90 Miles From Tyranny

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Saturday, January 13, 2018

Shocking Footage Shows Crowd Of Hungry Venezuelans Slaughtering A Cow In The Open

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro’s plan to order markets to slash prices of food - an attempt to combat speculation and rampant inflation of the bolivar - has apparently backfired as mobs of hungry Venezuelans have started looting supermarkets and slaughtering cattle in the open to survive, Reuters reports.

Last week, we reported on near-riots that broke out in Caracas after the mandatory price cuts for food stoked widespread shortages as what little inventory that remained on market shelves quickly disappeared.

Venezuelans are suffering from a plethora of economic and social maladies.Four years of recession and an inflation rate approaching 4,000% by some measures have made the country’s currency practically worthless. Widespread shortages of food and medicine led to violent riots during the spring and early summer of 2017 that resulted in more than 100 deaths, including the burning alive of one suspected Maduro supporter by a crowd of citizens. Law enforcement in the capital and many of the country’s smaller cities has effectively disbanded, leading to a rise in lynchings and streets justice. Indeed, suspected thieves are sometimes killed.

Venezuela’s regime probably would’ve collapsed by now if it weren’t for the aide of Russia and China, which have lent the Maduro regime money in exchange for a discount on future oil deliveries. But now that the price of oil is finally climbing again, Maduro could find himself rescued by commodity markets. In apparent anticipation of higher oil prices, the administration announced late last year that it would finally introduce "the Petro” - a state-designed cryptocurrency that will help Venezuela’s customers pay for their goods while circumventing the petrodollar system.

In a shocking example of just how severe Venezuela’s food shortages have become, a video on social media showed roughly a dozen men running into a lush pasture, chasing a cow, and then apparently beating it to death for the meat.

"They're hunting. The people are hungry!" says the narrator of the video, who filmed the incident from his car. Lawmaker Paparoni said some 300 animals were believed to have been killed, though this hasn’t been independently confirmed.

Something strange is going on in the financial system. And according to The Wall Street Journal, it’s causing some investors to move massive amounts of money out of the banking system.

Violent lootings and hijackings - long a staple of life for Venezuela’s remaining merchants - are also growing increasingly common.

Zuley Urdaneta, a 50 year-old vet in Merida, witnessed the looting of a truck along the highway around 2 pm Thursday afternoon, she told Reuters. About two hours later, he said some 800 people converged on a food collection center and proceeded to plunder it.

"They knocked down the gates and looted flour, rice, cooking oil, cooking gas," said Urdaneta. "The police and the National Guard tried to control the situation by giving out what was left."

Despite the grinding poverty and widespread social unrest that has challenged the last vestiges of Chavismo, Maduro has effectively sidelined his opposition while brutally suppressing...

Colorado Heroin Ring Arrests Highlight Illegals’ Role in U.S. Crime

'Highly organized' criminal enterprise sold huge quantities of deadly drugs — most of these men had been deported previously

Six people — most of whom had been deported previously — have been charged with participating in a heroin ring in Colorado.

Jefferson County District Attorney Pete Weir announced the 61-count indictment on Thursday. Investigators seized or made undercover buys of 3,305 grams of heroin with a street value of $264,400. The district attorney’s office described a “highly organized” criminal enterprise in which members received shipments of heroin from out of state.

Fred Elbel, co-director of the Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform, told LifeZette the bust highlights the need for a tougher approach to illegal immigration.

“It should come as no surprise that individuals apprehended in the heroin ring are predominantly illegal aliens,” Elbel said. “A reasonable response at this time would be to secure America’s border and to implement mandatory E-Verify so that illegal aliens will not be able to displace American workers.”

The drug ring stored the heroin in one or more “stash houses,” according to authorities. The indictment alleges that customers would call a “dispatcher,” who then would arrange a delivery. A “runner” would meet the buyer and...


We thought the Obama administration could stoop no lower when it was revealed that the administration transferred $1.7 billion in untraceable cash to the Islamic Republic as ransom for the release of four Americans hostages they were holding. We were wrong. In its twilight weeks, the administration gave its consent to allow the Iranians to receive 116 metric tons of natural uranium from Russia as compensation for its export of tons of reactor coolant. According to experts familiar with the transaction, the uranium could be enriched to weapons-grade sufficient for the production of at least 10 nuclear bombs.

If you thought that the administration’s betrayal of America’s security could go no further, you were wrong. Last month Politico, not known as a bastion of conservatism, published a bombshell 50-page exposé detailing the Obama administration’s efforts to delay, hinder and ultimately shut down a highly successful DEA operation – codenamed Project Cassandra – aimed at tracking and thwarting Hezbollah drug trafficking, arms trafficking and money laundering schemes. As a result, Hezbollah continued to import drugs into the United States, continued to provide anti-U.S. insurgents with deadly EFPs and continued to launder drug money to the tune of billions.

If you thought that was the end of the story, you were wrong. It seems that with each passing day, another layer of deceit and betrayal committed by the Obama administration is uncovered. The latest Obama scandal involves a reported effort by the administration to thwart an Israeli operation to liquidate Iranian general, Qassem Soleimani.

The Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jarida reported that three years ago, Israel was on the verge of liquidating Soleimani near Damascus but the Obama administration tipped off Teheran of Israel’s plans. Soleimani is no ordinary general. He is arguably the world’s premier terrorist and is commander of Iran’s Quds Force, a branch of...

The Value of Calling a Shithole a ‘Shithole’

In a news cycle full of poverty, war, political intrigue, and all the usual torment, America’s media have wasted valuable time this week debating the value of President Donald Trump’s use of a bad word.

Leftist journalists, politicians, and celebrities have scuttled out of the woodwork to decry that Trump allegedly branded some unspecified nations “shitholes.” The use of the term, they argue, proves the president is racist – and, as we all learned during the Obama era, all “racist” talk must be silenced.

The circumstances surrounding how we got to this point in the news cycle – where a nation is hanging on to every word of the president’s, and this word happens to be “shithole” – matter little in comparison to what this outbreak of decency among the elite liberal left exposes. It is a fact that those of us with family roots in oppressed nations know all too well: the left divides the world into “paradises” and “shitholes” all the time, depending on how much money there is to be had in duping apolitical Americans into buying their classifications.

It takes barely any time to find a handful of examples of profiteers selling naive thrill seekers the notion that any variety of impoverished, exploited underdeveloped country is a secret oasis full of exotic beauty and free of the “stain” of Western luxury.

“North Korea is probably one of the safest places on Earth to visit provided you follow the laws as provided by our documentation and pre-tour briefings,” Young Pioneer Tours, the company that swindled 22-year-old Otto Warmbier into an excruciating state murder, still boasts on its website today. “North Korean’s [sic] are friendly and accommodating, if you let them into your world and avoid insulting their beliefs or ideology.”

“Deeply embedded in the past, Belarus offers a rare insight into a bygone world,” the British travel website Wanderlust boasts of Europe’s last remaining communist nation, which remains heavily contaminated after Soviet negligence resulted in 2.2 million citizens being bombarded with radioactive waste in the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster. “Located in the heart of Europe, Belarus is a living museum to Soviet Communism.”

“For 2,500 years, this powerful country has entranced, mystified and beguiled the world,” the New York Times boasts of the Islamic Republic of Iran (the Times offers its wealthiest subscribers tours to some of the world’s most repressive destinations through its “journeys” travel program). The tour includes a tour of the “family home of the religious leader who engineered Iran’s transition to an Islamic republic,” presumably former Supreme Leader Ruhollah Khomenei.

“Though Iran often rejects Western ways and is frequently under fire for its positions on human rights, its nuclear program and Israel, its role as a birthplace of civilization cannot be denied,” the Times gushes.

“The Republic of Congo is on the cusp of becoming one of the finest ecotourism destinations in Africa,” the travel guide publisher Lonely Planet‘s website claims, listing “a pleasantly laid-back capital city in Brazzaville, some decent beaches on its Atlantic coastline and the warm and welcoming Congolese culture” as its evidence.

Amnesty International’s page on Congo lists repression of dissidents, lack of press freedom, “harsh and inhumane” prison conditions, and widespread discrimination against the Pigmy ethnic minority as human rights concerns in the country. The World Bank found in its 2017 assessment that two-thirds of students who graduate primary school lack basic literacy and mathematical skills and nearly half ...

The Burden Of Illegal Immigration On Californians..

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #135

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Friday, January 12, 2018

Rigor's Dirty Deeds

Girls With Guns

The Latest News From CNN...

If You Don't Stop Lying, You'll Grow Up To Be A CNN Reporter!

Build The Wall!

The Wall Is A Physical Barrier, Stopping Chain Migration, Stopping The Visa Lottery And Vetting All Potential Immigrants To Make Sure They Love This Country, And Only Allowing Immigrants If We Need Them.

That Tire Almost Hit Her!

More Amazing Gifs:

Someone Messed With The Wrong Dude..

Kim Kardashians BIG Christmas Special...

Beating The Dead Borscht...

The Horse Is Dead...

When You Are A Leftist Extremist... You Are Never Wrong...

The Deep State Has A Really Big Problem...

Atlanta Jail Lets Muslim Inmates Wear Hijabs, CAIR to Supply Them in Bulk for Free

Caving into the demands of a terrorist front group, the City of Atlanta Detention Center in Georgia is allowing female Muslim inmates to wear a head scarf (hijab) used as a symbol of modesty in the Islamic dress code. Hats and other head covers are banned in American state and federal prisons for security and safety reasons. Making an exception to this rule to appease followers of one religion sets a dangerous precedent. Besides, the Quran doesn’t require Muslim women to wear a hijab. The cover is optional and those who wear it do so willfully as an act of worship.

Nevertheless, corrections officials at the City of Atlanta Detention Center changed the rules to satisfy the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a co-conspirator in a federal terror-finance case involving the Hamas front group Holy Land Foundation (read more in a Judicial Watch special report that focuses on Muslim charities). CAIR was founded in 1994 by three Middle Eastern extremists (Omar Ahmad, Nihad Awad and Rafeeq Jaber) who ran the American propaganda wing of Hamas, known then as the Islamic Association for Palestine. The Obama administration allowed CAIR to transform the way U.S. law enforcement agencies conduct anti-terrorism training by allowing the group to bully agencies at the local, state and federal level to alter counterterrorism training materials determined to be discriminatory against Muslims.

This includes getting the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to purge anti-terrorism training curricula of material coined “offensive” to Muslims. Judicial Watch uncovered that scandal, obtained the FBI records and published an in-depth report. CAIR also got several local police departments and the U.S. military to eliminate anti-terrorism training materials and instructors deemed anti-Muslim. At CAIR’s request, Obama’s Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, ordered the U.S. military to “scour its training material to ensure it doesn’t contain anti-Islamic content.” It’s not clear if the Trump administration obliged with CAIR’s March, 2017 demand that the Air Force sever ties with instructor Patrick Dunleavy, a former deputy inspector general for the New York State Department of Corrections who’s testified before Congress on the threat of Islamic radicalization in the nation’s prison system. CAIR wants to oust Dunleavy over his ties to a reputable think-tank recognized as a comprehensive data center on radical Islamic terrorist cells. CAIR accuses the research group, Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT), of being an “anti-Muslim propaganda mouthpiece.”

The Atlanta hijab issue surfaced last year when one of CAIR’s Georgia directors got arrested. Authorities instructed the CAIR director, Asma Elhuni, to remove her hijab during boking and she refused, citing her religious beliefs. The incident launched a campaign to change the rules at the jail facility that houses offenders from throughout Fulton County, the state’s most populous. CAIR said Elhun “bravely defended her constitutional rights” and ordered a policy change. This week, the group thanked City of Atlanta Detention Center Chief Patrick Labat for agreeing to a policy that protects religious freedom. To celebrate, CAIR is providing the jail with hijabs, “in-bulk free-of-charge.” Now CAIR is demanding that female inmates be granted the option of taking their booking photos in the presence of only female inmates and female staff to avoid violating their religious beliefs involving men.

Years ago, CAIR published and distributed a Correctional Institution’s Guide to Islamic Religious Practices to help prison officers and administrators gain a better understanding of Islam and Muslims. The 20-page handbook is designed to help prisons formulate and implement policies that will help create a culturally sensitive environment and facilitate rehabilitation in the country’s prisons. It also serves as a guide to the “religiously mandated practices of incarcerated Muslims and their visitors.” Though most prisons around the nation continue to follow the rule of law, a few have caved in to CAIR’s hijab demands, including facilities in Hennepin County Minneapolis and...

SOCIALIST PARADISE: Several Dead, 15 Injured In Fight For Food In Venezuela

Several people were killed and more than a dozen injured in socialist Venezuela on Thursday after they tried to loot stores for food so they would not starve to death.

AFP News reports that in the town of Arapuey, looters desperately tried to get food and clashed with the military, which resulted in approximately 100 arrests. According to the local press and the opposition party, four people were killed and 15 injured after violence erupted over attempts to loot food.
Key takeaways from AFP's report include:
Hyperinflation is expected to top 2,300% in 2018.
Universities in Venezuela say that 30.2% of Venezuelans face poverty, 51.5% face extreme poverty.
The Venezuelan government says that 18.3% of Venezuelans face poverty, 4.4% face extreme poverty.

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro is now supposedly considering allowing food donations from around the world to enter the country, but only if his opposition recognizes the legitimacy of the highly controversial National Constituent Assembly (NCA), the Miami Herald reported on Thursday. If he allows food donations to enter the country, which he has so far denied, Maduro reportedly will want full control of where the food is distributed.

"Accepting the Constituent Assembly means surrendering the country. It is legitimizing the regime’s staying in power and driving the final nail into the casket of freedom in Venezuela," said former Venezuelan ambassador Diego Arias.

"Right now, Maduro is desperate because of the food situation. The country is burning up with looting, and...

Workers Receiving Unemployment Benefits Hits Lowest Number In Nearly 50 Years

The total number of workers who receive unemployment insurance fell to the lowest level in 44 years at the end 2017, the Department of Labor (DOL) reported Thursday.

During the last week of 2017, 1.87 million people received unemployment insurance benefits, the lowest total of recipients since Dec. 1973, the DOL reported. The advance seasonally adjusted insured unemployment rate was 1.3 percent for at the end of January.

The number is a positive sign for the economy.

The total number of people claiming unemployment benefits in the U.S. has continued to decline since President Donald Trump took office. During the last week of April 2017, 1.9 million people received unemployment insurance benefits. (RELATED: Workers Claiming Unemployment Benefits Hit 28-Year Low)

Unemployment benefits are available for...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #134

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Democratic party platform or communist manifesto!

Girls With Guns

How To Tell If There Is Mental Illness In Your Family..

Here's One Way To Reduce Radical Islamic Terrorism...

Here's An Idea...

If One American Life Is Lost Because The Temporary Immigration Ban Was Stopped...

Blame These Judges...

BREAKING: Twitter Engineers To "Ban a Way of Talking" Through "Shadow Banning"

PART 1: Undercover Video: Sr Network Security Engineer Reveals Twitter Ready to Give Trump's Private DMs to DOJ

Proof Our "Justice" System Is Corrupt..

Undercover Video: Sr Network Security Engineer Reveals Twitter Ready to Give Trump's Private DMs to DOJ

Part 2: BREAKING: Twitter Engineers To "Ban a Way of Talking" Through "Shadow Banning"

Isn't Socialism Great?

 More on Socialists, Idiots, Mental Defects and Democrats:

Socialism Is A Theory Inconsistent With Human Nature..

No, America Was Not Founded On Racist Principles

Soros Family Puts $250K Behind Democrat Running For Florida Governor

Left-wing billionaire George Soros and his son, Alex Soros, have now put a quarter of a million dollars behind their preferred Democratic candidate for governor of Florida.

George Soros gave another $100,000 to Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum’s 2018 gubernatorial campaign on December 29, according to financial reports released by the Gillum campaign. Soros previously gave $100,000 to Gillum in March 2017, at the same time that Alex Soros made a $50,000 contribution to the campaign. Local news outlets first reported the most recent donation.

The Soros family’s massive contributions to Gillum’s campaign come despite the fact that both George and Alex Soros are residents of New York. (RELATED: Leaked Docs Show How Soros Spends Big To Keep Populists Out Of Power In Europe)

George Soros is known for using his billions to influence politics at the local, state, national and international levels. One of the left-wing financier’s current projects is jumping into local district attorney’s races with massive donations, allowing him to all but handpick...