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Monday, April 6, 2015

Young Man Posed As ‘Black’ To Get Accepted To Med School..And It Worked..

Sitcom star and comedienne Mindy Kaling’s older brother claims he got into medical school in the late 1990s by posing as a black man.

Vijay Chokalingam – Mindy’s full name is Vera Mindy Chokalingam – has been pitching a book over the last month that documents his experiences of changing his appearance in an effort to get accepted to medical school as a way to discuss what’s ‘wrong’ with affirmative action. And though Chokalingam, a graduate of the University of Chicago, claims he applied to schools in 1998 as a black man, he does not specify if he applied to the same ones as an Indian-American man.

‘I was determined to become a doctor and I knew that admission standards for certain minorities under affirmative action were, let’s say… less stringent?’ he wrote on his website, AlmostBlack.com. Chokalingam says Mindy doesn’t support the project and asked him not to do it. The siblings have previously been close though with Mindy mentioning her brother in...

Miscreant Liberals Don’t Believe ‘Death to America’ Means Death to America

A sensible person would believe someone who says to their face
that they hate them. Liberals aren’t sensible. Especially in the case of an Iran whose people shout “death to America” on a weekly basis. Insensibly, liberals refuse to believe in the words Iranians constantly fling at us all.

Examples abound, especially this week as Barack Hussein Obama continues to work on Iran’s behalf in talks over the Persian nation’s nuclear ambitions. In an act impossible to explain logically, both the news media and the Obama administration (but I repeat myself) have said multiple times that they don’t believe Iranians who chant “death to America.” Liberals believe that the continuing rallies filled with Iranians chanting “death to America” and the numerous examples of Iranian officials saying the same don’t mean what they say.

Late in March the White House dismissed Iran’s constant “death to America” chants in rallies and in official government statements as merely “rhetoric” meant for “a domestic political audience.”

Only a few days later Obama spokesperson Jen Psaki couldn’t respond with a logical answer when she was asked why Obama says that he thinks Israeli...

Divisive Anti-White, Anti-Christian U.S. Military Indoctrination Program Targets Patriotic Citizens As Domestic Enemies

What follows below is an outline not of how America is working to build a cohesive military for the defense of our nation but an alarm bell of how our once-cohesive military forces are being converted into divided and resentful groups targeting a particular sector of those within their ranks as well as the American population in general. What is being sown are the seeds of dissent and rebellion against the American principles and our nation within the ranks of those sworn to defend it, and it’s been going on since 1971.

The foot in the door of this subversive, dangerous nonsense are the “Equal Opportunity” officers and an entity called the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI). Why are they needed? They are a Trojan horse of mind manipulation and entitlement. They serve to purpose in the advancement of the fighting abilities of our troops, but they do serve to compromise and misdirect their loyalty.

Throughout history, great leaders have naturally risen to the top. While education is key as expertise in strategy, tactics, military history and technical skills are critical to varying degrees in different specializations, leadership abilities, particularly in a military setting, reveal themselves quickly.

Then again, the United States is suffering from a fifty-year infestation of political correctness, accelerated to the level of madness under the current regime. Under their Marxist guiding principles everything must be equal, although they disguise it as an equal opportunity, it’s not. It’s forced “equality” based upon superficial factors irrespective of ability. It is the insertion of a preferential, superior opportunity, a 180 degree opposite from the false narrative being advanced.

Todd Starnes of Fox News reported recently on the propaganda manual used to brainwash and justify the Marxist indoctrination of American military personnel in the U.S. Army. He describes a 637 page manual used by “Equal Opportunity” officers which has at its core a message that “healthy, white, heterosexual, Christian” men hold an unfair advantage over other races, describing them derisively and in great detail as the “White Male Club.”

An excerpt from the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI) manual reads, “Simply put, a healthy, white, heterosexual, Christian male receives many unearned advantages of...

Morning Mistress

Will Muslim bakeries make a gay wedding cake?

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:

The Pirate's Cove has:

Proof Positive has:

The Woodsterman has:

The Other McCain has:

Average Bubba has:

Check Your Privilege?


Check My Privilege?

On Male Privilege..

The New Thought Police

Hating Whitey..

The Progressive Left Are Not Only Lunatics, They Are Dangerous, Malignant Lunatics..

Male Privilege? I'm Not Feeling It...

Check Out This:
What Does "Check Your Privilege" Mean?

The Un-Fair Campaign

White Privilege

Teach 'em Young..

And Finally This:
Check My Privilege?