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Friday, December 2, 2016

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Thursday, December 1, 2016

Girls With Guns

Read About The Horrific Concentration Camps In North Korea Where More Christians Are Being Killed Than In The Middle East

It is commonly believed that the Middle East has the worst persecutions against Christians. But this is not true. More Christian are being slaughtered in North Korea than anywhere else. Christians are being systematically slaughtered in Nazi and Soviet style concentration camps. Recent photos from satellite imagery reveals their structures:

Some tech firms welcome Trump’s H-1B reforms

The domestic IT services industry hires U.S. workers and says H-1B restrictions will help them compete

IT services firms that hire U.S. workers and don't offshore work are looking forward to President-elect Donald Trump's crackdown on H-1B visa use.

This includes firms such as Rural Sourcing Inc. (RSI), an Atlanta-based domestic software development company. RSI employs about 350 people and doesn't hire workers on temporary visas. It has four development centers in Augusta, Ga.; Mobile, Ala.; Jonesboro, Ark.; and in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where a new center opened this year.

These are places "not widely known as big IT markets," said Monty Hamilton, the firm's CEO. That helps to keep costs down and makes it easier to compete with offshore firms. The locations appeal to developers who don't want to relocate to coastal tech centers, he said.

The three IT services firms contacted for this story all said business is...

Two ISIS terrorists captured in Manila after planting bomb near US embassy

A pair of Filipino Muslims, members of the Ansar Al-khilafa Philippines militia, were arrested Wednesday after they planted a bomb in a garbage can near the American embassy in Manila. The bomb was constructed from an 81mm mortar round and a timer. The two men initially tried to detonate the device in an adjacent park but were unable to do so, so they brought the bomb to the area near the embassy, where they were captured. 

The suspects admitted under questioning that they were members of ISIS and said that they planted the bomb in an attempt to impress the terrorist organization and draw the attention of the military and the public away from the fight against militants in the southern part of the country.

Carrier Employee Thanks Trump For Saving His Job (VIDEO)

The Mainstream Media doesn’t want to admit it, but the Trump Effect is sweeping across America’s business sector, and saving thousands of AMERICAN JOBS as it does so.

What a great video of a grateful Robin Maynard, a 24-year Carrier employee, telling Donald Trump and Mike Pence thank you for keeping his job here at home:

#NeverTrumper claim that looks pretty silly now: No reason to believe Trump would be better than Hillary

You’ll remember them saying it. They said it a lot. A reluctant Trump voter would acknowledge that Trump may not be a perfect candidate or a perfect conservative, but clearly he would be a much better president than Hillary - so the best thing to do for the sake of the country would clearly be to vote for him.

The #NeverTrumpers would thunder back: There is no reason to think Trump would be better than Hillary.

Oh? I mean, that’s a pretty low bar to clear. Better than Hillary is like better than Brussel sprouts. Pretty much all you have to do is exist. It’s like getting the $100 question right on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Trump couldn’t even do that?

Not to these people. Trump was a fraud. Trump was a con man. Trump was a liberal Democrat in disguise. He was probably a Clinton plant!

This was an awfully implausible argument, but they stuck to it stubbornly because it was the only way to knock down the best argument reluctant conservatives had for backing Trump. If they could somehow make the case that there really was no difference between Trump and...

Morning Mistress