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Monday, July 17, 2017

Soros Sponsored Immigration Network Exposed In Italy

Why is there a migrant crisis in the Mediterranean? Why are NGOs involved? Because there is an extensive network of open borders activists and organizations behind it; many of them are directly funded by or cooperated with George Soros’ Open Society. Is it illegal? Not really. Political activism is an essential part of democratic societies. However, sometimes it goes too far, or the promoted causes prove to be either unrealistic or unsustainable.

The network of the “immigration lobby’’ in Italy is made up of International NGOs financed by the Open Society Foundation (green), Italian NGOs financed by OSF (blue), and organizations with shared projects with OSF (purple).

Twitter Erupts After Chelsea Clinton Denies Her Mother Would Sell Her To Be President

“The most soulless woman on the planet.”

Chelsea Clinton gave Twitter a field day after she took to social media to respond to a bit of campaign-style hyperbole from a Fox News contributor who suggested there was nothing Hillary Clinton would not have done to win the White House.

Speaking Friday on the Fox News show The Five, Lisa Boothe called Hillary Clinton “the most soulless woman on the planet.”

“(She) would literally sell her daughter to be president, literally sell her only child to be president,” she said.

Saturday morning, Chelsea Clinton went on Twitter to disagree.

Reebok Slams Trump in New Ad – Decides Conservative Dollars Are No Longer Wanted

Reebok Fitness Apparel & Footwear‎ manufacturer went full Social Justice Warrior and posted this tweet on Friday.

Morning Mistress

Black Trump Supporter Redpills "He Will Not Divide Us" Stream

‘He Will Not Divide Us’ - Leftist Flag Stream Conquered Again!

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Why Isn't Communism as Hated as Nazism?

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Girls With Guns

America First!

The Media colluded w/Democrats letting Hillary cheat during the debates

The Media Tantrum...

The ONLY Fat Kid In His Entire Country...

North Korea vows to wipe out US and South Korea with '5 million nuclear bombs' carried by children

...When All You Enemies Commit Suicide...

Another Suspicious Clinton Related Death: Haiti Official, Who Exposed The Clinton Foundation, Found Dead In Miami

Don't Spread My Wealth... Spread My Work Ethic...

The Dam Government...

Red Pill Sunglasses

A post shared by VIKING HILLBILLY (@rencal4) on

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Game of Thrones: Season 1-6 Recap

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Game Of Thrones Character Map...

Game Of Thrones - Map Of Westeros

game of thrones game of thrones game of thrones game of thrones game of thrones game of thrones game of thrones game of thrones game of thrones game of thrones game of thrones game of thrones game of thrones game of thrones game of thrones game of thrones

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Girls With Guns

Trump's 1st Quarter Salary To Go To Fix Antietam Battlefield...

5 Medical Innovations of the Civil War

James O'Keefe On The Purpose Of Journalism..

More O'Keefe:

Member of DC Anti-Fascist Coalition penned defenses of adult-child sex in late 1990's

The Reason Why Norse Women Are So Hot...

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Mysterious Viking Sword Made With Technology From the Future?

10th Century Viking Helmet - The Only Known Existing Viking Helmet In Existence

Another Suspicious Clinton Related Death: Haiti Official, Who Exposed The Clinton Foundation, Found Dead In Miami

Klaus Eberwein, a former Haitian government official who was expected to expose the extent of Clinton Foundation corruption and malpractice next week, has been found dead in Miami. He was 50.

Eberwein was due to appear next Tuesday before the Haitian Senate Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission where he was widely expected to testify that the Clinton Foundation misappropriated Haiti earthquake donations from international donors.

According to Miami-Dade’s medical examiner records supervisor, the official cause of death is “gunshot to the head“. Eberwein’s death has been registered as “suicide.”

Eberwein, who had acknowledged his life was in danger, was a fierce critic of the Clinton Foundation’s activities in the Caribbean island, where he served as director general of the government’s economic development agency, Fonds d’assistance économique et social, for three years.

According to Eberwein, a paltry 0.6% of donations granted by international donors to the Clinton Foundation with the express purpose of directly assisting Haitians actually ended up in the hands of Haitian organizations. A further 9.6% ended up with the Haitian government. The remaining 89.8% – or $5.4 billion – was funneled to non-Haitian organizations.

“The Clinton Foundation, they are criminals, they are thieves, they are liars, they are a disgrace,” Eberwein said at a protest outside the Clinton Foundation headquarters in...

BREAKING: Loretta Lynch Ordered Illegal Wiretap Against Trump Campaign

The sting operation was put in place via a Russian attorney/operative named Natalia Veselnitskaya whose social media history marks her as an adamant anti-Trumper and who was granted a special exemption to travel into the United States by the Obama Department of Justice. The sting was further facilitated by a Russian-born American citizen named Rinat Akhmetshin who was granted citizenship during the Obama era and who as as D.C. lobbyist is well-connected to the D.C. political establishment and is said to have been instrumental in the creation of an anti-Trump dossier Trump’s political opponents were preparing to use against him during the campaign. (And then sought out and turned over to the FBI by anti-Trumper John McCain – see related story HERE )

It appears that once Veselnitskaya received confirmation she would be granted an audience with Donald Trump Jr. and other members of the Trump campaign, Obama Attorney General Loretta Lynch ordered an illegal recording of that meeting as outlined here by a breaking report from Jack Posobiec:

“…If true, this FISA warrant would have been carried out under Loretta Lynch, Attorney General to Barack Obama. Former FBI Director James Comey has testified under oath to instances of collusion between AG Lynch and the Clinton campaign during 2016, as well as obstruction of justice in the Clinton investigation.

Yesterday, multiple news agencies and President Trump all stated that Veselnitskaya was granted special permission to enter the US by Attorney General Lynch after her visa had been initially blocked.

FISA transcripts of the meeting in June 2016 may have also served the basis of the FBI’s investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia, now headed by Bob Mueller.”

Veselnitskaya was the one to initiate contact with the Trump campaign under the guise of having damaging information on...

EXCLUSIVE: Doubt Surfaces About ‘Suicide’ Claim of Clinton Investigator

A Wall Street analyst who spoke to Peter Smith the day before he reportedly committed suicide told the Daily Caller News Foundation there were no indications the Chicago businessman and anti-Clinton political investigator was about to take his life.

“He may have been a fantastic actor but I certainly didn’t leave that phone call saying, ‘oh shit, the guy’s at the end of his rope,’” Charles Ortel, a Wall Street investment banker and market analyst, told The Daily Caller News Foundation’s (TheDCNF) Investigative Group.

“This does not seem like a settled story. It made perfect sense to me he might have died of natural causes, but little chance he would have killed himself,” Ortel said.

Ortel and Smith shared a common interest in the Clintons. Ortel has dug deeply into the financial operations of the Clinton Foundation. He first came to public attention in 2007 by exposing questionable accounting practices at General Electric.

“We had countless discussions,” Ortel recalled of his relationship with Smith. “He was using his unique decades of experience in politics to offer me advice how to expose the Clinton Foundation.”

The Chicago Tribune reported Thursday that the Minnesota death record states Smith committed suicide in a hotel room May 14.

The investigator’s death came only 10 days after a Wall Street Journal interview by investigative reporter Shane Harris, who focused on Smith’s attempts to...

Morning Mistress - She's Not Camera Shy...

ANTIFAIL: Benito Reborn

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Staged Video Shows 'Refugee' Fake Drowning

Friday, July 14, 2017

Girls With Guns

His Job Is To Represent The United States!

Trump Is A Flashlight

Maybe He Should Have Deleted His Emails And Wiped His Server....

The Fake Media ignores real crime committed by leftist politicians and attempts to create fake news with fake scandals... TREASON.

FBI Admits Clinton Used Software Designed To "Prevent Recovery" And "Hide Traces Of" Deleted Emails

This Is What Happens When You Forget To Secure Your Stripper Pole...

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Bet You've Never Had A Day This Bad...


What Is The Difference Between An Illegal Alien And E.T.?


The Great Meme War 2017

Devastating: Trump Responds To The Great CNN Meme War!

..You Would Think He Sold Uranium To Russia For Personal Profit Or Something...

Sen. D’Amato Drops Bomb: Hillary Allowed Russia to Take Ownership of US Uranium to Sell to Iran (Video)

Why Is Disney Fighting To Stop Parents From Filtering Kids’ Media Intake?

Under the guise of high-minded principles, supposedly family-friendly studios keep fighting the technologies that give parents control over what their children consume.

Most families govern the entertainment their children consume. For some, the lowering of standards and the coarsening of our culture make this both more difficult and more needed, even as technology affords more avenues for Hollywood content to enter the home.

Yet technology can also help those parents, through editing and filtering services. That is, until Hollywood steps in to battle those efforts. Under the guise of high-minded principles like censorship, creative freedom, and artistic integrity, studios keep fighting the technologies that give parents control over what their children consume. And this charge is being led by the studio built upon family entertainment: Disney Studios.


The Utah-based company Vid Angel recently announced its new service for in-home filtering. Its product is designed to give families direct control over the content of movies and shows that play from their streaming services. Through a series of radio buttons and drop-down menus, customers receive a fully customizable parental block tool. Depending on their personal judgement, parents can limit the violence, sexual content, and coarse language their children would otherwise see in an unfiltered movie or show.

Any entertainment selections from a user’s Netflix, Amazon Prime, or HBO streaming account can be filtered, with the exception of content from four studios: Disney, 20th Century Fox, Warner Brothers, and LucasFilm. These entities joined to battle Vid Angel in court over its earlier DVD iteration. In that business model, customers could rent filtered versions of Hollywood films. The studios, led by a team of lawyers from Disney, argued against this practice, and the court handed down an injunction barring...

Black Lives Matter Demanded That The NRA Take This Video Down. So I Am Re-posting It...

Dana Loesch On The State Of American Media...

For the Irishman:

Morning Mistress

What Difference At This Point Does It Make - The Song...

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Shia LaBeouf Is Coming Undone...

Shia LaBeouf Thriller ‘Man Down’ Sells Just One Ticket at U.K. Box Office

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Girls With Guns

ANTIFA Vs. A 6 Year Old.....

Heroes Vs. Zeroes..

Did You Know Nikola Tesla Was Born During A Lightning Storm?

More Tesla: