90 Miles From Tyranny

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Sunday, May 7, 2023

Is Jury Nullification the Most Powerful Individual Tool to Neutralize Tyranny?

In light of the ongoing persecution of January 6 protesters as “insurgents,” it may be apropos to review what is arguably the most powerful tool that an individual has to combat unjust government overreach: jury nullification.

Via Fully Informed Jury Association:
Jury nullification occurs when a jury returns a Not Guilty verdict even though jurors believe beyond reasonable doubt that the defendant has broken the law. Because the Not Guilty verdict cannot be overturned, and because the jurors cannot be punished for their verdict, the law is said to be nullified in that particular case.
Jury nullification has been used throughout history, with varying degrees of success, to negate immoral government laws:

When these kinds of rejections of enforcement of laws stack up over time, the laws become unenforceable. We’ve seen this rejection of the Fugitive Slave Laws and alcohol prohibition, for example, undermine such laws’ enforcement. Eventually, it is no longer worth the time or hassle or embarrassment for government officials to try to enforce these laws. They may be further nullified in a sense either remaining on the books but not being enforced or being repealed altogether.

The Constitutional Double Jeopardy clause contained in the Fifth Amendment bars the government from re-trying a case in the event of an acquittal. Similarly, jurors are legally protected from retribution for using their rights to nullify laws they believe to be unjust.

The practice has its roots in the best traditions of Americana, as it was used to defang the British Crown in the time before the Revolution when it otherwise abused the colonists with impunity. “Nullification had its American origins in colonial juries which ignored British law to acquit dissidents. Along with civil disobedience, nullification may be seen as an integral feature of the birth of this nation,” J.B. Weinstein writes in the American Criminal Law Review.

Jury nullification is one of the only tools at an individual level that enables the individual to exercise his or her own moral judgment within the criminal justice system above and beyond the technical question of whether the letter of a law was broken or not.

The problem for proponents of jury nullification is that lawyers are generally barred from seeding the concept within the minds of juries during court proceedings. If jurors are going to discover the power they have, they’ll have to do it outside of the courtroom.

The reason, of course, that the ongoing theatrical prosecutions of MAGA “domestic terrorists” are located in jurisdictions like D.C., New York, and Fulton County, Ga. (right in the middle of inner-city Atlanta) are two-fold: the district attorneys are partisan Democrats who will prosecute whomever George Soros tells them to prosecute and, more relevant to this discussion, the jury pool is overwhelmingly partisan as...

Visage à trois #1416

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Colorado teachers union adopts anti-capitalist resolution

Colorado Education Association adopted a statement saying it believes “capitalism inherently exploits children, public schools, land, labor and resources,”

Colorado's largest union representing the state's public school teachers has reportedly adopted a resolution on economic equity that affirms the union’s views opposing capitalism.

The Colorado Education Association, which represents more than 39,000 educators and staff, has adopted a statement saying it believes “capitalism inherently exploits children, public schools, land, labor and resources,” according to a recent report from The Lion, a publication of the Herzog Foundation, a Christian education organization.

The resolution also said capitalism, an economic system that relies on private property and the market forces of supply and demand, stands in the way toward rectifying a number of societal ills.

“Capitalism is in opposition to fully addressing systemic racism (the school to prison pipeline), climate change, patriarchy (gender and LGTBQ disparities), education inequality and income inequality,” the resolution stated, according to The Lion.

The Lion reported the union sent the version of the resolution that passed the assembly during the union’s 97th Annual CEA Delegate Assembly, which was held in April. It’s unclear exactly what the impact of the resolution will be on the affairs of the union.

A spokesperson for the union told The Lion that the resolution was not supposed to be “actionable,” but one Twitter user praising the changes claimed it means the union can now “advocate and lobby for anti-capitalist policies at the [Colorado] Capitol.”

The CEA did not immediately respond to Chalkboard Review’s request for comment.

The union says on its website that economic investment is one of its pillars, but the language used is not as strong as that in the resolution.

“CEA members believe education is the best investment we can make in the Colorado quality of life,” the website reads. “Every Coloradan shares the problem of our low economic investment in public schools and the challenge of achieving sustainable funding for a quality, 21st century public education system.”

The Lion reported that a previous version of the resolution included verbiage with a call-to-action.

“The only way to fully address systemic racism (the school to prison pipeline), climate change, patriarchy (gender and LGTBQ disparitites), education inequality and income inequality is to dismantle capitalism and replace it with a new, equitable economic system,” the previous version read, according to...

Morning Mistress


The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #1378

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Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Girls With Guns

Epstein’s Latest Victim: The Public’s Right to Know

A free press has devolved into regime media.

Amid the oppressive, choking miasma of lies incessantly and unaccountably belched by this sock-puppet administration, which is amplified, massaged, and muted as necessary by its lapdog media, dissent is essential and must be heralded.

Therefore, one should recognize and laud the Wall Street Journal for its revelatory report, “Epstein’s Private Calendar Reveals Prominent Names, Including CIA Chief, Goldman’s Top Lawyer.” The article endeavors to resurrect interest in the Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking ring. Whether it can facilitate justice for the survivors (many of them minors at the time), or spark further revelations about the predator Epstein’s connections with the global elite, is perhaps unlikely. The odds are stacked against such a just outcome. (Some outlets, such as the Daily Caller, have helped further the article’s reach, and these outlets also are to be commended.)

Yet, the Journal story did accomplish one goal resoundingly. By proving the exception, it proved the rule: a free press has devolved into regime media.

The default response to the economic stresses the communication revolution’s democratization of information has placed upon traditional news outlets has been more partisanship in reporting. Confirmation bias is big business. And, yes, the bias being confirmed is almost always a liberal or leftist one, given the ideological disposition of liberal older management and woke younger reporters. Yet, because of public expectations, not even the most biased outlets can patently express their partisanship. After all, our largely for-profit media’s goal is to survive and thrive.

Leave it to the Left to justify its departure from objective reporting into ideological proselytization. Welcome to the skewed world of “accountability journalism,” which is neither accountable nor journalism. As previously explained in American Greatness, accountability journalism

allows the Left to ignore any claim of objectivity in their reporting, in order to serve a ‘higher truth’ and ‘greater good’—specifically, the leftist agenda. It assumes one’s leftist ideology is the only acceptable one; and, ergo, its premises and conclusions are infallible. Any challenge to their personal partisan premises and conclusions are ipso facto erroneous—i.e., ‘disinformation.’

Accountability journalism is the seminal deceit in the Left’s effort to preserve its “fiefdom of the press.”

Oblivious to the irony of a morally relative ideology purporting to identify “the truth” (or is it “a truth,” or “my truth”?) when ideologically necessary to advance a political “narrative,” accountability journalism reaps what it purports to stanch: the erosion of public trust in the media.

This lack of public trust stems from a second factor: the media’s transmogrification from objective journalism to “accountability journalism.” The latter is merely a pretext for leftist...