90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, May 17, 2018

Happy Ramadan!

More critical issues about bacon:

Bacon - This Blog's Radical Muslim Repellent

Let’s not forget, former CIA head John Brennan has a history of lying… and spying

Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson laid out a case against former CIA director John Brennan for lying, with quest Mollie Hemingway saying that Brennan has “a history” of not being honest “about spying on Americans.”

Pointing to Brennan’s testimony before Congress that the unverified Trump dossier paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign had no influence on allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 election, Tucker detailed how Mike Rogers, the former head of the National Security Agency, and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper have now admitted that it did have influence.

“We have a problem with multiple heads of intelligence agencies and that does include Brennan, who has a history of lying, specifically about spying on American citizens,” Hemingway said.

(Think back to Clapper telling Congress the NSA does not collect data on millions of Americans.)

But the senior editor of The Federalist stressed that it’s not just Brennan, who is now a paid MSNBC contributor, who has had problems with falsehoods.

“It’s difficult to hold him, take him seriously,” Hemingway said. “But we have also had problems with falsehoods being said also by James Clapper, who gave inconsistent testimony about his leaking to...

When Did America Stop Being Great?

He Was The Final Straw In A Long Line Of Leftist Victories Over America...

President Trump Should Ignore the DACA Ruling

Before he enter on the execution of his office, he shall take the following oath or affirmation: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States."

U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 1

This is the oath President Trump and every president of the United States took prior to becoming the chief executive. Every member of Congress swears to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic." When a president or a legislature is directed to perform a duty that is unconstitutional, he or it must refuse or else he or it would, thereby, break this oath.

Due to recent unconstitutional actions taken by the judiciary, this scenario needs be examined as more than a theoretical exercise. A U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C. has ordered President Trump to continue President Obama's DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) program. According to the court, President Trump must not only keep the program in place, but also continue accepting new applicants. A federal court is now ordering the president to perform an executive order that even President Obama stated was illegal before later issuing it.

Does a district court have the power to order the chief executive of the United States to take an illegal executive action? Does President Trump simply abide by this order, thus violating his oath of office to defend the Constitution? Or does he have another option?

Court Immigration Case Abuses

While abuses by the court have been well documented, there has been a change in the tyranny unleashed by the courts in the past few years. As Daniel Horowitz lays out in Stolen Sovereignty. How to Stop Unelected Judges from Transforming America, the courts have now shifted their attack to America's national sovereignty. By overturning the Legislature's precedent of plenary power over immigration policy, the courts are prepared to take away the American people's ability to determine our immigration policy.

For two centuries, the courts viewed immigration policy as a political decision to be decided by...

Justice is No Longer Blind....

it's Stormy...

BOMBSHELL: FBI Used Secret Program To Gather Information On Trump Campaign, No Judge Needed, Report Says

A report released by The New York Times on Wednesday revealed that the FBI, under Director James Comey's leadership, used a secret program that does not require the approval of a judge to gather phone records and "other documents" on Donald Trump's presidential campaign.

The report also revealed that a government informant met several times with Trump campaign officials, which validates a March 8, 2018 report from The Washington Post. The New York Times reports:
The F.B.I. obtained phone records and other documents using national security letters — a secret type of subpoena — officials said. And at least one government informant met several times with Mr. Page and Mr. Papadopoulos, current and former officials said. That has become a politically contentious point, with Mr. Trump’s allies questioning whether the F.B.I. was spying on the Trump campaign or trying to entrap campaign officials.

National security letters (NSL) are secret orders that the FBI uses on a regular basis to obtain sensitive electronic data and phone records. The Intercept reports:
They are controversial in part because they carry the force of law but are created entirely outside the judicial system: To issue one, an FBI official just needs to attest that the information sought is relevant to a national security investigation. The letters have also been criticized because they are shrouded in secrecy. Companies that receive them are for the most part forbidden from notifying their customers or the public. The government has fought to keep even basic rules governing them secret.

Companies that receive NSLs might not be legally required to hand over the information demanded by the FBI. The Intercept continues:
The FBI’s internal guidelines suggest that the bureau uses the letters to demand sensitive information on email transactions — even though the Justice Department has specifically advised the FBI that it does not have the authority to use the letters this way. The documents also indicate that the FBI can use national security letters to surveil a “community of interest” by obtaining information from a business about a customer and every person that customer has contacted. This is a controversial practice that the bureau once halted amid scrutiny. But the documents reveal that a secretive unit that mines phone records can still initiate such requests.

The most recent document on national security letter policy was made public on January 31, 2017, by The Intercept and reveals which FBI officials have the authority to sign NSLs. The Director has delegated the authority to sign NSLs and to certify the nondisclosure requirement to the following FBI officials:


KANSAS CITY, MO (WDAF) – The man who admitted to investigators that he shot at a man in a “luxurious” car, a man on a motorcycle and a man in his driveway Friday night now faces charges for two of the three shootings.

Arnoldo Pompa-Rascon, 41, faces one count of first-degree assault, two counts of armed criminal action and one count of discharging a firearm from a vehicle for both of the shootings that happened in Clay County.

According to the probable cause statement, it was around 8:14 p.m. Friday when a woman traveling east along NW Barry Road near North Marston Avenue heard a “pop,” saw a silver Dodge Neon take off as the “high-end” sports car a popular KC tattoo artist Russell Fisk was driving ran off the road and into a light pole. Police said Fisk died from a gunshot wound to the head. This shooting happened in Platte County.

The witness said she did not see an altercation prior to the shooting.

The probable cause document says while police were investigating the deadly shooting, they were alerted of another shooting at 102nd and North Oak Trafficway in Clay County.

A man told police he was riding his motorcycle and about to turn onto westbound 102nd Street from northbound North Oak when he heard a shot and realized he had been injured. The man told investigators that there was a pause then a second shot. Then several more shots. He says the last vehicle he saw before...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #259

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

The Suicide of Europe

Girls With Guns

This Is How You Make America Great Again!


Are We At Last Brought To Such Humiliating And Debasing Degradation That....

Patrick Henry On Sunshine Laws...

VIDEO: NAACP President Claims He Was Profiled On Stop, Then Chief Releases Video

The police chief has openly called NAACP President Rev. Jerrod Moultrie a liar after his false accusations.

Timmonsville, SC - The South Carolina NAACP president posted about how he was racially profiled on a traffic stop, and now the police chief has responded by releasing bodycam video and calling him a liar (video below.)

NAACP President Rev. Jerrod Moultrie posted to Facebook on April 13 about how he was just racially profiled on a traffic stop.

The allegations in his account are disturbing, and would indicate profiling by the officer - except none of it was true.

Below is a transcript of the interaction as posted by Rev. Moultrie:

Me: hello sir how can I help you

related: Body Cam Footage Debunks Woman’s Claim She Was Harassed by ‘White Cop’

Officer: I am stopping you cause you fail to put on a turn signal and do you have any drugs in the car

Me: sir how would you know If I used my tum signal when you was approaching me as I turn and is there any drugs in your car?

Officer: License and registration

Me:sir can I take off my seat belt and get it

Officer: sure

Me: (as i open glove box i said )sir this is a new car i just purchased and all ! have is bill of sale, insurance card and registration from car I am transferring tags

Officer: ok where you work and who car is this and why you in this neighborhood

Me: sir I am a pastor and I live in the house on the left

Officer:And I guess I am the bill gates

Me: sir what's the problem

Officer: I ask who car for the last time and why you in this neighborhood

Me: I told you for last time who car and where I live.( as my neighborhood starts to come out there house) By the way sir can I speak to your supervisor

Officer: walks away with my information When he returned he said did you know your tags comes back to another vehicle

Me: sir I just explain this to you

Officer: you need to park this vehicle and never drive it till you get this straight with DMV

Me: sir I have purchased multiple vehicles and never heard this now officer and I start fussing cause I said well i will be driving my car sir and anyt time I want

Officer: I am waming you to not drive this car till tags get straight and just know I am doing you a favor tonight not taking you to jail or writing you a ticket

Me: sir you might be doing your Self a favor but you certainly not doing me a favor.

The reverend finished off his post by saying that his wife and baby were in the back seat, but still he was profiled and accused of having drugs.

"Guess I can't be a pastor and can't drive a Mercedes Benz and live in a nice neighborhood," Rev. Moultrie said. "...someone needs to answer for this behavior and this officer will."

After seeing the post, local community activist Timothy Waters went down to the police department to look at the bodycam and dash camera footage, according to WPDE.

He was shocked to see that everything the reverend said was a lie.

"Once I got a copy of that body cam, it's as if he made the whole story up. And I felt like he set us back 100 years, because think about all of the racial profiling cases (that) are true," Waters told WPDE.

WPDE reports that Timmonsville Police Chief Billy Brown said that Rev. Moultrie even went so far as to contact him the next morning to claim that he had been racially profiled and...

This Is Something The Media Has Never Seen!

FACT: The Balls Of Leftist Cucks Shrink To Nothing And Stop Producing Testosterone. They Become Bitchy Little Pricks.

-Source: empirical evidence.

My President!

His Job Is To Represent The United States!

U.N. Spends a Week Attacking the NRA, Pushing Gun Control

Anti Bill Of Rights Sculpture Outside the U.N. in NYC. TEAR IT DOWN!
Once again, the 2018 Global Week of Action Against Gun Violence aimed their attacks at U.S. gun ownership and the 2nd Amendment. Their website claims it is “their chance for us to advocate collectively for an end to illicit trade and misuse of small arms and light weapons”.

It is not the illicit trade they are concerned about, however, it is clearly, from their own statements, the 2nd Amendment of the United States which they are after.

After listing all the ways people can end gun violence in their countries — not illicit trade — they ask ‘Do you think handguns should be banned, Why or Why Not?” Only the ‘why’ is considered as they bash the NRA and the U.S. 2nd Amendment.
This is one of the first paragraphs:
Instead of confronting the roots of violence in America, he [President Trump] followed the NRA line of addressing the issue of mass violence, shootings, and the ongoing carnage with a call to arm more people, putting more guns into play, and stating that violence can be met with more violence. This logic is breathtaking in its insanity, moral depravity, refusal to get to the root of the problem, and even advocate minor reforms such as banning assault rifles and high-capacity ammunition magazines, and expanding background checks.

There are 300 million guns in the United States and since the mass murder at Sandy Hook Elementary School of 20 young children and 6 teachers a decade ago, 11,000 more children have died of gun violence.

Wouldn’t our enemies love a disarmen American populace?

Their plan is working. The U.N. helps set up the playbook for the gun grabbers in the United States at Everytown, Mothers Demand Action, the Brady Campaign, and so many others. The U.N. website states:
There is no defense for putting the policies of the NRA ahead of the lives of children. Criminal acts often pass for legislative policies. How else to explain the Florida legislature refusing to even debate outlawing assault weapons while students from Majory Stoneman Douglas High School sat in the galleys and watched this wretched and irresponsible act take place. How else to explain that the House of Representatives – reduced to an adjunct of the NRA – voted to pass the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act (H.R.38) which would allow individuals to carry concealed weapons across state lines. These are the people who have the blood of thousands on their hands.

The NRA is standing in the way of their destruction of the 2nd Amendment. That is the only reason they...

Trump Appoints America's First Woman CIA Director....But...

Democrats Oppose Her Because She Is Too Tough On Terrorists...

Bibi Smash! Netanyahu Pushes Back on CBS Anchor Critical of Israel

In addition to siding with violent Palestinian border assaultersduring Tuesday’s CBS Evening News, the network had anchor Jeff Glor sit down with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu where he tried to grill the leader on his county’s military response. But despite Glor’s best efforts, Netanyahu schooled him on what it was like to be a country surrounded by enemies that want to see you destroyed.

“Looking back on yesterday, especially Gaza, anything you would have done differently,” Glor wondered, obviously referring to the unverifiable casualty count provided by the Palestinians. Netanyahu said he wished it “wouldn't have happened at all” and explained how Hamas was incentivizing people to go with money. Glor seemed shocked:

GLOR: You said they're paying them?
GLOR: To try to cross the border?
NETANYAHU: Hamas is paying these people who are coming there.

If he didn’t understand that, it might blow Glor’s mind to learn that Hamas actually pays the families of their suicide terrorists too. “They're pushing civilians, women, children into the line of fire with the view of getting casualties. We try to minimize casualties. They're trying to incur casualties in order to put pressure on Israel, which is horrible,” Netanyahu added, to Glor’s apparent skepticism.

“Did your army go too far,” Glor asked in response to Netanyahu’s explanation of Hamas’ modus operandi. “I don't know if any army would do anything differently if you had to protect your border against people who say, ‘we're going to destroy you and we're going to flood into your country,’” the PM countered. “You try other means. You try all sorts of means. You try non-lethal means, and they don't work, so you're left with bad choices. It's a bad deal.”

Glor ridiculously followed that up with questioning whether Israel could ever sit down and negotiate with the Hamas terrorists who want to kill them. Netanyahu masterfully shot back with his own rhetorical question: “Could you talk to Al Qaeda, would you have discussions with bin Laden?” “As long as they seek our destruction, what am I going to...

No-whites-allowed ‘Day of Absence’ lives on despite last year’s uproar at Evergreen State College

‘In addition to POC centered events there will be antiracist workshops for white folks’

Students at the embattled Evergreen State College, which made national headlines last year after it hosted an event that asked white people not to come on campus for a “Day of Absence,” have organized a new iteration of the controversial event despite administrators’ efforts to shift gears.

related: Lawmaker To Remove $26 Million Dollars From Evergreen College After Racist Students Takeover Campus

Students at the Olympia, Washington-based public school have organized a three-day “Day of Absence” observance that includes a mix of events on and off campus. Some gatherings are advertised as open to all skin colors and others ask that only POC, or People of Color, attend.

A poster hung at the school obtained by The College Fix declares that the no-whites-allowed self-segregation events will be held off campus. It asks people to RSVP at a website that spells out “No Nazis Allowed” in its URL.

The events launch today and run through Friday, according to organizers, who are not interested in media coverage of their event, according to a Facebook screenshot obtained by The College Fix.

A spokesman for Evergreen State College did not respond to a phone call and email from The College Fix on Tuesday seeking comment.

The @EvergreenStCol students are putting on their own Day of Absence this year. Note they are self segregating now
The theme of this year’s observance is “Deinstitutionalize/Decolonize.”

“The mission of this event is to bring POC together in order to create a reclamation of space and move forward into the future. In reaction to institution’s consistent disregard for our safety, we are...

Study: China Really Did Take Millions Of U.S. Manufacturing Jobs

Millions of Americans who lost manufacturing jobs during the 2000s have long ”known” China was to blame, not robots. And many helped elect Donald Trump as president because of his insistence that China was at fault.

Evidently many academics who’ve studied the issue are finally drawing the same conclusion.

For years economists have viewed the increased role of automation in the computer age as the chief culprit for some 6 million lost jobs from 1999 to 2010 — one-third of all U.S. manufacturing employment. Firms adopted new technologies to boost production, the thinking goes, and put workers out of the job in the process. Plants could make more stuff with fewer people.

In the past several years fresh thinking by economists such as David Autor of MIT has challenged that view. The latest research to poke holes in the theory of automation-is-to-blame is from Susan Houseman of the Upjohn Institute.

Academic research tends to be dry and complicated, but Houseman’s findings boil down to this: The government for decades has vastly overestimated the growth of productivity in the American manufacturing sector. It’s been growing no faster, really, than the rest of the economy.

What that means is, the adoption of technology is not the chief reason why millions of working-class Americans lost their jobs in a vast region stretching from the mouth of the Mississippi river to the shores of the Great Lakes. Nor was it inevitable.

Autor and now Houseman contend the introduction of China into the global trading system is root cause of the job losses.

Put another way, President Bill Clinton and political leaders who succeeded him accepted the risk that the U.S. would suffer short-term economic harm from opening the U.S. to Chinese exports in hopes of long-run gains of a more stable China.

No longer needing to worry about U.S. tariffs, the Chinese took full advantage. Low Chinese wages and a cheap Chinese currency — at a time when the dollar was strong — gave China several huge advantages. Companies shuttered operations in the U.S., moved to China and eventually set up...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #258

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Seattle’s "Amazon Tax"

Tuesday, May 15, 2018


Girls With Guns

Never Play Chicken With An Eagle...

These Characters Have A 100 Percent Fail Rate...

Yes, Communism Is Definitely Idealist, And That’s Why It Leads To Mass Murder

Mathematics Is Child's Play With Mustafa The Mathematician...

Democrats Disgrace Themselves Interrogating Trump's CIA Nominee

Is he kidding, or does he believe that Americans will ever feel sorry for these jihadist extremists who brutally killed 3,000 Americans? This just shows how out of touch the Democrats are with reality. Maybe Heinrich should think about the screams of those 3,000 people on 9-11 as they plunged to their deaths, were burned alive, or were dismembered. After all, KSM said how his brothers would relentlessly continue their attacks: "[e]ventually America will expose her neck to us for slaughter."

Democratic senators on the Intelligence Committee – Heinrich, Feinstein, Warner, Harris, and King – ignored the legality of the Rendition, Detention, and Interrogation programs by calling them immoral. They had the attitude of Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), who asked over five times if Haspel "believed the previous interrogation techniques were immoral" and Senator Mark Warner (D-Va.), who stated, "It is not enough that you have committed to the rule of law?" and called it "a get out of jail free card."

They refuse to remember the fear of a ticking time bomb. As Jose Rodriguez, Jr., the former director of the CIA's National Clandestine Service, previously told American Thinker, "to prevent a second wave of attacks, the detention and interrogation program was formulated. We made sure that we vetted information. Everything was based on legality, a training manual, strict procedures, and guidelines. There were reports that bin Laden had met with Pakistani nuclear scientists, there were attempts to smuggle nuclear weapons into New York City, and al-Qaeda was trying to manufacture anthrax. This program led to the disruption of terrorist plots that saved American lives. It contributed to helping us learn more about al-Qaeda, including the best way to attack, thwart, and degrade it."

The Democrats seem to be playing right into KSM's hands, since they frame what the CIA did as morally wrong. Maybe someone should point out to them that KSM considers responses like theirs "one of Allah's gifts." "The long war for Islamic domination wasn't going to be won in the streets with bombs and bullets and bloodshed, but would be won in the minds of the American people."

Haspel was pressed by the Democrats to throw her fellow CIA peers under the bus. Speaking of moral courage, it is so obvious she has it all over the Democrats. She stuck to her beliefs, refused to play their political game, and should be admired for doing this. Her response: "It was the CIA who identified and captured the mastermind of 9-11 [KSM] in a brilliant operation. I am proud of our work during that time, which allowed us to defend this country and prevent another attack."

She went on to say, "Under my leadership and watch, the CIA will not start the RDI program. I support the higher moral standard that this country has decided to hold itself to. I would never take the CIA back to an interrogation program. We followed the law then; we follow the law today. I support the law. I would not put CIA officers at risk by asking them to undertake controversial field activities again. The CIA has learned some tough lessons from that experience."

Former CIA director Michael Hayden previously noted that he was afraid that congressional actions would create a risk-averse environment. He stated in an earlier interview, "This organization is in a lose-lose situation. The curse of American intelligence officers is that we are criticized for not doing enough when the nation feels endangered and are criticized for doing too much when everybody feels safe again."

Senator Jack Reed (D-R.I.) had the audacity to compare a CIA officer to a terrorist when asking, "If one of your operation officers was captured and subjected to waterboarding and enhanced interrogation techniques, would you consider that to be moral and good tradecraft?"

Really! These bona fide American heroes, among whom Gina Haspel is included, men and women who serve in the intelligence agency, never get the heroic welcome or thanks they so rightly deserve for the risks they take. Their names will never be known, and they will never receive the public gratitude so many others get. There are no parades for these quiet professionals. Maybe Senator Reed should be reminded that the first person to die in battle, defending this country, right after 9-11 was Mike Spann, a CIA paramilitary officer, who was beaten to death by the Islamic extremists in Afghanistan as they screamed "Allah akbar." Note to the senator: Waterboarding would be the least of the CIA's problems, considering that the terrorists enjoy beheading people.

Gina Haspel was put through the ringer, while in 2013 many of these same Democrats had a love-fest with John Brennan during his confirmation hearing. Surprisingly, even some Republicans voted for him, including Arizona senators John McCain and Jeff Flake. Even though he was the fourth person in charge at the agency during those turbulent times, never was Brennan asked about his role, or why more information was not de-classified. In fact, Senator Heinrich agreed with Brennan – "I would just say I agree with you that sources and methods, and many of the operational details, absolutely should never be declassified" – while denouncing Haspel for not declassifying. Senator Warner described Brennan's dedication, selflessness, intelligence, and patriotism but did not use those terms of endearment for Haspel.

Americans should feel anger and frustration toward the Democrats who are obviously hypocrites for disparaging a patriot such as Gina Haspel. She has made sacrifices, put herself in harm's way, and faithfully served her country. Why? To protect her fellow citizens.

Although Michael Hayden did not make this statement about the current Senate Democrats and the confirmation of Gina Haspel, it is applicable today. "It feels like September 11th never took place, that Americans are living in the bubble of September 10th, 2001. Americans need to wake up and not forgot the real dangers under which we are living."

The author writes for American Thinker. She has done book reviews and author interviews and has written a number of national security, political, and foreign policy articles.

Anyone who watched the confirmation hearings of Gina Haspel should be astonished at the way most of the Democrats treated her. KSM, the mastermind of the 9-11 attacks, and the Senate intelligence panel"s Democrats both agree that they are against the nomination of Gina Haspel to lead the CIA. He has written a letter to them giving information about Haspel, who in 2002 was a chief of base at a black-site prison in Thailand, where detainees were subjected to enhanced interrogation. Waterboarding was a big issue, but none thought to mention that it happened to only three terrorists. Maybe the Democrats should call KSM as a witness, since they appear to be singing the same tune of Kumbaya.

At best, these Democrats were playing Monday-morning quarterback, but more likely, the takeaway is that they are politically correct, while appearing to sympathize with the terrorists. New Mexico senator Martin Heinrich asked her, "Do you think that a transcript that says the detainees continued to scream has the same gravity, the same reality of an actual video?"

Is he kidding, or does he believe that Americans will ever feel sorry for these jihadist extremists who brutally killed 3,000 Americans? This just shows how out of touch the Democrats are with reality. Maybe Heinrich should think about the screams of those 3,000 people on 9-11 as they plunged to their deaths, were burned alive, or were dismembered. After all, KSM said how his brothers would relentlessly continue their attacks: "[e]ventually America will expose her neck to us for slaughter."

Democratic senators on the Intelligence Committee – Heinrich, Feinstein, Warner, Harris, and King – ignored the legality of the Rendition, Detention, and Interrogation programs by calling them immoral. They had the attitude of Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), who asked over five times if Haspel "believed the previous interrogation techniques were immoral" and Senator Mark Warner (D-Va.), who stated, "It is not enough that you have committed to the rule of law?" and called it "a get out of jail free card."

They refuse to remember the fear of a ticking time bomb. As Jose Rodriguez, Jr., the former director of the CIA's National Clandestine Service, previously told American Thinker, "to prevent a second wave of attacks, the detention and interrogation program was formulated. We made sure that we vetted information. Everything was based on legality, a training manual, strict procedures, and guidelines. There were reports that bin Laden had met with Pakistani nuclear scientists, there were attempts to smuggle nuclear weapons into New York City, and al-Qaeda was trying to manufacture anthrax. This program led to...

I Plead Guilty!

John Kerry: Reporting for Duty… From Vietnam to Iran

He hasn’t changed a lick in 47 years.

I’ve been asked a number of times about John Kerry’s unauthorized actions with Iran compared to Ted Kennedy’s unauthorized actions with the Kremlin. Kerry, this spring 2018, sought to undermine President Trump’s policies, whereas Kennedy, spring 1983, sought to undermine President Reagan’s policies.

Many people — including the president of the United States — want to know if Kerry’s actions constitute a violation of the Logan Act. It’s a question I’m frequently asked about Kennedy. The short answer, in both cases, is that I’m not the source to provide the answer. Congress is. The Democratic Congress in the 1980s didn’t hesitate to launch criminal proceedings against President Ronald Reagan and his staff (many of them fine men of great integrity) in a militant pursuit for impeachment over “Iran-Contra.” Liberal Democrats did so while turning a blind eye as their leader — House Speaker Jim Wright — buddied up to Sandinista dictator Daniel Ortega in his own negotiations.

And Wright wasn’t secretary of state, just as John Kerry wasn’t secretary of state when he conferred with Iranian officials in secret meetings in New York. In what the Boston Globe described as a “rare move” of “unusual shadow diplomacy,” Kerry met with the Iranian foreign minister (among other high-level foreign officials) “to discuss ways of preserving the pact limiting Iran’s nuclear weapons program. It was the second time in about two months that the two had met to strategize over salvaging a deal they spent years negotiating during the Obama administration, according to a person briefed on the meetings.”

That’s the very deal that President Trump was working to cancel just as Kerry was working to save it.

And that’s hardly the only Kerry outrage. No, this is old-hat. I’d like to remind all of Kerry’s affront decades ago. The date was April 22, 1971, 47 years to almost the exact day that Kerry met with the Iranians.

That moment, too, included yet another unsavory role by Ted Kennedy. Senator Kennedy helped arrange for the young Kerry, a Vietnam vet, to testify before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, courtesy of Senator J. William Fulbright, hero to a young Bill Clinton, another vocal Vietnam War opponent. There, Kerry spoke of “war crimes committed in Southeast Asia” by American troops — war crimes that were “not isolated incidents but crimes committed on a day-to-day basis with the full awareness of officers at all levels of command.” He charged that U.S. soldiers had “personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the...

McCain Serves No American Interests...

More Fun With John McCain!

John McCain Is An Open Borders, Globalist Cuck Asshole...