90 Miles From Tyranny

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Saturday, March 11, 2017

Shia Labeouf's 3rd attempt at #HeWillNotDivideUs Gets Defeated In Less Than 2 Days!

Shia Labeouf just can’t catch a break can he? His first attempt at setting up a 24/7, 4-year livestream was abandoned by the Museum of the Moving Image after barely a month. The museum cited Shia’s arrest after he allegedly assaulted a Trump supporter, but others speculate it was the growing number of people that threatened to report the museum for violating their tax exemption status by banning Trump supporters from the installation. LaBeouf then relocated it to a Holocaust museum in Albuquerque, New Mexico but that was also quickly shut down in less than two weeks after shots were fired near the site.

Less than two days ago at the time of writing, HWNDU was rebooted again. This time, LaBeouf and his partners gave up on turning their art project into a public spectacle, opting instead on pointing their camera at the sky towards a white flag with the words “HE WILL NOT DIVIDE US” at an undisclosed location. It wasn’t as exciting as the last two attempts and the white flag may have symbolized their surrender of control over their project. Surely a camera pointed at a plain black and white flag with an inconspicuous patch of sky in the background would deter the evil Milk Drinking Nazis.

They were wrong. They were dead wrong.

Users from 4chan and 8ch that have been following the HWNDU saga were not going to just let Shia win. LaBoeuf has his millions. They had their collective autism. The world’s largest game of Capture The Flag was about to begin.

Within hours, viewers of the rebooted stream noticed trails left by overhead planes coming into view of the camera. One viewer was able to look up the flight paths of planes flying over the country at that time and triangulate a possible location. However, the area was still several acres large and the triangulation could not give a precise enough location for the flag.
Immediately, someone in the area hopped into their car and drove around honking as they went. When the honks were heard on the stream, the driver returned and reported their location at the time the honks were picked up by...

12 Things My Grandmother Told Me Before She Died

When my grandmother, Zelda, passed away a few years ago at the age of 90, she left me with a box of miscellaneous items from her house that she knew I had grown to appreciate over the years. Among these items is an old leather-bound journal that she aptly named her ‘Inspiration Journal.’

Throughout the second half of her life, she used this journal to jot down ideas, thoughts, quotes, song lyrics, and anything else that moved her. She would read excerpts from her journal to me when I was growing up, and I would listen and ask questions. I honestly credit a part of who I am now to the wisdom she bestowed on me when I was young.

Today I want to share some of these inspiring excerpts with you. I’ve done my best to sort, copyedit, and reorganize the content into twelve inspiring bullet points. Enjoy.

  1. Breathe in the future, breathe out the past. No matter where you are or what you’re going through, always believe that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Never expect, assume, or demand. Just do your best, control the elements you can control, and then let it be. Because once you have done what you can, if it is meant to be, it will happen, or it will show you the next step that needs to be taken.
  2. Life CAN be simple again. Just choose to focus on one thing at a time. You don’t have to do it all, and you don’t have to do it all right now. Breathe, be present, and do your best with what’s in front of you. What you put into life, life will eventually give you back many times over. Read The Power of Now.
  3. Let others take you as you are, or not at all. Speak your truth even if your voice shakes. By being yourself, you put something beautiful into the world that was not there before. So walk your path confidently and don’t expect anyone else to understand your journey, especially if they have not been exactly where you are going.
  4. You are not who you used to be, and that’s OK. You’ve been hurt; you’ve gone through numerous ups and downs that have made you who you are today. Over the years, so many things have happened – things that have changed your perspective, taught you lessons, and forced your spirit to grow. As time passes, nobody stays the same, but some people will still tell you that you have changed. Respond to them by saying, “Of course I’ve changed. That’s what life is all about. But I’m still the same person, just a little stronger now than I ever was before.”
  5. Everything that happens helps you grow, even if it’s hard to see right now. Circumstances will direct you, correct you, and perfect you over time. So whatever you do, hold on to hope. The tiniest thread will twist into an unbreakable cord. Let hope anchor you in the possibility that this is not the end of your story – that the change in the tides will eventually bring you to peaceful shores.
  6. Do not educate yourself to be rich, educate yourself to be happy. That way when you get older you’ll know the value of things, not the price. In the end, you will come to realize that the best days are the days when you don’t need anything extreme or special to happen to make you smile. You simply appreciate the moments and feel gratitude, seeking nothing else, nothing more. That is what true happiness is all about. Read Happiness Is a Serious Problem.
  7. Be determined to be positive. Understand that the greater part of your misery or unhappiness is determined not by your circumstances, but by your attitude. So smile at those who often try to begrudge or hurt you, show them what’s missing in their life and what they can’t take away from you.
  8. Pay close attention to those you care about. Sometimes when a loved one says, “I’m okay,” they need you to look them in the eyes, hug them tight, and reply, “I know you’re not.” And don’t be too upset if some people only seem to remember you when they need you. Feel privileged that you are like a beacon of light that comes to their minds when there is darkness in their lives.
  9. Sometimes you have to let a person go so they can grow. Because, over the course of their lives, it is not what you do for them, but what you have taught them to do for themselves that will make them a successful human being.
  10. Sometimes getting the results you crave means stripping yourself of people that don’t serve your best interests. This allows you to make space for those who support you in being the absolute best version of yourself. It happens gradually as you grow. You find out who you are and what you want, and then you realize that people you’ve known forever don’t see things the way you do. So you keep the wonderful memories, but find yourself moving on.
  11. It’s better to look back on life and say, “I can’t believe I did that,” than to look back and say, “I wish I did that.” In the end, people will judge you in some way anyway. So don’t live your life trying to impress others. Instead live your life impressing yourself. Love yourself enough to never lower your standards for anyone. Read The Last Lecture.
  12. If you’re looking for a happy ending and can’t seem to find one, maybe it’s time to start looking for a new beginning. Brush yourself off and accept that you have to fail from time to time. That’s how you learn. The strongest people out there – the ones who laugh the hardest with a genuine smile – are the same people who have fought the toughest battles. They’re smiling because they’ve decided that they’re not going to let anything hold them down, they’re moving on to a new beginning.

More Really Interesting, Thoughtful Or Funny Things

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Comedian Paul Rodriguez Shocks CNN's Don Lemon With Comments About Illegal Aliens

Friday, March 10, 2017

Girls With Guns

Islamists Meet American Apache Helicopters - DEVASTATING!

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has asked the remaining 46 U.S. attorneys who served under the Obama administration to resign

Drain the swamp.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has asked the remaining 46 U.S. attorneys who served under the Obama administration to resign, the Justice Department announced Friday, describing the move as part of an effort to ensure a "uniform transition."

The department said some U.S. attorneys, as in prior transitions, already had left the department. Now, "the Attorney General has now asked the remaining 46 presidentially appointed U.S. Attorneys to tender their resignations," a spokeswoman said.

“Until the new U.S. Attorneys are confirmed, the dedicated career prosecutors in our U.S. Attorney’s Offices will continue the great work of the Department in investigating, prosecuting, and deterring the most violent offenders,” the statement added.

It is customary, though not automatic, for the country's 93 U.S. attorneys to leave their positions once a new president is in office. Incoming administrations over the past several decades typically have replaced most U.S. attorneys during...

The Enemies Of The People...

The Lady, The Bears, And The Ladder...

More Animated Gifs:

Girls Kick Ass..

New NSA Anti Tea Party Weapon...

Wrong Wire Faisel

That's Gotta Hurt...

Can You Say, Adrenaline Rush?

I Know There Is A Sun Tzu Quote In Here Somewhere..

It's A Drive Thru Now..

Roof Surfing Fail..

..and don't miss:

Islamic Law Instruction Manual: How To Tie And Bind A Woman Before You Stone Her To Death...

I was just wondering about this the other day. 

Amazing Facts: Campfire Wood?

More Interesting Facts, Amazing Facts And Just Plain Crazy Facts:

The Time Traveling Twins

Interesting Facts... There Are Hundreds Of Thousands Of Human Slaves Today...

Amazing Facts - The Dog Who Could Hear Enemy Aircraft...

Amazing Facts: Mosquitoes Are The Only Creature Responsible For More Human Deaths Than Humans Themselves...

Interesting Facts - Dead Shark Carcass...

Interesting Facts: Double Your Money?

Interesting Facts - Grand Central Station Is A Radiation Hazard!

Interesting Facts... There Are Hundreds Of Thousands Of Human Slaves Today...

Do You Like Free Science Fiction eBooks?

This ends tomorrow...
Get them here:


Chaffetz subpoenas ATF agents who skipped "Fast And Furious" hearing on death of ICE officer

House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz issued subpoenas Thursday to two ATF agents after they failed to show at a hearing examining the 2011 murder of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agent Jaime Zapata.

“I'm tired of hearing from just [Justice Department] management, I want to hear from the people that actually are on the front lines doing this,” Chaffetz, R-Utah, said.

The committee will now seek to compel testimony from William Temple, special agent in charge of the Dallas Field Division, and Ronald Turk, associate deputy director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, later this month.

The hearing Thursday was meant to examine alleged lapses in the ATF's investigation into the trafficking of guns later used in the February attack that killed Zapata and wounded his ICE colleague, Special Agent Victor Avila.

An inspector general report was completed more than five years after the committee and Sen. Charles Grassley, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, inquired into Zapata’s murder. Zapata was killed by members of the Los Zetas drug cartel while on official business in Santa Maria del Rio, Mexico.

ATF Acting Director Thomas Brandon said Thursday he did not order Temple and Turk to skip the hearing -- but agreed with their decision not to appear, which drew a bipartisan rebuke from Chaffetz and ranking Democrat Elijah Cummings.

“That puts us in a kind of awkward position. We got the boss, 'OK guys, you don't have to show up.' And that sends a hell of...

I Found The Leader Of The Anti First Amendment Movement...

Georgie Porgie, Pudding and pie,
Maced the girls and made them cry,
When the boys came out to play,
Georgie Soros ran away.

ANTIFA = Anti First Amendment.

All Art Is “Immoral,” Says Egypt’s Top—and “Moderate”—Cleric

Western and Christian institutions ignore all this and continue to portray Tayeb and Al Azhar as "moderates."

Art has a largely negative impact on human morality. So says Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb, the grand imam of Egypt’s Al Azhar madrassa and arguably the “most influential Muslim in the world.”

In a recent televised interview, Tayeb was asked “To what degree does art influence the morals of the youth.” The sheikh responded that art—presumably all forms and expressions of art, as no particular form was specified—has a 90 percent influence rate on the morality of the youth; and all of it is bad.

What is of note here is that, once again, Tayeb responds in a way that one is hard pressed to differentiate from the “radical” response. For we are constantly hearing that it is the “radical Muslims”—the ISIS types—who condemn all forms of art. Yet here is the “moderate” making essentially the same claims.

But of course, this is nothing new. As documented here, Tayeb agrees with any number of “radical” views: he believes that Islam is not just a religion to be practiced privately but rather is a totalitarian system designed to govern the whole of society through the implementation of its ...

Watch U.S. Special Forces Get Ambushed By ISIS

This is a crazy video of U.S. Special forces doing a foot patrol and getting hit by enemy fire out of no where. Luckily, these troops were able to end up in a pretty good position with a wall in front of them for cover. You can actually see the enemies muzzle fire in the distance.

The communication these soldiers have in the midst of battle is awesome to listen to. They check for flanks while returning fire on the enemy, and continue constant communication which is crucial when you’re in life or...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

31 rolls of film from a WW2 soldier are discovered and processed. And the results are breathtaking.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Girls With Guns

Can't Get Enough Of Crying Leftists?

Quid Pro Quo: The REAL Russian Connection...

The REAL "Russian" Hackers...

Soros Gave $246M To Women's Protest Groups

Soros Is Advancing Leftist One World Government.

For those of you that are having trouble viewing this video, please try a different browser and see if that works. This video is also on my twitter feed: https://twitter.com/NinetyMiles1 you can try viewing it there, you can also try opening this blog up on your mobile phone and view it there.

Keystone Cops Or Traitorous Ops?

Mcafee: "If It Looks Like The Russians Did It, I Can Guarantee You It Was Not The Russians"

" John McAfee " Was Right ! CIA Caught Using The " UMBRAGE " That Makes The Hackers Look Like It Was The Russians.


Rush Limbaugh: CIA UMBRIDGE Program Mimics Russian Hackers. 

An Armed Populace Is A Free Populace..

The Corrupt Politician Fears An Armed Populace...

United Arab Emirates: Western Couple Arrested For Premarital Sex

A Young couple has been detained in the United Arab Emirates for the crime of premarital sex. “Emlyn Culverwell‚ 29, and Iryna Nohai, 27, were reportedly arrested after a doctor discovered Ms Nohai, who had stomach cramps, was pregnant,” reports the BBC. Culverwell is a South African national. His fiancé, Nohai, hails from Ukraine.

UAE authorities arrested the couple for sex outside of marriage, an illegal activity that is punishable with detention. Culverwell and his fiancé have been detained since January, but reports about their arrest have only recently surfaced.

The couple has not yet been charged with any particular crime as Islamic investigators are still “carrying out tests” to determine how long Nohai has been sexually active.

If found guilty, the couple faces a protracted jail sentence for...


As the Deep State coup against President Donald Trump continues to slowly unfold it is clear that the forces of darkness have a leader in the defeated Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Mrs. Clinton just refuses to go away, continually popping up to take pot shots at Trump as well as to instigate the leftist lynch mobs who are increasingly seeing violence and revolution as an answer to their crushed electoral hopes.

On the ridiculous Day Without A Woman protest it was Clinton again appearing to urge unity in the resistance against the legitimate government of the United States.

The sore loser roused the rabble via social media:

Blogs With Rule 5 Links - The Forgotten Episodes

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:

The Other McCain has: Rule 5 Sunday: Massachusetts Girl

Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around

The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

American Power has: Lea Michele Rule 5

The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama

The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

I don't like Mondays. I want to shoot the whole day down.
This is my pathetic excuse for not posting this on Monday.

Morning Mistress

Monica Crowley On Washington Corruption..

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Obamagate: Trumping The Media (A Rant)

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Girls With Guns

Truth And Wisdom From Rush Limbaugh..

PSA: Be Careful Of An Email Titled: Nude Photo Of Nancy Pelosi:

To Boldly Go Where No Man Wants To Go.

Should Pelosi and Biden Be Ex-Communicated?

Anti Free Speech? Screw You.

The regressive left does not believe in free speech. Not agreeing with their extreme leftist viewpoint is considered by them to be intolerable and therefore must be shut down.

I will not be silenced.

Without free speech no search for truth is possible... no discovery of truth is useful.
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/c/charlesbra325927.html?src=t_free_speech

#InternationalWomensDay - Woman is caned outside her MOSQUE under SHARIA for being in ‘close proximity’ to a man she wasn’t married to

Unconfirmed report:
The man in question went home and beat his wife because... well, under Sharia Law he does not need a reason.