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Monday, March 19, 2018

More Evidence Surfaces About Fake Vatican Letter

More evidence has surfaced concerning the forged letter of Benedict XVI which the Vatican had deceitfully used to refute conservative Catholics who question Pope Francis’ theological formation and teaching.

To recap, Vatican communications director Msgr. Dario Vigano had attempted to elicit Benedict’s endorsement of an 11-volume set he co-authored on the theology of Pope Francis, whereupon the former pontiff replied with a letter saying he would not be able to offer any support for the work.

Apparently angered by the reply, Vigano and his colleagues proceeded to alter p. 1 of the letter, and craftily hiding the second page they photographed the letter and sent it to media outlets on March 13 as a promo to rebut critics of Francis who question his theological and philosophical heft and say he represents a rupture from Benedict’s doctrine-minded papacy.

The Vatican admitted to The Associated Press on March 14 that the letter was doctored. The bottom 2 lines of p. 1 were phased out via Photoshop, so that what was highlighted was a revised p. 1 in which Benedict purportedly criticized Church conservatives for their “foolish prejudice” in not recognizing that “Pope Francis is a man of profound philosophical and theological formation.”

We now have this update from Vatican specialist Sandro Magister that an entire paragraph from p. 2 of Benedict’s letter was deleted by Vigano because Benedict therein expressed his displeasure that anti-papal heretics and enemies co-authored the 11-volume set. The deleted paragraph reads:
“Just as a side note, I would like to mention my surprise at the fact that the authors also include Professor Hünermann, who during my pontificate put himself in the spotlight by heading anti-papal initiatives. He played a major role in the promulgation of the “Kölner Erklärung,” which, in relation to the encyclical “Veritatis Splendor,” virulently attacked the magisterial authority of the pope, especially on questions of moral theology. Also the “Europäische Theologengesellschaft,” which he founded, was initially designed as an organization in opposition to the papal magisterium….

“I am certain that you will have understanding for my declination.”

Magister says in his report, “The letter by Benedict XVI that Settimo Cielo published on March 13 in its complete form was in reality not complete. Between the paragraph omitted in the press release and the valediction there were, in fact, other lines.”

And so we see the Vatican attempting to use the aging Benedict to endorse the multi-volume work that was co-authored by arch-enemies of the papacy and the Church. Deo Gratias that Papa Benedict is still in his wits!

What we need to consider more closely is the diabolical nature of the individual who orchestrated the fake letter. The fact is that Vigano, a known homosexual, hired the radical LGBT communications company Accenture to redo and take over the Vatican’s news service in 2017, which is precisely what led to this insidious...

When John McCain Steps Down From The Senate...

More Fun With John McCain!

John McCain Is An Open Borders, Globalist Cuck Asshole...

James Comey’s Book Rockets To Number One Spot, But Fox News’ Gregg Jarrett Just Took The Wind Out Of His Sails

Just one day after former FBI Director James Comey used Twitter to tell President Trump “the American people will hear my story very soon,” his upcoming book, “A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership,” has shot to the top of Amazon’s best-sellers list.

Comey’s upcoming book tour and his book, scheduled for release April 17, are expected to try to counter the various allegations put forth by President Trump and Republicans against him.

The former FBI director’s Saturday tweet responding to President Trump’s characterization of recently fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe as a “choirboy” compared to “sanctimonious James Comey” was seen by many as an appeal to book sales.

The number one spot is a strong start, to be sure, but Fox News’ Gregg Jarrett took all the wind out of Comey’s sails with one tweet:

“If Comey cleared Clinton for political reasons (as evidence suggests) that’s obstruction of justice,” tweeted Jarrett. “If he gave false testimony to...

VIDEO UK: Muslims riot, assault people with weapons in front of London police today to shut down free speech

The religion of peaceniks stormed the last vestige of free speech in the UK, Speakers’ Corner, the one area where open-air public speaking, debate, and discussion are allowed. Or I should say was. The last corner of freedom in the UK isn’t, and the pretense that the UK is a free country is shattered.

Abdul Hamid and his devout friends assaulted people with weapons today in front of the police. Not one of them were arrested, but the real telling thing is to watch the police not put one hand on the rioting Muslim protestors, and instead manhandle the victims by continuously pushing them away from the aggressors……Two-tier policing in full view of the people. This is Britain in 2018. (source Tommy Robinson Facebook)

Voices of freedom are banned from entering the country. I have been banned along with Robert Spencer, Lauren Southern, Brittany Pettibone and Martin Sellner — all banned because our “presence in the UK is not conducive to the public good.” In other words, Muslims might get violent, so you see, the assassin’s veto prevails in the crippled and dying UK.

Tommy Robinson vowed to deliver Martin Sellner’s speech today at Speakers’ Corner after Sellner was banned from the UK. Sellner, an Austrian and prominent figure in Generation Identity, was due to make that speech in Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park.

This bloke sums it up rather neatly:

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #200

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

We Are Suing The UK.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Peak Decadence: The WEST & The Fate of EMPIRE

Girls With Guns

Sowell On Leftist Ignorance...

More Sowell:

10 Northern European Mysteries That Remain Unsolved

Mysteries, mysteries everywhere. For everything we know, there’s so much more that we don’t. Whether it’s an unsolved crime, an unexplained sighting, or weird things falling from the sky, sometimes there are just no answers.

On this list are ten mysteries from Northern Europe that need solving. Hopefully someday, someone will do just that, especially where doing so could provide closure to the families of those who fell victim to as-yet unsolved crimes.

10Double Murder In Linkoping

On October 19, 2004, Anna-Lena Svensson, 56, and an eight-year-old schoolboy by the name of Mohammed Ammouri were going about their day in Linkoping, Sweden. Suddenly, a commotion startled passersby. The woman collapsed, having been stabbed in her stomach. Minutes after this, while people rushed to her aid, Ammouri also started screaming. Then everything was quiet. Both had been attacked in the street in broad daylight. The little boy died immediately, while the woman lost the fight for her life in the hospital a few days later.[1]

The police collected several pieces of evidence from the scene, including the murder weapon (a butterfly knife) and a piece of clothing. They were confident that they would find the murderer within 24 hours, having set their sights on a suspect who was thought to be mentally ill. Almost 14 years later, police have questioned more than 7,000 suspects, but the murderer is still on the loose. With no apparent motive for the crimes, it seems unlikely at this stage that the case will ever be solved.

9Purple Slime In Lyngen Fjord

8Where’s Beverina Castle?

Latvian history states that Estonians stormed and attacked Beverina Castle in 1208 in the district of Trikata. The Estonians retreated and settled down for the night at a lake near the road of Beverina. However, the crusaders and the Kaupo happened upon them here and chased them away. After this, they had a morning meal at the same lake.[3]

The name of the lake remains unknown as well as the destination to which the road of Beverina led to. However, the biggest mystery remains the location of Beverina Castle. The castle is mentioned 16 times in the Chronicle of Henry and was the residence of Talivaldis. The exact location of the castle is never mentioned. It is thought by archaeologists that the castle may be located on two foothills near Lake Vaidava, but research has never been done to validate this theory.

7What Happened To Greenland’s Vikings?

Photo credit: Ciril Jazbec
In September 1408, Sigrid Bjornsdottir and Thorstein Olafsson married in a beautiful granite church on a fjord slope in Greenland. They had ended up in Greenland after their boat was blown off course while traveling from Norway to Iceland, and they decided to stay and make a life for themselves with the Vikings who had already settled there over hundreds of years. Their union in marriage, as well as other information about the daily goings-on in Greenland, was documented in three letters and recorded by scribes.[4]However, the existence of the Vikings seemingly ceased after these recordings. They simply disappeared.

When Europeans returned to Greenland in the 18th century, they found no human life, only the ruins of the Vikings who once lived and loved there. The most popular theory for their unexplained disappearance was climate change. Cooling temperatures and glaciers forming in the area are thought to have been too much for the Vikings. Soil erosion and lack of trees to build more ships were cited as part of the problem as well. New research, however, suggests that the colder weather may not have been the reason at all. Rather, the Black Death could have caused the Vikings to return to the lands they originally came from. All of this remains speculation at this point, though, and the reason for the vanishing Vikings remains a mystery.

6Swedish Spheres

5Ulfberht Swords

Photo credit: Ancient Pages

There remains a lot to learn about the Vikings and the technology they used. One artifact that has puzzled archaeologists for a very long time is...


The firing of Andrew McCabe has heads exploding among members of the anti-Trump resistance. No surprise there.

However, at Lawfare, a resistance site, Quinta Jurecic and Benjamin Wittes say they are reserving judgment about the firing, and they caution others to do the same. “It is simply not clear at this stage whether or not the record will support his dismissal,” they say.

They are right. It isn’t clear, and won’t be until the full inspector general report on the Clinton email investigation, including information on McCabe’s conduct, is released.

However, there is a sound basis to form a tentative belief that the firing of McCabe was justified. That basis comes through in what Jurecic and Wittes write:

The FBI takes telling the truth extremely seriously: “lack of candor” from employees is a fireable offense—and people are fired for it. Moreover, it doesn’t take an outright lie to be dismissed. In one case, the bureau fired an agent after he initially gave an ambiguous statement to investigators as to how many times he had picked up his daughter from daycare in an FBI vehicle. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit ruled against the agent when he appealed, finding that “lack of candor is established by showing that the FBI agent did not ‘respond fully and truthfully’ to the questions he was asked.”

So if McCabe was less than candid in answering questions, his firing was justified and consistent with FBI practice. Was he? We don’t know. But the finding that McCabe did not meet FBI standards for honesty was made by career Justice Department officials, not Jeff Sessions or other political appointees. As Jurecic and Wittes say:

[A]lthough Sessions made the ultimate call to fire McCabe, the public record shows that the process resulting in the FBI deputy director’s dismissal involved career Justice Department and FBI officials—rather than political appointees selected by President Trump—at crucial points along the way. To begin with, the charges against McCabe arose out of the broader Justice Department Office of Inspector General (OIG) investigation into the FBI’s handling of the Clinton email investigation.

While the inspector general is appointed by the president, the current head of that office, Michael Horowitz, was appointed by President Barack Obama and is himself a former career Justice Department lawyer. As Jack Goldsmith has written, the inspector general has a great deal of statutory independence, which Horowitz has not hesitated to use: Most notably, he produced a highly critical 2012 report into the Justice Department’s “Fast and Furious” program. So a process that begins with...

Ohio student suspended for staying in classroom during gun control walkout

A student at an Ohio high school said he was suspended for deciding not to participate in Wednesday's walkout protesting gun violence and for not joining other students not walking out in a study hall, according to reports.

Jacob Shoemaker, a senior at Hilliard Davidson High School in Hilliard, Ohio, told the Columbus Dispatch he felt that by walking out of school Wednesday, he would be making a political statement about firearms, something he did not want to do.

Students who did not want to participate in the walkout were instructed to gather for a study hall, but Shoemaker reportedly felt that by joining fellow students who didn’t protest, he would also be taking a side.

“’The biggest problem, Dad, is that there shouldn’t be politics in the classroom … I may just sit in my seat. As far as I’m concerned, that’s the least intrusive of the choices I’ve been given,” Shoemaker said, according to his father, Scott Shoemaker.

When the walkout began Wednesday morning, Shoemaker decided to remain in his seat in class, but was given an out-of-school suspension.

“Student refused to follow instructions after being warned repeatedly by several administrators. Student not permitted on school property 24 hours," the slip from Hilliard City Schools said.

“He stayed in the classroom, where he was supposed to be in the first place,” Scott Shoemaker said. “It’s kind of ironic.”

The Hilliard school district told the Columbus Dispatch that no students were suspended for refusing to participate in the walkout.

“I can say that our students were given two options: one, attend the gathering or two, have a study hall,” Stacie Raterman, the district spokeswoman, said. “We are responsible for...


MINNEAPOLIS, MN (KMSP) – A 32-year-old Bloomington man is facing multiple charges after he reportedly hid in a women’s bathroom at Minneapolis Community and Technical College, then crawled into a stall in an attempt to sexually assault a woman.

Asad Abu Mohamed of Bloomington is charged with third degree criminal sexual conduct, making terroristic threats and fourth degree assault of a school official.

An MCTC official told Fox 9, the incident happened just after 1 p.m. Friday on the second floor of the campus’ Technology building.

According to the criminal complaint, when Minneapolis police responded to MCTC, they found people comforting a woman, while MCTC security officers were detaining a handcuffed Mohamed.

After speaking with the woman, police learned she had gone into the women’s restroom, which had two stalls. She attempted to go into the larger handicap-accessible stall, but found it was locked, so she went into the smaller stall. While in the stall with her pants down, Mohamed crawled into her stall from the handicap-accessible stall.

The woman immediately began kicking and screaming at Mohamed. She told police, he covered her mouth and told her he would kill her. The woman continued...

Muslim students want Florida student expelled for refusing to try on a hijab on Hijab Day

Imposing Islamic absolutism on the public square continues apace.

Kathy Zhu is a 19-year-old student at the University of Central Florida. She was offered to try on a hijab on Hijab Day. She refused and posted a message on Twitter to criticize the initiative. After that, the Muslim organizers asked the University to expel her.

All of this is revolting (and predictable).

What may not be necessarily predictable is that the young woman is not backing off and arguing against these thugs on Twitter. The University has since issued a message to indicate that the student would not be expelled.

Here is a video released by Kathy Zhu explaining her position and talking about the “snowflake mentality”: (thanks to Gisele)


It bears mentioning that there are no “Star of David Day” or “Wear the Cross Day” either.

The Muslim Student Association terrorizes numerous college campuses nationwide. They are a Muslim Brotherhood front group.

Discover the...

Behead Those Who Insult Bacon...

More critical issues about bacon:

Bacon Decision Chart

Tactical Bacon

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #199

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Girls With Guns


86% of university presidents cite negative effects of ‘liberal political bias on campus’: Poll

Public confidence in American universities has eroded in recent years, and campus administrators have taken notice, blaming not only the high cost of a 4-year degree but the impact of liberal bias in the academy, a new survey of college presidents finds.

“Asked to assess which of several factors were most responsible for declining public support, 98 percent of college and university presidents cited ‘concerns about college affordability and student debt’, 95 percent said ‘concerns over whether higher education prepares students for careers,’ and 86 percent cited the perception of liberal political bias,” reports an extensive new poll from Inside Higher Ed, an independent media company and industry source which tracks higher education.

“About a third of campus leaders agree with the statement that ‘the perception of colleges as places that are intolerant of conservative views is accurate.’ And 51 percent agree the 2016 election ‘exposed that academe is disconnected from much of American society’,” the poll analysis said.

“Perception” is an important term here, the presidents also fretted that the public does not have an realistic impression of the nation’s schools.

“Only 13 percent of college and university presidents agree that ‘most Americans have an accurate view of the purpose of higher education,’ and just 16 percent say the public has an accurate view of the purpose of their sector of higher education. The leaders of research institutions feel especially misunderstood: just 5 percent of presidents of public doctoral universities and 11 percent at private doctoral and master’s-level institutions say the public understands their sector, compared to 22 percent of community college leaders, for example,” the poll said.

It also revealed that a majority of the presidents say they are more politically active; 55 percent say they spoke out more on political issues in 2017.

“To the extent that concerns about liberal bias are harming the public’s view of colleges, the damage is likely greatest among Republican voters, as recent polls have shown that group is most likely to have lost more faith in higher education. That divide clearly troubles presidents. More than three-quarters say they worry about Republicans’ increasing skepticism, even as 71 percent disagreed that ‘Republican doubts about...

Nucor will build a $240 million steel rebar mill on a 400-acre site in Frostproof Florida..

The 25 percent tariff on imported steel announced last week by
President Donald Trump helped seal the deal on the Frostproof plant
FROSTPROOF – With the announcement of a nearly quarter-billion-dollar steel mill outside Frostproof, Polk County economic-development officials are celebrating one of the county’s biggest recruitment successes.

Nucor Corp. of Charlotte, North Carolina, officially said it will build a $240 million steel mill on a 400-acre site on U.S. 27 just south of Frostproof, about 65 miles east of Bradenton. The company said it expects to create 250 jobs paying an average annual salary of $66,000, plus benefits.

The new plant is one of the biggest new industrial companies ever recruited to Polk County.

“There hasn’t been a project of this size in many years,” said Sean Malott, executive director of the Central Florida Development Council, which helped recruit the company. “This is the biggest manufacturing property Polk County has had the chance to compete on.”

The next-largest project was the Coca-Cola Co. Main Street bottling plant, which opened in 2003 on a 64-acre site in Auburndale, Malott said. The $113 million, 620,000-square-foot plant initially created 100 new jobs and more than 100 additional jobs with later expansions. Beyond the Coca-Cola plant, Polk may not have seen an industrial facility of this size since the 1975 opening of the New Wales phosphate fertilizer plant, now operated by the Mosaic Co., south of Mulberry.

The Nucor “micro mill” will make steel rebar from scrap metal, according to the company, which expects construction to take two years after obtaining required regulatory approvals.

Malott said he had worked to recruit Nucor since June but the breakthrough didn’t happen until last month, when the Polk County Commission approved property-tax and impact-fee breaks worth about $1.5 million.

The 25 percent tariff on imported steel announced last week by President Donald Trump might have helped seal the deal on the Frostproof plant, Malott said. Although he couldn’t say how much of a factor it played in Nucor’s decision, “I think it helped, and it’s one of the reasons the company is looking at expansion opportunities,” he said. “This would be a good thing for U.S. steel.”

Nucor officials were looking for a site of more than 300 acres with railroad access near a major electricity substation that could provide enough power to operate the facility, Malott said. The Frostproof site fit the bill.

Frostproof Vice Mayor Martin Sullivan said he was excited about economic impact to the area. But he was more cautious about how much the city would benefit directly from the Nucor plant because of its location just outside the city limits.

“It will be great; it will be a boon to the local economy,” Sullivan said. “It will be much-needed, given the loss of jobs in the citrus industry.”

Frostproof would benefit more if it annexed the Nucor site into the city, which would add hundreds of thousands of dollars in new property-tax revenue to city coffers, he said.

The city could also benefit by...

If You See This Post On St. Patrick's Day, You Will Have The Luck Of The Irish For One Full Week....

Do it, Click it...

The Oldest Pub In The World Is Probably This Irish Pub...

Ireland’s oldest pub dates back to the year 900 CE. When Sean’s Bar was renovated in 1970, they found the walls were made of 10th-century structures. The pub has a record of every owner in its history, including Boy George, and has centuries of photos, artifacts, and memorabilia on display. Guinness World Records has named it the oldest pub in Europe, and it’s most likely the oldest in the world.

FISA judge now linked to demoted anti-Trump FBI agent

A FISA judge who earlier handled proceedings against former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, who was targeted by special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into so-far unsubstantiated claims of Trump campaign collusion with Russia, was friends with a now-demoted FBI agent also involved in the scandal, a report says.

Investigative reporter Sara Carter writes that newly released text messages obtained by congressional investigators show the agent, Peter Strzok, “was close friends with a District of Columbia judge who recused himself from the criminal case” involving Flynn.

The messages, given to Congress by the Department of Justice, show Strzok and his paramour, FBI attorney Lisa Page, exchanged messages about Strzok’s relationship with Judge Rudolph Contreras.

He presided over a Dec. 1, 2017, hearing in which Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, a charge resulting from Mueller’s work.

Strzok was removed, Carter reported, from the special counsel team when anti-Trump text messages he shared with Page were revealed.

The messages were found by the DOJ’s inspector general, Michael Horowitz.

Then, Carter reports, on Dec. 7 Contreras was removed abruptly from Flynn’s case, with virtually no comment.

Page wrote in a text message to Strzok on July 25, 2016: “Rudy is on the FISC! Did you know that? Just appointed two months ago.”

Carter said: “At that point, the pair continues to discuss other issues but comes back to Contreras, ‘I did. We talked about it before and after. I need to get together with him.’ Then later Strzok appears to return to his discussion about Contreras.

The conversation included messages about being careful not to put the judge in a position in which he would have to drop out of the case.

Page wrote, “I can’t imagine you either one of you could talk about anything in detail meaningful enough to warrant recusal.”

When Strzok explained he was in charge of espionage for the FBI, Page suggested: “Standards for recusal are quite high. I just don’t think this poses an actual conflict. And he doesn’t know what you do?”

Strzok then suggests that a “social setting” meeting would be better than “one-on-one.”

FISA court Judge Rudolph Contreras. Appointed to prior federal court position by former President Obama

Carter reported: “Investigators working with Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, and Rep. Mark Meadows, both with the House Oversight Committee, discovered the text messages during their ongoing investigation into the FBI’s handling of the alleged Trump-Russia collusion investigation, the congressional members told this reporter.

“Under rules established by DOJ officials, congressional investigators could only review the less-redacted version of the pairs’ text messages at DOJ headquarters and only the highly redacted version of the texts was allowed to be removed during the ongoing process, they said. Of the 1.2 million documents collected by Horowitz’s team, the House Oversight Committee has only received 3,162 “unique documents,” they...

ALERT: Firing Of Andrew McCabe Said To Be “One of Many” To Follow As POTUS Trump Continues To Drain The Swamp

Though many in D.C. thought it could happen, those many are still shocked it actually did happen.

Twenty-fours away from a nearly two-million dollar retirement package, former FBI #2 Andrew McCabe was fired by Attorney General Jeff Session – effective immediately.

McCabe’s loyalty to departed/infamous FBI Director James Comey was well known. So too were his equally anti-Trump leanings. McCabe himself has been implicated in abuse of power and related cover-up allegations, all of which are said to have sealed his fate at the FBI.

Word is Mr. McCabe’s firing is to be “one of many” to follow as President Trump continues to push out those in his administration he understandably finds himself unable to trust. The firing is alos believed to be one of the primary motivators for the “Trump scandals” attempt that is now being ramped up by the Mainstream Media that was rolled out in conjunction with special counsel Robert Mueller’s sudden attack on Mr. Trump’s family business.

Further speculation is also pointing to formal charges being brought against McCabe and others for the roles they played in attempting to illegally influence the 2016 Election outcome – influence that is alleged to directly include both Hillary Clinton and...