90 Miles From Tyranny

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Friday, October 6, 2017

Las Vegas Shooter Made ISIS Tape According To Former Trump Campaign Official

Former Trump campaign official James Brower fired off two tweets Thursday evening regarding the Las Vegas shooter Sephen Paddock claiming “There is a video, this video will prove the motive. He had a secret digital profile that was uncovered in the last 24 hours.”
There is a video, this video will prove the motive. He had a secret digital profile that was uncovered over the last 24 hrs. https://twitter.com/jbro_1776/status/916080778639003648 
Brower then tweeted “Motive will be pretty shocking, I won’t say much but it will definitely change a lot of things going forward.”
Motive will be pretty shocking, I won't say much but it will definitely change a lot of things going forward.

While Brower did not reveal the motive over Twitter, the former Massachusetts Trump campaign official who accurately divulged that Paul Manafort was being wiretapped before it became public told Infowars “I’m being told the video basically speaks about a network, they wouldn’t tell me directly if it was ISIS but they threw little hints that it was,” adding “The reason the video more than likely is never released is because they believe it will trigger the “cells” he speaks of.”

“There should be a statement on motive soon,” Brower added, “They believe he was inspired by ISIS.”

Infowars goes on to report;
He also claims that there was a second person who helped Paddock plot the attack that the gunman was seen with three days prior to the massacre. This individual left before the shooting began, according to Brower.

Signs of a larger operation

There are plenty of signs that Paddock’s rampage which left 59 dead and over 500 injured was more than just a mentally ill lone gunman as the MSM has reported.

In addition to ISIS claiming the attack – saying Paddock converted to Islam under the name Abu Abdul Barr (“The American”), a young woman reported a Hispanic woman running around before the shooting, telling the crowd....

Gun Control Weakens The Law Abiding And Strengthens The Criminal...

The Only Explanation Is That Obama Wanted To Destroy The Economy...

F*ck These Assholes..

How late night comedians hurt America

Teenage Victim of Las Vegas Shooting: President Trump Was ‘Comforting’, ‘Not Who We See on Social Media’ (VIDEO)

A teenage victim of the recent Las Vegas massacre spoke to reporters following President Trump’s visit and recounted her experience, stating that he was “amazing”.

The 43 second clip shows a young woman with bandaging on her hand and sitting in a hospital bed surrounded by press. When asked what her conversation was like with the President and whether or not he offered her words of comfort, she commented:

“Yeah, he was like, super nice. He wasn’t who we see on social media. He was much more comforting.”

She went on to cite his tone of voice and his demeanor as comforting and how being with him in person was something of a relief to her in some capacity. Throughout the video, which you can watch below, she seems physically moved during her recollection of the President’s visit:

Most Americans Reject Leftists’ Assault on Columbus Day

Although 57 percent of Americans believe in celebrating Columbus Day, the late explorer Christopher Columbus is in the crosshairs of liberals again, more than 511 years after he died.

Among those targeting the late, great Italian navigator are Antifa and left-wing intellectuals, as well as the liberal governments of several U.S. cities who no longer acknowledge Columbus on his holiday, which is this coming Monday.

The violent partisans at Antifa have named Monday "Deface Columbus Day," hoping to see acts of vandalism against Columbus statues.

The famed Italian explorer stirs leftist passions primarily because of traditional hatred of Western culture. The Italian navigator and discoverer, a vaunted legend to many Italian-Americans, and Americans in general, was hired by the Spanish crown in 1492 to find a new route to Asia. Instead...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #36

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Unsurprising: Senate Intel Committee Doesn’t Know If Steele Dossier Is Credible

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Vox Defends Antifa Violence

Girls With Guns

Work Hard Enough And One Day...

Let's Reward And Celebrate Hard Work Again!

The Left Is A Kinship Who Labor For The Destruction Of Peoples..

More Wrath: 

Protect The Sanctity Of Your Home And Land..

Make Your Communities And Towns Lovely And Lovable, For Without Love, Who Will They Inspire To Fight For Them?
Politeness Never Defeated An Existential Threat...
You Came To The Wrong Colony...
Should We Sacrifice Our Civilization For Strangers?
Someday, ... Your Kind Will Pray For A Man With A Sword...
Napoleon Smacks Down Obama...
The Inferior Man Argues About His Rights...
He Who Saves His Country Does Not Violate Any Law...

Fighting The Fake News About Mass Shootings

Should White People Stop Breeding?

hell no.
Go forth and prosper my friends!
Piss off a leftist, make more babies!

What Does The AR In AR-15 Stand For?


There Are No Other Rights, If You Can't Defend Them...

San Juan Mayor Feuding With Trump Turned Her Back When Asked to Swear to Uphold the Constitution

A 2013 video shows the mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico, turning her back when asked to swear to uphold the Constitution.

On Saturday, President Donald Trump called out Carmen Yulín Cruz, the mayor, for her “poor leadership ability” in a tweet. The day prior, Cruz had been critical, saying, “If anybody out there is listening to us, we are dying, and you are killing us with the inefficiency.”

Cruz first became mayor of San Juan, the capital of Puerto Rico, in 2013. When taking the oath of office, Cruz delayed repeating the words that she would “uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States,” turning her back to the woman administering the oath for a long moment.

The English and Spanish versions of the oath read as follows:

143 Leftist Protestors Arrested After They Block Highway In St. Louis

ST. LOUIS • Police took 143 people into custody Tuesday night after a group of protesters blocked the eastbound lanes of Highway 40 (Interstate 64) at Kingshighway.

That's the highest number of arrests at once since protests began Sept. 15 over the not-guilty ruling in the murder case against former city patrolman Jason Stockley.

The roadway Tuesday reopened shortly after 8 p.m., when the demonstrators got off the interstate at the Jefferson Avenue exit. The arrests came as the protesters began marching north on Jefferson Avenue.

Protesters were nearing Market Street when they were met by a police line and they moved onto the sidewalk.

The protesters chanted: “We don’t see a riot here. Why are you in riot gear?” and “Touch one, touch all.”

Police ordered protesters to the ground, then began systematically handcuffing them and packing them into about a dozen police vans.

After the sweep, police did not release any information on the number arrested or the charges, but St. Louis Alderman John Collins-Muhammad said 126 people were taken into custody.

Police spokeswoman Schron Jackson said Wednesday morning that police made 143 arrests of people for blocking traffic. Police were still compiling names, addresses and charges, which were expected to be...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #35

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Why The World is The Way it is

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Our Ancestral Disconnect

Girls With Guns

When I Want The NFL Players Opinions...

I'll ask their Parole Officers For It...

I Haven't Seen This Many Cowboys On Their Knees Since Brokeback Mountain...

Here Is The Critical Flaw In Gun Control...

I Hear Antifa Want's To Start A Civil War...

Antifa officially declared a terrorist group by State Homeland Security office

BUSTED: Anti-Trump Mayor Of San Juan Spent $20,000 In Public Funds To Bankroll Violent Protest

Carmen Yulin Cruz, the Trump-bashing, terrorist-supporting Mayor of San Juan, diverted $20,000 worth of government money to fund a violent protest against the establishment of a Federal Fiscal Board on June 25th, 2016, according to multiple local San Juan media reports.

A group named Call to Action on Puerto Rico, which is a union of Puerto Ricans living in the mainland United States, organized the demonstration and ordered its participants to adopt “rebellious and militant” behavior for the event, according to Caribbean Business. The protests descended on San Juan’s iconic Roberto Clemente Coliseum and demanded the US government halt its plan to create a federal financial control board for Puerto Rico.

Predictably, the protest quickly turned into a riot: local media reports at the time indicated it was marked by “aggressive” behavior and ended in fights.

In September of 2016, Cruz admitted that she and the San Juan People’s Assembly had financed the violent protest to the tune of $20,000, according to Tu Noticia Puerto Rico. Puerto Rican public officials and media alike were furious at the revelation.

Senator Itzamar Pena Ramirez denounced Mayor Cruz for misusing public funds and demanded she started respecting taxpayer money. Moreover, local San Juan television could hardly believe the city’s chief elected official had the audacity to ...

A Child Throwing A Tantrum Vs. A Leftist...

Girlfriend of Las Vegas shooter returns to US from Philippines in a wheelchair, met by FBI at LAX

Marilou Danley, the girlfriend of Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock, arrived in the United States on Tuesday, where was she met by authorities at Los Angeles International Airport.

Video footage obtained by NBC News (see below) shows Danley, 62, being escorted through LAX in a wheelchair.

It’s unclear whether she’s injured or if it’s a play for sympathy as the FBI desperately searches for answers behind the tragic October 1 shooting. The wheelchair bit certainly looks suspicious.

Danley — an Australian who had been in the Philippines since September 22 — voluntarily returned to America to answer questions about her boyfriend, who committed the deadliest mass shooting in ...

SPOOKED: Anheuser-Busch Solicits Callers To Weigh In On Its NFL Sponsorship

Budweiser is all-American. Their commercials ooze with patriotism, the company employs thousands of military veterans, heck, even their can is red, white and blue.

But Anheuser-Busch, which makes Budweiser, is starting to get a little worried about the National Football League protests. The company has been a big sponsor for the NFL, and players taking a knee during the playing of the national anthem is creeping them out.

They're so spooked that they've created a way for people to give them feedback on their sponsorship.

If you dial their toll-free line — (800) DIAL BUD — you'll get a recorded message from their home office in St. Louis, Missouri. And right at the top, Option No. 1, is this: “If you are calling with questions or comments about Anheuser-Busch’s sponsorship of the NFL, please press 1.”

When you press 1, the female voice says: “At Anheuser-Busch, we have a long heritage of supporting the nation’s armed forces, veterans and military dependents. The national anthem is a point of pride for our company and for the 1,100 veterans that we employ. Please feel free to share your feedback after the tone.” Beeeeep.

"The new message and option were, reportedly, added after the company’s customer service phone line was temporarily disrupted on Friday due to the volume of calls regarding its NFL sponsorship prompted by social media campaigns," CNSNews.com reports.

"Regarding the call volume, we did experience a spike in call volumes on Friday related to the NFL and believe it was the result of an increase in mentions on social media regarding our...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #34

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

The Truth About The Las Vegas Shooting and Stephen Paddock

Tuesday, October 3, 2017


Girls With Guns

The NFL Died Of Colin Cancer..

Colin Makes An Ass Of Himself...

Carmen Cruz Is A POS

'Fake News' Mayor Carmen Cruz weighs in from Puerto Rico

The Reason For The Treason..


Ours Rights Are Inalienable...

Michelle Obama Is An Idiot..

Michelle Obama, What Have You Done?!!

The Shame Of Michelle Obama...

Michelle Obama Visits Two Injured Saudis In Hospital, Does Not Visit Any Americans

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #33

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Getting Zuck'd & Why Facebook is in Terminal Decline

Monday, October 2, 2017

What Is The Future of YouTube?

Girls With Guns