90 Miles From Tyranny

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Wednesday, February 22, 2017

What Is The Dumbest Thing Justin Trudeau Has Ever Said?

The Cancer That Is Justin Trudeau:

Federal appeals court says assault rifles are ‘weapons of war’ not protected by Second Amendment

A federal appeals court ruled Tuesday that assault rifles and other so-called “weapons of war” are not protected under the Second Amendment.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit decision upheld Maryland’s ban on assault rifles, which was passed in 2013 in response to the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre in Connecticut. It cited a 2008 Supreme Court case, Heller v. District of Columbia, which said that weapons “most useful in military service” are not covered by the Constitution.

“We are convinced that the banned assault weapons and large-capacity magazines are among those arms that are ‘like’ M-16 rifles — ‘weapons that are most useful in military service’ — which the Heller Court singled out as being beyond the Second Amendment’s reach,” Judge Robert King wrote for the 10-4 decision.

“Put simply, we have no power to extend Second Amendment protection to the weapons of war that the Heller decision explicitly excluded from such coverage.”

Citing the Heller case, King wrote that assault rifles are “devastating weapons of war whose only legitimate purpose is to...

Men Vs. Cowards..

200+ Violent Rioters INDICTED on FELONY Rioting Charges from Inauguration Day

Early Wednesday morning (EST) CNN reported that so far a total of 214 violent rioters have been indicted on felony rioting charges.

From CNN:
A total of 214 people have been indicted so far on felony rioting charges in connection with the Inauguration Day protests in downtown Washington.
On the morning of January 20, protests over Donald Trump’s inauguration turned violent when black-clad “anti-fascist” protesters smashed storefronts and bus stops, hammered out the windows of a limousine and eventually launched rocks at a phalanx of police.
Officers responded by launching smoke and flash-bang devices into the street to disperse the crowds. Six police officers were injured and 230 protesters were arrested that day.
A felony rioting charge carries a maximum of 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $25,000.

Earlier this month we reported on the 231 far left thugs arrested during the Inauguration day riots in Washington DC. On Wednesday they were...

ICE Calls Out CNN, NBC, Etc., For “False, Dangerous & Irresponsible” Fake News Reporting

President Trump told a gathering of news media yesterday, namely the Mainstream Media that is not accustomed to having its status questioned, that they were constantly perpetrating fakes news to create an intended reaction from the American people.

ICE, the nation’s largest immigration enforcement agency, just did the very same thing, calling out the media for its fabricated/highly slanted coverage of recent immigration raids and reminding everyone that under previous administration these raids were far more numerous – and the media then said NOTHING.

What the media is doing in creating a false narrative of sweeping Trump-initiated immigration raids is creating hysteria – hysteria which in turn puts law enforcement at further risk. The media doesn’t care about that, though. The safety of law enforcement has always been a low priority for them when it comes to the work of highly biased media spin as was so clearly outlined by...

Morning Mistress - Can I Dry That Off?

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

A Visit To Dearborn Michigan U.S.A.?

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Girls With Guns

Underreported: How Gun Silencers Became a Health Issue

Most people only know about silencers from what they see in the movies—a stealthy gun accessory that helps criminals more easily kill by suppressing the sound of the gunshot. But silencers, some say, is a misleading way to describe these firearm accessories. Why? Because they don’t actually silence the sound of a gunshot.

In a brand new video series, “Underreported,” The Daily Signal digs into the controversy surrounding silencers—or “suppressors,” as gun advocates prefer to call them. We explore why firearm suppressors are...

Women Are Like Bacon...

And Well Worth It!

More critical issues about bacon:

Bacon - This Blog's Radical Muslim Repellent

Not A Peep From The Media When Obama Made Slimy Promises To Putin...

The Tale Of Two Narratives...

The Leftist Media Is The Enemy Of The American People, And It Is Our Very First Amendment Rights That Keep Anyone From Preventing Us To Call Them Out On It. 

The Notion That The Media Is Free From Any Criticism Is To Cede All Power To Them. Hell No.

Irony: Migrant Riots in Sweden day after 'Outrage' over Trump Comment

It would appear the fakestream media (along with several celebrities and Swedish politicians) is going to be apologizing to US President Trump once again. As a reminder, Trump this weekend mentioned Sweden has turned into a security mess due to their out of control muslim migration.

Having spent the entire news cycle trying to ignore the massive immigrant crisis facing Sweden, and pin the ignorant tail on Trump, the biggest Swedish daily newspapers, Dagbladet and Expressen report riots breaking out in the highly immigrant concentrated Stockholm borough of Rinkeby, with police firing warning shots as 100s of young muslim migrants threw stones and burned cars.

During the evening hundreds of people gathered in the center of Rinkeby, well known for its high concentration of immigrants and people with immigrant ancestry.

The Swedish leftists politicians who were "outraged" by Trump's statement, claimed Sweden had no issues with migrants and offered their usual...

Is There Any Mental Illness In Your Family?

Three Afghan Migrants Convicted Of Raping 15 Year Old Boy In Sweden

Three Afghan unaccompanied minors seeking asylum in Sweden have been convicted of raping a 15 year old boy in Uppsala Sweden.

Two other Afghan Migrants who were apparently part of the group were not charged and apparently are free to rape more young Swedish boys.

The three young migrant men, 17, 18 and 19 years old, were accused of the heinous crime of raping a 15 year old boy by knifepoint.

The rape took place in the park next to the provincial government premises in Västerås on the evening of 28 October.

The 17-year-old Afghan Refugee Asylum Seeker was sentenced to youth custody for a year.

18-year-old Afghan Refugee Asylum Seeker was sentenced to imprisonment for two years and three months for aggravated rape. The two will jointly and severally and jointly pay damages to the boy at 165,000 crowns ( $18,400.00).

The 19-year-old Afghan Refugee Asylum Seeker was convicted of rape and assault and sentenced to youth custody for five months. He must also pay damages of 165,000 kronor to the victim. 

All must be expelled from the country after serving their sentence and will be banned from returning to Sweden before the year 2027.

The migrant suspects allegedly filmed parts of the assault and threatened to post clips on social media if the victim went to police.

The indictment says two of the suspects have acknowledged some of the allegations, but none had confessed to the criminal act.

The Tale Of Ted Nugent And The Paperback Book...

Ivy League Student Claims Classroom ‘Trauma’ After Professor Refuses to Acknowledge White Privilege

University of Pennsylvania student James Fisher took to the Ivy League school’s student newspaper to complain that a professor’s refusal to acknowledge white privilege was a traumatic experience for him.

Fisher claims that fall 2016 semester was his worst semester at the University of Pennsylvania — because a white professor refused to acknowledge his privilege.

Last semester was honestly the worst semester I’ve had at Penn so far. And all because of one thing: the white professors I’ve had at Penn. It appears that the term “privilege” does not apply to them. Nor do they care to learn what it is.

After one of his professor’s refused to acknowledge his privilege, Fisher claims that he was unable to attend that class for a month, saying he “did not want to step foot into another white space until I made sure that my mental health was restored.”

Fisher detailed his experience in the classroom, claiming that the professor, a “white man from the suburbs,” cultivated a classroom environment that caused him trauma.

Unfortunately, he proved my suspicions to be true. There were countless times that his lack of acknowledgment of his privilege led to some of the trauma that I experienced in class. He would show images of slaves on plantations and even allow students to say ignorant comments in class.

Fisher claims that he confronted the professor after class, telling him that lack of awareness of personal privilege had caused him...

Petition demands 'hypocrite' J.K. Rowling house 18 refugees

The old saying, “put your money where your mouth is,” just found a new purpose.

"Harry Potter" author J.K. Rowling has not only been an outspoken opponent of President Donald Trump, but she has been more than outspoken on the refugee crisis facing Europe and countries across the world.

She tweeted back in September her sympathy for refugees, saying, "If you can't imagine yourself in one of those boats, you have something missing. They are dying for a life worth living."

Rowling now has a chance to do what she skewers others for not doing: accepting refugees no matter the circumstance.

A petition on Change.org was recently created by a person named Marcus Aurelius, asking Rowling to house "Muslim refugees in her 18 spare bedrooms" — a call to bring her back to the world of non-fiction where there are no wizards or...

Feds Establish Support Program for Victims of Criminal Aliens

Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary John F. Kelly ordered the director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to create a program to assist the victims of crimes committed by illegal aliens. The program creates a liaison and authorizes the disclosure of suspect immigration statuses and other pertinent data.

Secretary Kelly ordered the creation of the Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement (VOICE) Office to help reverse policies of the previous administration that kept certain information about criminal aliens the victims of their crimes.

“Criminal aliens routinely victimize Americans and other legal residents,” Kelly wrote in a six-page memo obtained by Breitbart Texas. “Often, these victims are not provided adequate information about the offender, the offender’s immigration status, or any enforcement action taken by ICE against the offender.”

I am establishing the [VOICE] Office within the Office of the Director of ICE, which will create a programmatic liaison between ICE and the known victims of crimes committed by removable aliens,” the secretary explained. “The liaison will facilitate engagement with..

Morning Mistress

Trump Administration May De-fund Piss Christ And The Lefties Are Going Nuts!

Lefties are already freaking out over reports that President Trump may slash the garbage arts programs of the NEA. The NEA should have been in the dumpster a long time ago, but Bush salvaged it and boosted its budget. 

Now we're getting the usual routine about how defunding the NEA would harm the "arts". As if people don't remember Karen Finley and the garbage that the NEA actually funds. Here's a reminder.

The NEA helped fund Piss Christ. It's exactly what it sounds like.

Andres Serrano’s work — a “photograph of the crucifix submerged in the artist’s urine” — first ignited controversy in 1989 when D’Amato complained to the US Senate that it was an “outrage,” an “indignity” and a “piece of trash” that had been funded by taxpayers. Serrano had won a $15,000 prize for his work, backed in part by the...

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

‎China‬'s ‪‎PLA‬ army enlists rap-style music video to recruit young soldiers

Monday, February 20, 2017

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:
Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

The Choice Is Yours...


Sweden's Migrant Crime Wave Becomes Top National Story As Media's Lies Backfire

A story from Fox News covering Sweden's "migrant crime wave" is now the top story nationally, according to Google News.

In their quest to attack President Trump for any possible reason, the lying media made up a fake news story claiming Trump spoke of a non-existent "terror attack" which occurred Friday night in Sweden.

In fact, Trump never said there was a "terror attack" in Sweden, he said people should look at what's happening in Sweden to see how their country is being destroyed by "refugees."

"Here's the bottom line, we've got to keep our country safe," Trump said at his rally Saturday. "You look at what's happening in Germany, you look at what's happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this. Sweden. They took in large numbers. They're having problems like they never thought possible."

Trump said on twitter Sunday his comments were referencing this story which was broadcast on Tucker Carlson's show Friday:

Sweden - A Casualty Of Leftist Politics...

DHS Authorizes Hiring 10K Immigration Officers

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary John F. Kelly authorized the hiring of an additional 10,000 Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents and enforcement officers. The move by DHS delivers on a promise made by President Donald Trump to increase enforcement–particularly in removing criminal aliens inside the borders of the U.S.
Secretary Kelly ordered the director of ICE to immediately begin the process of hiring 10,000 to effectively enforce the immigration laws in the interior regions of the U.S., according to a DHS memo obtained by Breitbart Texas. In addition, Kelly authorized the agency to hire additional operational and mission support staff, along with legal staff.

Kelly said the memo implements the Executive Order, “Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States,” issued by President Trump on January 25.

ICE agents and enforcement officers were used earlier this month to conduct a targeted roundup of criminal aliens in...

The Largely Unreported Paris Riots...

Three weeks of civil unrest so far.

Assange: The Press Are "Opportunistic Snipers" That Publish Nothing More Than Very, Very, Very Inaccurate "Weaponized Text"

"What is special about WikiLeaks is that it's not just another damn story, it's not just another damn journalist putting their damn byline, advertising themselves and their position on another damn story."

That's the assessment of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who appeared in Sydney over the weekend (albeit via video link) for a wide-ranging discussion on the failings of modern media, the power of leaked information and why WikiLeaks is happy to court scandal.

And while he says newspapers publish nothing more than "weaponised text," he's more than happy with the advent of "fake news."

WikiLeaks, which celebrated its 10th anniversary in October last year, has never been one to shrink from its stated goal of uncovering "government and corporate misconduct." However, the organisation has come under fire in recent months for the way it releases information, particularly around the timing of its leaks in the lead up to the 2016 election.

But speaking to the audience in Sydney -- including supporters who were willing to yell their support during the live cross -- Assange defended WikiLeaks as "a wonderful library you can trust" and a source of "original pristine information."

"You're not reading pre-weaponised knowledge," he said of the organisations' millions of documents. "When you read a newspaper article, you are reading weaponised text that is designed to affect a person just like you.

"I think that is the real beauty of WikiLeaks... it is that sea of information, that treasure, that intellectual treasure, that rebel library of Alexandria you can go into."

Assange's comments throughout the two-hour event pitted this unfiltered archive of information against what he called the "very, very, very inaccurate" press and the "opportunistic snipers" that work in the industry as journalists.

But this disdain for the global news media did not...

Today Has Been Cancelled...

Go Back To Bed...


Then Check This Out:
Bananas And Monkeys

The Devoted Wife...

One Of These Men Will Be Dead At The End Of This Story..
Tales From The Bog...

Morning Mistress

Video: The Power of Privacy

The Power of Privacy from Matthias Hoegg on Vimeo.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Midnight Movies: Four Ninety Three

Four Ninety Three from Hey You! Films on Vimeo.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Girls With Guns

Cavuto Takes CNN To Task On When They Could Care Less About Obama Complaining About Fox News...

Canadian Anti-Muslim Protesters Could Face Hate Crime Charges

Police in Toronto, Ontario might charge a group of anti-Muslim protesters for violating hate crime laws.

A group with placards stating “Say No to Islam” was standing outside of Toronto’s Masjid mosque on Friday, and police say they received multiple complaints about the demonstration from some in the mosque and others who weren’t present.

Toronto Mayor John Tory, a former leader of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party, criticized the protest, calling it “Islamophobia” in a Tweet:

Constable Allyson Douglas-Cook told CBC News Saturday that the incident is being examined by police as a potential hate crime. The police constable claimed that there is a “fine line” between free speech and breaching hate crime laws but refused to specify what constitutes that distinction, adding, “That’s a conversation we’ve been having all day.”

The investigators plan to speak to witnesses, take statements and collect evidence if necessary. Mosque spokesman Abdul-Basit Khan claimed the protest was the worst he has seen since...

Chuck Todd Is An Idiot Cuck..

Lou Dobbs Accurately Describes What The Corrupt Media Is Doing...

Rush Limbaugh: ‘The Media Did Not Make Donald Trump and They Can’t Destroy Him’

On this weekend’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday,” conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh said argued since the media did not make President Donald Trump, they could not “destroy him.”

Limbaugh said, “They have a formula, they have a blueprint for destroying Republican political officials they don’t like. It’s not going to...

Black Trump Supporter OWNS The ROOM - Slams Sanctuary Cities At Town hall

The Palestinians Don’t Deserve a State

For decades the two-state solution has been repeatedly floated as the preferred goal of peace between Israel and the Arabs (‘Palestinians’). Yet it has never been realized. Accusations have been tossed around by various voices laying blame on both sides for the failure of the two-state solution to be implemented.

In light of the recent summit between Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Trump, it would appear the longstanding positon of the U.S. supporting the two-state solution is fizzling out. In my opinion, this is long overdue.

Simply put, the so-called ‘Palestinians’ don’t deserve a state.

The concept of a two-state solution has already been attempted with the 1947 UN partition of two states, one Arab, one Jewish. It failed. Why? The Arab nations rejected and ignored the resolution, attacking the fledgling Jewish state one day after it declared independence in 1948. Six decades and seven wars later (three with Hamas) what has changed?

A dramatic shift took place in 1967, when Yasser Arafat decided the Arabs who were displaced from the 1948 and 1967 wars deserved to have their own unique identity. So he renamed them “Palestinians.” For the record, before 1967 the term “Palestinians” referred to Jews. Walid Shoebat, an Arab who was living in Jericho during the ’67 war, said “On June 4 I went to sleep as an Arab. The next day, without moving anywhere I am suddenly called a “Palestinian.”

Arafat’s campaign included more than just an identity change for these newly renamed Palestinians. He demanded an independent state, and laid claim to the entire area west of the Jordan River which Israel captured during the 1967 war. As far as Arafat was concerned all this land was ‘Palestinian land.’ In 1964 he founded the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) with a specific goal of liberating “Palestine,” which included every inch of land of Israel.

International law affirms any land captured during a defensive war belongs to the victor, which was Israel.

After the 1967 war other terror groups sprung up including the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (1967), Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (1969), Islamic Jihad (1979), Hizb’allah (1985) Hamas (1987), and several others. For the past 15 years the Fatah Party has been the dominant party in Judea/Samaria, generally referred to as the West Bank. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is the party chairman.

Each of these groups is dedicated to destroying (‘liberating’) the state of Israel.

So why don’t the ‘Palestinians’ deserve a state? First off their claim to the land has no basis in reality. It’s not as though Arabs have no history in the land. They do. However, the greater and more historical association belongs to...

Morning Mistress - Ummm.. I Think Your Strap Fell Off....