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Saturday, February 11, 2017

Girls With Guns

FLASHBACK: 3 Somalian Immigrants Stabbed 24 People In 3 TERRORIST ATTACKS On U.S. Soil In 2016

These Somalian Terrorists Would Have Not Been Allowed Into U.S. Under Trump’s Plan.

The mainstream media inaccurately reports on a daily basis that there have been no terrorist attacks on U.S. soil since the 1970’s from immigrants that are from the seven countries on President Trump’s travel ban.
In 2016 alone there were 3 attacks carried about by Somalians, a country that is on President Trump’s Travel Ban list.

Ohio State Attack

The Gateway Pundit reported on November 28, 2016 the attack at the Ohio State campus by 20-year-old Abdul Artan from Somalia. Artan rammed his car into a group of students and then proceeded to attack them with a Machete. In all Artan severely wounded 11 students before being killed by law enforcement.
Abdul Artan was from Somalia.

Minnesota Mall Stabbings

The Gateway Pundit reported on September 19, 2016 the stabbing rampage at Crossroads Mall in St. Cloud, Minnesota. The attack was carried out by Dahir Adan who screamed  “Allahu Akbar!” during the attack that injured 9 people.
Dahir Adan was from Somalia.

Attack On Jewish Restaurant In Ohio

The Gateway Pundit reported on February 12, 2016 the attack that an Islamic Terrorist carried out on a Jewish Restaurant in Ohio. Mohamed Barry hacked 4 people with a machete before being shot dead.
These are just three attacks that were carried out last year by immigrants from just one country on President Trump’s travel ban list.

The Truth About Popular Culture

Good Advice When Talking To Police..

This Is Good Advice...

"Mississippi River Landing." Circa 1906, an exceptionally detailed view..

"Mississippi River Landing." Circa 1906, an exceptionally detailed view of the sternwheeler "Belle of Calhoun" and sidewheeler "Belle of the Bends" taking on cargo.

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Study Reveals 72 Terrorists Came From Countries Covered by Trump Vetting Order

A review of information compiled by a Senate committee in 2016 reveals that 72 individuals from the seven countries covered in President Trump's vetting executive order have been convicted in terror cases since the 9/11 attacks. These facts stand in stark contrast to the assertions by the Ninth Circuit judges who have blocked the president's order on the basis that there is no evidence showing a risk to the United States in allowing aliens from these seven terror-associated countries to come in.

In June 2016 the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest, then chaired by new Attorney General Jeff Sessions, released a report on individuals convicted in terror cases since 9/11. Using open sources (because the Obama administration refused to provide government records), the report found that 380 out of 580 people convicted in terror cases since 9/11 were foreign-born. The report is no longer available on the Senate website, but a summary published by Fox News is available here.

The Center has obtained a copy of the information compiled by the subcommittee. The information compiled includes names of offenders, dates of conviction, terror group affiliation, federal criminal charges, sentence imposed, state of residence, and immigration history.

The Center has extracted information on 72 individuals named in the Senate report whose country of origin is one of the seven terror-associated countries included in the vetting executive order: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. The Senate researchers were not able to obtain complete information on each convicted terrorist, so it is possible that more of the convicted terrorists are from these countries.

The United States has admitted terrorists from all of the seven dangerous countries:

Plastic Army Men

Just The Facts

  1. If you didn't have Plastic Army Men growing up, you turned out to be a sociopath.
  2. If you're saying "well, that's not true!" or "but we were poor!" right now, you should know denial and justification are both sociopathic traits.
  3. Authorities have been notified.
Cracked on Plastic Army Men

Back in the days where youngsters had legs and a shape, one of the best ways to entertain yourself was with little plastic army men: Even today, roughly half of all grown men cannot help but see trenches in the garden walls and cliffsides in tree roots. These little soldiers, sometimes based on actual national armies, watched their friends die face down in the mud for this patch of sidewalk. They taught us all about tiny duty, itty-bitty honor, wee sacrifice and bite-sized heroism.

Mexican Citizen Blames Trump For Her 8 Year Sentence For Illegally Voting 5 Times In Texas Elections..

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — A lawyer for a Mexican national sentenced to eight years in prison for voter fraud in Texas said that President Donald Trump’s widely debunked claims of election rigging was “the 800-pound gorilla” in the jury box.

Rosa Maria Ortega, 37, was convicted in Fort Worth this week on two felony counts of illegal voting over allegations that she improperly cast a ballot five times between 2005 and 2014.

Her attorney, Clark Birdsall, said Friday that Ortega was a permanent resident who was brought to the U.S. as a baby and mistakenly thought she was eligible to vote. He said she voted Republican, including for Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, whose office helped prosecute her.

The sentence was stark — voter fraud convictions, which are rare, many times result in probation. And as a convicted felon, Ortega will very likely be deported after serving her sentence.

Tarrant County prosecutors say jurors made clear they value voting rights, but Birdsall said he believes Ortega would have fared better in a county with fewer “pro-Trump” attitudes.

Trump carried North Texas’ Tarrant County with 52 percent of the vote in November. Birdsall said he wanted to...

Deeper calls, smaller balls

Across the animal kingdom, males hoot and holler to attract females and ward off competing suitors. Now, a new study finds that male howler monkeys with deeper calls have smaller testicles – and vice versa, according to researchers from universities of Utah, Cambridge and Vienna and other institutions.

In the cover story of Current Biology’s new issue, the research team provides the first evidence of a tradeoff between two traits evolved by different howler monkey species so that males could mate with females and pass their genes to offspring: large gonads to make more sperm, or a large vocal-tract hyoid bone to produce a deep call that scares competitors and attracts females – similar to how women like deep male voices.

“They are different solutions to the same problem,” says...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Midnight Movies: ANA

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Midnight Movies: Human Beings Are Scary...

Friday, February 10, 2017

Girls With Guns

To see and listen to the wicked is already the beginning of wickedness -Confucius

Virtue is persecuted more by the wicked than it is loved by the good. — Buddha

Wickedness In High Places

It was reported on the News today that 40 people have died. The leaders of the VA Hospital, we found out how much they lied.
People were on the waiting list, for many months at a time. They were never called on, so many of their loved ones died.
The people shredding the real documents, replacing them with the false. While they were doing evil behind the scene, relatives of people were lost. There is so much wicked in high places, tell me who can you trust? To quickly get rid of these people, I tell you is a "MUST!"

-Sandra Juanita Nailing

Choices, Choices...

Egypt court bans Muslim Brotherhood's political wing - BBC News

Everyone Loses Their Minds!

Chief Spreading Bull..

Sorry MS. Warren, Bolsheviks Are NOT An Indian Tribe...

90 Movie stars have decided: Elizabeth Warren should be your next President

Elizabeth Warren’s Endorsement of Hillary Clinton PROVES SHE’S A FRAUD

Connecticut Actively Trying to Price People Out of Their Second Amendment Rights...

Governor Dannel Malloy is facing a rather intimidating $3.6B deficit in Connecticut, but he thinks he knows how to fix it.

His plan, unfortunately, comes at the expense of those exercising their Second Amendment rights to bear arms. He intends to drastically raise the prices of concealed carry permits more than 420%, from $70 to $300. Also suggested was raising the “5-year pistol permit” fee from $140 to $370, or more than 250%

Background check fees may also see a modest increase from $50 to $75. Based on these numbers, the permits would....

How To Build A Great Wall...

Oops, Forgot The Big Beautiful Door!

Donald Trump: ‘The Wall Is Getting Designed Right Now’


Despite Pres. Trump’s promise to build a wall and tighten border security, Department of Homeland security (DHS) websites are still advertising safe zones for illegal aliens where they are sheltered from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

“This policy is designed to ensure that these enforcement actions do not occur at nor are focused on sensitive locations such as schools and churches,” ICE’s “Sensitive Locations” policy post still states.

CBP's "Sensitive Locations FAQ" list of safe zones is so extensive that just about any illegal alien can escape arrest as long as they follow these simple rules, as CBP explains - providing a virtual “how-to” guide for illegals

Locations covered by these policies would include, but not be limited to:

If We Give Kids Good Education Will Liberals Go Extinct?

Here's why Betsy DeVos will be a great Education Secretary

Andrew Napolitano: 9th Circuit Ruling ‘Intellectually Dishonest’

Thursday on the Fox News Channel, in reacting to the 9th Circuit Court ruling upholding the blocking of President Trump‘s executive order banning immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States, network senior judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano called the ruling “an intellectually dishonest piece of work.”

Napolitano said, “The statute specifically says the president on his own, by proclamation, meaning he doesn’t have to consult with anybody else, can make the decision. The decision to ban is not reviewable. Judges are incapable of second-guessing the president on it. For that reason, he may be thinking the Supreme Court is going to invalidate it.”

“I don’t know which way the Supreme Court is going to go and I don’t know which court he had in mind, but this is an intellectually dishonest piece of work the 9th Circuit has produced tonight because it essentially consists of substituting the judgment of three judges for the President of the United States when the Constitution unambiguously gives this area of jurisdiction, foreign policy, exclusively to...


A professor at Saint Joseph’s University claims that people will actually die due to the Trump administration and his supporters.

According to Campus Reform, Dr. David Perry (chair of the Communications Studies department) at Saint Joseph’s, went on a tirade condemning white voters and making outrageous claims.

The whole thing was caught on an audio tape, and kudos to the student for doing it because sometimes there are consequences to this kind of thing. Like this Orange Coast College student that faced the possibility of being punished for recording a professor’s anti-Trump tirade.

This of course is all following the fact that many professors were resorting to abandoning regular class time to protest Trump.
Perry started out by making it clear that he had disdain for white people that voted for Trump.

“As someone who fights for liberal values, I am not sympathetic to the white voters who make over $50,000 a year and said that ‘we are going to vote for Trump,’ those people, I am not sympathetic to and I do not believe that you have to open your heart to them.”
Perry went on to talk about how Trump voters have in some way dehumanized minorities:
“If you are a person of color in this room, if you are a woman in this room, you do not have to open your heart to them. They told you you’re not a person and it is okay to deal with that how you want.”

Morning Mistress - Leftist Repellent..

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

2 Minutes of Mainstream Media Backtracking Really Puts 'Fake News' In Perspective

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Girls With Guns

The Disloyal Opposition...

That Moment When You Become A Meme For Losing Badly..

Smells Like..... Victory...

When Pure Evil Replaces Punxsutawney Phil

..And Disaster Is Averted..

The Truth About Non-Homogeneity...

The Greatest Danger Of All...

Establishment Republicans peddle growth-killing carbon tax at White House

A group of Republican insiders was scheduled to meet at the White House today to push the Trump administration to embrace slapping carbon taxes on the nation’s floundering economy, Sean Moran reports at Breitbart News.

On the campaign trail President Trump came out against enacting a carbon tax. “I will not support or endorse a carbon tax!” he tweeted May 13, 2016. White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus previously said that Trump’s “default position” on climate change is that “most of it is a bunch of bunk.”

Priebus, National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn, Ivanka Trump, and her husband Jared Kushner, were supposed to meet with former Treasury Secretary James Baker and others. The pro-carbon tax group reportedly includes former Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson, former Walmart chairman Rob Walton, and New America Foundation founder Ted Halstead, but it was unclear at time of writing if they were expected to attend the meeting.

According to Moran,
The insiders would impose a $40 per ton tax on carbon, and potentially increase it in the future. Conservatives on Capitol Hill and Pennsylvania Avenue oppose a carbon tax. […] At $40 per ton of carbon, the plan would raise $300 billion in revenue, and add 36 cents per gallon to gas prices. James Baker has said that they would reallocate the funds in the form of rebates, a family of four would receive $2,000 a year.

James Baker is trying to sell the carbon tax as “something that does not increase, build government, that is conservative, that is free market.”

Some right-of-center groups in Washington like the R Street Institute support carbon taxes, as Michael Bastasch and Steven J. Allen reported in the August 2013 issue of Green Watch. A handful of scholars at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) appear to favor such taxes.

“Conservatives should seize the opportunity to once again emphasize the superiority of free markets over central planning,” R Street’s Andrew Moylan wrote in 2013. “A revenue-neutral carbon tax with regulatory reform could do exactly that.”

Marlo Lewis of the Competitive Enterprise Institute thinks a carbon tax would be disastrous.

The political choice facing the American people is in no small part that between a Republican Party that is anti-tax and pro-energy and a Democratic Party that is anti-energy and pro-tax. This clear product differentiation is an asset for the GOP. Republicans are truly the Dumb Party if they...

Asian Trump Supporter Smashes Liberals And Identity Politics


Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Indian Windows Scammer Prank

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Girls With Guns

How to Take Down an Enemy Plane With a 1911 Pistol...

This Pilot is the Only Person to Take Down an Enemy Plane With a 1911 Pistol

Gimme Back My Bullets, Put 'Em Back Where They Belong...

This Seems Like A Really Bad Idea To Me...

This Is How Bill Clinton Kicked Out A Refugee...

The Harvest Of The Regressive Left

He said kill it before it grow -
He said kill them before they grow.

   -Bob Marley

The Fascists In America Are The Regressive Left...

Massive ESPN Financial, Subscriber Losses Drag Down Disney’s First-Quarter Sales

A year that saw arguably the five greatest championship game performances of all time should have helped right the ship for ESPN, and at the very least stopped the trend of massive subscriber losses which have plagued the Bristol-based sports giant for the last few years.

Well, that did not happen, and ESPN appears to be a sinking ship, dragging parent company Disney down with it.

Bloomberg reports that ESPN badly hurt Disney’s first quarter sales, falling well short of projections.

According to The Wrap, “Cable networks, particularly ESPN, have been an albatross on Disney’s stock price even as the company’s two other major prongs, movies and theme parks, continue to perform well. As cheaper TV alternatives began to proliferate, ESPN hemorrhaged subscribers during the course of 2016 and is now at less than 88 million, compared with a peak of 100.1 million in 2011. At an estimated $7 per subscriber, that dip has been a substantial hit to Disney, especially considering media networks made up 49 percent of Disney’s profits during fiscal 2016.”

In other words, everyone else at Disney met or exceeded their projected goals, except for ESPN who lost more than twelve million subscribers in just under six years.

But, the problem for ESPN goes deeper than just losing subscribers and money. The Wrap explains, “At the same time, rights fees for the live sports ESPN specializes in broadcasting continue to go up, as there’s plenty of competition for one of the few pieces of programmed television that still delivers monster ratings. ESPN will pay $7.3 billion for content this year – the biggest price tag among all media companies. Operating income at Disney’s cable networks division — primarily ESPN — plunged 11 percent compared with the same time the previous year. Disney attributed that drop entirely to lower ESPN revenue.”

Less cash on hand means less cash to purchase rights to sporting events, which can prove particularly harmful to an entity that considers itself a sports network. Now, Disney and ESPN have laid much of the blame for their subscriber loss at the feet of ...