90 Miles From Tyranny

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Friday, January 6, 2017


White Hispanic Esteban Santiago Identified as shooter

Is This Him???

Must be related to White Hispanic George Zimmerman...

Ok, this is not him, the shooter is 26 years old.

People Are Running Again In Fort Lauderdale Airport, Miami Airport Security Beefed Up.

Im pretty sure this is the threat from the extreme right that Obama and Jeh Johnson has been warning us about and spending millions guarding against, where is the Southern Poverty Law Center when you need them? #SPLC

5 Dead So Far At Fort Lauderdale Airport - I am 30 Minutes Away From It...

Fort Lauderdale airport shooting: Multiple people killed, suspect in custody

(CNN)Gunshots erupted at the Fort Lauderdale airport on Friday, leaving multiple people dead.

Authorities say the gunman, who appeared to be acting alone, is in custody.

Here's the latest on what we know:

• Five people are dead, a law enforcement official told CNN.

• Eight people were transported to a hospital, the Broward County Sheriff's Office said on Twitter.

• Multiple reports on social media -- including tweets from former White House spokesman Ari Fleischer, described the shooting.

• Gene Messina told CNN he'd arrived at the airport as people were being evacuated from the terminal.

"I got off the plane and I saw people running and screaming," he said. "At first I was in shock but when I saw TSA agents running, I booked."

• Investigators are looking into the gunman's motive, Broward County Mayor Barbara Sharief told CNN.

• The shooting occurred in the baggage claim area of Terminal 2, officials said.


Chicago Field Trips...

Cybersecurity LEGEND McAfee: ‘Russian Hack’ Is NOT TRUE! (Video)

One of the most brilliant cyber-security experts has come forward to give his thoughts on the supposed Russian hack of the U.S. election.
I will be on @RT_America today at 8pm ET. I'll drop a bombshell on today's US intelligence claims. @realDonaldTrump I hope you're listening.
From RT:

The sloppiness of the alleged DNC hack by itself proves it was not organized by a nation state, and the “utter nonsense” presented as proof of Moscow’s involvement is rather evidence of intelligence agencies being “ignorant and naïve,” John McAfee told RT.

The so-called evidence of the Russian involvement in the hacks not only looks like “the most deceptive propaganda was perpetrated on the American public” but actually proves quite the opposite, McAfee believes…

Thus, McAfee believes, the whole “Russian hacking” narrative is either “propaganda intended to incite the American people, to anger toward Russia for some reason, or our intelligence community is so ignorant and naïve that they should all be replaced.”

Cybersecurity specialist believes that based on the presented evidence the hack “cannot possibly be an organized nation-state.”

Report: Obama to Free Gitmo Detainees Who Have Vowed to Behead Americans

President Barack Obama plans to transfer out at least 22 of the 59 detainees who remain at the U.S. military prison in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, by the time he leaves the White House, a move that will liberate jihadists who have threatened to behead and bomb Americans, the Daily Mail has learned.

In recent weeks, the number of detainees who are expected to be set free by the end of Obama’s tenure on January 20 has varied by news agencies from 17 to 19.

Earlier this week, the White House responded to incoming President Donald Trump’s urging to stop transferring prisoners out of Guantánamo, saying it plans to liberate more detainees before Obama leaves office.

The Obama administration reportedly told Congress last month that the sitting president would reduce the population of Guantánamo, also known as Gitmo, by 19 to 40 detainees.

Now, the Daily Mail reports:
President Obama is planning to transfer at least 22 additional Guantanamo Bay detainees out of the military detention center before...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of the Late Night

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Girls With Guns

I Love These Vowels...

The Leftist Definition Of Success...

Presidential Nicknames...

The History Of Islam...

Handing The Mess Over...

Obama To Do List Before Leaving Office...

New GOP H-1B bill appears to fall short of Trump’s goal

In the first week of the new Congress, U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) is attempting to win support for a controversial H-1B reform bill.

The bill, introduced Wednesday, is called the "Protect and Grow American Jobs Act" (HR 170) and co-sponsored by Rep. Scott Peters (D-Calif.). It is aimed at tightening, but not closing, a loophole in the visa law that has benefitted large H-1B-using firms.

Issa introduced this bipartisan bill last July. It faced some criticism and stalled in committee. The big difference this year is the impending inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump.

Trump has made clear that he wants to reform the H-1B program and appears open to legislation that accomplishes that goal.

But the reform measure pitched again by Issa may not go far enough for Trump based on ideas he outlined in the 2016 campaign.

Issa's legislation, which he said is in response to IT worker displacements at Southern California Edison and Disney, focuses on an 18-year-old loophole in the law.

In 1998, Congress adopted legislation approving a visa cap increase that also prohibited firms from displacing U.S. workers if they employed 15% or more visa workers.

The law also required a "good faith" effort by companies to first hire a U.S. worker. But in that same bill, lawmakers torpedoed these protections. U.S. workers can be displaced by...

Ann Coulter: The Great Southern Poverty Law Center Hijab Cover-Up

Forget fake news; the real issue is fake “hate.”

Has there been one (1) documented hate crime committed by white people against any hue in the Rainbow Coalition since Nov. 8? That’s out of the 9,456,723 hate crimes alleged by America’s leading hate group, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

The SPLC is to “hate” what Rolling Stone is to rape. It is the biggest peddler of fantasies since Walt Disney.

I’ve read through dozens of SPLC “hate crimes” and they are all lies. The Muslim girls in particular seem to be very spirited liars.

Since the election, there have been vivid stories from across the nation of Trump supporters tearing off Muslim girls’ hijabs — at the University of Michigan (since retracted), Louisiana State University (also retracted), San Diego State University (that too was retracted), the New York City subway (again: retracted), and the University of New Mexico (no witnesses, won’t reveal attacker’s name or report the incident for investigation).

The main take-away from all these stories is: We sure have taken in a lot of Muslims! They seem to have trouble assimilating to American laws about not committing mass murder, but the good news is, when it comes to America’s culture of victimhood, they assimilate like fish to water!

This isn’t mass psychogenic illness, like when cheerleaders at the same high school all develop tics. It’s not even the Salem witch trials. At least the Salem witch-hunters believed in witches. The Muslim hoaxers are lying, and they know they’re lying.

Otherwise, they’d leave the country.

If Muslims want to convince me that they’re living in abject fear in Trump’s America, instead of rushing to the media, somebody’s got to leave.

I’ve heard endless stories about the reign of terror against Muslims, but have yet to hear of one single Muslim — much less a wave of Muslims — moving out of the United States.

It’s not as if they get depressed at the thought of abandoning the old ancestral home, where their great-grandparents are buried. They just got here!

If any Muslim were at risk of so much as a dyspeptic look from white Americans, there’s emigration as well as immigration.

But to the contrary, we can’t keep them out! They get huffy and give indignant speeches at the Democratic National Convention at the suggestion of a mere pause in Muslim immigration.

The greatest fear of Muslims these days is that they won’t be home when the “Today” show calls and will miss the opportunity to regale credulous hosts with stories about their victimization at the hands of white American men (whose great-grandparents areburied here).

The left has gone so insane that the SPLC, the main propagator of fake hate crimes, is the media’s go-to expert on hate. SPLC spokesmen appear on TV and defame all the people they hate: whites, Christians, Trump supporters, cops, frat boys and so on.

The SPLC is like the cult awareness groups taken over by Scientologists. Terrified parents would call for help in rescuing...

‘F**k Donald Trump, F**k White People!’: 4 People In Custody After Man Kidnapped, Tortured On Facebook Live

Graphic footage captured on Facebook Live showed a white man with special needs being tortured in Chicago by African-American assailants as they laughed and expressed their disgust for white people and President-elect Donald Trump.
Chicago police announced on Wednesday evening that they had arrested four people in connection with the crime, according to Fox 32.
The video, taken by a woman identified on Facebook as “Brittany Herring,” shows a white man tied up with tape across his mouth. The victim is shown being repeatedly hit, sliced at with a knife, berated and his clothes ripped off.

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

The Real Housewives Of ISIS

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Girls With Guns

Bringing Love Of Country Back...

Borders, Language, Culture

Borders, Language, Culture. It's been said that borders, language, and culture are the essential elements of nationhood. Borders define the physical space a nation lives in the same way the property line around our homes or the walls of our apartments define the space that is ours.

A Field Guide To White Supremacists...

All this toxic whiteness...

The Real Obama Legacy...

Communists And Muslim Dictators, Oh My...

The members of the UN’s 2017 Human Rights Council is a murderers’ row of the world’s worst nations

Every few years, the United Nations puts its worthlessness on display and the amount of money the United States dumps into the global fiasco becomes a political hot potato. Recently, it was the actions and words of Barack Obama and John Kerry that had people talking. Their orchestration of anti-Israel resolutions sparked a round of saber-rattling about pulling US funding from the New York based 


Need another reason to defund this joke of an operation?

Take a look at the membership of the U.N. Human Rights Council. It's basically an international Legion of Doom, in which the planet's worst villains have joined forces in one of the greatest farces ever...

Left leaning ESPN Murdered in Ratings Last Year, Now Nearly Dead

One struggles to put into proper perspective the sheer collapse that has befallen the “worldwide leader.” Yet, while the final numbers from 2016 start to come in, that perspective has started to take shape.

Like this, from the sports media site Awful Announcing, “ESPN remained the dominant sports cable network leader in 2016 despite a 9 percent drop in each prime time and total-day viewership year-to-year. Its top program “Monday Night Football” averaged a 9-year low for its season and was down 12 percent from its previous year (11.4 million vs. 2016’s 12.9 million). Due to the unprecedented 2016 presidential election, ESPN (1.95 million) lost its cable prime time leader crown to Fox News Channel (2.466 million) by a margin of nearly 500,000 viewers.”

This is extremely generous to ESPN. First of all, never even for a moment did anyone seriously question whether or not ESPN would remain the dominant sports cable network in 2016. ESPN has become the Google or Xerox of sports programming, a monolithic branding presence resulting from essentially running unopposed among sports cable networks for decades. Oh sure, there’s Fox Sports 1, and they do a good job, though despite some recent gains FS1 still has a very long way to go before seriously challenging ESPN in any real sense.

Saying ESPN remains the leader in sports cable programming despite losses is the rough equivalent of saying Hillary Clinton remained the clear frontrunner to win the Democratic nomination, despite plummeting likeability numbers. She, and ESPN, both ran a rigged race in which the outcome was always known despite how awful they are.

Citing the election among the factors for why ESPN lost its coveted primetime spot to FNC in 2016 is fair. Yet, even then, there’s a backstory that’s more than meets the eye.

As Breitbart’s Daniel Flynn notes, “It’s tempting to cite Fox News’s growth and the country’s rightward shift to buttress the argument that ESPN backing the wrong horse led to its decline. But that misses the point. People watch sports to escape politics, not to encounter jock versions of MSNBC and Fox. America wants sports now more than ever. ESPN gives America frustrated political pundits haranguing its captive audience with heavy-handed political tirades.

“Is it any wonder that its captive audience made a...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Girls With Guns - Israeli Army Babe..

Revealed: 1,000-Man Mob Attack Police, Set Germany’s Oldest Church Alight on New Year’s Eve

At New Year’s Eve celebrations in Dortmund a mob of more than 1,000 men chanted ‘Allahu Akhbar’, launched fireworks at police, and set fire to a historic church.

Already by 7 pm a man was hospitalised with first-degree burns to his face and hands after fireworks were hurled at a group of homeless people outside the city’s main train station. More than two dozen people were injured at festivities in Dortmund, some seriously.

The events of the night were described as “quiet” by police in a statement, and as “normal” by a spokesman for the city government.

But at 11:30pm police announced they were adding to their already much larger than usual presence in the city centre for New Year, sending in further reinforcements of officers.

This came after the force reported there being a “large number of young men from North Africa” in town, with federal police officer Volker Stall noting there was an “aggressive mood” towards the public and police.

At midnight, the situation threatened to escalate. A livewire published by the Ruhr Nachrichten reported that a crowd of “at least 1,000 young men” began throwing fireworks into crowds of visitors, which also included families with children. Asked by officers to stop, the mob turned to pelt fireworks at police instead.

Despite the prohibition of lighting pyrotechnics near churches, firemen had to intervene after fireworks were launched at St Reinolds, Germany’s oldest church, setting the roof alight.

Also reported by the Ruhr Nachrichten was that “a group of Syrians sang in celebration of the ceasefire in Syria.” However, a video posted to Twitter by one of the newspaper’s reporters, paired with the caption “Syrians celebrate the truce in their country”, shows a group of men chanting ‘Allahu Akhbar’ around the flag of al-Qaeda and Islamic State collaborators, the ‘Free Syrian Army’.

Did You Get Mother What She Wanted For Christmas?

Obama - Trying To Blow Shit Up...

Merkel To The Rescue...

More On The Invasion Based Destruction Of Germany:

The Merkel Debacle...

Assange says he is '1,000% confident' that Russia was NOT the source for hacked Democratic emails which were published by WikiLeaks

  • Julian Assange claimed Barack Obama is 'trying to delegitimize Donald Trump'
  • Reiterated his claims Russia was not behind hacks during presidential election
  • Emails stolen from DNC and Clinton's campaign chairman were published online
  • But Assange said 'source is not Russian government and it is not a state party' 

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has said Barack Obama is 'trying to delegitimize the Trump administration' by claiming the Russian government hacked Democrats' emails during the bitter presidential election.

Assange, whose interview with Sean Hannity will air on Fox News tonight, also reiterated his claims that Russia was not the source of the hacks.

He told Hannity 'with a thousand per cent' confidence that the Russian government was not responsible for emails stolen from the Democratic National Committee and John Podesta, Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman.

Julian Assange, whose interview will air on Fox News tonight, reiterated his claims that the Russian government was not responsible for the hacks during the 2016 presidential election

Assange is currently living under political asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where he sought refuge from a Swedish investigation into rape allegations from his 2010 visit to the country.

The interview tonight marks his first face-to-face TV news appearance.

A tweet from the WikiLeaks account last night said: 'If you thought 2016 was a big WikiLeaks year 2017 will blow you away.'

The post also called for donations to help the site 'prepare for the showdown'.

Speaking to Hannity about the WikiLeaks revelations, he said: 'We can say, we have said, repeatedly that over the last two months that our source is not the Russian government and it is not a state party.

'Our publications had wide uptake by the American people, they're all true. But that's not the allegation that's being presented by the Obama White House.

'So, why such a dramatic response? Well, the reason is obvious. They're trying to...

10 Things The Right Can Teach The Left About Accepting The Reality Of Trump

It’s been nearly two months since Donald Trump won the 2016 election for president of the United States but somehow that’s not been enough time for the reality to sink in for many political liberals. Yes, presidential elections have been emotional for some time. I can vouch for how sad if not depressed many conservatives were when Mitt Romney lost his bid to unseat President Obama in 2012. If you didn’t already know that, it’s probably just because you don’t know many conservatives. The media never for a moment considered how heartbreaking that loss was for many Americans worried about the direction of the country.

But as the media overwhelmingly tend to the political left and chose not obscure their bias so much this round, we’ve been given daily examples of the difficulty folks on that side of the political divide are having with the reality of Donald Trump. The crying, the protests, the riots, the subway art installations, the artist boycotts, the recount efforts, the organized and funded push to have the Electoral College do … something, the media-fed conspiracy theories about Russian vote hacking. Pundits on TV shake their head at everything Trump says and does, and journalists on Twitter react like rabid Pavlovian dogs to every utterance the president-elect makes.

Folks on the Right, regardless of how they feel about Trump, have been enjoying this meltdown. It’s funny! The hubris leading up the election only makes it...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Monday, January 2, 2017

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:
American Power has: Rule 5 Links
The Other McCain has: Rule 5 Sunday: Happy New Year!
Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Canada: Muslim charged with human trafficking, multiple rapes and sex slavery

The Muslim child sex trafficking gangs of Europe come to North America. Apparently Western media doesn’t think it’s big news. Instead, some random incidents of spray painting on mosques following a terrorist attack becomes a serious case of hate crime, more grave than terrorist attack (even when it is discovered the perpetrator of the vandalism is Muslim).

In Edmonton, Canada, a Muslim man has been caught doing what we find everywhere there is a large Muslim population — human trafficking and sexual assault. Similar acts have been propagated by people in UK, where tens of thousands of Muslims have been accused of sexually assaulting and trafficking over a million non-Muslim girls. But the media will not highlight how this has been a routine act for them, and that is the reason why this story was buried deep down in the website, while any random case where a visible minority gets stared at in public transportation catches headlines quickly.
Sex slavery is sanctioned under Islam. As I have explained numerous times, sex slavery and rape of the infidel is sanctioned and rewarded under Islam. Muslim clerics all over the world confirm the right to have sex slaves. It is in the Qur’an — the word of Allah.

Politicians can keep turning a blind eye, law enforcement ignore it, so this pox on our communities will continue to get worse.
Sex slavery and rape is in accordance with Quran chapter and verse. Sex slaves are war booty. Following a victory, Muhammad would usually distribute the captives, both male and female, as slaves to...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Girls With Guns

Don't Let Your Cat Read The Koran...

Obama's Consolation Prize...