high school officials said their investigation will primarily focus on allegations that the girls harassed the transgender student even though the school’s harassment policy specifically bars the kind of inappropriate comments the male student allegedly made.

“A hostile environment exists where the harassing conduct is severe, persistent or pervasive so as to deny or limit the student’s ability to participate in or benefit from the educational program on the basis of sex,” the sexual harassment section of the school handbook states.

Administrators at Randolph Union High School did not immediately respond to The Federalist’s request for comment. RUHS Co-Principal Caty Sutton told The Federalist post-publication that “Student safety is our District’s highest priority” but also indicated that RUHS officials “are not able to discuss any specific students because...