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Monday, May 1, 2017

Obama Gets It Wrong Again..

‘It Was An Invasion’: How Hungary Erased Illegal Immigration In Just A Few Months

BUDAPEST, Hungary — When other countries welcomed refugees with open arms, Hungary decided it was time to eradicate illegal immigration at any cost.

The country succeeded, but that success damaged relations with the European Union in the process.

Hungary’s second border fence has just been completed in the southern town of Asotthalom. The 96-mile long, 14 ft. tall double-line of defense doesn’t look too intimidating from a distance. Go a little closer and you’ll notice several layers of razor-wire capable of delivering electric shocks. There are also cameras, heat sensors and loud speakers ready to tell migrants they’re about to break Hungarian law if they so much as touch the fence.

Add a few hundred military officers and “border hunters” and it’s virtually impossible to breach.

Almost every police officer in the country is part of a rotation to make sure the grounds are covered at all times. Temporary military bases have been set up by the border to house them while they do their rotation.

More than 1,000 volunteers will receive generous salary and benefit packages when they deploy as “border hunters” after extensive training. The area surrounding the fence is closed off for the public. Visitors need to apply for access in advance and photos of guards and the Serbian side are strictly prohibited for security purposes.

If a migrant is lucky enough to make it across, local guards patrol the surrounding area around the clock. The ones who are caught are arrested and dropped off on the Serbian side. They don’t even get a chance to apply for asylum unless they do so at a “transit zone” where they are held in housing containers while their cases get processed.

Prime Minister Viktor Orban wants to make it impossible for uninvited guests to make it across the border, no matter the numbers they arrive in. It appears as though he has succeeded.

“They don’t even try,” a local border guard tells The Daily Caller News Foundation. “We haven’t had a Syrian in six months.”

Rewind back to September 2015 and there’s a completely different picture. Thousands of migrants streamed across the border every day as they made their way north to Austria, Germany and Scandinavia.

“It was an invasion,” Laszlo Toroczkai, the mayor of Asotthalom, told TheDCNF. “Illegal immigration is a crime in a normal country. It’s not a normal thing to...

Let's Make May 1st: International Collectivist Victims Day

Per the detailed analysis in “The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression” (which should be required reading by every student in America) the number of deaths caused by Communism and Socialism was estimated at 94,360,000….

These estimates were made almost 20 years ago in 1997. Just imagine how some of the socialist and communist regimes have added to their total since…. And let’s not forget the full name of Hitler’s Nazi party was; Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers’ Party).—Jeff Dunetz “On May 1st We Should Remember The Horrors Of Communism And Socialism

Definition of collectivism

  • a political or economic theory advocating collective control especially over production and distribution….
  • emphasis on collective rather than individual action or identity

May 1st, or May Day, is celebrated by some around the world as “International Workers’ Day.” A friend recently sent me an article by Jeff Dunetz in which he suggests designating May 1st as a day to remember and honor the millions of dead discarded in the ruins of leftist utopias. Great idea.

For anyone who cares to watch, we even have a live demonstration of how a socialist/communist “utopia” implodes/explodes happening right now in Venezuela. Lucky for us – not so lucky for them.

You might think that even boneheaded liberals would have clued into the fact that...

Morning Mistress

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Jack Posobiec: Antifa Unmasked

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Girls With Guns

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