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Friday, March 20, 2015

On Hillary Fatigue...

Soviet soldiers in camouflage winter uniforms line up along the roof of a house in Stalingrad, in January of 1943

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Amazing Photos Collection #1
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Bet She Broke A Rib...

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MasterMind Puzzle:

Solve the hidden code.

(Note: Regular MasterMind conditions apply:

  • 6 colors (green, red, yellow, brown, dark-blue, light-blue)
  • A black keypeg indicates that a code peg is the right color and in the right position
  • A white keypeg indicates one of the code pegs is the right color but in the wrong position

  • Answer:

Obama Urges Soviet-Style Voting Laws

Forcing Americans to vote under threat of legal penalty would help to fundamentally transform America, President Obama told a town hall-style meeting in Cleveland yesterday.

It is the latest radical leveling scheme that flows from the president’s totalitarian impulses. It is also consistent with his support for “Net Neutrality,” which is a form of censorship and his opposition to the landmark Citizens United decision that affirmed a conservative activist group’s constitutionally guaranteed right to make a movie critical of Hillary Clinton. It is an assault on American democracy itself because one of the ways that people express themselves politically is to stay home on Election Day. Compelled speech is not free speech.

“It would be transformative if everybody voted,” Obama said just months after his party was crushed in off-year congressional elections that gave Republicans control of both houses of Congress.

“That would counteract [campaign] money more than anything,” the president said during a discussion about reducing the role of money in elections. “If everybody voted, then it would completely change the...

ICE: 167,527 Criminal Aliens Loose in U.S.A.

(CNSNews.com) - According to weekly detention and departure reports from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, there were 167,527 non-detained convicted criminal aliens in the United States as of Jan. 26 of this year, a congressional hearing revealed Thursday.

House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah.) read the statistic aloud Thursday durin a hearing examining ICE's priorities and procedures for removing criminal aliens currently living in the United States.

“In that report, it said that there are 167,527 non-detained, final-order convicted criminals on the loose in the United States,” Chaffetz pointed out while questioning ICE Director Sarah Saldana.

“These are people that are here illegally, get caught, convicted, and you release back out into the public,” he said, adding that some of the crimes committed by those who have been released include homicide, sex crimes, child pornography, drunk driving, robbery and...

White Americans Under Assault As Target Of Government Sponsored, Endorsed And Subsidized Racism..

Racism in America is alive and well. There is only one litmus test for the racism to be approved as acceptable, proper and non-offensive. It must be directed against white Americans. All other races and ethnicities, including white Hispanics are excluded, as are all religions except Christianity and Judaism and all sexual classifications other than heterosexuals. Basically, if your ancestors could have been in a Norman Rockwell painting, you’re fair game. Discrimination against any other group is strictly forbidden as being intolerant or hurtful and even criminal. But why would anybody target a person of color when white people are still fairly plentiful and it’s always open season?

The new belief permeating the actions of the controllers of America is that those who took this nation from a primitive frontier to the leader of the free world are not worthy of enjoying the benefits that their ancestors have passed on to them. Somehow they have outgrown or outlived their usefulness and the time has come for them to simply turn over their rewards and fruits of their heritage over to a population of undeserving imports.

We have all witnesses the unfounded attacks on police and white Americans being directed by the racists in the Obama regime and the Holder Justice Department. This has been a reality since before the days when the Black Panthers were allowed by the DOJ to intimidate white voters outside Philadelphia polling places. This isn’t a new development and it didn’t happen accidentally. It’s part of the fundamental transformation that...

Outsourcing Jobs In America

You've spent twenty plus years loyally working in Information Technology (IT) for Southern California Edison, and eighteen months ago your boss tells you that they are going to study outsourcing but not to worry, "your position is safe." On the one hand you are worried because you know many stories of American IT workers losing their jobs to outsourcing, but on the other you feel comforted that you've been loyal to SCE and provide a critical service. Then eight months ago they tell you that they are outsourcing most IT functions and that they want you, get this, to train your guestworker replacement. If you say no, SCE will terminate you with cause and you would lose not only a severance package but also eligibility for unemployment insurance. This is the common story I heard from many workers at SCE.

The work that the 400 SCE IT employees do isn't disappearing, instead it and their jobs are being taken over by foreign guestworkers here on H-1B visas. Those guestworkers are employed by the two leading India-based outsourcing firms, Tata Consultancy Services and Infosys.

The SCE workers are wondering: "Why should I lose my job when the work still needs to be done? Why is the government doing this to me and my family?" 

Adding to the injustice of losing their jobs, the SCE workers are being forced to do something that is so common in the industry it is a term of art: “knowledge transfer,” an ugly euphemism that means being forced to train your own foreign replacement. The SCE workers are, "demoralized; in disbelief; beyond furious; down in the dumps; feeling anguish; depressed; feeling dehumanized; feeling humiliated; worrying about the future; worrying about paying the bills."

The SCE workers rightly place the culpability squarely on SCE executives, the president, and Congress. One worker simply said, "Shame on Edison for doing this and shame on our politicians for enabling it."

H-1B visas are temporary work permits issued by the U.S. government that are good for up to six years. The intent is for these visas to be used only when an American worker cannot be found. In fact, the U.S. Department of Labor states, "The Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) requires that the hiring of a foreign worker will not adversely affect the wages and working conditions of U.S. workers comparably employed.”

In practice, the H-1B visa has been used for years to undercut American workers with lower-wage, and often lesser-skilled, workers brought in from overseas. How does this happen? Congress sets the wage floors for H-1Bs, and it has set it far below market wages. And the Department of Labor has chosen not to investigate the rampant abuse of the program. As a result, over the past decade, outsourcers like Tata Consultancy Services and Infosys have become the dominant users. Just over the past four years, Tata and Infosys received more than 33,000 new H-1B visas. That's 33,000 jobs lost due to those two companies alone. They use the program to replace American workers domestically while using their H-1B workforce stationed in America to facilitate the transfer of work and jobs to India. These are not immigrants in waiting, the firms sponsor virtually none of their H-1B workers for permanent residence (greencards). Instead of a way to fill skills gaps, the H-1B program has become a way to suppress wages and pad profits.

The practice of replacing American workers with cheaper H-1B guestworkers is widespread. It is so endemic in the H-1B program that last year the majority of the visas went to outsourcing companies. Indian Government officials have dubbed the H-1B as the "Outsourcing Visa."

Why do companies replace Americans with foreign guestworkers? The SCE workers rightly believe the motivation is...

Morning Mistress

Sen. Ted Cruz Questions NASA's Massive Increase In Global Warming Hoax Funding

NASA Now Gets Paid To Lie: NASA Alters Climate Data

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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Girls With Guns