90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, March 30, 2017

Antifa Professor at Drexel Wants to Vomit When 1st Class Passenger Gives His Seat to a Soldier

A Drexel University Professor of the hard-left George Ciccariello tweeted a truly repulsive statement a few days ago. The soldier had been fighting ISIS according to some reports.

He retweeted a photo of his favorite antifa group burning U.S. flags and bloviated about he doesn’t care about being a man. He tweeted: “Sorry to disappoint, but I care even less about being a man than I do about being straight, white, or an American.”

If he feels that way, he could move to a country more to his liking.

The reactions to his disgusting tweet about a U.S. soldier being...

The Conquest Of The West By Islam...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

YouTube Demonetization Of Conservative Sites..

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Girls With Guns

The Best Way To Hold A Burger...

How To Walk Like A Ninja..

LUNACY: Noam Chomsky Thinks President Trump Might Stage A Terror Attack

Monday the far left site AlterNet published an interview with academic and author Noam Chomsky in which Chomsky warned that President Trump might stage a terror attack on the United States to rally support for his administration. Here’s Chomsky from AlterNet:
I think that sooner or later the white working-class constituency will recognize, and in fact, much of the rural population will come to recognize, that the promises are built on sand. There is nothing there.
And then what happens becomes significant. In order to maintain his popularity, the Trump administration will have to try to find some means of rallying the support and changing the discourse from the policies that they are carrying out, which are basically a wrecking ball to something else. Maybe scapegoating, saying, “Well, I’m sorry, I can’t bring your jobs back because these bad people are preventing it.” And the typical scapegoating goes to vulnerable people: immigrants, terrorists, Muslims and elitists, whoever it may be. And that can turn out to be very ugly.
I think that we shouldn’t put aside the possibility that there would be some kind of staged or alleged terrorist act, which can change the country instantly.

Far left academics like Chomsky say ridiculous things on a daily basis. What makes Chomsky’s comments particularly dangerous is that his comments are accorded more weight by many on the left.

There have been numerous terror attacks on the U.S. in the past few years, including the Boston marathon bombing, the San Bernardino attack, the...

Ninja's And Urinal Etiquette...

Rule #243 of the Urinal

The Taliban Think They Look Like This...

A Really BAD Idea..

You Can Fool The People Some Of The Time...

President Trump Rolling Back Record Number Of Regulations

Donald Trump has made history – again.

The President signed four massive regulatory rollbacks on Monday – courtesy of the Congressional Review Act (CRA) – bringing the total number of rollbacks to seven, or six more than all of his predecessors put together.

The obscure CRA gives Congress 60 days to reverse any new regulation added to the Federal Register by a sitting President. It’s only been used one time before – in March 2001 when President George W. Bush eliminated a rule requiring employers to prevent “ergonomic injuries” in the workplace.

The GOP-controlled Congress passed five such CRA measures under Barack Obama’s administration, but he vetoed each one.

However, President Trump now has seven CRA signatures under his belt, and as Reason Magazine points out, and there are more on the way.

Next up is the “Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces Rule” which bans companies from receiving federal contracts if they ...

The Ultimate Nuclear War Bunker...

More Prepping:

Courthouses Are Safe Spaces for Illegal Alien Felons, ICE Are “Stalkers” Says CA Chief Justice

Courthouses are not places to enforce the law against illegal alien criminals and instituting travel bans against terror nations is a violation of the law, so says a California justice.

One justice – among many – is demanding courthouses and their nearby surroundings be declared sanctuaries.
California chief justice, Tani Cantil-Sakauye, is redefining “the rule of law” to mean there must be no arrests of illegal alien felons in courthouses or their surroundings, calling enforcement a “violation”.

Courthouses are where laws are intended to be interpreted and enforced but she missed that in law school apparently.

The Washington Post article about this woman presented her unlawful opinion as if it were a legitimate complaint against the President.

The author writes:

Maxine Waters States That Rejecting Sharia Law is "Contrary To American Values And Threatens National Security"

Free Speech Under Attack

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Short Film: What Happens When You Give Up Freedom for Security...

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Girls With Guns

..A Well Packaged Web Of Lies...

Don't Let The New Lies Bury The Old Lies

Couldn't Even Win With A Wiretap...

Yes, Obama did try to wiretap Trump Tower, and here are the details

Tech Execs Indicted for H-1B Visa Fraud

A pair of tech executives have been indicted for allegedly using false documents to bring in help through the H-1B guest worker program.

Dynasoft Synergy’s Chief Executive Officer Jayavel Murugan, 46, and 40-year-old Syed Nawaz are accused in an unsealed federal grand jury indictment of trying to apply for H-1B visa workers using fraudulent documents and then hiring them out to tech firms, according to Mercury News.

Dynasoft operates as an “employment firm” that essentially leases foreign workers. The company also has an office in India.

According to prosecutors, Murugan and Nawaz used the false documents to replace American workers at Stanford University, Cisco, and Brocade. Nonetheless, the employers were not looking to use the H-1B workers, despite being named in the false documents allegedly produced by the two men.

Murugan and Nawaz are charged with 26 counts including H-1B visa fraud, using fraudulent documents, mail fraud, identity theft, and conspiracy to commit visa fraud.

The federal indictments point to a much bigger problem with the H-1B visa program, where millions of American workers have been ousted to make way for cheaper, foreign workers.

President of Protect U.S. Workers Sara Blackwell, an attorney who represents American workers that are victims of...

How Are You More Likely To Die?

The TRUTH about the Huntington Beach Trump Rally.

You Move.

Father of Illegal Teen Charged in The Heinous Rockville Rape Is Arrested by ICE

The father of a illegal alien charged with raping a 14-year-old girl has been arrested by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency.

Adolfo Sanchez-Reyes, 43, a Guatemalan, was hauled away by ICE agents for entering the United States illegally. He lives in Jessup, Md., and his son apparently entered the U.S. illegally seven months ago and joined him there.

Sanchez-Reyes is being held at Howard County Detention Center awaiting a hearing in immigration court.

He is the father of Henry Sanchez-Milian, 18, who is accused of rape and is also facing deportation. Along with Jose Montano, 17, Sanchez-Milian, are charged with raping a 14-year-old girl in a bathroom stall at a high school in Rockville, Md., a suburb of Washington, D.C.

Sanchez-Milian was held without bond in court on Friday. Montgomery County Assistant States Attorney Rebecca MacVittie called him a "substantial flight risk," the Daily Mail writes:

The Left Slays Me...

Blizzard 'Censors Trump4Prez Username in Overwatch,' Deems It 'Inappropriate'

A reddit user from r/the_donald shared a screenshot allegedly showing Blizzard censored his "Trump4Prez" username in Overwatch because they "determined that the battletag wasn't appropriate for the game."

The user posted this screenshot on Monday under the headline "Blizzard is cucked":

Overwatch, under game director Jeffrey Kaplan, has been praised by left-wing media outlets for its "diverse" cast of characters, including one character they made a lesbian.

Russia Threatens To Leak Things Obama Asked Moscow To “Keep Secret”

The Western media missed an oh-so juicy nugget out Russia recently that should have set off alarm bells in Washington.

Asked about the current state of U.S.-Russia relations, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova gave a long winded answer that can be read below. In her answer, Zakharova suggested Russia may “publish leaks” about “secrets” the Obama administration asked the Russian government to keep private. The shocking statement can be found in the second to last paragraph of Zakharova’s answer highlighted in both bold and italic.

You could just imagine the headlines this would have made if this was about a Trump administration official.

But because it is about Barack Obama, arguably one of the worst presidents in US history, the liberal mainstream media ignores...

Green Tyranny

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

..Certain Inalienable Rights...

Monday, March 27, 2017

Girls With Guns

The Way Things Ought To Be...

Being the father of a a beautiful girl myself, I have an embarrassing soft spot whenever I see their sweet innocence.

A video has gone viral on social media of a little girl who waits every day at the bus stop to greet her older brother after school. 

The brother seems to enjoy the expected loves and hugs from his adorable little sister. 

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:

The Other McCain has: Late Night With Rule 5 Monday
Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
American Power has: Sunday Rule 5
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

It's A Lot Easier To Investigate Things That Actually Happened....

ExtraOrdinary Photos: German Cavalryman Watches Bi-Plane, 1910s.

More Amazing Photos:

NASA X-ray Image Reveals The Hand of God..

Amazing Photos: The Parachuting Dogs Of World War II

A man standing atop a mountain of bison skulls that are about to be ground up into fertilizer 1870s

Amazing Photos Collection #1
Amazing Photos Collection #2
Amazing Photos Collection #3
Amazing Photos Collection #4
Amazing Photos Collection #5
Amazing Photos Collection #6 -or- Surreal picture of a Zeppelin under construction, circa 1935


A Perfect Recipe For Success, Let's Add One More Ingredient...

Socialism, Just Say No To Adding It!

Why Did We Fight The Korean War?

VIDEO: Woman raised a Muslim tells the truth about Islam...

Don't Be Like Jack...

Sanctuary policies 'led to' brutal bathroom rape of 14-year-old schoolgirl

Archdiocese of Mexico City: Collaborators on Trump Wall ‘Traitors to their Country’

In a powerfully worded editorial, the Catholic archdiocese of Mexico City has condemned all companies and individuals who would work on Donald Trump’s border wall, calling them “immoral” and “traitors to their country.”

The unsigned editorial titled “Treason to the Homeland” appeared in Sunday’s edition of Desde la Fe, the weekly magazine of the Archdiocese of Mexico.

Pulling no punches, the op-ed savages the U.S. President, calling him a “fanatic” who is intent on constructing a “monument to intimidation and silence, hatred and xenophobia.”

As harsh as its denunciation of Trump may be, however, the article is directed at Mexicans who are willing to work on the wall. What is regrettable, the piece states, is that “on this side of the border, Mexicans are ready to collaborate with a fanatical project that annihilates the good relationship and harmony of two nations that share a common border.”

The article states that in recent days, more than 500 Mexican companies have expressed interest in contracts to participate in...

TIME Magazine’s Assault on Truth

TIME magazine offered its declining readership a nostalgic dose of ‘member berries with its new cover. There’s no artwork or graphic, it’s simply red words against a solid black background, and it reads, “Is Truth Dead?” The cover is a knock-off of a 1966 cover, which asked the question, “Is God Dead?”

The cover story in this issue attempts to frighten readers and perpetuate the left-wing narrative that President Donald Trump’s Twitter account is all four horsemen of democracy’s apocalypse — something TIME magazine tried just two weeks ago when the cover article opened, “At 6:35 a.m. on March 4, President Donald Trump launched an attack against the government of the United States.” The line was a perfect example of America’s new yellow journalism, where tweets are grenades and red MAGA hats are...

How The Government Hurts American Indians

Morning Mistress