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Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Representative Franks Calls on Mueller to Resign

U.S. Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz., is calling for the resignation of special counsel Robert Mueller, The Hill is reporting.

Mueller is directing the Department of Justice's Russia probe and Franks claimed he is violating a law prohibiting him from serving if he has a "conflict of interest," according to the website.

Franks, a member of the House Judiciary Committee, maintained the law bars "a personal relationship with any person substantially involved in the conduct that is the subject of the investigation or prosecution," The Hill said.

A May 18 story by Fox News said Mueller and ousted FBI Director James Comey have had a long and close relationship dating back to 2003.

And The Hill noted Mueller's investigation has expanded to include President Donald Trump's decision to fire Comey.

"Bob Mueller is in clear violation of federal code and must resign to maintain the integrity of the ...

Top 11 True Facts About The Battle of Dunkirk

Christopher Nolan’s World War II epic Dunkirk is currently dominating theaters among critics and moviegoers.

The film tells the true story of the sea evacuation of nearly 340,000 Allied soldiers from Dunkirk, France in the face of German assault in summer 1940.

At the UK Express, James Moore and Reiss Smith have compiled forty staggering facts about the historical event that inspired the film. Let’s take a look at the top eleven:
1. During May 1940 the so-called “ phoney war” came to an end as the Germans swept through Belgium and Northern France in a Blitzkrieg that left many soldiers of the British Expeditionary Force stranded as they were pushed back towards the sea. 
2. The new prime minister, Winston Churchill, ordered the BEF’s commander, Lord Gort, to evacuate as many troops back to Britain as possible as the army retreated to the area around the port of Dunkirk. 
3. On May 20 the British began formulating Operation Dynamo, led by Vice-Admiral Bertram Ramsay.
It was named after the dynamo room in the Dover cliffs where their operation HQ was based.
4. “Nothing but a miracle can save the BEF now,” said General Alan Brooke. 
5. Initially it was estimated that just 45,000 men could be...

Morning Mistress

Adam Carolla's opening statement at Oversight hearing on "safe spaces"

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

BLM leader thinks new "Planet of the Apes" flick slanders him

Monday, July 31, 2017

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:

The Other McCain has:  Rule 5 Sunday: Burger Girls
Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup


You cant repeal Obamacare? 
Even the ones that voted for repeal knew it would not pass, so did they even want it to pass?
We need term limits and to start primarying  the traitors out.

Ted Cruz And Mike Lee Expose The Filthy Lying Republicans That Will Allow Obamacare To Survive

WikiLeaks: Hillary Clinton Bribed Republicans to Influence Election

5th Street, Los Angeles, 1938

More Interesting, Amazing And Historical Photos:

Filipino man being executed by garrote during the Philippine American War, early 20th century

..On Leftist Gun Bans...

Seeing The Media Donald Trump's Actions Is Like...

Graphic Depiction Of John McCain Being Born...

More Fun With John McCain!

PHOTO: The Tumor In John McCain's Head Is Growing...

Drain The Swamp...

Senator John McCain censured by Maricopa County Republican Committee

Nikki Haley Rejects More U.N. Sessions on North Korea: ‘the Time for Talk Is Over’

NEW YORK CITY–U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley brushed off reports that the U.S. is seeking an emergency Security Council session over North Korea, saying in a Sunday statement, “The time for talk is over.”

North Korea’s launch of a second intercontinental ballistic missile Friday—a missile some believe has the potential to reach U.S. cities—led to speculation that the U.S. would go to the U.N. to seek an emergency session and a resolution to put more pressure on the rogue state. CBS News reported Saturday that the U.S. was seeking an emergency session on Monday, but Haley shot down such reporting as “mistaken.”

“There is no point in having an emergency session if it produces nothing of consequence,” Haley said, before noting that North Korea is already the target of a number of Security Council resolutions which, she said, “they violate with impunity.”

She also indicated that there was no point in a resolution that didn’t...

John McCain stabbed us in the back

Dan’s and Rob’s reactions to what Senator McCain did last week were not an overreaction. Why? Because the more I tried not to think about what he did in casting the deciding vote to keep ObamaCare, the angrier I got. Dan and Robert’s titles of their commentaries sum it up ...

Dan: “It’s John McCain’s America, so Washington is thrilled and you’re screwed

Rob: “John McCain, venomous hypocrite and liar, dooms ObamaCare repeal - here’s what he said about it for the last 8 years

When I listened to what he said about repeal and replace ObamaCare for the last eight years, the more disgusted and betrayed I felt.

Senator McCain has four-and-a-half years left before he is up for re-election. He loves the spotlight, and he has openly criticized President Trump at every opportunity, even if it was not deserved criticism. So this was his opportunity to make sure President Trump did not partially fulfill a campaign promise.

When he said last week on the floor of the U.S. Senate that people should stop listening to...

Morning Mistress

The Redpilling of Pewdiepie

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Media Myths About Trump

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Girls With Guns

Imran Awan Scandal Shows Just How Much Dirt Dems Wanted to Hide By Focusing on Trump-Russia

When U.S. Capitol Police, the FBI, and Customs and Border Protection teamed up to arrest Imran Awan, an IT staffer for Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) and other congressional Democrats, Americans began to realize just how broken and corrupt the Democratic Party has become. Indeed, such scandals beg the question of whether the Trump-Russia hype has not been a desperate attempt to distract the country from a long train of scandals on the Left.

Awan was arrested Monday night on charges of bank fraud, to which he has pled not guilty. As Forbes' Frank Miniter argued, however, his strange case "has all the feeling of the opening scene of a movie that might soon include political corruption and so much more."

Politico reported that Awan is "at the center of a criminal investigation potentially impacting dozens of lawmakers." He was arrested after wiring $283,000 from the Congressional Federal Credit Union to Pakistan, The Daily Caller reported.

PJ Media's Debra Heine has been on the story since it broke in February of this year. Imran Awan and his Pakistani-born brothers, Abid and Jamal Awan, are under criminal investigation by the U.S. Capitol Police and the FBI on suspicion that they accessed congressional computers without permission and stole equipment.

The Awan brothers worked for more than 30 House and Senate Democrats, as well as former Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who only fired Imran Awan on Tuesday after his arrest. News of the investigation broke in February, but Schultz kept Awan on staff for five months before firing him. Schultz even threatened Capitol Police Chief Matthew Verderosaabout the investigation in May.


The family had repeated long-term financial struggles, despite extraordinarily high salaries for congressional IT aides. Jamal, who public records suggest is only 22 years old, was paid nearly $160,000 annually, three times the average...

Judicial Watch Files Three Lawsuits for Info on FBI Acting Director Andrew McCabe

First lawsuit seeks communications between FBI and McCabe concerning “ethical issues” involving wife’s political campaign;
second seeks McCabe communications with Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe;
third seeks McCabe travel vouchers

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today announced that it filed three separate Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits against the U.S. Department of Justice seeking records for current FBI Acting Director Andrew McCabe relating to his political activities, travel vouchers, and employment status. The first two lawsuits specifically seek records of McCabe’s political activities involving his wife’s failed campaign for political office and interactions with Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe.

The first FOIA lawsuit, filed on July 24 (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:17-cv-01494)), seeks the following:
  • Any and all records of communication between FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and other FBI or Department of Justice (“DOJ”) officials regarding, concerning or relating to ethical issues concerning the involvement of Andrew McCabe and/or his wife, Dr. Jill McCabe, in political campaigns;
  • Any and all records related to ethical guidance concerning political activities provided to Deputy Director McCabe by FBI and/or DOJ officials or elements.

The second Judicial Watch FOIA lawsuit, filed on July 26, seeks communication records between then-Deputy Director McCabe and Gov. Terry McAuliffe, the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and the Democratic Party of Virginia (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:17-cv-01495)), including:
  • Any and all records of communication between Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe and any of the following individuals:
  • Any official within the office of the Governor of Virginia, including but not limited to Governor Terry McAuliffe;
  • Any official, representative or employee with the Democratic National Committee;
  • Any official, representative or employee with the Democratic Party of Virginia.

In 2015, a political action committee run by McAuliffe, a close friend and political supporter of Bill and Hillary Clinton, donated nearly $500,000 to Jill McCabe, wife of McCabe, who was then running for the Virginia State Senate. Also, the Virginia Democratic Party, over which McAuliffe had significant influence, donated an additional $207,788 to the Jill McCabe campaign. In July 2015, Andrew McCabe was in charge of the FBI’s Washington, DC, field office, which provided personnel resources to the Clinton email probe.

The Hatch Act prohibits FBI employees from engaging “in political activity in concert with a political party, a candidate for partisan political office, or a partisan political group.”

The third FOIA lawsuit, also filed by....

Half Of Vegans Are Mentally Deficient...

Seems way too low a number to me....

More Vegan Mirth:

Anne Hathaway's Descent Into Madness

'Vegan' Kitty Nearly Dies

The Vegan Cat Food Nearly Worked....

Vegan Delight

The 100 Percent Beef Veggie Burger!!

I Say Lock This Guy Up In A Vegan Prison...

My Food Poops On Your Food..

If You Are A TRUE Vegan...
This Is The Way To A Man's Heart...Unless He Is A Vegetarian...

Study: Vegetarians Less Healthy, Lower Quality Of Life Than Meat-Eaters

..So Let Me Get This Straight...


Obamacare Explained...


Waiting For Republicans To Realize...

Your Morning Covfefe for Sunday, July 30, 2017

..and my favorite:

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Girls With Guns

Politeness Never Defeated An Existential Threat...

More Wrath: 

You Came To The Wrong Colony...
Should We Sacrifice Our Civilization For Strangers?
Someday, ... Your Kind Will Pray For A Man With A Sword...
Napoleon Smacks Down Obama...
The Inferior Man Argues About His Rights...

He Who Saves His Country Does Not Violate Any Law...

PHOTO: The Tumor In John McCain's Head Is Growing...

More Fun With John McCain!

Drain The Swamp...

Senator John McCain censured by Maricopa County Republican Committee

Tar & Feather (And Other Fun American Traditions)

Extremely Satisfying To Watch: SJW's Get What They Deserve - EXTREME VIOLENCE!

UCF’s new ‘Diversity Chair’: Trump supporters are not welcome on campus

University of Central Florida’s (UCF) Student Government Association (SGA) just appointed a diversity chair who believes that “Trump supporters are not welcome on our campus.”

The newly appointed Diversity Chair, Grayson Lanza, is a known progressive who has a history of making those with differing opinions feel unwelcomed.

Daniel Hanna, a UCF student who voted for Donald Trump, told the Knightly News about a run-in he had with Lanza during a Trump rally last year.

“When we started debating politics, I eventually said ‘you know the great thing about this country is we can both differ regarding political views but we can openly discuss it… Then I offered him a handshake.’ He said ‘I’m not shaking your hand, I do not tolerate you and you are not welcome here,’” Hanna recalled.
According to Florida Today, Lanza held a protest sign at the Trump victory rally in December which read:

With Guns We Are Citizens...

Without Guns, We Are Subjects...


Did Someone Tell You You Had Too Many Guns?

Your Morning Covfefe for Saturday July 29, 2017

And My Favorite Covfefe:

Morning Mistress

West Wing Reads

"On Long Island, Trump to highlight violence from MS-13 gang to push Congress on immigration." -David Nakamura

David Nakamura at the Washington Post details President Trump’s efforts to eradicate the violent MS-13 gang in America’s cities. The President will be visiting Suffolk County on Long Island, which has seen a surge in violent crime from the gang – 17 murders in over 18 months – the Washington Post reports. The President will deliver “a very forceful message about just how menacing this threat is,” and highlight “the systemic consequences of our failure to enforce immigration laws over many years,” a White House aide told the Post. The President will use the speech to lay the foundation of his immigration policy – which includes arresting and removing violent gangs, bolstering the number of ICE and Customs Border Patrol officers, constructing a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, and urging the passaging of the sanctuary cities and Kate’s law in the U.S. Senate.
Click here to read more.


After the failed healthcare vote, Avik Roy in the National Review writes, “the GOP cannot simply `move on’ and give up on health care. Health care is the biggest driver of our debt and deficit, the biggest driver of growth in government, and one of the biggest drivers of economic insecurity for those in the middle class and below,” he emphasizes, noting healthcare reform isn’t “optional.”


Yesterday, the President honored Alexandria, Virginia’s first responders. CBS Newsreports that “President Trump honored five first responders to the Alexandria congressional baseball practice shooting Thursday afternoon at the White House with Medals of Valor, the highest decoration of bravery bestowed upon public safety officers.”


On the domestic energy front, Reuters reports that “U.S. coal exports have jumped more than 60 percent this year,” in a sign that President Trump’s “efforts to revive the battered industry are working.”


In the Wall Street Journal, Kimberley Strassel questions, “who paid for the ‘Trump Dossier’” acknowledging Democrats don’t want you to find out – “and that ought to be a scandal of its own.”

Hot Pick Of The Late Night..

Something is Wrong with MSNBC 😂

Friday, July 28, 2017

Girls With Guns

Remembering Suzanne Coleman...

...Ok, You've Started Without Me...

cthulhu Humor?