90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Alcohol Prohibition was a failure

Alcohol Prohibition was a failure.  Alcohol Prohibition from 1920 to 1933 was undertaken to reduce crime and corruption, solve social problems, reduce the tax burden created by prisons and poorhouses and improve health and hygiene in America. The results of that experiment clearly indicate that it was a miserable failure on all counts. The evidence affirms sound economic theory, which predicts that prohibition of mutually beneficial exchanges is doomed to failure.

Gun Control is The Progenitor To Gun Prohibition.  This too is doomed to failure.

Is The U.S. Moving Towards A Police State?

"We’ve experienced it before. We’ve seen this movie before. It’s pre-1945 Germany — all over again."

Check it here:

The Role Of Patriots...

News From Michigan -OR- How To Get Out Of Work!

Sorry . . . Can't come to work today !

Best excuse yet for not
showing up for work!

Naubinway, MI
is on the north shore of Lake Michigan
on Route US-2 about 49 miles west of the Mackinaw Bridge
in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan .

 Hello, Boss
I can't come to work today.
A moose was born on my front lawn
and the Mama won't let us out the front door !
Baby Moose, 12-hours old,
born in the
middle of downtown Naubinway , Michigan . 
In my 33 years in Michigan 's Upper Peninsula ,
I have never seen a new-born baby moose.
The mother picked a small quiet neighborhood
and had her baby in a front yard,
near Highway # 2,
at 5:30 AM, Allen and I were bike riding
when we came upon the pair.
The lady across the street from
the house said she saw it being born.
We saw them at 5:30 PM,
so the little one was then 12 hours old.

What an awesome place to live !

"Makes it really tough to use the front door !"

Four Good Reasons To Not Eat Sushi

alices hookahFour Good Reasons To Not Eat Sushi

You Can Keep The Change... Please.

One Of The Greatest Blog Posts Ever: How to Get a Million Hits on Your Blog in Less Than a Year

I am projecting Hitting 1 Million Hits on this blog somewhere around July 22nd.  This is well within 1 year of my start.   The below article contributed to my goal:

How to Get a Million Hits on Your Blog in Less Than a Year

Having promised an appropriate celebration of passing the 1-million-visitors Site Meter threshold Friday, I will do so by sharing the secret of my success. It's the Underpants GnomeTheory of Blogging:
Phase 1: Get a Blogspot account.
Phase 2: ?
Phase 3: One million visitors!

Obviously, the key here is Phase 2, which has been exceptionally disorganized. Some guys work smart. Some guys work hard. Some guys are just incredibly lucky.

The perceptive blog consumer will notice that posts here don't have all those little thingies (Digg, etc.) the way some other blogs do. This is not because I disdain such methods of traffic enhancement, but because I'm such a primitive Unfrozen Caveman Blogger I can't figure that stuff out. It's the same reason I'm still on a Blogspot platform, rather than switching to a custom-designed Wordpress format. Blogspot is so simple that even I can figure it out, and if they'd just offer a few more templates -- hey, guys, how about a template with variable-width sidebars on both sides? -- I might be able to fake that custom-designed elegance, too. I understand basic HTML, but Javascript no can do, and I'm too cheap to shell out the bucks for geek services.

Read The Rest Of The Article here:

On the 4th Amendment...

Naked 19-Year-Old News Update

The Consequences of Utopian, Unicorn, Faerie Flying Liberal Thinking - destroying lives, destroying economies.

Check It::
Naked 19-Year-Old News Update