90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, November 23, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving

May everyone enjoy Thanksgiving this year with someone they love.

Happy Thanksgiving To Our Deployed Servicemen!

Happy Thanksgiving To All!

-Susan Dey

And for the vegetarians out there...
enjoy your swallow balls!

The Key to Unhappiness

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #84

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Girls With Guns

We Beat 'Em Before...

There Are No Good Communists...

Modern Art Is A Symptom Of Leftist Degeneracy..

Modern Art?

Defund The National Endowment For The Arts To IMPROVE Art...

Trump Administration May De-fund Piss Christ And The Lefties Are Going Nuts!

The Media And "Feminists" Are Not Pro-Woman...

They support only Regressive Leftist Policies..

Kim Rhode is the FIRST WOMAN and (not insignificantly) the first Summer Olympian to medal in SIX consecutive Olympics. You’d think the glass ceiling crowd would be all over that, right? Not so much. See Rhode doesn’t wear a hijab. She is an outspoken supporter of the 2nd Amendment. And, most controversially, she won all six medals with a gun.

Let’s look at those numbers again. Six summer Olympics. Since they only happen every four years, we can assume Rhode has been winning for 20 years. Winning medals for 20 straight years. But her impressive career stretches farther back than that.

The CIA Contracts With Left-Wing Washington Post Owner, Jeff Bezos To Create Super Secret Cloud For Spooks..

Six years after Amazon launched a cloud services region for public sector customers, the company is upping the ante with a 'Secret Region' to be used by members of the CIA and other intelligence services.

The company announced that its Amazon Web Services will launch a cloud service for the U.S. intelligence community called "Secret Region" accessible only for users with at least a Secret U.S. security classification. That's one step below Top Secret.

Secret Region will also be available to non-intelligence community members so long as they retain Secret level classification from the government and have their own contract vehicles for use of the service, Amazon said in a blog post.

The Secret Region service comes six years after AWS introduced its GovCloud, which was its first data center region for public sector customers. Secret Region will make AWS the "first and only commercial cloud provider to offer regions to serve government workloads across the full range of data classifications, including Unclassified, Sensitive, Secret and Top Secret," Amazon said.

AWS first struck a deal with the CIA in 2013. That move offered a windfall of legitimacy for the cloud services provider and encouraged several large customers including...

Shut Up Vegan..

More Vegan Fun:

Do You Know The Correct Term For Gluten-Free, Sugarless Vegan Brownies?

Trump Should Not Pardon This Crooked Turkey...

First Lady Melania Trump Is An Accomplished, Amazing Woman...

Melania Trump’s Speech Destroys Anti-Immigrant Narrative

Trial lawyer and Soros ally Steve Mostyn dead at 46

Steve “Hurricane” Mostyn (full name John Steven Mostyn), a Houston, Texas-based trial lawyer, contributor to left-wing causes, member of the George Soros-founded Democracy Alliance, and major Democratic Party benefactor, died suddenly November 15 at the age of 46.

Mostyn committed suicide after battling mental health problems, according to his wife, Amber Mostyn.
“Steve was a beloved husband and devoted father who adored his children and never missed any of their sporting activities,” Mrs. Mostyn said in a prepared statement. “He was a true friend, and a faithful fighter for those who did not have a voice.”

Ironically, Mostyn, a champion of gun control, killed himself with a gun.

Mostyn’s unexpected death came on the first day of a four-day Democracy Alliance planning session in California. The Democracy Alliance is a donors’ collaborative whose members secretly fund left-wing political infrastructure projects, such as think tanks, leadership institutes, and activist groups. The Democracy Alliance was founded in 2005 by disappointed campaign donors after...

10 photos of President Trump with the troops show why he’s beloved in the military

U.S. veterans helped Trump win the presidency, and they don’t seem to have any regrets. A whopping 98 percent of veterans who say they are Republican approve of the job he’s doing. Only 10 percent of vets who say they are Democrats agree that he’s doing a good job.

Another poll conducted by the Military Times in September revealed that support for the president among active duty troops is also higher than it is from civilians.

Forty-four percent of enlisted troops gave Trump a favorable rating, while only 40 percent of approval numbers came from the general public.

But even those numbers seem low when you see the treatment President Trump gets when he’s on the ground meeting America’s finest.
Wherever President Trump goes, he seems to make time to visit the troops, and they can’t seem to get enough:

Judicial Watch Dumps Explosive New FBI Emails From McCabe's Conflict Review

Judicial Watch has just dumped a new treasure trove of FBI emails regarding Deputy Director Andrew McCabe's conflict check relative to the Clinton email investigation (for those who missed it, we reviewed all of McCabe's many scandals here: "FBI Director McCabe Subject Of Three Separate Federal Inquiries Into Alleged Misconduct: Report"). Ironically, this particular FOIA request was filed in October 2016 under the Obama administration but they apparently just "didn't have time" to get to it.
Judicial Watch today released 79 pages of Justice Department documents concerning ethics issues related to FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s involvement with his wife’s political campaign. The documents include an email showing Mrs. McCabe was recruited for a Virginia state senate race in February 2015 by then-Virginia Lieutenant Governor Ralph Northam’s office.
The news that Clinton used a private email server broke five days later, on March 2, 2015. Five days after that, former Clinton Foundation board member and Democrat party fundraiser, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, met with the McCabes. She announced her candidacy on March 12. Soon afterward, Clinton/McAuliffe-aligned political groups donated nearly $700,000 (40% of the campaign’s total funds) to McCabe’s wife for her campaign.
Judicial Watch obtained the documents through a July 24, 2017, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed after the Justice Department failed to respond to an October 24, 2016, FOIA request
Among other things, the new FOIA dump reveals a panicked FBI's efforts to enlist the support of an army of lawyers and public relations personnel to deal with the original Wall Street Journal article (see: "Clinton Ally Aided Campaign of FBI Official’s Wife") that first revealed McCabe's ties to the Clintons and his simultaneous oversight of the Clinton email investigation.

But perhaps none of the newly revealed emails from Judicial Watch today are more important than the following one in which McCabe describes how FBI Director Comey was breifed on his ties to the Clintons just days before his wife announced her Senate bid (and subsequently received roughly $700,000 in political donations for Clinton-friendly PACs) and then confirmed that he "has no issue with it."

An October 23, 2016, email shows McCabe running the response effort to a Wall Street Journal article that was published that day, titled “Clinton Ally Aided Campaign of FBI Official’s Wife.” McCabe provides Michael Kortan, the assistant director of Public Affairs, his version of a timeline of events surrounding the Clinton investigation and his wife’s campaign. McCabe said he contacted then-FBI Chief of Staff Chuck Roseburg about Jill McCabe’s candidacy and was told that “the D [Comey] has no issue with it.” (Judicial Watch earlier this month released documents showing that McCabe finally did recuse himself from the Clinton investigation only a week before last year’s presidential election.)

Internally, the Wall Street Journal article started a flurry of emails among Mrs. McCabe’s campaign, Kortan, Director McCabe, and the FBI’s General Counsel. Part of that exchange is an email from McCabe to someone in the General Counsel’s Office: “Sucks pretty much. Buckle in. It’s going to get rough.” The colleague responds, “I know. It’s awful. I shouldn’t be shocked by now, but I really am appalled.” McCabe also forwarded the article to Comey who responded, “Copy.”

On October 24, 2016, a memo was sent to all Special Agents in Charge, Assistant Directors, Executive Directors and the General Counsel’s Office regarding the Wall Street Journal article discussing campaign activities concerning Mrs. McCabe. Kortan suggested that questions could be referred to his office and he attached an “Overview of Deputy Director McCabe’s Recusal Related To Dr. McCabe’s Campaign for Political Office.” The Overview itself was previously reported by Judicial Watch.

FBI Investigating Itself For Dumping Info So Close To The Election.

Meanwhile, the documents also show repeated use of the official FBI email system in connection with Mrs. McCabe’s political campaign:

Here’s Why We Should Still Celebrate the Pilgrims at Thanksgiving

For most American families, Thanksgiving is a time to gather with loved ones, eat delicious food, and perhaps watch some football.

But not everyone is pleased with the celebration of this holiday, and some have taken to maligning its “originators,” the Pilgrims.

An editorial in Al Jazeera labeled Thanksgiving a “thoroughly nauseating affair,” one that is “saturated with disgrace.” Other articles have called the Pilgrims genocidal toward Native Americans, or argued that the original idea of a Thanksgiving feast is a “myth.”

“Debunking” the nature and origin of Thanksgiving seems to be turning into its own cottage industry.

But the Pilgrim Thanksgiving story is based on real events. The small band of religious dissenters who crossed an ocean to a dangerous new world have, rightly, been given special prominence in the origin story of the United States.

A year after the Pilgrims landed in what is now Massachusetts, Gov. William Bradford called for a day of thanksgiving. As historian Rod Gragg noted:

The Pilgrims were not the first Europeans to hold a thanksgiving event in the New World—although they appear to have been the first to do so in New England … It was the Pilgrims of Plymouth, however, who would be credited with establishing America’s distinctive Thanksgiving holiday—thanks to a joyful observance sometime in the autumn of 1621.
The Pilgrims gathered for a three-day feast with about 90 local Wampanoag Indians to celebrate a bountiful harvest following a year of toil (over half of the Pilgrims had died since they set out for America in 1620).

Though the food on the menu excluded modern items like pumpkin pie and cranberry sauce, those who gathered for that Thanksgiving likely ate wild turkey, among other foods common in the area like venison and shellfish.

While later conflicts would ensue between the Pilgrims’ descendants and the descendants of the Indians who feasted with them, the initial contact between the cultures was...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #83

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Here's how 'brutal' late-night comics were on Barack Obama

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Canadian University Goes Full Big Brother Newspeak With Disciplinary Tribunal Of Teaching Assistant..

Girls With Guns

Solution To Democrats Wanting To Ban Guns....

Along With 90 Percent Of All Gun Crime Would Disappear...

New Orleans Elects A Criminal As Their Mayor...

OH!!! She Almost Made It Too!!

More Unbelievably Good Animated Gifs:

The Kid Lived But Who Died?

GERMANY: Authorities Arrest Six Syrians Planning Another Christmas Market Attack

Almost one year after the Berlin Christmas market attack that left 12 innocent people dead, six Syrian men planning to carry out another attack were arrested by German authorities on Tuesday morning.

The Telegraph reports "the target of the planned attack was a traditional Christmas market which opens in the western city of Essen next week" and that the suspected men all entered the country as asylum seekers.

"Authorities were alerted to the suspects by other asylum seekers who recognized them as jihadists who had fought for Isil in Syria," reports The Telegraph. "Officials have yet to comment on the target of the planned attack."

As to the intended nature of the attack, prosecutors involved said the men planned to carry out a terrorist attack utilizing weapons and explosives.

In December 2016, Tunisian migrant Anis Amri, at the instructions of ISIS, drove a truck through crowds of Christmas shoppers in Berlin, killing 12 people and injuring another 56. Then President-elect Donald Trump called the incident "an attack on humanity."

The men arrested Tuesday ranged between ages 20 and 28; four of them "entered Germany as asylum seekers in September 2014, before Angela Merkel opened the country’s borders in her controversial refugee policy, while the other two arrived in 2015."

According to Straits, the arrest marks the second time in a month that Syrians have been taken in by authorities on suspicions of terrorist activity.

"Earlier this month, a 19-year-old Syrian man was detained on suspicion of planning a...

Drink In The MAGA!!

Shut Up German Hillary Before I Slap Your Canadian Girlfriend...

RUSH: Democrats Have Decided That Getting Rid Of Trump Is More Important Than Saving The Clintons

RUSH: Kicking off Thanksgiving week on the Excellence in Broadcasting Network, Rush Limbaugh. Great to have you here with us, folks. And we go to the phones starting in Charlotte, North Carolina. David, what’s up?

CALLER: Hey, Rush, I appreciate you taking my call.

RUSH: Yes, sir.

CALLER: I’m a huge fan of the show. I just wanted to get your thoughts about the idea that for the first time in a long time the Democrats are terrified by this scandal. I think that, you know, they’ve lost control of the narrative, and I also believe that...

Democrats Are Actively Trying To Dismantle Our Constitution

The embarrassing moment this MSNBC host slips and says Rand Paul’s assault is one of her ‘favorite’ stories

MSNBC host Kasie Hunt called the story of Senator Rand Paul’s recent assault one of her “favorite stories,” on “MSNBC Live” Monday.

“New details today on the incident that left Senator Rand Paul with six broken ribs. This might be one of my favorite stories, although of course we don’t, uh want — clearly Senator Paul is still struggling,” she said.

She went on to quote GQ magazine about the incident and brought up Paul’s Libertarian leanings.

“GQ reports that lawn care issues may well have been at the heart of the dispute. A neighbor told the magazine,” Hunt said. She said Paul’s neighbor pays $150 a month to maintain his lawn, while Paul does his own landscaping.

“I guess that’s the libertarian in him,” she added. “There you have it ladies and gentleman. The reason for the first assault on a sitting U.S. Senator in decades.”

Paul, a Republican from Kentucky, maintains the dispute was not about lawn care and said there was “no motive” that could justify the...

ISIS Attacks Communism: Releases Poster Of Beheaded Pope Francis..

Just a few days after circulating a propaganda poster depicting a jihadist driving toward the Vatican, a pro-ISIS media group today released another poster depicting Pope Francis beheaded.

In the image from the Wafa' Media Foundation, a jihadist stands over the orange-jumpsuited body of a prisoner with his hands behind his back, chest-down on the ground on a dirt street. The terrorist, clad in khaki with a white scarf covering his face, holds a knife in one hand and touches the head that looks like Pope Francis -- propped on the back of the body -- with his other hand.

"Jorge Mario Bergoglio," the pope's name, is written next to the head.

In the background is an indistinguishable cityscape and a pickup with jihadists flying an ISIS flag from the bed.

Earlier this week, Wafa' circulated a poster depicting a vehicle moving toward the Vatican with a cache of weapons, vowing "Christmas blood."

"So wait..." were the only other words on the image, an illustration showing the point of view of an unseen driver as his BMW approached St. Peter's Basilica in the evening with an unobstructed view driving down Via della Conciliazione. In the passenger seat: a rifle, a handgun and a backpack. In the rearview mirror, a ...

Swedish woman Raped by Syrian migrant commits Suicide after Prosecutor drops her Case

Investigative journalist and columnist Joakim Lamotte has reported a new story on his Facebook page, about a young woman, Angelica Wiktor, from Vittaryd in Småland, Sweden. Lamotte writes that he started getting messages from people who knew the woman in June, after she had written on Facebook that she had been raped in the first week of March. The people contacting him, told him that she had committed suicide, after finding out the police had closed the investigation into her rape. Lamotte decides to investigate, and comes across her last message, posted this summer:
“Victims of rape! Those who do not want to know – don’t read this! He who raped me has gotten a chance here in Sweden. He lives next door to me and a friend of his was there that night. Everything happened in my own house. Late one evening the doorbell rang and I thought something happened to my neighbour, who is seriously ill with cancer, but no… I was trapped in my bedroom, where he raped me while his mate was standing in the hall. Despite reports, interrogation, forensic investigation which found bruising/damage caused by rape, gynaecological investigation proving the same, technicians finding evidence in my home, etc. I still received a phone call from the police on my 30th birthday that he was released because of lack of evidence… His friend has been haunting me since that day, looking me up online under false names, and stalking me in real life. What does the police do? – NOTHING!!“

Lamotte continues: “In the reaction underneath the post, her friends write that she should rest and post hearts and tearful emojis. What exactly happened, is hard to understand, but when I leave Angelica’s profile, it’s impossible to stop thinking about her fate.”

Months pass and Lamotte checks up on the profile regularly, to see if any new information has been posted. After a while, the page changes to ‘memorial status’, as Facebook usually does when somebody has passed away. At that point, Lamotte contacts Angelica’s mother, Lisa Wiktor. She tells Lamotte, that on the day Angelica posted her last message on Facebook, she chose to end her own life by...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #82

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Monday, November 20, 2017

The Imminent Digital Exile

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:

The Other McCain has: Rule 5 Sunday: Thanksgiving Edition
Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

If We Build It... They Won't Come...