90 Miles From Tyranny

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Sunday, March 10, 2013


Imagine the noise, outrage and media attention there would be if George Bush would be doing exactly what Obama is doing now...

Girls With Guns

Sheriff To File Charges Against Colorado Democrat Leadership

Resistor in the Rockies: Sheriff To File Charges Against Colorado Democrat ...: Wow! This could be a game changer here in Commierado! I read this over at Freerepublic.com : I heard this today. Sheriff Terry .

The Ancient Super City Of Rome

The Manufactured Crisis

Truth In Advertising

The Shrinking Value Of The Dollar

It is truly time to put your money in tangible assets, gold, guns, bullets, land.  Money is quickly becoming worthless.

Awesome Image

Aboard The U.S.S. Harry Truman

The Reason For 2