90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, March 26, 2018

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:

The Other McCain has: Rule 5 Sunday: Nikki Nicole
Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Does It Take An Olympian To Understand The Constitution?

The Media And "Feminists" Are Not Pro-Woman...

Banana docks, New York, ca. 1890-1910 - Colorized

More Great Photos:

Thanksgiving 1919

Hot dog stand - Chicago 1962

Facebook, Was It Worth It?

Mark Zuckerberg Attempts To Eat Like A Human...

Immigration Hypocrisy On The Left Would Be Comical, If It Wasn't So Dangerous...

Merkel regime to suspend anti-migrant parents’ rights?

Merkel’s regime could punish criticism of the German asylum policy by refusing parents access to their own children.

Those who post “xenophobic” statements on Facebook or demonstrate against “refugee homes” could soon lose the right of contact with their children, even if no criminal offence was ever committed, according to the German Bar Association.

A staff member of the Deutscher Anwaltsverein [German Lawyers’ Association] alerted readers to the left-wing milieu’s latest ploy. The magazine Deutsche Anwaltsauskunft reported that a “xenophobic” posting on Facebook or participation in a demonstration against a migrant shelter may eventually lead to the loss of your right to have contact with your own child.

This could happen even if there was no offense committed, the German Bar Association explained. A member of the lawyer’s association stated in an article published in the magazine that the “discussion about receiving and housing refugees has brought to light some pleasant but also shocking sides of the Germans: more and more people are publicly speaking out, and being openly xenophobic or even protesting against refugee homes”.

These “people have the freedom to enjoy Facebook and real friendships, but also their jobs”, the magazine laments and suggests punishing such individuals: Their custody rights could be at risk.

And this “should be of interest above all to mothers and fathers who educate their child together with a xenophobic ex-partner,” the magazine says, as the child gets into “wrong circles” or the “wrong values” through the “xenophobic” parent.

According to the article, is irrelevant whether the parent makes himself or herself legally punishable by statements or actions. The right of access should serve the well-being of the child, and the parents have a duty of being well-behaved according to article 1684 paragraph 2.

The chairman of the Association of Family Law in the German Bar Association (DAV), Eva Becker, pointed out: “Anyone who once said that he would prefer that there be no Syrian refugees in his neighbourhood, affects the welfare of the child.” The father or a mother openly presents a threat to refugees and to...

LOOK AT ME! I Make Your Gun Laws Now...


We Know That The Left Wants To Ban All Guns, That Is Why We Cannot Accept ANY Incrementalism. Not One Ban, Not One Tax, Not One Inconvenience For Law Abiding Citizens. 


Is Trump Using Omnibus Bill To Now FULLY FUND The Border Wall? It Sure Looks That Way.

Whispers are now rampant that President Trump is using the significant funds allocated to military spending in the most recent omnibus bill he signed last week to allocate full and immediate funding for the southern border wall project. If so it would be a brilliant side-step maneuver that would outflank the anti-secure border members of Congress – including many among the Republican leadership. 

An omnibus bill is not a budget and so allows a president considerable powers to spend those funds as they choose. If this now plays out as some are suggesting, Donald Trump just beat Congress at its own game in getting the funding he and his millions of supporters have long called for to help secure the border. It would be a truly MAGA Art of...

‘I went through hell’ under McCabe: Fmr female FBI agent is loving Karma and telling why

Andrew McCabe isn’t getting the last word.

Robyn Gritz, a former FBI counter-terrorism agent, reacted to McCabe’s scathing op-ed regarding his firing by claiming the former FBI deputy director “slandered” her and made her go “through hell” over a harassment claim she filed against a superior.
Gritz told Fox & Friends Pete Hegseth she began working with McCabe in 2005. At the time, she was a “detailee” to the CIA and her boss (who was not McCabe) began “scrutinizing [her] work” and alleging she was “fragile” following her divorce.

“He made some discriminatory comments about why I was traveling and such,” Gritz said of her supervisor and another coworker.

“At the same time, they were doing similar talks like this to an African American detailee that worked with me,” she added.

Gritz claimed she “put [her] foot down” and addressed the issue with her supervisor, who threatened her job. In response, she filed a harassment complaint against him.

According to Gritz, McCabe signed off on an internal investigation of Gritz just five days later. In the sworn statement to the FBI’s Office of Personal Responsibility, McCabe wrote that he “knew” Gritz had or was going to file a complaint about her boss.

“Basically, I went through hell for a year and a half, and Andy made sure that I couldn’t get out of the division. I was selected for certain jobs, and he actually slandered me, went into the meeting at headquarters and said really nasty...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #207

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Sunday, March 25, 2018

The UK: RISE of the Anarcho-Tyranny STATE

Girls With Guns

10 Bloody Facts About The Mamluks

It is rare to find an everyday person, even a university-educated one, who has heard of the Mamluks. Sometimes spelled as “Mameluke,” the Mamluks were slave soldiers who rebelled against their rulers to establish their own state in Egypt.

Despite many Mamluks being the captured sons of Christians, Jews, pagans, and other non-Muslim religions, the Mamluks quickly gained a reputation for being zealous jihadists. Indeed, their gory conquests outdid those of the famous Muslim warrior Saladin and his Ayyubid Empire, which the Mamluks overthrew in 1250.

At their height, the Mamluks controlled Egypt, northern India (including the major city of Delhi), the cities of Aleppo, Damascus, and Jerusalem, and the nation which would become known in the 20th century as Iraq.

It was the Mamluks who finally defeated and destroyed the last remnants of the Crusader states in the Middle East, and Mamluk forces held their own against the Ottoman Empire and the French Army of Napoleon. These fascinating soldiers deserve to be studied more, and we hope that this list is part of that correction.
10 Slave Origins

The Arabic term mamluk simply means “property.” The first Muslim power to use such slave soldiers was the Abbasid Caliphate based in Baghdad. Under Abbasid rule, the Islamic Empire enjoyed what is commonly called its “Golden Age.”

The Abbasid court oversaw the “Persianization” of the Islamic world, with Arab scribes and scholars translating Zoroastrian texts on medicine, philosophy, art, and poetry. Similarly, Abbasid scholars developed their own interpretations of the Greco-Roman texts that they found after Muslim armies seized Egypt.[1]

Despite this flowering of culture, several of the Arab and Berber rulers of North Africa and Spain felt that the Abbasids had given up on the holy cause of converting the whole world to Islam. In the autonomous states of the Cordoba Caliphate of Spain, the Fatimid Caliphate of Egypt, and Ghaznavid Empire of Central Asia, more stringent brands of Islam prevailed, which resulted in increased persecution of Christians and Jews in those areas.

To retain their control over North Africa and Central Asia, the Abbasids began converting the nomadic Turkic people of the Pontic and Caspian steppes. Christians from the Mediterranean and Caucasus Mountains were also converted or captured by the Abbasids.

Many of these converts had been sold into slavery by their impoverished families. Once Muslim, these slaves were trained to be excellent cavalry soldiers. The Mamluks pledged their loyalty to the Abbasid caliph in Baghdad. Such a system would later be adopted by the Turkic Ottoman Empire, which used its slave Janissary soldiers to conquer large parts of southeastern Europe.

9Takeover Of Jerusalem

Photo credit: ancient.eu

Unfortunately for the Abbasids, Turkic Muslims proved to be independent-minded. In fact, the marauding Turks earned a much more fearsome reputation among Christian powers than their Arab predecessors.

In August 1071, the mighty Byzantine Empire was decisively defeated by the Seljuks, a Turkic confederation that included Mamluk veterans, at the Battle of Manzikert. Byzantine Emperor Romanos IV Diogenes was captured during the battle, and from that point on, the Byzantine Empire would never be able to reclaim its control over most of Anatolia.[2]

Two years later, Seljuk Sultan Malik-Shah I captured the holy city of Jerusalem. Under Malik-Shah’s reign, Seljuk Turks, with the blessing of the Abbasid caliph, conquered the breakaway territories of Mesopotamia, Azerbaijan, Syria, and Khorasan.

While Malik-Shah’s sultanate did earn a reputation for learning (including supporting the poet-intellectual Omar Khayyam), his conquest of the Holy Land saw horrific massacres that turned Christendom against his rule. This set the stage for the First Crusade, which was preached by Pope Urban II as a specifically anti-Turk war.

8Ayyubid Soldiers

Photo credit: muyhistoria.es
Arguably the greatest military general in Islamic history is the Kurdish warlord Saladin. Salah al-Din Yusuf Ibn Ayyub, or Saladin, was the nephew of Shirkuh, an earlier Kurdish general who was employed by the feared Turkic ruler of Aleppo and Damascus, Nur ad-Din. Under orders from Nur ad-Din, Shirkuh invaded Egypt to stop the Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem from conquering the main grain-producing parts of that country.

When Saladin came of age, he took control of Egypt and purged it of the Shia Fatimid Caliphate. Prior to his famous exploits against the Crusader army under the command of English King Richard I (“The Lionheart”), Saladin carried out a murderous military campaign against the Shia in Egypt and established Sunni Islam as the official religion of the new Ayyubid Sultanate.

The Ayyubid army, which earned battlefield distinction and captured the city of Jerusalem after 88 years of Christian rule, was primarily composed of Mamluk horsemen and foot soldiers. Until its collapse in 1250, the Ayyubid Sultanate relied overwhelmingly on the strength and skill of its Mamluk soldiers.[3]

7Fighting The Fifth And Seventh Crusades

Photo credit: historylearning.com
Even though Saladin thwarted the Crusaders’ desire to seize Egypt, this does not mean that the remaining Christian forces in the Middle East or the various kingdoms of Europe had given up on the idea of seizing Cairo, Alexandria, or Damietta.

Beginning in 1219, Christian armies began invading the northern reaches of Egypt. One army, led by Spanish Catholic Cardinal Pelagius, captured the port city of Damietta. This army, which included the Knights Templar, tried to take the Ayyubid capital of Cairo. But their plan failed. Before long, the Crusaders were low on supplies and men, which forced them to abandon Egypt.

In December 1244, King Louis IX of France launched the Seventh Crusade with 100 ships and approximately 35,000 men to capture the major cities of Egypt. The idea was to capture Damietta, Alexandria, and Cairo to exchange these cities for Syrian municipalities like Aleppo and Damascus.[4]

On June 6, 1249, King Louis’s mainly French army seized Damietta. However, this victory proved short-lived when the Crusaders failed to capture the important fort of al-Mansurah. This stopped the Seventh Crusade from gaining Cairo.

In almost every battle of both these crusades, the Mamluk soldiers squared off against the Christian knights and peasant soldiers of Western Europe. Indeed, following the capture of Damietta, Shajar Al-Durr, the Ayyubid queen, won control of political power in Cairo thanks to support from the Mamluks.

In March 1250, King Louis IX, later to become Saint Louis in the Catholic Church because of his famous piety, was captured by Mamluk soldiers and ransomed for 400,000 livres.

6The Seizure Of Egypt

Photo credit: bahath.co

The initial success of the Seventh Crusade helped to further fracture the political situation in Ayyubid Egypt. Ever since the death of Saladin, the Mamluk soldiers had had a significant say in political matters. After all, the Ayyubid army was dominated by Mamluk captains and generals and these men were not shy about using the threat of violence to keep the Ayyubid sultans in line.[5]

When Shajar Al-Durr became the undisputed leader in Cairo, the Mamluks exerted pressure on her to get married. The man she ultimately married was a Mamluk general named Aybak. With this marriage, Aybak became the first Mamluk sultan of Egypt. Although Aybak died ignobly after being assassinated while taking a bath, he did found the Bahri dynasty, a Muslim ruling family of Cuman-Kipchak Turk origin.

From then until the 16th century, Egypt would be in the hands of Mamluk sultans. Most of them were also of Turkic origin.

5The Most Terrifying Warlord

Ann Coulter: Under the Constitution, Trump Doesn’t Need Congress to Build a Border Wall

Saturday on Fox News Channel’s “Justice,” conservative commentator Ann Coulter made the argument that President Donald Trump didn’t need Congress to have a go at building a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, as he repeatedly promised during the 2016 presidential election campaign.

Coulter, frustrated by Trump’s decision to sign last week’s omnibus spending bill, said construction of such a wall was within his power as president given under the Constitution he was responsible for the country’s national defense. 

 “On the day after his inauguration, it’s his authority under the Constitution that cannot be taken away from him by any legislature, by any court — I’m quite confident the Supreme Court would uphold this — to defend our borders. I mean, he has...


DALLAS, TX (Fox News) – A home health care nurse who reportedly is in the U.S. illegally and is accused of smothering an 81-year-old Texas woman to death may have more victims, police said Friday.

Billy Kipkorir Chemirmir, 45, was taken into custody Tuesday after Lu Thi Harris was found dead from homicidal violence in her Dallas home, police said. A source told FOX 4 News that she was found with a pillow nearby and her makeup was smeared, and that Chemirmir worked as a home health care nurse.

Authorities said Friday that they are looking into Chemirmir’s medical background and Dallas Police will analyze 750 unattended elderly female deaths in the area since 2010 to see if he is connected to any of them.

Police have also set up a 24-hour tip line for the case.

“This is terribly disturbing,” said Plano Police Chief Gregory W. Rushin.

Rushin’s department started tracking Chemirmir after another family reportedly became suspicious that he was stealing from a relative that he was seeing. While following him on Tuesday, officers saw Chemirmir discard a jewelry box and found jewelry, cash and a set of keys on him. They also found a piece of paper that they traced back to Harris’ home.

Two other possible victims have come forward and told police that he tried to sit on their chest and smother them with a pillow, according to FOX 4 News.

Chemirmir is currently...

The 2nd Amendment Is Not Negotiable...

2nd Amendment Math For Libtards...

Charlton Heston; From My Cold Dead Hands. Long Version

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #206

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Girls With Guns

A group of deep state whistleblowers called ‘Joint Task Force Make America Great Again', Reports On Deep State Abuse..

A group of deep state whistleblowers called ‘Joint Task Force Make America Great Again’ or JTF MAGA has produced a report detailing abuses of national security monitoring programs for corrupt or political purposes. One America’s Neil McCabe has more from Washington.



For hundreds of years, the ancient practice of dueling was a common method people used for settling their disputes. Though it may seem barbaric to many people now, challenging a person to a duel was often essential for men and women as a means of proving their courage and defending their honor. Here are five of those legendary duels, many of which ended in bloodshed.



The most famous duel in American history happened during Thomas Jefferson’s administration: Vice President Aaron Burr vs. Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton. Though political and personal tension had been rising between the two for years, most of the anger seems to have stemmed from the fact that Hamilton had a crucial role in preventing Burr from winning the presidency. Hamilton also actively campaigned against Burr during his failed 1804 bid to become governor of New York. Whatever the cause, rumors that Hamilton had been slandering Burr eventually led Burr to issue a formal challenge. On July 11, 1804, the day of the duel, Hamilton reportedly completed his will and settled his affairs before boarding a barge (accompanied by Dr. David Hosack) and setting sail from Manhattan to the New Jersey shore. The conflict officially took place at the dueling grounds near Weehawken, New Jersey. According to historical accounts, Hamilton intended to end the affair peacefully by firing a symbolic shot into the air; however, after the shot was fired, Burr aimed at Hamilton’s torso and returned fire. The bullet lodged in Hamilton’s spine, and he died the following morning. Charges of murder were later levied against Burr, and though he was arrested, he was eventually acquitted on a technicality.



This duel resulted after a hostess (Mrs. Elphinstone) made a seemingly harmless comment about the age of another woman (Lady Almeria Braddock). The Petticoat Duel, as it came to be known, began with the ladies meeting at Hyde Park armed with pistols. The first shot came from Mrs. Elphinstone, who blew a hole through Lady Almeria’s hat. Convinced their hostility wouldn’t be adequately expressed with pistols, the women drew swords. The duel came to a quick end, however, when Lady Almeria managed to inflict a wound on Mrs. Elphinstone’s sword arm, after which Mrs. Elphinstone agreed to write a letter of apology. While some researchers dispute whether the duel actually occurred, primarily because no account of a woman named Lady Braddock can be found, there is evidence that a Georgian actress named George Anne Bellamy not only played Almeria in Congreve’s The Mourning Bride but was a close acquaintance of a man named General Edward Braddock. Coincidently, she also knew a woman named Mrs. Elphinstone and fought a duel in Hyde Park using both swords and pistols.



One of the most prolific duels in Japanese history involved the two best Japanese swordsmen of their time, Miyamoto Musashi and Sasaki Kojirō. Kojirō had developed a reputation for implementing a very effective Kenjutsu style based on the movement of the tail of a flying swallow. He had gained considerable notoriety for his innovative fighting techniques. Unlike traditional samurai, who used the traditional katanahis, Kojirō used a no-dachi (an extremely long, two-handed sword). Though the sword’s unusual length and weight may have presented problems for most skilled swordsmen, Kojirō somehow managed strikes with the weapon that were unusually quick and precise. According to legend, after hearing of Kojirō’s fame, Musashi asked an intermediary to arrange a duel. Kojirō agreed, and the two men met on April 13 on the remote shores of Ganryu-jima Island, located in the Kanmon Straits, just off the coast of the Bizen Province. Transported to Ganryu Island by boat thanks to the kindness of a local fisherman, Musashi reportedly arrived several hours late, in hopes of angering Kojirō, sporting a giant wooden sword he’d fashioned from the oar of a boat. As the duel began, both attacked simultaneously; however, Musashi quickly gained a reach advantage and wounded Kojirō’s head. During his second approach, Musashi exacted a fatal wound, slicing Kojirō’s throat and killing him instantly. Interestingly, before returning to his boat, out of respect, Musashi bowed to the officials and to his dead opponent. Later, a boat-shaped stone memorial was constructed on the island as well as statues depicting a scene from the duel.



Fabio de Zeresola, a handsome gentleman and highly sought-after bachelor who was very popular among the ladies of 16th century Naples, was the subject of the duel between two Neapolitan noblewomen named Isabella de Carazzi and Diambra de Pottinella. Hopelessly love-struck by Fabio, Isabella and Diambra agreed to meet in a field in Naples to fight for his affection. The event was an elaborate affair: Isabella wore blue and a helmet with a diamond in the crest, and Diambra wore green and a helmet emblazoned with a serpent of gold. When the trumpet sounded, the women charged at one another on horseback. Amid the clash of shields and the whinnying of horses, Isabella fell. Noticing this, Diambra quickly dismounted and demanded Isabella surrender. Rather than concede, Isabella quickly took up her sword and charged at Diambra, knocking her to the ground, surprisingly surrendering and proclaiming Diambra the victor. Rumors of the duel quickly spread across Italy, and the legend of the duel continued to be told for generations.


A Star Grazed Our Solar System 70,000 Years Ago, and Early Humans Likely Saw It

Some distant objects in our solar system bear the gravitational imprint of a small star's close flyby 70,000 years ago, when modern humans were already walking the Earth, a new study suggests.

In 2015, a team of researchers announced that a red dwarf called Scholz's star apparently grazed the solar system 70,000 years ago, coming closer than 1 light-year to the sun. For perspective, the sun's nearest stellar neighbor these days, Proxima Centauri, lies about 4.2 light-years away. The astronomers came to this conclusion by measuring the motion and velocity of Scholz's star — which zooms through space with a smaller companion, a brown dwarf or "failed star" — and extrapolating backward in time.

Scholz's star passed by the solar system at a time when early humans and Neanderthals shared the Earth. The star likely appeared as a faint reddish light to anyone looking up at...

How A Law That Will Allegedly Help Stop Online Sex Trafficking May Undermine The Internet

Craigslist, one of the world’s favorite virtual flea markets, announced Friday it is taking down its oft-appreciated personals page in direct response to a new law recently passed by both chambers of Congress.

With the prospective swipe of a pen from President Donald Trump — the imminence of which is not clear — websites could soon be held liable to any activity or content that is found on the platforms. Law enforcement could even make sites retroactively responsible for failing to comply with the law before its possible passage.

“Any tool or service can be misused. We can’t take such risk without jeopardizing all our other services, so we are regretfully taking craigslist personals offline,” Craigslist wrote in a simple blog post. “Hopefully we can bring them back some day. To the millions of spouses, partners, and couples who met through craigslist, we wish you every happiness!”

The Senate passed the Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act (FOSTA) on Wednesday in a landslide 97-2 vote. The only two to vote against the bill were Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky and Democratic Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon.

“History shows that politicians have been remarkably bad at solving technological problems,” Wyden wrote in February. “I take a backseat to no one when it comes to fighting sex trafficking and locking up the monsters who prey on the defenseless. However, the bill … will make it harder to catch bad actors and protect victims by driving this vile crime to shadowy corners of society that are harder for law enforcement to reach.”

The House passed the pending bill in late February in similar fashion, with 388 representatives for, and only 25 against.

“Online trafficking is flourishing because there are no serious, legal consequences for the websites that profit from the exploitation of our most vulnerable,” Republican Congresswoman Ann Wagner of Missouri, who introduced the first version of the legislation, said before it was set to hit the floor for debate.

Not all federal institutions were originally enthusiastic about the legislation. The U.S. Department of Justice sent a letter to Republican Rep. Bob Goodlatte of Virginia, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, in late February arguing that a provision, Section 2421A of title 18, in FOSTA is counterproductive “because it would extend to situations where there is a minimal federal interest, such as to instances in which an individual person uses a cell phone to manage local commercial sex transactions involving consenting adults.”

That language was altered to only include operators of an “interactive computer service” — in all likelihood to appease the larger law enforcement community.

Still overall supportive of the legislative effort, the DOJ also stated that while “well intentioned,” Section 4 includes “new language” that creates “additional elements that prosecutors must prove at trial,” therefore making it more difficult to hold perpetrators accountable. That language, which defines “participation in a venture,” is unnecessary, according to...