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Monday, April 1, 2013

How To Know When Your Kristallnacht Is Coming...

Kristallnacht (German pronunciation: [kʁɪsˈtalˌnaχt]), Crystal Night; also referred to as the Night of Broken Glass, or Reichskristallnacht [ˌʁaɪçs.kʁɪsˈtalˌnaχt],  Pogromnacht (help·info) [poˈgʁoːmˌnaχt], and  Novemberpogrome (help·info) [noˈvɛmbɐ.poˌgʁoːmə], was a pogrom (a series of coordinated attacks) against Jews throughout Nazi Germany and parts of Austria on 9–10 November 1938, carried out by SA paramilitary and civilians. German authorities looked on without intervening.[1] The attacks left the streets covered with broken glass from the windows of Jewish-owned stores, buildings, and synagogues.[2]
At least 91 Jews were killed in the attacks, and 30,000 were arrested and incarcerated in concentration camps.[2] Jewish homes, hospitals, and schools were ransacked, as the attackers demolished buildings with sledgehammers.[3] Over 1,000 synagogues were burned (95 in Vienna alone) and over 7,000 Jewish businesses destroyed or damaged.[4][5] Martin Gilbert writes that no event in the history of German Jews between 1933 and 1945 was so widely reported as it was happening, and the accounts from the foreign journalists working in Germany sent shock waves around the world.[3] The Times wrote at the time: "No foreign propagandist bent upon blackening Germany before the world could outdo the tale of burnings and beatings, of blackguardly assaults on defenseless and innocent people, which disgraced that country yesterday."[6]
The pretext for the attacks was the assassination of the German diplomat Ernst vom Rath by Herschel Grynszpan, a German-born Polish Jew resident in Paris. Kristallnacht was followed by additional economic and political persecution of Jews, and is viewed by historians as part of Nazi Germany's broader racial policy, and the beginning of the Final Solution and The Holocaust.[7]

American Officer Writes a Letter to His Son on Hitler's Personal Stationery

Girls With Guns

New DNA-Based Transistor Brings Us One Step Closer to True Human Computers

 Ashley Feinberg
The increasingly ambiguous divide between man and machine just got blurred that much more with Stanford's recent announcement: scientists have successfully created the first truly biological transistor made entirely out of genetic material.

Considering that transistors are essentially the foundation of modern electronics, it certainly seems fitting that genetically engineered versions of our very own building blocks, DNA and RNA, make up the newly dubbed "transcriptor." By embedding a microscopic portion of a DNA molecule inside a living cell, researchers were able to control the flow of RNA, which translates DNA's instructions to the cell. Just like a transistor regulates electrical currents, the researcher-controlled transcriptor can essentially direct an en entire living cell.

On a practical level, this means theoretically being able to command cancerous cells to stop multiplying, monitor general health, and create drugs in response to the presence of certain enzymes. Of course, the transistor is only part of the equation, and it may still be some time before we see a complete human computer walking around. Still, the potential doors this development just opened truly are incredible to imagine. [The Independent]

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The Hearst Castle

The Hearst Castle is Californian Historical Sight mansion on Central Coast in California. It has been built between 1919 and 1947 and it is designed by architect Julia Morgan. The castle has been designed for William Randolph Hearst who died in 1951. Since that castle has been donated to the state of California and has been stated as historical park. The few things that caught our attention are indoor and outdoor pools, library, dinning area, jewel box and exterior design.
Hearst Castle The Hearst Castle
The Indoor Pool
Hearst Castle swimming pool 1 The Hearst Castle
Hearst Castle swimming pool 2 The Hearst Castle
Hearst Castle swimming pool 3 The Hearst Castle
The Library
Hearst Castle library 1 The Hearst Castle
Hearst Castle library 2 The Hearst Castle
Hearst Castle library 3 The Hearst Castle
The Outdoor Pool
Hearst Castle grand pool 1 The Hearst Castle
Hearst Castle grand pool 2 The Hearst Castle
The Dining Area
Hearst Castle dinning area The Hearst Castle
The Isabella Jewel Box
Hearst Castle jewel box The Hearst Castle

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:

The Conservative Hideout 2.0 has:

The Pirate's Cove has:

Proof Positive has:

American Power has:

The Reaganite Republican has:

The Classic Liberal has:

The Daley Gator has:

MissK's World has:
Babes & Guns


Obama's Civilian Security Force