90 Miles From Tyranny

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Friday, April 13, 2018

Islamic Advocacy Group Sues Over Truthfully Brutal Trump Terrorism Report

A pair of anti-Trump organizations — one of which advocates on behalf of Muslims within the United States — have filed a lawsuit against President Donald Trump’s administration over a terrorism report released earlier this year that they assert is “misleading” and possibly in violation of federal law.

According to The Washington Times, the lawsuit was filed by Democracy Forward and Muslim Advocates over a report jointly issued by the Department of Homeland Security and Department of Justice which revealed that nearly three out of every four individuals convicted of terrorism-related offenses in the U.S. since 2001 were foreign-born.

The primary complaint from the groups is that the report “inaccurately” focused on Islamic terrorism and “misleadingly inflates the threat (Muslims) pose to the United States,” while at the same time ignoring cases of domestic terror committed by non-Muslims.

They further took issue with the way the report has been used as a basis by the Trump administration to support some of their immigration reform proposals, such as the temporary travel ban that has been wrongly characterized by the anti-Trump media as a “Muslim ban.”

“The report perpetuates the ongoing stigmatization of immigrants and Muslims by the administration,” the groups stated. “For example, the Trump administration has used the report to justify its sweeping ban on the entry of nationals from six Muslim-majority countries into the United States. It has also specifically tied the report’s findings to its calls for an end to the issuance of diversity and family reunification visas, which would have a significant negative impact on...

President Trump poised to pardon deep state scapegoat, Scooter Libby

President Donald Trump is poised to pardon Scooter J. Libby, the former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney, according to sources familiar with the president’s thinking.

Interested in Donald Trump?Add Donald Trump as an interest to stay up to date on the latest Donald Trump news, video, and analysis from ABC News.

The president has already signed off on the pardon, which is something he has been considering for several months, sources told ABC News.

The move would mark another controversial pardon for Trump and could raise questions as an increasing number of the president’s political allies have landed themselves in legal jeopardy. The White House has repeatedly said that no pardons are currently on the table for people caught up in the Russia investigation.

Early in his term, Trump pardoned controversial former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio after he was found guilty in July on criminal contempt charges stemming from his refusal to stop imprisoning criminal illegal aliens...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #225

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Thursday, April 12, 2018

California Bill Aims to Stop Misinformation on Social Media

Girls With Guns

The Further A Society Drifts From The Truth...

More Orwell:

Who Sold The Most AR-15's?

When Someone Sends A Funny Meme On Messenger...

There is a surprising amount of wisdom to be gleaned from traditional children's literature...

CBO Report: Trumponomics To Boost Economic Growth Through 2028

The Congressional Budget Office is expecting higher deficits and quicker economic growth in the coming decade. However, a key fiscal measure suggests an improved budget performance by 2028.

One America’s Kristian Rouz explains.

The Differences Between Capitalism And Socialism Are Easy To See...

ACLU Celebrates Raid on Trump’s Lawyer: ‘The Rule of Law is Alive’

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has published an article celebrating the FBI raid on Donald Trump’s personal lawyer as a victory for the rule of law — not a violation of attorney-client privilege and the president’s constitutional rights.

Earlier this week, the FBI raided attorney Michael Cohen’s office, apartment, and hotel room, seizing materials that included communications from Trump to his lawyer. The government typically cannot have access to those communications. In cases where it is necessary to study such communications, the FBI establishes a supposedly independent “taint team” that sifts through the material and, theoretically, only passes on evidence to prosecutors that does not violate attorney-client privilege.

However, critics allege that there is great potential for abuse, especially in a politically-charged case like this. They point out that such raids on attorneys are very rare, and argue that the president’s Fourth Amendment right to privacy, Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination, and Sixth Amendment right to counsel have been compromised.

Harvard Law School professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz, one of the country’s foremost defense lawyers and a civil libertarian who supported Hillary Clinton for president, condemned the raid.

“If this were Hillary Clinton being investigated and they went into her lawyer’s office, the ACLU would be on every television station in America jumping up and down,” he told Fox News this week.

However, the ACLU not only condones the raid on Trump’s; it is applauding it.

ACLU legal director David Cole wrote on the organization’s website:
The ACLU is the nation’s premier defender of privacy, and we’ve long maintained that the right of every American to speak freely to his or her attorney is essential to the legal system. These rights are protected by the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments, and we are second to none in defending them — often for people with whom we fundamentally disagree.

But we also believe in the rule of law as an essential foundation for civil liberties and civil rights. And perhaps the first principle of the rule of law is that...

The Zuckerberg Smiles Algorithm Still Needs Some Work...

Zuckerberg The Data And Access Totalitarian...

Zuck vs. Trump: The Real Issue Is Immigration

Student Journalist Says Discipline Policies Weakened School Safety Before Parkland Shooting

While the media continues to focus on gun control in the wake of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Florida, one area student has dug into his school’s policies and found them wanting.

Kenneth Preston, a 19-year-old student journalist who attends high school in Broward County, Florida, has done an in-depth investigation of the superintendent and school board.

Preston’s thorough report, released on Tuesday, says that Broward Superintendent Robert Runcie and the school district failed to spend over $100 million of federal money intended for school safety upgrades.

Runcie once worked under former Obama Secretary of Education Arne Duncan in the Chicago Public Schools system.

Preston’s report says that the school had been sitting on this money since 2014, and that only about 5 percent of it had been spent.

“The findings of our investigation is [sic] two-fold. First off, a $100 million which superintendent and the school board had access to. Since 2014, roughly 5 percent of that money has been spent,” Preston said in an in-depth interview with Sirius XM host David Webb.

Preston said that Runcie gave him a “long-winded runaround” about what happened to the money.

In addition, Preston has called into question the school district’s use of the PROMISE program.

This program was aligned with a 2014 Obama-era federal initiative, which aimed at ending the “school to prison pipeline” as well as racial disparities in discipline by focusing on counseling and “restorative justice” instead of using law enforcement to correct on-campus misbehavior.

Preston spoke at a Broward County School Board meeting on Tuesday, but said during his remarks that just before the meeting started, his allotted time to speak was cut to three minutes.

The seven panelists Preston had lined up were removed from the schedule.

On the day before the hearing, Preston said he was forced to attend a two-hour meeting with...

Rosenstein Relents, Lets Nunes See FBI Document That Launched Trump-Russia Probe

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, facing a contempt of Congress and impeachment threat, relented Wednesday and allowed House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) to view the document the FBI used to launch the Trump-Russia investigation.

“After numerous unfulfilled requests for an Electronic Communication (EC) related to the opening of the FBI’s Russia counterintelligence probe, Chairman Trey Gowdy and I met this afternoon with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. During the meeting, we were finally given access to a version of the EC that contained the information necessary to advance the Committee’s ongoing investigation of the Department of Justice and FBI.

“Although the subpoenas issued by this Committee in August 2017 remain in effect, I’d like to thank Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein for his cooperation today,” he said.

As to what was in the document, a House Intelligence Committee told Breitbart News: “There are things there we want to investigate further.”

Nunes had first subpoenaed that and other documents from the DOJ and FBI in August. But while the Justice Department had allowed access to other documents, they had stonewalled on allowing access to the document that started the FBI’s Trump-Russia investigation, even after repeated meetings, phone calls, and emails.

Meanwhile, “current and former” law enforcement officials had leaked to the New York Times on December 30 that the investigation was started after...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #224

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

The Simpsons Anger SJWs Over Apu Controversy Response

Wednesday, April 11, 2018


Girls With Guns

Trojan Horse Lefties...

Dear Gun Grabbers, Your Agument Is Invalid...

How To Create A Dependent Population...

Guess Whose House Wasn't Raided By The FBI?


Zuckerberg The Data And Access Totalitarian...

Zuck vs. Trump: The Real Issue Is Immigration

A Leftist Anti-American By Any Other Name...

Barbara Streisand - Millionaire One Percenter Hypocrite:

What Is Making Barbara Streisand So Stupid?

Ted Cruz Grills Mark Zuckerberg Over Facebook’s Political Bias, Censorship

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg spared over political bias and censorship during the Senate’s hearing Tuesday. Lawmakers questioned Zuckerberg about the social media company and its handling of user data. Cruz specifically asked if Facebook considers itself a neutral public forum. A full transcript of their exchange is below.

Cruz: “Thank you Mr. Chairman. Mr. Zuckerberg, thank you for being here. Mr. Zuckerberg, does Facebook consider itself a neutral public forum?”

Zuckerberg: “Senator, we consider ourselves to be a platform for all ideas.”

Cruz: “Let me ask the question again. Does Facebook consider itself to be a neutral public forum? And representatives of your company have given conflicting answers on this. Are you a First Amendment speaker expressing your views, or are you a neutral public forum allowing everyone to speak?”

Zuckerberg: “Senator, here is how we think about this: I don’t believe that – there is certain content that clearly we do not allow. Right? Hate speech, terrorist content, nudity, anything that makes people feel unsafe in the community. From that perspective, that’s why we generally try to refer to what we do as a platform for all ideas.”

Cruz: “Because the time is constrained, it’s just a simple question. The predicate for Section 230 immunity under the CDA is that you are a neutral public forum. Do you consider yourself a neutral public forum, or are you engaged in political speech? Which is your right under the First Amendment.”

Zuckerberg: “Well, Senator, our goal is certainly not to engage in political speech. I’m not that familiar with the specific legal language of the law that you speak to, so I would need to follow up with you on that. I’m just trying to lay out how broadly I think about this.”

Cruz: “Mr. Zuckerberg, I will say there are a great many Americans, who I think are deeply concerned that Facebook and other tech companies are engaged in a pervasive pattern of bias and political censorship. There have been numerous instances with Facebook. In May of 2016, Gizmodo reported that Facebook had purposefully and routinely suppressed conservative stories from trending news, including stories about CPAC, including stories about Mitt Romney, including stories about the Lois Lerner IRS scandal, including stories about Glenn Beck. In addition to that, Facebook has initially shut down the ‘Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day’ page, has blocked a post of a Fox News reporter, has blocked over two dozen Catholic pages, and most recently, blocked Trump supporters Diamond and Silk’s page with 1.2 million Facebook followers, after determining their content and brand were, ‘unsafe to the community.’ To a great many Americans, that appears to be a pervasive pattern of political bias. Do you agree with that assessment?”

Zuckerberg: “Senator, let me say a few things about this. First, I understand where that concern is coming from because Facebook and the tech industry are located in Silicon Valley, which is an extremely Left leaning place. And this is actually a concern that I have and that I try to root out in the company is making sure that we don’t have any bias in the work that we do, and I think it is a fair concern that people would at least wonder about.”

Cruz: “So let me ask this question. Are you aware of any ad or page that has been taken down from Planned Parenthood?”

Zuckerberg: “Senator, I’m not. But let me just, can I finish?”

Cruz: “How about MoveOn.org?”

Zuckerberg: “Sorry?”

Cruz: “How about MoveOn.org?”

Zuckerberg: “I’m not specifically aware of those.”

Cruz: “How about any Democratic candidate for office?”

Zuckerberg: “I’m not specifically aware. I mean, I’m not sure.”

Cruz: “In your testimony, you say that you have 15,000 to 20,000 people working on security and content review. Do you know the political orientation of those 15,000 to 20,000 people engaged in content review?”

Zuckerberg: “No, Senator. We do not generally ask people about their political orientation when they’re joining the company.”

Cruz: “So as CEO, have you made hiring or firing decisions based on political positions or what candidates they supported?”

Zuckerberg: “No.”

Cruz: “Why was Palmer Luckey fired?”

Zuckerberg: “That is a specific personnel matter that seems like it would be inappropriate to speak to here.”

Cruz: “You made a specific representation that you didn’t make decisions based on political views. Is that accurate?”

Zuckerberg: “I can commit that it was not because of...

The Degenerate Experts On Gun Control...

Genius: Tide Pod Scented Condoms...

Let Them Eat Tide Pods...

Watch Barack Obama Say Publicly That Without Facebook He Might Not Be President

Show anyone who says Facebook was not working hand-in-hand with the Obama campaigns in 2008 and 2012 (and the Clinton campaign in 2016) this video.

This week’s Senate and House hearings on Facebook are a hoax meant not to restrict Facebook, but rather to restrict free speech. The Deep State wants more control over all social media platforms – not less.

Watch for even more crackdowns against non-Establishment media sources to...

Whatever the Left Touches, It Ruins

The only way to save Western civilization is to convince more people that leftism—not liberalism—is a nihilistic force. Quite literally, whatever the left touches it ruins.

So, here is a partial listing of the damage done by the left and the Democratic Party:

The most obvious—and, therefore, the one more and Americans can resonate with—is the near destruction of most American universities as places of learning. In the words of Harvard professor Steven Pinker—an atheist and a liberal—outside of the natural sciences and a few other disciplines (such as mathematics and business), “universities are becoming laughing stocks of intolerance.”

related: Modern Art Is A Symptom Of Leftist Degeneracy..

If you send your children to a university, you are endangering both their mind and their character. There is a real chance they will be more intolerant and more foolish after college than they were when they entered college.

When you attend an American university, you are taught to have contempt for America and its founders, to prefer socialism to capitalism, to divide human beings by race and ethnicity. You are taught to shut down those who differ with you, to not debate them. And you are taught to place feelings over reason—which is a guaranteed route to eventual evil.

The left has ruined most of the arts. The following three examples are chosen because they are scatological, a favorite form of left-wing artistic expression. Before the left poisoned the arts, art was intended to elevate the viewer (or listener). But to the left, “elevate” is a meaningless term; it is far more at home depicting urine, fecal matter, and menstrual blood.

In 2011, a lifelike German sculpture depicting a policewoman squatting and urinating—even the puddle is sculpted—received an award from a prestigious German foundation, the Leinemann Foundation for Fine Art.

In 2013, the Orange County Museum of Art in California placed a huge 28-foot sculpture of a dog outside the museum, where it periodically urinates a yellow fluid onto a museum wall.

In 2016, one of the most prestigious art museums in the world, the Guggenheim in New York, featured a pure-gold working toilet bowl, which visitors were invited to use. The name of the exhibit was “America”—so one could literally relieve oneself on America.

Thanks to the left, the Philadelphia Orchestra, one of the greatest orchestras in the world, allowed itself to become of a voice of leftist hate last week. It featured the premiere of Philadelphia Voices, “a political rant put to musical garbage,” as some musically knowledgeable Philadelphians described it to me.

In the fifth movement, titled “My House Is Full of Black People,” the black teen narrator chants the following lines: “The county is full of black people/ All wanting to be heard/ While old white men draw lines on maps/ To shut all of them up.” Later in the movement, he yells, “If you would all just f—ing listen!”

Uplifting, no?

On the left, that’s considered art. And, of course, such politicization of the arts is accepted as the norm. Indeed, that’s part of the left’s poisoning of everything—its politicization of everything.

The left is increasingly poisoning sports. In most football stadiums this past season, one could not...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #223

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The Left's War on Science

Girls With Guns

The Obama Official Portrait: Empty Chair...

Empty Box = Empty Chair

When Your Job Depends On A Problem To Exist, You Need The Problem To Exist...

Why and How the IPCC Demonized CO2 with Manufactured Information

Hillary Clinton Caught Gun Running For ISIS

Hillary Clinton -- Benghazi Scandal & Arming Syrian 'Rebels ...

If Americans Won't Vote For Democrats...

Newt Gingrich Exposes The Duplicity Of Lying Chuck Schumer..

China Killed Of Two AI Chatbots After The STarted Criticizing Communism And Praising The U.S.

Chinese chatbots killed for refusing to love communism

Quack Cures For Social Ills...

More Blathering Bernie:

Bernie Sanders Betrays His Base...

Bernie Sanders Is The Pied Piper Of The Mindless, Ignorant, Jobless, Self-entitled Youth Of Today...

You Are Probably A Bernie Sanders Fan If...

Leaving Mom's Basement To Yell At Capitalism...

Bernie Is Pretty Sure He Has A Winning Strategy Here...

The Problem With Bernie Sanders Supporters...

What Are Bernie Sanders Goals?

Taxation: how the sheep are shorn.

Old Man Yells At Capitalism...

Feel The Bern...

10 Questions Mark Zuckerberg Should Answer When He Testifies Before Congress

When Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg testifies before Congress Tuesday and Wednesday he will have plenty of explaining to do to answer a torrent of criticism that has been leveled at his company in recent weeks.

We’ve compiled a list of 10 of the most important questions we think lawmakers should ask Zuckerberg when he is scheduled to testify at a joint meeting of the Senate Judiciary and Commerce committees on Tuesday and then before the House Commerce and Energy Committee on Wednesday. We list these below—but first, here’s some background.

Facebook’s handling of its users’ personal data has sparked privacy concerns as well as questions about how others—including political campaigns—have used that data.

Zuckerberg was invited to testify before Congress after multiple sources reported that the political consulting firm Cambridge Analytica gained access to as many as 87 million Facebook profiles. Cambridge Analytica allegedly used that information improperly after it was hired by the Donald Trump presidential campaign. This raises two questions.

First, what information did Cambridge Analytica acquire and how did it come by that information? Zuckerberg has indicated publicly that he knows the answers to these questions, so Congress should have no trouble sorting that out.

Cambridge Analytica used the information to craft sophisticated, targeted political ads. And that raises the second—and far more interesting—question: Did Cambridge Analytica’s actions constitute a novel use of Facebook user information, or is this precisely how the social media company intends the data to be used by its paying customers?

What members of Congress and the general public need to keep in mind is that nothing is free. While individuals who use Facebook don’t have to pay for it, Facebook makes money—and lots of it—using their information.

Facebook’s net income was nearly $16 billion last year. The company sells advertising to commercial clients seeking to target Facebook users based on profiles derived from those users’ online activities.

That very same ability—to identify and reach users most likely to be receptive to a client’s product or service—was valuable not just to the Trump campaign, but also to President Barack Obama’s 2012 re-election effort. Indeed, it was the Obama campaign that pioneered the use of such data to win elections.

In light of this, here are 10 of the most important questions that we suggest lawmakers ask Zuckerberg when he appears before Congress:

1. Mr. Zuckerberg, you recently said: “At Facebook, we are squarely in the camp of the companies that work hard to charge you less and provide a free service that everyone can use.” If users of your platform are not the source of your income, who is?

2. Specifically, what services do you provide to your paying customers and how much access do you give them to the data of Facebook users?

3. How do political campaigns leverage your services, and what are your rules governing campaign-sponsored advertisements and access to individual Facebook user data? What will be the impact of new rules you announced Friday to require people to reveal their identities and verify their location before they are allowed to buy political or “issue” ads?

4. Carol Davidsen, the director of data integration and media analytics for President Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign, said: “Facebook was surprised we were able to suck out the whole social graph, but they didn’t stop us once they realized what we were doing.” She noted that “they [Facebook] were very candid that they allowed us to do things they wouldn’t have allowed someone else to do because they were on our side.” Did Facebook, in fact, let the Obama campaign use Facebook data in ways that were outside of the company’s normal and acceptable use standards? If so, why? Who at Facebook made this decision?

5. Did the Mitt Romney presidential campaign receive access to the same information and company expertise provided to the Obama campaign? If not, why not? Who at Facebook made this decision?

6. You and other Facebook executives tell users that “we do not sell your data.” Are you asserting that all marketing and targeting data that ...