90 Miles From Tyranny

infinite scrolling

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Cold Canoe

How to make something seem like something but it is really not something at all.

If you were a dishonest person or a leftist, you could make something seem like something if that something was something that made others think it was something even if it wasn't something.  Case in point (above).  Or something like that.

So this chart is a pretty good example of correlation without causation, this is a tactic of those crazy warmist religious zealots, the ones that use natural, normal climate changes and attempt to turn it into hysterical fear mongering to advance their marxist anti-free market agenda.  But you all already know that.

The Most Educated Nations In The World

Most Educated Nations of the World

Wake Up!

Breathtaking Skylines

Awesome Astronomy

Zeta Oph: Runaway Star
Image Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech, Spitzer Space Telescope

Explanation: Like a ship plowing through cosmic seas, runaway star Zeta Ophiuchi produces the arcing interstellar bow wave or bow shock seen in this stunning infrared portrait. In the false-color view, bluish Zeta Oph, a star about 20 times more massive than the Sun, lies near the center of the frame, moving toward the left at 24 kilometers per second. Its strong stellar wind precedes it, compressing and heating the dusty interstellar material and shaping the curved shock front. Around it are clouds of relatively undisturbed material. What set this star in motion? Zeta Oph was likely once a member of a binary star system, its companion star was more massive and hence shorter lived. When the companion exploded as a supernova catastrophically losing mass, Zeta Oph was flung out of the system. About 460 light-years away, Zeta Oph is 65,000 times more luminous than the Sun and would be one of the brighter stars in the sky if it weren't surrounded by obscuring dust. The image spans about 1.5 degrees or 12 light-years at the estimated distance of Zeta Ophiuchi.
Best of APOD 2012: Download a free 2013

Late Night Ladies


Bug Out Location Porn

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Beer for Breakfast!

Rap is Like Scissors...

15 Things You Didn't Know About The Dead..

15 Facts about Joining the Majority (1 pic)

Ted Nugent Gives Idiot Piers Morgan the Truth about Gun Controll

,,,and Cat Scratch Fever one of my adolescent favs:

Why No One Invades Switzerland

Switzerland has the lowest crime rate in the world,because the people are armed,basic military is mandatory for men,and after wards they are required to keep their weapon at home.A crook will think twice about breaking into houses knowing this,people who think the world should get rid rid of guns should think again.

Climate Wisdom

Stop the Hysteria.  Sane, thoughtful insights about the truth about Climate Change.

Girls with Guns

More Girls With Guns:

Hot Women With Weapons

Changing the Voting Paradigm - The Participatory Voting System.

The current system of voting in America is broken. In the United States, the hard working, tax paying members of society are now the minority and I would call them serfs, but serfs have a way out of their predicament, serfs (in theory) become the owners of the land they work on, in the U.S. there is no way out, taxpayers have become the permanent minority. The taxpayer is now in a state of servitude. Servitude is defined as a condition in which one lacks liberty especially to determine one's course of action or way of life. Implied in this definition is that one cannot enjoy the fruits of their own labor. The government has a right and a duty to tax the population in order to defend it and build infrastructure. When the government uses taxes to engage in the theft of income redistribution, they have gone beyond their jurisdiction and they begin to hold citizens in involuntary servitude.

We as a nation have crossed a critical Rubicon, the non-taxpayers, the people receiving government benefits have become the majority. A majority which can now control the direction and future of this country, a future where they, the takers can vote to increase the benefits and income that they receive, a future where they can redistribute income to themselves with no requirement of personal responsibility, work or positive contribution to society. This is a future where the dignified, hard working taxpayer now becomes part of the new underclass, a class in the state of permanent servitude.

In order to solve this unsustainable condition that we find ourselves in, I propose a new system of voting that will solve this problem. I call it The Participatory Voting System. The participatory voting system insures that all voters have the right to vote as long as they are contributing or participating in their fair share.

Here are the rules:

1. In order to vote, you must be a net contributor, that is you must pay more in taxes than you take from government transfer payments.
2. You must have two consecutive years of being a net contributor before you can vote.
3. Your Social Security number must be used to vote along with a valid state issued picture ID.
4. All votes must be checked against a national voting database to prevent duplication or voter fraud.
5. Your Social Security number and picture ID will confirm that you are a U.S. citizen and a net contributor.
6. Voting districts will be computer generated based on current data of net contributors, improving representation of net contributors.

So let's say a millionaire lawyers his way to paying no taxes for a year. He paid no taxes, he receives no government benefits, his contributor score is zero, he is not a net contributor, he cannot vote for another two years minimum.

Moving to the Participatory Voting System will insure that we vote in politicians that will be accountable to the taxpayer. Politicians who will understand that keeping government small and taxes low are the only things that will insure his or her re-election. 

In this new voting system, the people who contribute to society will finally be able to decide how society works.

Does Hillary Rodham Clinton's Recent Health Problems End Her 2016 Presidential Bid?

HRC checking for cancerous lumps.
Hillary Clinton, has recently had a stomach virus, a concussion and now a blood clot in the brain. Ms. Clinton isn't getting any younger and her recent spate of health problems along with the Benghazi Scandal that occurred under her watch certainly have implications for her 2016 presidential bid. As her Benghazi testimony looms, one wonders what other health problems may befall her? Perhaps she will be unable to walk to the hearing due to hangnail. There are so many medical conditions that can occur: bad hair day, post menopausal syndrome, bimbo eruptions, cankle contusion, Benghazi Avoidance Syndrome. In any case there are more than enough medical conditions that can occur that will allow Ms. Clinton to avoid the possibility of allowing her 2016 political opponents to have video tape of her lying about the Benghazi Affair for the world to see.

The Promise

That Saves Lives...

Amazing High Voltage Pylons in Iceland

Designed by Choi+Shine Architects, this project, called "Land of Giants", was award-winning at High-Voltage Pylon Competition in Iceland.
The pylon-figures can be configured to respond to their environment with appropriate gestures. As the carried electrical lines ascend a hill, the pylon-figures change posture, imitating a climbing person.

Voting Machines of 1776

With a few upgrades, perhaps it is time to go back to these machines?

Outrageous Roaming Expenses


Sexy Women with Weapons

More Women with Weapons:

20 Bizarre Things You Can Rent

20 Bizarre Things You Can Rent (1 pic)

Breathtaking Skyline

Shanghai China

Late Night Rock Concert

Now you're messin' with a Son - a - Bitch!

Nazareth Hair of the Dog

The 20 Strangest Sex Laws Around The World

Weird Sex Laws from Different Corners of the World (1 pic)

Late Night Ladies


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Deconstructing Global Warming Hysteria

Richard Lindzen, Ph.D. Lecture Deconstructs Global Warming Hysteria 

If you want to see a relentless takedown of the Climate Change Marxists, this is an excellent presentation of how the left lies, then lies and continues to lie again.  They are the left, their job is to lie right?

Hot Girls with Guns

How to Teach our Children to be Marxists

Annie Leonard, a greenpeace radical now is in the business of indoctrinating our children with her videos and video series.  She follows the principle of get them while they are young and have no critical thinking skills or enough knowledge to spot a lie.
Here is a nice set of critique videos about her videos:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Ask to see your child's curriculum!
If you see material from "Facing the Future", this is pure Marxist indoctrination. 

Hot Girls with Guns

Plato Sez:

Fools and Damned Fools

Ronald Reagan has a Message for us for 2013

And every year for all eternity.

GuideBook for Preppers

This is a good resource to have for any prepper for a SHTF situation.  I got the link from MA Prepper


Gun Control?

If we allow them to take our guns, we will all be victims....

So I took this Picture of Bacon

At my local Target.. this stuff is getting expensive!

Hot Girls with Pistols

Baby you need to fix that hair.  Put it in that kerchief...

University Faculty are Moving Farther to the Left

Academics, on average, lean to the left. A survey released recently suggests that they are moving even more in that direction.
Among full-time faculty members at four-year colleges and universities, the percentage identifying as "far left" or liberal has increased notably in the last three years, while the percentage identifying in three other political categories has declined. The data come from the University of California at Los Angeles Higher Education Research Institute, which surveys faculty members nationwide every three years on a range of attitudes.
Here are the data for the new survey and the prior survey:
Far left12.4%8.8%
Middle of the road25.4%28.4%
Far right0.4%0.7%
Gauging how gradual or abrupt this shift is is complicated because of changes in the UCLA survey's methodology; before 2007-8, the survey included community college faculty members, who have been excluded since. But for those years, examining only four-year college and university faculty members, the numbers are similar to those of 2007-8. Going back further, one can see an evolution away from the center.
In the 1998-9 survey, more than 35 percent of faculty members identified themselves as middle of the road, and less than half (47.5 percent) identified as liberal or far left. In the new data, 62.7 percent identify as liberal or far left. (Most surveys that have included community college faculty members have found them to inhabit political space to the right of faculty members at four-year institutions.)

Teaching, Stress, Adjuncts
The new survey of faculty members
finds that instructors are teaching
less and feeling more stress.
The new data differ from some recent studies by groups other than the UCLA center that have found that professors (while more likely to lean left than right) in fact were doing so from more of a centrist position. A major study in 2007, for example, found that professors were more likely to be centrist than liberal, and that many on the left identified themselves as "slightly liberal." (That study and the new one use different scales, making exact comparisons impossible.)
In looking at the new data, there is notable variation by sector. Private research universities are the most left-leaning, with 16.2 percent of faculty members identifying as far left, and 0.1 percent as far right. (If one combines far left and liberal, however, private, four-year, non-religious colleges top private universities, 68.6 percent to 67.7 percent.) The largest conservative contingent can be found at religious, non-Roman Catholic four-year colleges, where 23.0 percent identify as conservative and another 0.6 percent say that they are far right.
Professors' Political Identification, 2010-11, by Sector
Far leftLiberalMiddle of the RoadConservativeFar right
Public universities13.3%52.4%24.7%9.2%0.3%
Private universities16.2%51.5%22.3%9.8%0.1%
Public, 4-year colleges8.8%47.1%28.7%14.7%0.7%
Private, 4-year, nonsectarian14.0%54.6%22.6%8.6%0.3%
Private, 4-year, Catholic7.8%48.0%30.7%13.3%0.3%
Private, 4-year, other religious7.4%40.0%29.1%23.0%0.6%
The study found some differences by gender, with women further to the left than men. Among women, 12.6 percent identified as far left and 54.9 percent as liberal. Among men, the figures were 12.2 percent and 47.2 percent, respectively.
When it comes to the three tenure-track ranks, assistant professors were the most likely to be far left, but full professors were more likely than others to be liberal.
Professors' Political Identification, 2010-11, by Tenure Rank
Far leftLiberalMiddle of the RoadConservativeFar right
Full professors11.8%54.9%23.4%9.7%0.2%
Associate professors13.8%50.4%24.0%11.5%0.4%
Assistant professors13.9%48.7%25.9%11.2%0.4%
So what do these data mean?
Sylvia Hurtado, professor of education at UCLA and director of the Higher Education Research Institute, said that she didn't know what to make of the surge to the left by faculty members. She said that she suspects age may be a factor, as the full-time professoriate is aging, but said that this is just a theory. Hurtado said that these figures always attract a lot of attention, but she thinks that the emphasis may be misplaced because of a series of studies showing no evidence that left-leaning faculty members are somehow shifting the views of their students or enforcing any kind of political requirement.
Neil Gross, a professor of sociology at the University of British Columbia, has written extensively on faculty political issues. He is the co-author of the 2007 report that found that while professors may lean left, they do so less than is imagined and less uniformly across institution type than is imagined, and that many are in the political middle.
He said that he couldn't be sure why more professors were identifying as far left, but that "during periods of significant economic downturn, and significant rise of inequality, it's not surprising" that such a shift would take place, especially given that in academe, "radicalism is still a live possibility."
Gross said that the "optics" of the data could lead to criticism of higher education. "From the vantage point of some folks, that will make academe look bad. For others, it will make academe look like a place concerned with the country."
Daniel Klein, a professor of economics at George Mason University who has written extensively about faculty political attitudes, said he was not surprised by the shift to the left. He said that he has seen "tendencies toward uniformity" in disciplines and departments, and that these trends tend to build upon themselves.
Klein said academe should worry about the impact of being further tilted to the left. He said that those in the ideological majority in higher education "shouldn't be so confident in their own outlook" that they don't see the cost of being seen by many as outside the mainstream. "For all the people who are skeptical of the left, and that's a lot of people, they will see academe as this vast apparatus of leftist groupthink."

-Scott Jaschik

Assault Forks

Save us from the Horror!


Don't Tread on Me


Hot Girls, Tight Abs, Big Guns - Rule 5

Hot Girls with Guns - Rule 5

Camo is useful when there is no bush for cover.

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The Health Benefits of Coffee & Tea


Awesome Picture


Condoms: The Things You Didn't Know


Happy New Year from America's East Coast!