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Friday, May 26, 2017

Poverty Pimpin' Ain't Easy...

It takes a lot of energy to get them off the couch and keep 'em riled up...

Maxine Waters’ Latest Scandal to the Tune of Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars

Declassified memos show FBI illegally shared spy data on Americans with private parties

The FBI has illegally shared raw intelligence about Americans with unauthorized third parties and violated other constitutional privacy protections, according to newly declassified government documents that undercut the bureau’s public assurances about how carefully it handles warrantless spy data to avoid abuses or leaks.

In his final congressional testimony before he was fired by President Trump this month, then-FBI Director James Comey unequivocally told lawmakers his agency used sensitive espionage data gathered about Americans without a warrant only when it was “lawfully collected, carefully overseen and checked.”

Once-top secret U.S. intelligence community memos reviewed by Circa tell a different story, citing instances of “disregard” for rules, inadequate training and “deficient” oversight and even one case of deliberately sharing spy data with a forbidden party.

For instance, a ruling declassified this month by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) chronicles nearly 10 pages listing hundreds of violations of the FBI’s privacy-protecting minimization rules that occurred on Comey’s watch.

The behavior the FBI admitted to a FISA judge just last month ranged from illegally sharing raw intelligence with unauthorized third parties to accessing intercepted attorney-client privileged communications without proper oversight the bureau promised was in place years ago.

The court also opined aloud that it fears the violations are more extensive than...

Bike Lock Attacker Eric Clanton (Former professor) arrested in beating at Berkeley Trump rally

A 28-year-old former East Bay community college professor was arrested for a brutal bike-lock attack amid a clash between President Trump supporters and radical left demonstrators last month in Berkeley, officials said Thursday.

Video of the April 15 assault exploded on right-wing websites in the days following the clash as scores of cybersleuths began identifying Eric Clanton as the masked man seen bashing a Trump backer in the head, causing serious bleeding.

Clanton was arrested early Wednesday morning in Oakland and booked in the Berkeley Jail on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon that is not a firearm. He is being held on $200,000 bond and is due in court at 9 a.m. Friday.

The attack happened amid violence as pro- and anti-Trump groups tangled at Martin Luther King Jr. Civic Center Park. Police arrested at least 20 people that day as officers dressed in riot gear tried unsuccessfully to keep the peace.

Video of the attack on YouTube shows a masked assailant in a black hoodie emerge from a group of protesters and clobber an unwitting man in the head. The victim, who was holding his hands up and was unarmed, immediately retreated and clutched ...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

We Can Stop This, This is Preventable...

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Girls With Guns

Exercising And Defending The Rights That Are Protected By Our Constitution...

Punking The Democrats...

Double Trouble...

Anti-American Priorities Of Democrats...

President Putin Releases Identity Of Russian Spies...

John Stossel - Socialism in Venezuela

"They're Liars!" Tucker GOES OFF on CNN, MSNBC, ABC for Manchester Coverage

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Tommy Robinson in Manchester: "Politicians have sold us out"

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Girls With Guns

The Crow, The Paper Plate And The Fantastic Deed.... -Or- Amazing Stories Collection #4

I Miss You Daddy - About A Little Girl Who Lost Her Father On 911..

How Lulu The Pig Saved Her Owner...

The Dream...

More Interesting Stories, Amazing or Funny Things CLICK HERE

Interesting, Thoughtful And Funny Stories Collection #2

Worth Remembering..

Susan Rice Requested Unmasking of Incoming Trump Administration Officials

Susan Rice as Secretary of State spells disaster for Israel

Socialism Is The Spoiler...

 - Ludwig Von Mises

More Mises:

Socialism Has Been A Miserable Failure..

Power At Your Fingertips...

We Are Only Now Learning The Extent Of Barack Obama’s Illegal ‘Unmasking’

While combing through international intercepts of communications, Barack Obama’s National Security Agency routinely violated Americans’ privacy by “unmasking” them to the public.

In 5 percent – or one in 20 – of the searches looking for data under the NSA’s Section 702, rules were broken in revealing the names of American citizens.

Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence and Surveillance Act permits the Attorney General and the Director of National Intelligence to jointly authorize targeting of persons reasonably believed to be located outside the United States, but they are limited to targeting non-U.S. persons.

Just weeks before the election, the Obama administration disclosed the problems at a secret hearing of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, Circa reports.

The normally supportive court censured administration officials, saying the failure to disclose the extent of the violations earlier amounted to an “institutional lack of candor” and that the improper searches constituted a “very serious Fourth Amendment issue,” according to...

Point... Counterpoint...


Venezuelans Protesting Their Socialist Government...

Trump Budget Stops Cash Payments to Illegal Immigrants

IRS program has paid billions in federal dollars to aliens under the guise of a 'tax credit'

The president’s proposed 2018 budget would put a stop to a government program that has paid out more than $35 billion over the past ten years to illegal immigrants in lump-sum payments, disguised as a “tax credit.”

The use of the credit by illegal immigrants, which has allowed them to get up to $1,000 for each child they claim, including children who are not theirs and who don’t live in the United States, has been referred to as “a multi-billion-dollar fraud scheme” that has taken money out of the hands of hard-working Americans.

“It’s a huge expense coming out of the pocket of American taxpayers.”

It’s called the “Additional Child Tax Credit” — but in application it is not really a credit at all.

Thousands of illegal immigrants file tax returns every year using a taxpayer identification number issued by...

Like To Dinner Or Something?

When Hillary "Wiped" Her eMail Server, Did She Also Remove And Destroy The Hard Drives?

Judge Slams Law Firm Blocking Deportation of Rochdale Muslim Grooming Gang

A top immigration judge has criticised a “cavalier and unprofessional” law firm for obstructing the deportation of members of the Rochdale child sex gang and “weakening the rule of law”.

Only two of the nine men convicted following the Rochdale child grooming scandal remain in prison, and four are using taxpayers’ money to fight deportation to Pakistan.

The Nottingham based Sneinton law practice has fought to keep the four rapists – who were the focus a recent BBC drama Three Girls – in the UK. The men hold dual UK and Pakistani citizenship.

Mr. Justice Bernard McCloskey launched the attack at a hearing to discuss the cases of Shabir Ahmed, Adil Khan, Qari Abdul Rauf, and Abdul Aziz, who were convicted in 2012 of grooming, raping, and trafficking girls as young as 13.

According to the Nottingham Post, the judge threatened to refer lawyers handling the appeals to their professional bodies for disciplinary action, saying their behaviour could be regarded as being in contempt of court.

In a report into an adjournment in December, published last month, the judge said “scarce judicial and administrative resources have been wasted” by the firm, which is trying to stall proceedings by making appeals for adjournments and not filing reports on time.

He linked the actions to a number of other cases where proceeding had been stalled and delayed using tactics.

Describing the situation as “frankly shameful”, he said: “To describe this state of affairs as grossly...

An “Insider’s” Perspective on the Murder of Seth Rich

I understand what the family of Seth Rich is feeling better than most, as I too lost a close family member to a homicide that went unsolved for five years. Near the five-year anniversary of my uncle’s murder, my family hired a private investigator; it was me. More accurately, it was my PI firm led by me and my partner. Six months later, an arrest was made. The perpetrator was convicted in a jury trial, and is now spending the remainder of his life in prison.
Additional Interesting Links About Seth Rich:
A Seth Rich Chronology, Part 1
BIG LIST of people who smell a rat in Seth Rich case
Thanks Robert!
 I lived with the pain of my family. I saw it up close, especially with every news update that we gave. I watched my father hold back tears as we discussed the case in private. I saw and at times, was the recipient of his anger and angst, and from other family members as well, as the private life of my uncle was laid bare by the media. Accordingly, I feel I can write with some authority about the unsolved murder of Seth Rich and the publicity surrounding it.

A decade later and as...

Jeff Bezos Is Doing Huge Business with the CIA, While Keeping His Washington Post Readers in the Dark

News media should illuminate conflicts of interest, not embody them. But the owner of the Washington Post is now doing big business with the Central Intelligence Agency, while readers of the newspaper’s CIA coverage are left in the dark.

The Post’s new owner, Jeff Bezos, is the founder and CEO of Amazon -- which recently landed a $600 million contract with the CIA. But the Post’s articles about the CIA are not disclosing that the newspaper’s sole owner is the main owner of CIA business partner Amazon.

Even for a multi-billionaire like Bezos, a $600 million contract is a big deal. That’s more than twice as much as Bezos paid to buy the Post four months ago.

And there’s likely to be plenty more where that CIA largesse came from. Amazon’s offer wasn’t the low bid, but it won the CIA contract anyway by offering advanced high-tech “cloud” infrastructure.

Bezos personally and publicly touts Amazon Web Services, and it’s evident that Amazon will be seeking more CIA contracts. Last month, Amazon issued a statement saying, “We look forward to a successful relationship with the CIA.”

As Amazon’s majority owner and the Post’s only owner, Bezos stands to gain a lot more if his newspaper does less ruffling and more soothing of CIA feathers.

Amazon has a bad history of currying favor with the U.S. government’s “national security” establishment. The media watch group FAIR pointed out what happened after WikiLeaks published State Department cables: “WikiLeaks was booted from Amazon’s webhosting service AWS. So at the height of public interest in...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Manchester Attack: What They're NOT Telling You

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Girls With Guns

A Source With No Name…

4 Rules Of Gun Safety...

You Only Have The Rights You Are Willing To Fight For...

On Stealing Disaster Funds In Haiti...

POP QUIZ: Guess WHich One The Clinton Foundation Paid For...

Russia Theory - On Life Support...

EXCLUSIVE: President Trump to Fire Multiple Staff Members for Leaking

One America News was first to report that three White House staffers have been identified for leaking classified information. The President is expected to fire multiple people upon his return from the Middle East and Europe. One America's Chief White House Correspondent Trey Yingst has more from the White House.

Seth Rich: Evidence Released...

If It Pushes A Leftist Agenda, Amazing Amounts Of News, Even Fake News Becomes Immediately Available...

If It Hurts The Left, It Is Hidden, Removed, Silent.

All News Is Political.

13 More Major Fake News Stories In Just Five Months Of Trump’s Presidency

We are merely five months into the presidency of Donald J. Trump, and still in the midst of a fake news epidemic. It has grown more subtle and refined over time—gone is the regular cycle of industrial-scale media ineptitude and stupidity that began shortly after Trump clinched the presidency—but it is still chugging on like one of those old-fashioned Kalamazoo hand-pump railway cars: slow and quiet but somehow weirdly inexorable.

At a certain point we must ask ourselves why. We know the media are overwhelmingly liberal, deeply hostile towards Trump’s presidency and conservatives generally, and thus must feel rather strained and desperate when their arch-nemesis-apparent holds the White House and Republicans command an historic amount of political power throughout the country. Heady times will drive anyone batty.

Yet this still does not explain its relentless nature. Trump administration or no, majority Republican governor bloc or no, after a cursory freak-out it shouldn’t be that hard for journalism to return to square one. The news media have one job, and it is to report facts: factual things, things that are true, things that are the opposite of false. It should not be difficult to do this.

Yet for many of our media leaders, it apparently is. This, to the great discredit of the American fourth estate, is the media we have. What follows are 13 more examples of the post-election trend I tracked in an earlier article counting 16 others.

January 22: The Trump-Comey Bromance

On January 22, shortly after President Trump took office, author Richard Hine tweeted out a short video that he claimed showed Trump “literally [blowing] a kiss to James Comey at a WH reception for law enforcement.” Hine’s tweet was retweeted nearly 10,000 times. The media, naturally, glommed into it.

Among the media boosters of this story: ThinkProgress’s Judd Legum (retweeted nearly 1,600 times), The New Republic’s Jeet Heer (657 retweets), the Washington Post’s Gene Weingarten, the New Yorker’s Ben Taub, Slate’s Mark Joseph Stern, Vox’s Matt Yglesias, GQ’s Keith Olbermann (retweeted nearly 1,100 times), ThinkProgress’s Ian Millhiser, and many others. The news outlets that ran with this story, meanwhile, included HuffPost, Raw Story, The Week and others.

Unfortunately for all of the credulous media figures who took this story to press (or to tweet), it wasn’t true: audio of the exchange clearly shows Trump is not blowing a kiss to Comey, but rather saying his name. But a good, juicy fake news story is hard to quash: months after this fake news died down, the Washington Post’s Jenna Johnson reported on it as if it were credible.
February 1: Neil Gorsuch’s ‘Fascism Forever’ Club

On February 1 the U.K. Daily Mail reported that Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch had “founded and led a student group” known as the “Fascism Forever Club” in high school. 

The story made waves at news websites and on social media: U.S. News and World Report, The Nation, AOL, the AV Club, Salon, and Vice all fell for it, while writers and media personalities such as Bill Maher, Heer, Gersh Kuntzman, Millhiser, and Olbermann all eagerly and credulously tweeted about it.

As it turns out, it wasn’t true at all: Gorsuch had simply included the club as a joke in his yearbook entry. Much of the media couldn’t simply wait to confirm this, however, leading to yet another hysterical fake news media cycle.

February 17: The Mobilization of the National Guard

On February 17, Garance Burke at the Associated Press published a bombshell report that claimed “the Trump administration considered a proposal to mobilize as many as 100,000 National Guard troops to round up unauthorized immigrants, including ...

Liberty: Bring It On..

-Thomas Jefferson

No Freeman Shall Ever Be Debarred The Use Of Arms.

A Government Big Enough To Give You Everything You Want..

When Muslims Aren't Raping Little English Girls, They Are Bombing Them With Nail Bombs..

The headline seems harsh right? You know what's harsher? Being the parent of one of these innocent children. I will never accept this as normal. This barbaric religion has no place in modern society.

‘The blood, the sound, the body parts…it will never leave my mind’: Witnesses tell of horrific scenes, shrapnel wounds at Manchester Arena terrorist attack

Bombshell: Donna Brazile warned off private eye on Seth Rich murder

WASHINGTON – Former Democratic National Committee interim chairwoman Donna Brazile is the high-ranking DNC representative who allegedly called police and the family of murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich and demanded to know why a private investigator was “snooping” into Rich’s death, the private eye revealed to WND Monday.

“The high-ranking DNC official that called the police after I inquired about Rich’s case was Donna Brazile,” veteran homicide detective Rod Wheeler told WND. “Why shouldn’t I reveal who it was?”

Brazile, who was also a CNN contributor and a Hillary for America donor at the time, was caught providing Democratic Party nominee Hillary Clinton with questions that would later be asked of Clinton at a televised CNN town hall. In an interview with Fox News before the election, Brazile denied leaking the questions to Clinton. But in a March 17, 2017, column for Time magazine, she finally admitted doing so, saying it was...

Jeff Bezos owns The Washington Post — and the journalism it’s practicing

The Washington Post has for years been a newspaper that favors Democrats and liberalism generally. This has been seen in the kind and quality of issues covered, and not covered, in its feature and investigative stories, and in its editorials. But not until this year has the paper so grossly abandoned the practice of separating news from opinion in its news stories.

And that is something that, for all his distractions and grandeur, the Post’s owner, Jeff Bezos, must now correct — that or he needs to accept personally the decline and opprobrium that is coming the Post’s way.

Under normal circumstances the owner of a media company is best advised to steer clear of editorial matters, but that won’t work at the Post any longer. It’s become obvious that, with the election of Donald Trump, none of the editors at the paper can be trusted to uphold even the most basic of journalistic standards.

This has been true since Trump first announced his candidacy, but it has escalated gruesomely since his election. Witness, for instance, what is perhaps the shoddiest piece of feature writing since Rolling Stone published its blatantly false story about a campus rape at the University of Virginia.

I refer to the Post piece published on Nov. 24, titled “Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during...

Morning Mistress

Kimdotcom Claims to have Info Pertinent to Wikileaks/Seth Rich

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Monday, May 22, 2017

Girls With Guns